Stories Book The Eighth Doctor Adventures [Books] Vampire Science 1 image Overview Characters How to Read Reviews 6 Statistics Quotes 2 Overview Released Monday, July 7, 1997 Written by Kate Orman, Jonathan Blum Pages 283 Time Travel Past, Present Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Vampires Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) Purple Volkswagen Beetle, Hypercube Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, San Francisco, USA Synopsis In the days when the Time Lords were young, their war with the Vampires cost trillions of lives on countless worlds. Now the Vampires have been sighted again, in San Francisco. Some want to coexist with humans, using genetic engineering in a macabre experiment to find a new source of blood. But some would rather go out in a blaze of glory — and UNIT's attempts to contain them could provoke another devastating war. The Doctor strikes a dangerous bargain, but even he might not be able to keep the city from getting caught in the crossfire. While he finds himself caught in a web of old feuds and high-tech schemes, his new companion Sam finds just how deadly travelling with the Doctor can be. Read Read Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Eighth Doctor Sam Jones Slake Adrienne Kramer Show All Characters (4) How to read Vampire Science: Books Vampire Science Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 6 reviews 21 January 2025 · 350 words Review by MONK Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! Vampire Science - 10/10 Sam had to work at being weird, thought Carolyn, but for the Doctor it just came naturally. When it comes to a story, characters are the single most important aspect for me. Naturally I absolutely ADORED Vampire Science. This has got amazing character drama, moral dilemmas and the perfect mix of the doctor being whimsical and deadly serious. Positives The Doctor & Sam: The Doctor is actually magical here (Or is he??). You will absolutely fall in love with him and then the story delves deep into WHY you and other characters do and why that can be dangerous. Sam is sooo much more of an actual person here than in the Eight Doctors. Constantly disagreeing with the doctor, to the point she is on the verge of leaving is great character drama and mirrors Carolyn's story very well. Plus her glorious comeuppance against weird Harold will have you cheering for her! Supporting Characters: Carolyn's journey here is lovely, I think this is what Moffat was going for in Series 5 with Amy and Rory. While I do love Amy and Rory (more so Rory), this story pulls off that plotline so much better in less time. Kramer is also just incredibly enjoyable, no idea if she shows up again but I would love her to be a re-occuring book character (Do not spoil anything I'm doing these in order) Morals: The talk around vampirism really makes you think. While the vampire section in the Eight Doctors is a lot of fun, I'm really glad they made the doctor think about the morals of killing a lot more here. Negatives Skipping the introductions: Not directly this books fault but they really skip over Sam's introduction as a companion. Probably a purposeful choice but I love first reactions to all the crazy Sci-Fi stuff. Tad too easy an ending for Joanna: The Anti-Vamp killing her "vamp" but not her human side is a little bit tooooo much of an easy win for me, not enough to take away from my enjoyment but did cause a slight eye-roll for me. MONK View profile Like Liked 3 20 January 2025 · 239 words Review by mndy 2 [cross posting from my goodreads] This was a lot of fun! The kind of story that we could probably never get in the show given how blood is involved. The Doctor was fantastic, the vampires were fantastic, and while I didn’t looove them, the side characters felt realistic and i was invested in them. Nice to finally get to know Sam (her introduction in the first book was not really an introduction)! This book states she has been travelling with the Doctor for a while already. Gotta say, I would have preferred to have actually seen her first adventures to get a better feeling for her character before seeing her in this nasty and very traumatising experience. As it is, I kinda feel like I got to see her development, but without really having a firm grasp on where she was developing *from*, if that makes sense. I’m coming from having already listened to many Big Finish dramas with Eight, so I have him very well defined in my head already. I was afraid his book characterisation would be too different, but I was delighted to see that it works perfectly. I could clearly hear every line of his in Paul McGann’s voice (it makes sense, of course, considering the audios come way after the novels were published, but I was afraid there would be a big disconnect). No idea if this holds going forward, though. mndy View profile Like Liked 2 19 January 2025 · 191 words Review by captainjackenoch Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I expected to like this more. I did not expect more than I got, though. Vampire Science is a very neat, polished Doctor Who story. An interesting moral dillema, memorable characters and settings, as well as establishing and solidifying Sam and the Doctor's dynamic. I think it falls flat at the end, though. I had expected more work be put into the ideas surrounding alternative food sources, and vampire biology. I got sort of confused around the point where Joanna and the Doctor turn on eachother, only to work together a few pages later. I was dissapointed that this novel ended in a big fight scene as opposed to scientific breakthrough. I don't think Slake would become buddy-buddy out of nowhere just because he can get his food from somewhere else. I do think the ticking time bomb setup for a group of researchers is quite interesting. I just dislike the end. (I also expected more extreme and interesting torture from Kate Orman.) Overall, I just couldn't connect the way I wanted to connect. I wouldn't say it was a dissapointment, but I would say it wasn't what I had wanted. 3/5. captainjackenoch View profile Like Liked 1 9 January 2025 · 151 words Review by uss-genderprise 5 This is an objectively good book. It's one of the only pieces of Doctor Who media I'd happily recommend to pretty much anyone, without feeling the need for caveats. It's got fantastic characters, an interesting plot with great twists, political statements that are still relevant today, and kittens! Unfortunately, I can't really think of anything to say about it. I don't know if it's just that I read it too fast without digesting it properly, or if it's that sometimes, really well-made stories just don't have as much impact as ones that fumble a bit more. I should be the target audiences for this, and yet...I'm not sure I'll still be thinking about this book in a year's time. Or maybe I just need to sleep on it, and tomorrow morning I'll be gushing about how amazing this book is. Who knows! Either way, it's great and I recommend it. uss-genderprise View profile Like Liked 5 25 November 2024 · 14 words Review by Rock_Angel 1 This account is now a Sam jones Stan account she can do nothing wrong Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 Show All Reviews (6) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating135 members 4.32 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating714 votes 3.79 / 5 Member Statistics Read 200 Favourited 56 Reviewed 6 Saved 11 Skipped 1 Owned 5 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny DOCTOR: I’ve seen Slake and the others now. They don’t deserve to be kept alive. Not at the cost of other’s suffering and death. SAM: Isn’t that my line? DOCTOR: Of course, you were right. SAM: But what about all that stuff you were saying, about everyone having the right to live- DOCTOR: Oh, that’s right as well. HARRIS: But they completely contradict each other? DOCTOR: You’re right too. Now all you need to do is figure out how we can all be right at the same time, then you’ll have it. — Vampire Science Show All Quotes (2) Open in new window