Stories Television Doctor Who Season 22 Classic Who S22 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Timelash 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [TARDIS] (The Doctor has a traditional sky map laid out on the console, showing northern and southern hemispheres. He consults it then sets coordinates. Peri enters in a demure trouser suit. The Doctor repeats the procedure.) PERI: Lost?DOCTOR: I am never, ever lost.PERI: Ha! Wish I could have that on tape.DOCTOR: I was contemplating taking you to the constellation of Andromeda.PERI: Why?DOCTOR: I haven't been there recently, that's why.PERI: Well, what about me? Don't I ever get a say in our destination?DOCTOR: Oh. Where would the First Lady suggest?PERI: Well, I don't mind.DOCTOR: Ha.PERI: What I mean, Doctor, is I don't mind where we go so long as when we get there, we spend some time and relax.DOCTOR: You want a holiday! Why didn't you say so before? I know the very place.PERI: Doctor, if you're about to suggest the Eye of Orion, don't. I've heard all about that elusive place once too often. No one lives there and few visit, apart from you.DOCTOR: Oh, but such a beautiful moonset. Ideal tonic for the weary time traveller. But, if that doesn't appeal, as I've said, there is always Andromeda.PERI: Oh, really. And what's out there?DOCTOR: Some of the most magical sights in the entire universe. Astral starbursts creating a myriad celestial bodies against a timeless royal blue backdrop.PERI: Very poetic, but that's the exact description you always give of the Eye of Orion.DOCTOR: It is?PERI: Word for word.DOCTOR: Does nothing please you? (He turns his star map upside down.) PERI: Yes. Purposeful travel, not aimless wanderings.DOCTOR: Aimless? You see our time together as aimless?PERI: No, not exactly. I guess not.DOCTOR: I should hope not. Or perhaps you're trying to tell me you've had enough. In that case I can easily set the coordinates for Earth, 1985.PERI: No, no, that won't be necessary. [Citadel] (Meanwhile, on an apparently airless planet because the stars are visible against the black sky right down the the horizon, a young woman and two young men run down a corridor. They are getting breathless.) ARAM: We'll have to split up. If just one of us can get out of the Citadel and make it as far as the rebel encampmentTYHEER: Fat chance. There's got to be another way to defeat the Borad from within the Citadel.ARAM: You please yourself, Tyheer, but I'm getting out. Gazak?GAZAK: I'm with you. If we stay here and are caught, they'll throw in the Timelash. Shush. (The three hide round a corner as guards in beekeeper nets look down the corridor before moving on.) ARAM: Let's go. Good luck. (They split up. Tyheer walks in the direction the guards took.) [TARDIS] (There is a multi-coloured swirly thing on the scanner.) DOCTOR: That is a Kontron tunnel. Put more colloquially, it's a time corridor in space.PERI: Didn't the Daleks have one of those?DOCTOR: It doesn't matter whose tunnel it is, we're heading straight for it and there's nothing we can do about it.PERI: So? You've always said the TARDIS is indestructible.DOCTOR: Well, that's beside the point. Colliding with a time corridor something one tries to avoid.PERI: Well, what will it do to us?DOCTOR: You can never tell with a time tunnel. Ah!PERI: Are you in pain?DOCTOR: I've found out where the corridor's going. You're in luck. It's Earth. It's a period you call 1179AD.PERI: Oh, I've never been to twelfth century Earth.DOCTOR: As I seem to keep saying, that's beside the point. Once inside a time tunnel, the TARDIS may undergo an adverse Kontron effect.PERI: Is that bad?DOCTOR: Bad? Bad? Doh. Bad? You don't seem to realise the effect that time particles colliding within a multi-dimensional implosion field can have.PERI: Hardly.DOCTOR: Well, the short answer is Pow! [Citadel] (Gazak is caught.) GUARD: Right, loop him up.GAZAK: No! (They put a collar round his neck. Aram can hear Gazak's cries, then she is shot by a tall android with a blue face. Tyheer has also been caught.) [Borad's vault] (This place is lit with green light. The android puts Aram on the floor and leaves. She starts to sit up, and a figure in a chair turns to speak to her.) BORAD: So, you nearly got away.ARAM: What are you?BORAD: The Borad, your master.ARAM: You can't be.BORAD: And you have betrayed me. (The Borad presses a button on his chair, and Aram is enveloped in a red ray. She screams briefly.) [Inner Sanctum] (An airy, open space with three chairs on a dais, and four stools in front of them. A woman in a long purple robe walks past two men in baggy ecru jumpsuits, who are talking.) BRUNNER: Apparently the rebels attacked a storage chamber last night.KENDRON: Why? Surely they know they can't win?BRUNNER: As surely as they know the punishment that awaits their failure. (A younger man enters and speaks quietly to the woman.) MYKROS: They're bringing up Gazak and Tyheer.VENA: Tyheer? But Tyheer is a councillor. Mykros, what is going on?MYKROS: I don't know. Things can't be allowed to continue like this. We are tearing the fabric of our society apart.VENA: The Borad has promised all of us a better place in which to live. We must trust him.MYKROS: When we're losing our own friends? What sort of leader never appears in public, only on a screen?VENA: You know that is a security measure.MYKROS: Don't be so naive. We never see him because he doesn't care. The only thing that interests the Borad are these endless time experiments.VENA: He is experimenting for the good of us all. He's a fine leader.MYKROS: Not only is our planet divided, we are under imminent threat of invasion from our former allies, the Bandrils. Is that good leadership? Why aren't we preparing to defend ourselves? Why are we having a war at all? (The android and another man enters, who announces a man wearing a cloak. Everyone say Hi! to Paul Darrow, the second Blake's 7 refugee in as many stories, playing this role with sadistic relish on his return visit to Who after 15 years.) TEKKER: Maylin Renis. (Tekker leads the applause as Renis mounts the dais and takes the centre chair. Tekker sits to his right and Kendron to his left. Vena, Mykros and Brunner sit on stools. Tekker whispers to Renis.) RENIS: Have the prisoners brought forward. (Tyheer is brought in, then Gazak.) TYHEER: Renis, please, I'm not guilty. I led you to the conspirators.GAZAK: You traitor!TYHEER: I'm not a traitor, I'm one of you.RENIS: Be quiet. For organising rebellious acts against our honoured ruler, the Borad, the people of Karfel condemn Gazak and Tyheer to the Timelash.GAZAK: No!TYHEER: But I helped you! You can't execute me. Maylin, listen to me, please.RENIS: Silence him. The Timelash will banish you. The Borad has spared your miserable life.MYKROS: (sotto) I think I prefer death.)VENA: (sotto) What do you mean?MYKROS: (sotto) Who knows where that time corridor ends?GAZAK: Let me say my last words, Maylin. Please. (Malyin glances at a CCTV camera.) MALYIN: Let him speak.GAZAK: I'm no rebel. I love this planet. My crime is merely a concern for our world, our people, our loss of freedom, and the growing danger of an interplanetary war.TEKKER: Nonsense. The boy is a self-confessed rebel. Banish him.GAZAK: No, Maylin, you can't do this. Please!RENIS: Quiet, quiet. Sentence will be carried out. (Tekker leaves his seat.) TYHEER: Tekker, you must believe me. (Tekker goes to a control panel with the image of a multifaceted diamond on it. He presses a few panels and the front of the pyramidical module next to it disappears, and the inside lights up. A guard removes Gazak's neck restraint and the android takes the young man by the scruff of the neck, pushing him towards the module and finally inside. Gazak vanishes with a scream. Tyheer is next.) TYHEER: Spare me the Timelash and I'll help you fight the rebels, Maylin. Please!RENIS: Too late, Tyheer.TYHEER: No, you're making a big mistake. No, I won't go! (But he cannot resist the android's superior strength, and falls into the module. Tekker turns it off. A wall screen lights up with the face of a nice old man who looks exactly like Professor Chronotis and the Keeper of Traken because it is the same actor, Denis Carey. Everyone stands and bows.) BORAD [on screen]: Let this be a further lesson. I will not tolerate any attempt to interfere with my plans. Furthermore, may I remind you that I'm working for the benefit of all Karfelons. That is all.MYKROS: (sotto) If you believe that, you'll believe anything. [TARDIS] (The Doctor has a tangle of wires falling out of a roundel just outside the interior door.) PERI: Doctor?DOCTOR: Hmm?PERI: That curve on the screen you told me to keep an eye on?DOCTOR: Hmm?PERI: It's now a straight. Is that bad?DOCTOR: Bad? No, it's disastrous. [Inner Sanctum] RENIS: That is all.ANDROID: Maylin.RENIS: I haven't forgotten.VENA: Father, is that what you now call a fair trial?RENIS: That is not your concern.VENA: To the contrary, I think that it is very muchRENIS: Enough. I hope you're taking great care of my only daughter.MYKROS: Of course. As my future wife, I could hardly do anything else.RENIS: Then cure her of her stubbornness. She has a foolish commitment to a way of life that is passed.MYKROS: I hope that she will soon believe as I do.RENIS: I'm pleased to hear it. Young noblewomen seem to have so much free will nowadays.VENA: FatherMYKROS: Speaking of noblewomen, Vena tells me that Tola is recovering.RENIS: My wife is as well as can be expected after such major surgery.MYKROS: Is there anything that I can do?RENIS: No, Mykros, but I appreciate your concern. