Stories Book Virgin Books Timewyrm: Exodus 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Fear - fear and evil. Can’t you feel it, Ace? It’s in the air… like poison… — Seventh Doctor, Timewyrm: Exodus Link to Quote Favourite THE GENERAL: Well, this is quite an honour. There have been rumours of a distinguished visitor for some time. But I must confess, I didn't expect the Reichsinspektor General. DOCTOR: No one expects the Reichsinspektor General! — Timewyrm: Exodus Link to Quote Favourite ACE: I'll tell you what, Professor, I'm not crazy about the England I come from, but it's a bloody sight better than this one. — Ace, Timewyrm: Exodus Link to Quote Favourite HEMMINGS: You devil - you cunning little devil! DOCTOR: Cunning? Well, yes, I have to be sometimes. And as for little, these things are relative, you know. I've been much smaller than this. As a matter of fact, I was once in grave danger of being washed down the plughole. But devil? We make our own devils, and our own hell. — Timewyrm: Exodus Link to Quote Favourite BORMANN: Just the Herr Doktor, Fraulein. These are serious affairs of state - men's affairs. (Ace drew a deep breath) ACE: Now listen, mate... DOCTOR: Steady on, Ace. Nazism equals sexism, I'm afraid. — Timewyrm: Exodus Link to Quote Favourite ACE: He's right, you know. DOCTOR: Who is? ACE: The coffee-stall man. It is a funny old world. DOCTOR: I know. But it could have been a lot worse. ACE: Well, it has been, hasn't it? But we sorted that out. Like I say, we done good. (She grinned at the Doctor. To her great relief, he grinned back. They walked along the misty riverbank together, on towards the lights and the music.) — Timewyrm: Exodus