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First aired

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Production Code


Written by

Helen Raynor

Directed by

Andy Goddard


50 minutes

Time Travel

Past, Present

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

The Cardiff Rift

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Cardiff, Earth, Wales

UK Viewers

3.51 million


Once a year, for a single day, Tommy Brockless is defrosted in the Torchwood hub to make sure he's still working. He is kept alive until the day he is needed and, when ghosts appear at a hospital, it's clear that time has come.

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3 reviews

Pretty solid episode, if a bit forgettable. Torchwood as a show seems to forget about its ensemble, so even when we have episodes focusing on one of them (in this case, Toshiko), they still feel underdeveloped


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Utter classic. Superbly spooky with all the ghost stuff, and with so many fantastic character moments for Tosh. At times it reminded me of a Moffat story with the whole bootstrap paradox and two times co-existing at once, which is high praise indeed.


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Last Man Standing, or whatever it wants to be called, reminds me a lot of Out of Time, but with slightly more focus. I'm not sure that extra focus on Tosh and her temporary love interest really pays off here, even though it should. Tosh *absolutely* would benefit from more character development at this point in the series, but I find this episode really results in something very, very generic.

The World War One soldier and his situation does stand out a little bit, but otherwise this felt like boring romantic nonsense that doesn't really go anywhere, but sure gave the production a lot of excuses to just really stretch everything out here. Ultimatley, I'm not a fan, but it does fit in with the larger trend against Series One, which had its moments but also some truly awful content to it, Series Two also has its moments of strength but otherwise just fields a lot of boring content. Say what you will about Series One, but I rarely went into episodes not remembering anything about them, for better or worse. For Series Two, it's practically the norm that I don't remember anything about these episodes that aren't part of the larger narrative arc and have to revisit it all over again.


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AVG. Rating315 members
3.44 / 5

AVG. Rating298 votes
3.90 / 5

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Transcript + Script Needs checking


(A man and woman in Edwardian clothes come down the staircase. The woman carries a box with a handle on the side.)

GERALD: Nothing so far. You getting anything on that?
HARRIET: Well, hold on a tick. (she gives it a wind) Yes, follow me, Gerald.
HARRIET: We're pretty close. This way.

(On the landing they startle a nurse.)

GERALD: Don't panic.
NURSE: I thought you were a ghost. Scared the wits out of me.
GERALD: Sorry. Thought you'd be used to us creeping around by now.
HARRIET: Have you seen any recently? Ghosts.
NURSE: I've seen three today. It's getting worse.
GERALD: Well, you're a very brave girl.
NURSE: Thank you, sir.
HARRIET: Ahem. Where did you see them?
NURSE: In the ward.

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