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some urgent business to attend to.MYKROS: Of course. [TARDIS] (The Doctor is disappearing inside the tangle of wires.) DOCTOR: How's that line?PERI: It's starting to break up.DOCTOR: Is it still on the screen?PERI: Just about.DOCTOR: If any part of it leaves the screen, let me know immediately. [Power vault] (Mykros watches Maylin Renis open a door with his triangular pendant and go inside. Mykros dodges in just as the doors close.) MALYIN: What are you doing in here? You know it's forbidden.MYKROS: Yes, I'm sorry, Maylin, but I'm afraid my curiosity got the better of me.RENIS: You do of course realise the penalty if you are caught in here.MYKROS: Oh, I'm past caring. I want some answers.RENIS: No one is monitoring us in here. The delta configuration rays would harm delicate instrumentation when I switch power through to the Borad's personal vault.MYKROS: It's a strange feeling, not being monitored. Wait a minute. Wait a minutes. What would happen if you refuse to make that power switch?RENIS: Are you mad?MYKROS: You'd cripple him, surely.RENIS: You're talking of mass suicide. If we tampered with his power supply, he'd wipe us out within seconds.MYKROS: Let him try. Look, I know we'd sustain losses, but we'd win through in the end. We must!RENIS: Do you think I haven't thought of all this already?MYKROS: Then why haven't you acted? Look, I'd help you. Many would. You wouldn't be alone.RENIS: It wouldn't work. Not yet.MYKROS: You're afraid, aren't you. Afraid of some power-crazed old man. That's all he is.RENIS: You don't know what you're talking about. I am in command.MYKROS: You're only a figurehead. If you had any real authority, you wouldn't allow loyal citizens to be cast into the Timelash.RENIS: They were rebels.MYKROS: They were no more rebels than you or I. Why can't you see what's happening? Karfel is being driven to total destruction and you will not lift a finger to stop it.RENIS: All I know is that I must continue my role as Maylin. My function is to switch power to the Borad. Either you stay and promise not to interfere, or leave now and let me get on with my duty.MYKROS: Just what does your duty entail?RENIS: There are two amulets.MYKROS: That's a mirror!RENIS: Yes.MYKROS: I thought the Borad had banned all mirrors.RENIS: Only this one remains. The two amulets must be places simultaneously to open the power panels. (A screen rises to reveal bright flashing tubes.) MYKROS: What happens next?MALYIN: We make the necessary power switches according to these instructions. (Renis opens the sealed letter.) MYKROS: What's wrong?RENIS: He wants me to divert all subsidiary energy supplies to his vault.MYKROS: Everything?RENIS: All except power for the Timelash.MYKROS: He's mad!RENIS: I've no other choice but to obey.MYKROS: What about those in the hospital? Good heavens, man, your own wife is there on a life support system. You can't! It's murder!RENIS: Rebelling is useless. We both know that. Perhaps my wife will be strong enough to survive on her own.MYKROS: I'm going to destroy this madman.RENIS: All right, I won't stop you. [Borad's vault] RENIS [OC]: But don't involve me or my daughter.MYKROS [OC]: I suggest you think about your own wife. (The Borad strokes his flipper with a hand. This is not a normal, symmetrical lifeform.) RENIS [OC]: If you think of yourself. [Power vault] RENIS: Dead, you're of no use to anyone. Alive, you might just succeed. (Renis finishes the power transfer and removes the amulets.) RENIS: Good luck. [Outside the power vault] (Renis hands one amulet to the android.) RENIS: Android. It's all right, he was just assisting me.ANDROID: Mykros. Return immediately to the Inner Sanctum for an emergency meeting.RENIS: But shouldn't I have been informed?ANDROID: Maylin. You are requested to attend the Borad. [TARDIS] (The Doctor rummages in a small trunk and finds some safety straps.) DOCTOR: Belt up.PERI: Where did you get these?DOCTOR: Does it matter?PERI: Well, we've never had to use belts before.DOCTOR: We've never had to negotiate a Kontron tunnel before. (The Doctor has already hooked himself to the TARDIS console. The space inside the TARDIS distorts, and so do their voices.) PERI: Doctor!DOCTOR: Peri, it's started. (Peri gets herself attached to the console.) [Borad's vault] BORAD: Maylin Renis, how nice of you to accept my invitation.RENIS: The pleasure and honour is mine, Borad.BORAD: I was pleased to see that you dealt firmly with the rebels.RENIS: Thank you.BORAD: Personally, I would have preferred to see them dangling at the end of a rope.RENIS: Did I do wrong?BORAD: Well, perhaps you should have consulted me first.RENIS: I'm sorry I misunderstood your wishes. I simply went ahead on my own authority.BORAD: You have no authority. You act entirely under my explicit instructions.RENIS: But I am the Maylin!BORAD: From this moment, you are nothing.RENIS: I don't understand.BORAD: You think me a fool?RENIS: But, Borad. (The Borad pushes a button on his chair.) RENIS [OC]: All right, I won't stop you, but don't involve me or my daughter.BORAD: Have you heard enough? You must be wondering how I learnt of your treason. A microphone fitted into the black scented amulet. When inserted into the power panel, it's shielded from delta configuration rays. (Renis tries to leave, but the android raises its arms and the Borad wheels his chair into his path. The Borad's voice changes and Renis looks horrified.) BORAD: You look pale, Maylin.RENIS: You areBORAD: Repulsive? Perhaps, but I have a hundred times your intellect, the strength of twenty Guardoliers, and a life spanning a dozen centuries.RENIS: What, what's happening? Where's the Borad?BORAD: Imbecile. I am the Borad and I do not tolerate disloyalty. (The Borad zaps Renis with the red ray. He ages to a skeleton and falls to the floor.) BORAD: Time for another election. Inform Tekker that I have elected him to be the next Maylin. (The android picks up Renis' amulet.) ANDROID: Yes, Borad. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Hang on, Peri, we're seconds from impact. [Inner Sanctum] BRUNNER: Fellow council members, may I introduce you to our new Maylin, Maylin Tekker. (Tekker enters wearing the black cloak and amulet.) VENA: Where's my father?TEKKER: Oh, please be seated, my dear Vena. Accept the condolences of the entire council of the Inner Sanctum. It appears your father has suffered a fatal seizure.VENA: No! Why wasn't I told before about this?TEKKER: My dear Vena, the news grows worse. (The android has Mykros in a neck hold.) MYKROS: Tekker!VENA: This is madness! What's happening?TEKKER: It's called treason. And he is the traitor.VENA: No!TEKKER: Prepare the Timelash.VENA: No. No. (Brunner activates the Timelash.) MYKROS: (sotto) Vena, be brave. It's up to you now. The Borad must be stopped. His strength is in the amulet. The amulet. (The android pushes Mykros towards the Timelash. Tekker comes up behind Vena and puts his hands on her arms.) TEKKER: My dear Vena, do not distress yourself unduly.VENA: What has he done?TEKKER: Conspired with your father to bring about the downfall of the Borad. Get rid of the rebel. (Vena rips the amulet from Tekker's neck and runs to the Timelash.) TEKKER: Stop her!VENA: It must go! Let him go!TEKKER: Get the amulet! (The android releases Mykros and turns, knocking Vena into the Timelash.) MYKROS: Vena! Vena! [TARDIS] (Suddenly, everything is still.) DOCTOR: It worked. We're still in one piece.PERI: I feel as though I've been put through a blender. (As they unhook their safety belts, the image of Vena holding the amulet passes through the console room.) PERI: What was that? Or did I imagine her?DOCTOR: No. No, she was real enough.PERI: Anyone important?DOCTOR: Didn't get a chance to ask.PERI: Great. Do you expect any more uninvited guests?DOCTOR: No. Both the TARDIS and the time corridor have now fully stabilised.PERI: Was she travelling down the time corridor?DOCTOR: Yes. I only hope she wasn't banking on reaching twelfth century Earth. The TARDIS is bound to have deflected her path.PERI: Well then, we must help her.DOCTOR: We can hardly help ourselves. (Sparks come from a module in the console.) DOCTOR: Velocity override!PERI: I thought you said the worst was over.DOCTOR: Did I? She's attempting to materialise.PERI: Great.DOCTOR: We must be near the source of the time tunnel. [Inner Sanctum] TEKKER: The Borad is very angry and can you blame him? It's only out of his innate kindness that he hasn't demanded immediate retribution.KENDRON: How do you mean?TEKKER: If we don't get the amulet back, he will destroy every Karfelon in the Citadel.BRUNNER: All five hundred of us?TEKKER: The androids have already sealed the complex.BRUNNER: But what will killing us achieve?TEKKER: Revenge.KENDRON: What if we blast our way through to the power cells?TEKKER: And risk triggering an energy chain explosion?GUARD: Maylin, I'm tracking a moving object in the Timelash vortex.TEKKER: Could it be Vena?GUARD: It's some sort of craft, coming up the corridor in reverse.BRUNNER: But what object can penetrate the Timelash?TEKKER: The sort we need to retrieve the amulet. [Borad's vault] (On the wall screen, the Borad is watching the TARDIS come up the Timelash.) BORAD: It appears the Doctor is attempting a return visit to our planet. I look forward to our reunion. [Inner Sanctum] TEKKER: This could be the answer to our prayers.KENDRON: My father always talked of the Doctor's return. That is, before the story of the Doctor's visit was ordered erased from our history books.TEKKER: All that matters now is that the Doctor has arrived.KENDRON: And he can retrieve the amulet.BRUNNER: But will he agree?TEKKER: I'm sure we'll be able to persuade him. (The TARDIS leaves the Timelash and materialises.) [TARDIS] (The Inner sanctum is on the scanner.) PERI: A reception committee. Well, they look friendly enough.DOCTOR: So they should be. I've been here before.PERI: And where's here?DOCTOR: Karfel. I was here a regeneration or three back.PERI: Well, if you've been here before, no problem.DOCTOR: Except that time corridor. Karfel should be centuries from such technology. (The Doctor strides for the door. Peri heads for the door control.) PERI: DoctorDOCTOR: No. (he pulls the lever)Now don't go wandering off until I'm certain this place is clear.PERI: Yes, sir. [Inner Sanctum] TEKKER: I will do the talking. (The Doctor and Peri come out of the TARDIS.) TEKKER: Welcome, Time Lord.DOCTOR: Hello, I'm the Doctor.TEKKER: And I am Tekker. Maylin Tekker. We are honoured that you have decided to visit us again after all this time.DOCTOR: Indeed you are. This is Peri, my assistant.PERI: Hi.TEKKER: Only the two of you?DOCTOR: Yes, travelling light this time. Besides, so difficult to recruit good staff these days, don't you agree? Maylin, about this time corridor in space.TEKKER: All in good time, Doctor. All in good time. Please enjoy our hospitality first. (to Peri) Have you been travelling long? (Tekker leads Peri away from the Doctor, past the TARDIS.) PERI: Well, it's hard to say, really. Time just flies when you're in the TARDIS. [Hospitality room] (Tekker brings Peri into a comfortable room where the android is standing waiting with a tray of four goblets.) TEKKER: Please come in, Doctor. (The Doctor spots the CCTV camera above the doorway.) TEKKER: Oh, our security system. There have been a lot of changes since you were last here. (Peri takes a goblet. The android goes over to the Doctor.) DOCTOR: So I see. (He waves the drinks away.) PERI: Oh, what unusual plants.DOCTOR: Peri is a bit of a botanist.TEKKER: Indeed.PERI: Oh, most unusual.DOCTOR: Maylin, I'd like to talk to you about (The android snatches Peri's medallion while she is bending over the flower box, and leaves.) PERI: Ow! Hey, that's mine! What's all that about?TEKKER: I'm terribly sorry about that. I do hope it didn't frighten you too much.PERI: I'm more concerned about losing my Saint Christopher.TEKKER: Yes. I think the android was trying to warn you away from this plant. Although it is a very beautiful specimen, it has the nasty habit of ejecting an acidic fluid into the face of the admirer.PERI: Well, I'm surprised you have them on display.DOCTOR: I think perhaps a little re-potting and reprogramming is in order. Don't you, Maylin?TEKKER: Yes. You could be right. (A red light by the CCTV camera blinks and beeps.) TEKKER: Ah. Excuse me for a moment, will you? (Tekker hands the plant pot to the Doctor, pushing the flowers right into his face, and leaves.) DOCTOR: Charming fellow. [Inner Sanctum] (A cobra snake-like alien is on the wall monitor.) KENDRON: The Bandril ambassador, Maylin. He has issued an ultimatum.TEKKER: Has he indeed? Greetings, Ambassador.BANDRIL [on screen]: I am commanded by the President's Circle to give you a final opportunity to re-establish the grain supply to Bandril. Food which is rightfully ours.TEKKER: By what right?BANDRIL [on screen]: The Treaty of Cooperation.TEKKER: That was revoked by the Borad.BANDRIL [on screen]: You can't just revoke an intergalactic treaty.TEKKER: The Borad can, and he has done.BANDRIL [on screen]: TekkerTEKKER: Maylin Tekker.BANDRIL [on screen]: We don't want war. We are peaceful people. Our planet is on the verge of famine. Do not give us reason to come and take the grain.TEKKER: Oh, I assure you, Ambassador, you will find that extremely difficult.BANDRIL [on screen]: It appears that diplomacy has failed.TEKKER: Yes, indeed. Rather like you and your starving planet, Ambassador. (laughs)BANDRIL [on screen]: Then it seems that we are at war.TEKKER: Good. (Tekker ends the transmission.) KENDRON: Maylin, you have deliberately provoked an attack!TEKKER: Of course I have. Do you think the Borad could ever be defeated? Mark my words, soon our planet will rule this corner of the universe with the power of a giant ocean.KENDRON: With you on the crest of the wave.TEKKER: You see nothing and you understand less. The Borad wants to defeat them. Their bombs won't even penetrate our solar system, let alone enter our atmosphere. I must find Brunner. [Hospitality room] DOCTOR: The place has certainly changed. There's something missing. What is it?PERI: It's so dull.DOCTOR: Bored already?PERI: No. It lacks sparkle. There's no reflection. It's all so matt and lifeless. Even the goblets don't shine. (A young man enters quickly through another door and hands Peri a note before rushing out again.) DOCTOR: Hello.PERI: Hey.DOCTOR: Hey, wait a minute.PERI: (reads) Sezon at the Falchian Rocks.DOCTOR: I beg your pardon?PERI: Sezon at the Falchian Rocks. A message. (Tekker enters.) TEKKER: I have arranged a short tour of the Citadel.DOCTOR: Splendid.TEKKER: For your assistant.PERI: Oh, sounds great, but I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.TEKKER: Oh, but it's all arranged. Counsellor Brunner is waiting outside to escort you, and I have so much to talk to you about, Doctor. The time corridor was a brilliant stroke of luck.DOCTOR: Oh. The Maylin is absolutely right. You go and have a look around. We'll join you when we've had a little chat.PERI: Doctor, in the TARDIS you distinctly saidDOCTOR: Oh, never mind what I said in the TARDIS. Off you go. The Maylin and I have important things to discuss, don't we, Maylin.TEKKER: Yes, Doctor. [Citadel] (Brunner gives instructions to a guard.) BRUNNER: When you've killed the girl, dispose of the body.GUARD: But where, Counsellor?BRUNNER: Imbecile. The caves, of course. No doubt the Morlox will make a meal of her. [Hospitality room] DOCTOR: And you seriously expect me to believe this preposterous story? That a lady of the Inner Sanctum just happened to fall into a time vortex with a vitally important key to your power vault?TEKKER: Yes, Doctor, and there's very little time left.DOCTOR: For what?TEKKER: For you to retrieve it.DOCTOR: Retrieve it? You seriously expect me to go through space and time looking for a lost girl and her trinket? Give me one good reason why I should.TEKKER: Peri. [Citadel] BRUNNER: This is the west corridor of the central Citadel.PERI: All these corridors look the same to me. Are these plants indigenous to Karfel?BRUNNER: Most of them are from Bandril. That's our neighbouring planet. It's also why they require so much special attention. (They come to a junction where the guard is waiting.) PERI: They're beautiful.BRUNNER: Dracowlis. Known as the flower of many faces. (Brunner sends the guard out of sight.) PERI: I can see why. (Brunner's wrist communicator beeps.) BRUNNER: Would you excuse me, Peri? I'm summoned away. I'll be back shortly.PERI: Sure. (Peri moves over to another flower box, and sticks her tongue out at a very large specimen of the acid squirting plant. The guard reappears with a collar device.) PERI: I take it you're not the resident gardener come to do some pruning, huh? Doctor! (Peri grabs the plant and shoves it into the guard's face. He screams and falls. Peri runs off but the android blocks her way. She retreats and runs down a dead end, then discovers that the large triangle on the door turns. She gets through just before the android fires. Peri finds herself in a dirty area lit only by a candle or two. She locks the door behind herself and starts exploring.) ANDROID: The girl has escaped.BRUNNER: So I see. Still, there's nothing that way but rebels, dank tunnels, and the Morlox. Pity, really. She was an attractive young woman. (Brunner picks up the note that Peri must have dropped and reads it.) ANDROID: Yes, indeed she was.BRUNNER: On the other hand, perhaps I know where to find her. Come on. [Cavern] PERI: Beautiful fragrance. (She steps close to a dozing creature, which moves. She screams.) [Hospitality room] (Tekker instructs a guard.) TEKKER: The Doctor is about to leave. Escort him to the TARDIS and see that he does.GUARD: Yes, Maylin.TEKKER: Good luck, Doctor. For Peri's sake, don't come back empty handed.DOCTOR: The reason I am doing this, Maylin, is not only to ensure Peri's safety, but the safety and well-being of all on this planet. Something furthest from your mind, I fancy.GUARD: Move. [Cottage] (A young Victorian-era man is moving a glass around a circle of cards which contain letters of the alphabet. He lets go of the glass to consult a book and the glass moves on its own. Then Vena appears.) HERBERT: What did I say?VENA: Please, help me. (Vena collapses.) [Cavern] (Peri is still being terrorised by the long-necked creature with sharp teeth, which has a strong similarity to a Skarasen, but is much smaller.) PERI: Help! Help! (Three people run in and start shooting at it. They hit it, and a young woman grabs Peri's arm, pulling her to safety. The men finish the creature off. Suddenly, a burning android appears.) KATZ: What is it?SEZON: Android. Quick, away from here. [Borad's vault] (The Borad is watching a looped recording of Peri leaving the TARDIS. It speaks to the android.) BORAD: A plucky creature who knows how to take care of herself. If she's still alive, I want her brought to me completely unharmed. [Rebel hideout] (Peri has been tied to the rock wall.) SEZON: Who are you?PERI: I could ask you the same question.KATZ: She doesn't look like a spy.PERI: Spy? I've only been on this planet a few minutes.SEZON: I say we kill her. She must be working for those in the Citadel. She came here to trap us. You saw the android.KATZ: I also saw that it was on fire.SEZON: So their plan went wrong. Kill her!PERI: No! Look, I'm innocent. I haven't done anything to hurt you.SEZON: Katz, we're wasting time.KATZ: Wait! You're going to have to tell us everything you know, or he'll insist on killing you. Look, I don't want any violence. I would be willing to let you live if you just told us who sent you.SEZON: You've got fifteen seconds.KATZ: Look, if you're not from the Citadel, where are you from?PERI: You'd never believe me.KATZ: Well, try me.PERI: Earth. I came with the Doctor in the TARDIS.SEZON: The Doctor?PERI: That's right.SEZON: She must think we're fools. Five seconds. (Katz pushes Sezon's gun away and takes a locket from underneath her collar.) KATZ: This was given to my grandfather by the Doctor. Do you know who she is? (It contain a lock of hair and a picture of Jo Grant.) PERI: I've seen photographs of her, but I've never met her.SEZON: What's her name?PERI: Jo Grant. She used to travel with the Doctor.KATZ: You're right. You still want to kill her? [TARDIS] DOCTOR: 1179 AD. Add a time deflection coefficient of seven hundred and six years, that is 1885 AD. [Cottage] (Vena wakes up on a bed. Herbert is still at the table with the makeshift Ouija board.) HERBERT: The talisman's in a purse under your pillow.VENA: Where am I? And who are you?HERBERT: My name is Herbert. From your sudden materialisation, I presume you are a spirit from the other side.VENA: My name is Vena. Thank you for looking after me.HERBERT: No, the pleasure's all mine. Although I do assume you are from up there, rather than down there.VENA: It would be more accurate to assume that I am from beyond the stars.HERBERT: Incredible.VENA: This is a strange and beautiful land.HERBERT: Yes, I come up here every summer. The cottage belongs to my uncle. I'm a teacher, or will be next term. I use the place for a bit of peace and quiet. I fancy myself as a bit of a writer, actually, but nothing published yet, of course. When the weather's nice I do the odd bit of fishing on the loch. Perhaps you'd care to join me? But then on the other hand, perhaps spirits from the other side might find fishing a bit mundane. (The sound of the TARDIS materialising nearby.) HERBERT: What on Earth's that?VENA: They must not get the amulet.HERBERT: Who mustn't? You mean there's someone else about to materialise? I didn't summon them.VENA: You must help me.HERBERT: I'll do all I can. (Vena hides the purse in a small drawer while Herbert grabs a crucifix and a bible before consulting the book he was reading.) HERBERT: Right, ridding unwanted spirits. Right, here it is. Right, now stay there. (Herbert opens the door. The TARDIS is just outside.) [Outside the cottage] HERBERT: It's a blue monolith!DOCTOR: Hello! Have you seen a rather surprised young lady? (Herbert holds up the crucifix and backs into the cottage.) HERBERT: Avaunt thee [Cottage] HERBERT: Foul fanged fiend.DOCTOR: I can assure you I'm not that long in the tooth, and neat blood brings me out in a rash.HERBERT: Back from where you came, spirit of the glass.DOCTOR: Not just yet, if you don't mind. (The Doctor shuts the door, and sees Vena hiding behind it.) DOCTOR: Ah! Now you must be Vena.VENA: Yes, my name is Vena.DOCTOR: I'm afraid we left you rather up in the air on our last fleeting encounter.VENA: It was you in the Timelash?HERBERT: No, Vena, don't talk to him.VENA: Why not?DOCTOR: Yes, why not? I'm the Doctor. Delighted to meet you.VENA: The Doctor?DOCTOR: I think you have something (The Doctor avoids Herbert hitting him over the head with his spiritualist book.) DOCTOR: Which your Maylin would like returned. [Rebel's hideout] (Peri finishes a drink.) PERI: This stuff tastes okay.SEZON: Enjoy it. It may be our last for some time.PERI: Why do you hide down here?KATZ: Because of our ruler, the Borad.SEZON: Through his lackey, Maylin Tekker, he's provoked war with the Bandrils.PERI: Why?KATZ: I don't know.SEZON: If the Bandrils use a bendalypse warhead, I shudder to think of the consequences. It's a missile so powerful it can destroy anything with a central nervous system, yet leave all buildings standing.PERI: Sounds familiar.SEZON: Ironically, it won't kill the Morlox.PERI: Well, it sort of makes him king of the desolation, won't it?KATZ: That's the irony.SEZON: Do you think the Doctor would help us?PERI: Well, of course, if we could get to him.KATZ: Sezon, you've got to find a way.PERI: Are you Sezon? Is this place Falchian Rocks?KATZ: Yes.PERI: Well, I had a message. Sezon at the Falchian Rocks.SEZON: It must be from one of our people in the Citadel.KATZ: That's right. (Peri searches her pockets.) PERI: Oh, I didn't understand why he gave it to me. Where did I put it. (Guards burst in.) GUARD: I wouldn't do that.PERI: I must have dropped it.SEZON: Obviously. [Cottage] DOCTOR: I'm glad you accept my explanation, Herbert.HERBERT: It's fantastical. A machine that transcends time itself. Can I see it?DOCTOR: Er, some other time, perhaps. Our first priority is to return the amulet.VENA: No! The amulet stays here. Mykros warned me the Borad's power depends upon it.DOCTOR: So do the lives of everyone on Karfel. It must be returned. Trust me. It's the only way to help your people and defeat this Borad of whom you speak.VENA: I know you saved our planet once before, Doctor, and so I do trust you. Very well, when do we leave?DOCTOR: I leave immediately. You'll be safer here with Herbert. As soon as Karfel is free again, I promise I'll return for you.VENA: Doctor, it is my planet, and they are my people. Either you take me back with you now, or the amulet stays here.DOCTOR: You sound as irritatingly resolute as another young lady I know. Very well, but we must hurry. Goodbye, Herbert. Perhaps I'll allow you to exorcise me another time.HERBERT: Oh, Doctor, you can't leave me behind after all this.DOCTOR: We're not going on some joy ride, you know.HERBERT: But Doctor, I don't care about the risk. I just want to travel in your time ship. Please, you must take me.DOCTOR: Absolutely not.HERBERT: Please.DOCTOR: No.HERBERT: Oh, very well, then. Then goodbye, Vena. I wish we could have got better acquainted.VENA: Goodbye, Herbert, and good luck. (Herbert picks up his jacket and leaves through an interior door. Vena retrieves the purse.) DOCTOR: Nice enough young fellow, but we must hurry. Have you got the amulet? Good. Remind me to return this mirror to Herbert sometime. Come along. [Borad's vault] ANDROID: We have captured the Doctor's companion and some of the rebels at Falchian Rocks.BORAD: Excellent. Prepare her as ordered and dispose of the others in the Timelash.ANDROID: It will be done.BORAD: And when the Doctor returns, make sure you have the Maylin's amulet in your grasp before committing him to the same fate. [TARDIS] (In flight.) VENA: Until recently, our schools taught of your first visit to our planet and your promise to return.DOCTOR: Promise?VENA: You do remember?DOCTOR: Yes, of course. Never like to forget a promise.VENA: But the Borad's changed everything. Gradually, he's taking over the entire planet. I was misled like the rest of our leaders. It has already cost my father his life. And Mykros, the man I was to marry, is probably floating in the Timelash now. (The Doctor runs round the console to stop her touching some controls.) DOCTOR: Don't worry about the Borad. I'll deal with him, make no mistake. I show little mercy to time meddlers. (Herbert backs in from the interior, making notes in a small notebook.) HERBERT: Incredible. It's just incredible.DOCTOR: What are you doing here?HERBERT: Just look at this place. I can't believe it. Do you know it's actually bigger insideDOCTOR: I know.HERBERT: Than it is on the outside.DOCTOR: I know! I know!HERBERT: Do we travel above or below water?DOCTOR: Do you realise there is an intergalactic law expressly forbidding stowaways?HERBERT: They'll never believe me. I'm sorry, Doctor. Sorry I tricked you. But I'm not sorry I'm here.DOCTOR: Since there's no time to take you back, it looks as if we're stuck with you.HERBERT: I can't believe this is actually happening.DOCTOR: If you so much as breathe when you shouldn't, or get in my way, I'll lock you up until all this is over, is that understood?HERBERT: Yes, Doctor, whatever you say.VENA: It is nice to see you again, Herbert. (The TARDIS distorts.) VENA: Is it always like this, Doctor?DOCTOR: We're transcending the time vortex. Brace yourselves. [Outside the Inner Sanctum] (The TARDIS materialises and the Doctor steps out. Tekker and the android come round the corner.) TEKKER: Ah, welcome back, Doctor. Oh, and I'm so pleased to see you again, Vena. Have you got the amulet?DOCTOR: Where's the Borad? I demand to see him.TEKKER: Impossible.DOCTOR: No Borad, no amulet.TEKKER: Come along, Doctor. Hand over the amulet or I shall be obliged to retrieve it by force.DOCTOR: Do you realise with whom you're dealing?TEKKER: Your bravado is all very well, but it won't do much to help you assistant, Peri. I would hate to have to have her put to death. (Vena hands over the amulet, watched by Herbert, Kendron and Brunner.) VENA: Now stop this madness, Tekker. You cannot hope to defeat a Time Lord. (The guards bring Mykros in, and the rebels.) MYKROS: Vena!TEKKER: Brunner. Prepare the Timelash. [Inner Sanctum] DOCTOR: Where's Peri? You promised her safe return.TEKKER: Ah, yes. Well, you shouldn't believe everything that people tell you, Doctor.DOCTOR: You gave me your word, you microcephalic apostate. I demand to see the Borad immediately.TEKKER: Admit defeat, Doctor.DOCTOR: Never!TEKKER: The stories I've heard about you. The great Doctor, all knowing and all powerful. You're about as powerful as a burnt out android. Our ruler has finished with you once and for all.KENDRON: We can't do this, Tekker.TEKKER: Shut up, or you'll be joining him.DOCTOR: You're as warped as your dictator friend.TEKKER: Save your breath for the Timelash, Doctor. Most people depart with a scream.BRUNNER: The vortex is ready, Maylin.TEKKER: Despatch the Doctor first. (The android seizes the Doctor by the scruff of the neck and forces him forward.) TEKKER: Goodbye, Doctor. Unpleasant journey. Bwahahahahahaha!Part Two [Inner Sanctum] (The Doctor gets Herbert's mirror out of his pocket and holds it up in front of the android. It releases him and backs away. The Doctor pursues it, and elbows a guard as he passes. Sezon, Mykros and Katz take the hint and attack the other guards. Tekker and Brunner flee as Mykros fights Brunner.) VENA: Seal the doors! (Sezon obeys, and shoots out the controls. Herbert gives Vena a leg up to cover the CCTV camera with a black scarf. The Doctor and the android are back in front of the Timelash. Mykros pushes Brunner up the ramp, and Brunner and the android fall into the vortex, nearly taking the Doctor with them. Mykros pulls him out.) DOCTOR: Thank you, Mykros.MYKROS: Doctor.DOCTOR: Right, get those guards next door and tie them up.SEZON: We're safe. Just let them try breaking in.DOCTOR: They will, but we must be ready for them.KATZ: But how?DOCTOR: We're safe for now, but we must turn this pause to our advantage. (As the guards are removed, Mykros embraces Vena.) HERBERT: What is this Timelash, Doctor?DOCTOR: Not now, Herbert. Mykros, can you hand me some strong rope or wire?MYKROS: Yes, right.VENA: Doctor, what are you going to do?DOCTOR: Enter the Timelash. [Tunnels] (A guard drags Peri along by a metal collar.) PERI: Ow! You're hurting me. [Citadel] (They reenter the Citadel through the doorway Peri used last episode to escape.) PERI: Where are you taking me?GUARD: You'll see. [Borad's vault] ANDROID: Borad, what are your instructions?BORAD: The Guardoliers must apprehend the Doctor and the rebels.ANDROID: But the Sanctum has been sealed.BORAD: My time web has the power to disintegrate the doors. Use that.ANDROID: At once.BORAD: But the Earth woman must be kept alive. [Inner Sanctum] (The Doctor is tying one end of the rope around his waist whilst the men hold onto the other end.) DOCTOR: Not as long as I'd have liked, but it will have to do.VENA: Is it safe to enter the Timelash?DOCTOR: It's our only hope. Without the Kontron crystals, we've got no chance of getting out of here alive.HERBERT: Let me go, Doctor. You're needed here.DOCTOR: Thank you, Herbert, but no. Those crystals require skilful manipulation. Rough handling could be dangerous. Right, here we go. (The Doctor abseils backwards into the vortex.) KATZ: Good luck, Doctor. (The Doctor is lowered into a chamber where giant crystals stick out from the walls. He kneels on one of them.) SEZON: He's stopped.VENA: Doctor! What's the matter? [Timelash] DOCTOR: The vortex attraction forces are taking effect. Could be tougher than I thought. (He tries to reach across to a small two-ended crystal sticking out of the end of a large one.) [Inner Sanctum] HERBERT: Can I come down and help, Doctor? [Timelash] DOCTOR: No, stay where you are! I've almost got this one. (He finally manages to swing across and grabs it. He puts it in his pocket then looks around for the next target. It is below him.) DOCTOR: Mykros, lower me a little. Enough. (The Doctor tries to slide out along the big crystal.) [Inner sanctum] (The other half of the tug of war team are nearly at the ramp.) MYKROS: Do you want to come out now, Doctor? [Timelash] DOCTOR: Not yet. Almost got this one. Gotcha! (The Doctor puts the small crystal in his pocket then reaches for the 'wall' to slide back in. He slips.) [Inner Sanctum] (The men are nearly pulled up the ramp.) VENA: Pull him back!MYKROS: I can't! The force is too great.VENA: He's dangling on the edge of oblivion.(In a cell somewhere, Peri's collar has been secured to a slanting metal bar. A gas canister has been fastened to her chest.Meanwhile, the Doctor tries to find a hand hold in the 'wall'.)HERBERT: Hang on. (Herbert lets go of the rope and goes to the vortex opening.) SEZON: Katz, come here, quickly!MYKROS: Take the strain!SEZON: Come on, pull!VENA: Careful, Herbert. (Herbert lowers himself down the rope into the Timelash.) KATZ: Careful!SEZON: Careful, Herbert! [Timelash] (Herbert climbs down the large crystals until he is just above the Doctor's head.) HERBERT: Doctor!DOCTOR: Get back! (Mykros heads into the vortex whilst all except Vena strain on the rope. He takes position above Herbert and grabs his right hand as Herbert and the Doctor try to get hold of each other.) MYKROS: I've got you!HERBERT: Just a bit further, Doctor. Got him! (Herbert pulls the Doctor up so that he can sit on a crystal again.) [Citadel] KENDRON: The Borad will not be pleased with us.TEKKER: Stop whining.KENDRON: I have noticed it is better to die than to fail the Borad.TEKKER: If you were to die, I don't think anybody would notice the difference.KENDRON: I say, Tekker!TEKKER: Maylin Tekker. (The image of the nice old man come up on a wall screen.) TEKKER: Ah, Borad.BORAD [on screen]: You do not serve me by arguing.TEKKER: A frivolous debate concerning protocol.BORAD [on screen]: You have time for such things when my Timelash is in the hands of the Doctor and his friends?TEKKER: We serve as best we can, Borad. As you know, I am not a man of action. The recapture of the Timelash is best left to those trained for such things.BORAD [on screen]: You disappoint me. I expected more from you than this.TEKKER: Your trust is not misplaced. Kendron and I are on our way to see you.BORAD [on screen]: For what purpose?TEKKER: With respect, Borad, a matter best not discussed over an open channel.BORAD [on screen]: Very well. Disappoint me and you die.TEKKER: Of course. (The image disappears.) KENDRON: Now what have you said? The Borad will kill both of us.TEKKER: Oh, I think not. After what I have to tell him, I think he'll be delighted. And while he's smiling, I shall recommend that he appoints you my deputy.KENDRON: Me?TEKKER: Yes, Kendron, you. (Somewhere in the Borad's vault, the android helps the old man to stand. We see that he has a lot of wires coming out of the back of his head as he walks jerkily away.) [Inner Sanctum] (Mykros climbs out of the vortex, exhausted. Herbert follows.) VENA: Are you all right? Where are the crystals? (Out comes the Doctor. Katz unties his lifeline.) VENA: Doctor, did you get the crystals?DOCTOR: Yes.VENA: Oh, well done.KATZ: Well done.VENA: Yes, indeed. (to Mykros) Well done! And you too, Herbert.HERBERT: Well, it was nothing.DOCTOR: When we've stopped congratulating each other, perhaps we can get on. [Cell] (A guard opens the cell door.) PERI: At last. Why am I being kept here? And why have I had this contraption fitted to me? Well, can't you speak, dumbo? (The Guard unfastens Peri from the metal bar and leads her away.) PERI: Ow! All right, I'm coming, I'm coming. [Outside the Borad's vault] TEKKER: What's the matter with you? Don't you want to be recommended as Deputy Maylin?KENDRON: It all seems a bit sudden.TEKKER: But you're the perfect choice. You have the right attitude.KENDRON: What about Brunner?TEKKER: What about him?KENDRON: I thoughtTEKKER: What?KENDRON: Nothing.TEKKER: There you are, you see? I'm right. You have the perfect attitude. [Borad's vault] (Tekker and Kendron enter, and bow to the image of the old man on the opposite wall. The real Borad in the chair has its back to them.) BORAD [on screen]: What happened, Tekker? Have you failed me as well?TEKKER: Ah, we were betrayed, Borad.BORAD [on screen]: Indeed? By whom?TEKKER: Kendron. He betrayed us.KENDRON: No! You're lying. You said I was to be made Deputy Maylin.TEKKER: Ah, yes. A small ruse, Borad, to put the traitor off his guard.BORAD [on screen]: He must be dealt with.KENDRON: No! No! I have been faithful to you. (The creature in the chair turns to face Kendron.) KENDRON: What's going on?BORAD [on screen]: I will not tolerate infidelity.KENDRON: Oh, oh please, Borad, believe me. I am not a spy. (The red ray lances out, turning Kendron into a brittle skeleton. The Borad's voice changes but we do not see him speak.) BORAD: It would seem I made the right choice for Maylin.TEKKER: Thank you, Borad.BORAD: See that you continue to serve me with the same degree of fidelity. [Citadel] (Peri is dragged along a corridor.) PERI: You're still hurting me. Now where are you taking me?GUARD: You'll see. (Something growls ahead.) PERI: No, not that creature again! No, please! [Inner Sanctum] (Outside, the android and a pair of guards assemble the Borad's weapon. Inside, Mykros and Sezon struggle with the Timelash control panel while the Doctor does something clever with the Kontron crystals and a lot of wiring.) MYKROS: Do you want the whole of this panel out, Doctor?DOCTOR: Every last nut and bolt, if you please.VENA: What are you making?DOCTOR: Just a mess at the moment.HERBERT: Shouldn't we prepare for the attack on this place, Doctor?DOCTOR: I am.HERBERT: Well, how are these baubles and crystal balls going to help us?DOCTOR: You'll see.HERBERT: But will it work?DOCTOR: Of course it'll work. I hope.HERBERT: A small barricade in front of the door wouldn't help?DOCTOR: Whatever they use to break through that door won't be impeded by a small barricade. Hurry up with that unit, Mykros.MYKROS: Yes, nearly there. (The crystal lights up.) KATZ: It signalled back to you.DOCTOR: No, it was the same beam of light.KATZ: But how could it be? It took all of ten seconds to return.DOCTOR: Precisely what it's supposed to do. (Mykros brings the unit.) DOCTOR: Well done. (Vena hears a noise outside.) VENA: I think we could be running out of time.MYKROS: You may well be right. Doctor?DOCTOR: Nearly ready. Ah, there we are.HERBERT: Where?DOCTOR: Quiet. Pass me that chain. (The Doctor fastens the chain to the lightbulb holder he has just put a crystal into, and puts it around his neck. He pushes a button and vanishes.) KATZ: Where's he gone? (The Doctor reappears, but Katz puts her hand through him.) HERBERT: Good gracious.KATZ: Doctor, where are you? (Something pushes Sezon in the chest, then Herbert. The image of the Doctor gets up and pushes the air where Sezon and Herbert were standing before returning to its seat and pressing the button on the crystal holder. Katz touches him. He is now solid.) KATZ: What's happening?VENA: Dematerialisation?DOCTOR: Not exactly. Kontron crystals have a wide application of uses. I have turned this one into a ten second time break.SEZON: So, you were travelling in time?DOCTOR: Not exactly. Do you know, I haven't built one of these in ages.SEZON: How does it work?DOCTOR: Well, I time-slipped ten seconds into the future. As I did so, I projected an image of myself.HERBERT: So we didn't see you, we saw an image of you.DOCTOR: That's right. If you'd been able to look through this, you would, so to speak, have been able to see both of me at the same time. (Herbert grabs the tube and looks through it.) HERBERT: But I can't see anything.DOCTOR: Of course you can't. It only works when this is switched on. Now, when I time slip, you'll be able to see the image I project and the real me ten seconds in the future.HERBERT: It's science fiction. (The Doctor takes the tube back.) DOCTOR: Not quite. (The wall screen starts to come to life.) SEZON: Look, this might be a lot of fun for you, Doctor, but how's it going to help us get out of here?DOCTOR: Ah, that's work for the second crystal. When properly set up, it'll absorb the energy used to break down that door, pass it through a ten second time loop, and feed it back again as a beam of pure energy. Now, that is something we can use against an attacker.HERBERT: Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!SEZON: Yes, but will it work?DOCTOR: I think we're about to find out.VENA: Doctor, look. (There are three dots on a gridded image.) MYKROS: It's an invasion force.SEZON: The Bandrils. [Borad's vault] (The Borad has the incoming spaceships on his screen.) BORAD: Excellent. Soon the only living creatures on this planet will be the Morloxes and myself. [Inner Sanctum] (The guards are still putting the Borad's weapon together. More guards arrive.) DOCTOR: Argh!MYKROS: What's wrong?DOCTOR: I can't set this time loop accurately enough. I was hoping to use the energy absorbed by the machine to project our attackers into the past. As yes, I can't guarantee a change of location as well. (Herbert is taking notes.) KATZ: How far back into the past, Doctor?DOCTOR: An hour or so.KATZ: I wonder.SEZON: What?KATZ: Think back to the tunnel when we rescued Peri from the Morlox.SEZON: You're right. We saw a burning android.KATZ: Will that be your handiwork, Doctor?DOCTOR: What? [Cavern] (Peri has been fastened to a post.) PERI: Don't leave me here. Please, don't leave me here. (The guard leaves as growls get louder.) PERI: Help me! Help! [Outside the Inner Sanctum] (The weapon is ready.) ANDROID: Fire. (A big hole appears in the door.) [Inner Sanctum] (Everyone scatters as the guards enter.) VENA: Doctor! (Sezon kills one guard, but as he goes for his weapon, the android shoots him.) KATZ: Oh, Sezon!HERBERT: Use the machine!DOCTOR: We have to wait the full ten seconds. (Mykros shoots another guard. Katz drags Sezon's body out of the way. The Doctor fires, and the android bursts into flames then disappears.) HERBERT: Holy mackerel, it actually works!DOCTOR: Of course it did. Get down! (Herbert, the Doctor and Vena hide behind the Timelash controls as two more guards enter. One fires and blows a hole in the wall, revealing an underlying picture of a white-haired Time Lord before being felled, presumably by Mykros. Katz shoots the second one.) MYKROS: It's incredible. I've never seen that before.DOCTOR: That's me.HERBERT: You've changed a bit.DOCTOR: Mmm. Immeasurably for the better, it seems. Strange how you forget what you used to look like.HERBERT: What does he mean?VENA: It's a long story, Herbert. No time to tell it now.DOCTOR: Right, you must all get out of here.KATZ: Madric's dead and Sezon's wounded.DOCTOR: There's not much you can do for him here.KATZ: We can go to the tunnel.MYKROS: No, the guards could be waiting for us.DOCTOR: That's a chance you've got to take. When the Borad finds out what's happened here, he'll flood the place with troops.VENA: Where are you going?DOCTOR: To find the Borad.HERBERT: I'll help you.DOCTOR: No, Herbert. You stay here. Good luck.MYKROS: Vena, come quickly. (Herbert follows the Doctor anyway.) [Cavern] PERI: Doctor, where are you? Help me! Not you. [Inner Sanctum] KATZ: Look at the screen. The Bandrils are coming even nearer!VENA: There's no point in going to the tunnels now, Mykros. We might as well die with honour here.MYKROS: Vena. Vena, try not to be so pessimistic. We may still have a chance, if I can just contact them. [Citadel] (Herbert is carrying the time slip viewing tube.) HERBERT: Sorry about this, but I was only getting in the way with the others.DOCTOR: And what makes you think you won't do the same for me?HERBERT: Look, you won't even notice I'm here, I promise.DOCTOR: All right. If anything happens to me, you're to find Peri.HERBERT: Right.DOCTOR: If she's still alive, she may find a way of getting you home.HERBERT: Oh no, don't worry about me, Doctor.DOCTOR: I'm not. [Borad's vault] (The Borad watches the Doctor and Herbert on a screen.) BORAD: So, the Doctor has decided finally to come and see me.TEKKER: Shall I dispose of him?BORAD: No. He's an old friend. [Outside the Borad's vault] DOCTOR: This looks like it.HERBERT: Grim sort of place.DOCTOR: Indeed. And this is as far as you go.HERBERT: Oh, surely you're not going to deny me the highlight of my visit.DOCTOR: Come any further and your highlight could be a burial in space, with you playing the central part.HERBERT: Are you sure I can't be of any help?DOCTOR: If I'm not out in ten minutes, find Peri.HERBERT: Right.DOCTOR: Now, find yourself somewhere to hide. Don't want you picked up by the Guardoliers. (The doors slide open behind the Doctor and he enters. They shut as Herbert realises what has happened.) HERBERT: Doctor! (He climbs a ladder in the corner.) [Borad's vault] (It appears to be empty. The Doctor looks around, and sniffs the content of a gas canister in the corner. The same type as Peri is currently wearing. Tekker approaches, holding a gun.) DOCTOR: My dear Tekker. Still lurking in other people's shadows. How very typical. (We see the back of the Borad's chair now.) TEKKER: Welcome, Doctor.DOCTOR: That smell. That bittersweet sickly aroma.TEKKER: Of Morlox.DOCTOR: Yes, of course. The creatures of the tunnels. I remember now from my last visit. So, your leader is now a Morlox?TEKKER: No.DOCTOR: Glad to hear it. From what I remember, the Morlox are not over-endowed with intelligence.TEKKER: Ah, well, that can hardly be said of our beloved leader, the Borad of Karfel. The most luminous force in this part of the galaxy.DOCTOR: Really. Not been very bright so far. (The Borad turns his chair, and we finally see his face. Half human, half Morlox.) BORAD: Neither have you, Doctor.DOCTOR: I'm afraid you could be right. (Herbert is observing this scene through a window in the infrastructure.) DOCTOR: And you said your leader wasn't a Morlox?BORAD: I would guard your tongue, Time Lord.DOCTOR: What I don't understand is how the people of Karfel have accepted you.BORAD: My other self. (The image of the nice old man comes onto the screen.) DOCTOR: How'd you do?BORAD [on screen]: How do you do?DOCTOR: What happened? I don't believe anyone looks like you by design.BORAD [on screen]: An agreeable mistake.DOCTOR: Don't tell me, with Mustakozene Eighty. I noticed the canister hanging on the wall.BORAD: Precisely. I was once like you, weak of limb and small of mind.BORAD [on screen]: Now I have the strength and intelligence of many.DOCTOR: But hardly the looks to match.BORAD: Come closer. Now look at me carefully, Doctor. We have met before. Think back of a scientist you once befriended. Later, you reported that scientist to the Inner Sanctum for unethical experimentation on the Morlox creatures.DOCTOR: Megelen?BORAD: The very same.DOCTOR: Your experiments obviously succeeded. Was it worth it? [Inner Sanctum] MYKROS: This is Karfel to Bandril Ambassador. Karfel to Bandril Ambassador. Please respond. It's no good, they're not answering. This is Karfel to Bandril Ambassador. Please respond. [Borad's vault] (A Morlox is sniffing around Peri while she screams.) BORAD: Do not make me laugh, Doctor.DOCTOR: I wouldn't dare. Not when you've got such big teeth. What exactly did happen?BORAD: During an experiment on a Morlox creature, I was inadvertently sprayed by a canister of Mustakozene Eighty. The smell of the chemical excited the creature I was experimenting upon, and it broke away from its tether.DOCTOR: It must have made a terrible mess of you.BORAD: It would appear so.DOCTOR: And then the M80 caused a spontaneous tissue amalgamation resulting in a combined mutant.BORAD [on screen]: Half Karfelon, half Morlox, but with increased longevity and massive intellectual growth.BORAD: A glorious transformation.DOCTOR: So you keep saying. I don't agree with you.TEKKER: Show respect for the Borad.DOCTOR: Do shut up and go away. There was no glorious transformation. You may have power, but you daren't even show your real face.BORAD: Not for much longer. Soon the Bandrils will have destroyed all mammalian life on this planet, and then I shall destroy the Bandril ship.DOCTOR: To become ruler of a barren planet?BORAD: No, Doctor. To populate the planet with others such as myself.TEKKER: No.DOCTOR: It appears you have a lackey with a conscience.TEKKER: You will not destroy my people. I am the Maylin now. I will not let you.BORAD: Idiot. (And zaps Tekker with his death ray.) DOCTOR: Time acceleration beam. I don't know whether to be impressed or disgusted.BORAD [on screen]: Time Lords to not have a monopoly over the fourth dimension, Doctor.DOCTOR: Perhaps not. What I don't understand is how you intend to populate this planet with little Borads when you don't even have a mate.BORAD: That is under control.DOCTOR: Oh, don't tell me you've got a fat female Morlox with a slinky walk.BORAD: Not yet. But when I do, her name will be Peri.DOCTOR: Explain. (The image on the screen changes to events in the cavern.) BORAD: The creature will attempt to kill her. When it tries to do so, the canister of Mustakozene will burst apart and then she will become as I am.DOCTOR: Oh, very scientific. I mean, you have a really controlled experiment there. What happens if the Morlox kills Peri before amalgamation takes place?BORAD: Peri will not die. The Mustakozene not only excites the creature, but will in turn destroy it.DOCTOR: This is lunacy. What do you hope to gain by creating another miserable mutation like your pathetic self?BORAD: Choose your next words carefully, Doctor. They could be your last.DOCTOR: Really. We shall see. (The Doctor activates his time slip device. Herbert raises the time telescope to watch.) DOCTOR: I think it's time to find your Achilles heel, or should I say flipper?BORAD: No, Doctor. It's time you grew old, and your ability to regenerate will be of no assistance to you. (The Borads red death ray goes through the image of the Doctor. Herbert watches him at a control panel.) BORAD: So, the Time Lord wishes to play games.HERBERT: Careful, Doctor.DOCTOR [OC]: Where's the control to free Peri?BORAD: See if you can find it before you die. (The Doctor's double goes to the control panel.) BORAD: Goodbye, Doctor. (The Borad fires at the double again. The Doctor reappears.) DOCTOR: Hello, Borad. I wouldn't fire if I were you. If you do, it will be a grave mistake.BORAD: Your attempted witticisms are beginning to become tedious, Doctor.DOCTOR: I really wouldn't fire. If you do, this crystal will absorb the energy and beam it straight back at you.BORAD: You're lying. (The red beam is sucked in by the Kontron crystal.) DOCTOR: I did warn you.BORAD: Another expedition into the realms of duplicity?DOCTOR: Six, five, four, three, two, one.BORAD: No! You've tricked me!DOCTOR: You tricked yourself. (The time delayed red death ray hits the Borad, who ages and dies with a scream. Herbert shuts his eyes.) DOCTOR: Herbert?HERBERT: Who is it?DOCTOR: It's me, the Doctor.HERBERT: Doctor, up here.DOCTOR: Herbert, you must go to Peri.HERBERT: Where is she?DOCTOR: In the tunnels. The passage you're in should lead straight there.HERBERT: Right.DOCTOR: Hurry! I'll try and find the release mechanism.HERBERT: As you say, Doctor. (Herbert rushes away as the Bandril fleet comes ever closer.) DOCTOR: Must be here somewhere. (He finally tries the control pad on the Borad's chair. On the screen, Peri's collar undoes and she flees, followed by the Morlox.) DOCTOR: Oh, no. (The screen image changes to a Bandril spaceship firing a missile.) DOCTOR: Pelion on Ossa. [Cavern] (Peri is pinned against the wall by the Morlox.) PERI: Help! (Herbert arrives and snatches down a burning torch. He waves it at the Morlox then drags Peri behind him, before putting it on the ground.) HERBERT: Quickly! [Citadel] (Herbert and Peri stop for Herbert to try and get the gas canister off Peri. The Doctor walks up.) PERI: Oh, Doctor, am I pleased to see you.DOCTOR: The feeling is entirely mutual. Now, come on. We've got to get back to the Inner Sanctum quickly.PERI: But can't we get out of here? (Herbert succeeds in undoing the harness.) DOCTOR: We've got a war to stop first. [Inner Sanctum] (The deadly missile is on the wall screen.) VENA: Why didn't they listen?MYKROS: It's no good. We've done everything we can. We must take cover in the tunnels.DOCTOR: What's happening?VENA: Too late. The Bandrils have fired their missile. (The Doctor uses the communications panel.) DOCTOR: This is the Doctor. I say again, this is the Doctor. Please connect me with the Ambassador.VENA: They don't reply.DOCTOR: You must respond. I am a Time Lord. I am, in fact, President of the High Council of Gallifrey. Destroy me, you'll have more than a petty war on your hands. Ah, there you are.BANDRIL [on screen]: Can you prove that you are a Time Lord?DOCTOR: There's no time for that now. You must call off your attack. Karfel has been in the hands of a dictator. That dictator has now been overthrown. You must destroy your missile. (The Bandril speaks to someone off-screen.) PERI: How close is the missile?DOCTOR: Too close.BANDRIL [on screen]: We accept what you say, and require only sight of the Borad as proof of your goodwill.DOCTOR: Well, that might prove a trifle difficult.BANDRIL [on screen]: Then there is little we can do. (Transmission ends.) DOCTOR: Ambassador!PERI: Oh, terrific.DOCTOR: Wait here.PERI: Where are you going? [TARDIS] (Peri gets inside just as the doors are closing.) PERI: Doctor!DOCTOR: I told you to wait with the others. (He opens the doors again.) PERI: Well, I'd rather stay with you.DOCTOR: It isn't practical.PERI: What does that mean?DOCTOR: Practical? Advantageous, useful, productive, efficacious, effective.PERI: Sure, desirable. What are you going to do?DOCTOR: Try and stop that missile.PERI: Sounds dangerous.DOCTOR: The only dangerous thing about it is having you on board to distract me. Oh! (The Doctor hits the console then gets underneath it. Herbert sneaks in and hides under the console on the opposite side. The Doctor stands up again.) DOCTOR: Are you still here?PERI: Yes! Look, I'll keep out of your way.DOCTOR: You don't know how.PERI: I'm coming with you.DOCTOR: Peri, every second we waste now brings Karfel into even greater danger.PERI: Well then, let's go!DOCTOR: That's what I want to do, but alone. Now go back to Vena and the others, Peri. Please?PERI: I can't. I don't trust you. You're being too reasonable.DOCTOR: Then I shall be unreasonable. Get out! Why will you never cooperate? (The Doctor lifts Peri off her feet and carries her to the door.) PERI: Because I worry. It's my caring nature.DOCTOR: Peri, I shall be gone for but a minute. Now, if you want to fuss over someone, may I suggest that Herbert would make a much more eager recipient.PERI: What if something happens to you? We'd be stuck here.DOCTOR: If I don't go now, there won't be anywhere for you to be stuck to. The planet will be destroyed. Now, will you go, please?PERI: Well, take care of yourself. (Peri leaves. The Doctor closes the door then sets the TARDIS in motion.) DOCTOR: At last. (Herbert stands up.) HERBERT: Hello.DOCTOR: Hello. What are you doing here?HERBERT: I've come to help. At least I can experience the adventure.DOCTOR: I presume you heard what I said to Peri.HERBERT: Oh, but she's a girl. This is work for men.DOCTOR: Men? Men!HERBERT: Men.DOCTOR: Look, what I'm about to do is very dangerous. There's nothing particularly masculine about throwing your life away.HERBERT: That's not what you said to Peri.DOCTOR: I lied. And as I did it so badly, I'd have assumed even you would have realised.HERBERT: I'm sorry. I simply didn't realise. I thought thatDOCTOR: You didn't think at all. That's half your problem. A characteristic you share with most of the people on your irritating planet.HERBERT: Well, you could always take me back to Karfel if you really think it's going to be dangerous. (The Doctor checks his pocket watch.) DOCTOR: There isn't time.HERBERT: May I dispute that? Well, after all, what is time to a time machine?DOCTOR: A very great deal. Should there be another day, I will explain to you in great detail which of the many time laws I am not allowed to transgress.HERBERT: But who would know?DOCTOR: I would. So would every other Time Lord from here to Gallifrey, and I can assure you, they're not all as pleasant and agreeable as I am.HERBERT: Sorry. I'd hate to think of you having my demise on your conscience.DOCTOR: To be perfectly frank, Herbert, when I go, thoughts of you will be very low on my list of regrets.HERBERT: That's good. It means we can stand together, shoulder to shoulder, in the face of the enemy. I've always wanted to die a hero's death. You know, it's funny. When I was at school, everyone used to think I was a coward because I didn't like cricket. If only they could see me now.DOCTOR: Shut up!HERBERT: Sorry? Oh yes, of course, you want to concentrate. Sorry.DOCTOR: Listen, Herbert, if you want to do something useful while waiting to enter Valhalla, could you read off the numbers on that screen you see immediately in front of you?HERBERT: Of course. This one?DOCTOR: How many screens do you see immediately in front of you?HERBERT: Just the one.DOCTOR: That's the one.HERBERT: Two, nine, seven, three.DOCTOR: Good.HERBERT: Six, seven, seven.DOCTOR: Better.HERBERT: Eight, nine.DOCTOR: Best!HERBERT: Well, how will you stop the missile?DOCTOR: I have set up the TARDIS to act as a deflector shield.HERBERT: Oh, I see. You intend us to collide with the missile before it impacts with the planet.DOCTOR: That's right. Should make quite a big bang.HERBERT: Oh, I see.DOCTOR: I do wish you'd stop saying, oh, I see.HERBERT: Sorry. I just feel a wee bit nervous. I didn't realise dying heroically was such a strain on the nerves.DOCTOR: Oh well, shouldn't be for too long.HERBERT: Oh, I see. Sorry. Well, I suppose if it saves millions of lives, it's worth sacrificing two. Isn't it, Doctor? (The Doctor turns on the scanner to see the missile heading straight for them.) DOCTOR: Thirty seconds to impact.HERBERT: I assume this is the only way.DOCTOR: Well, if you have any other suggestions, I'd be very interested to hear them.HERBERT: Well, couldn't we abandon ship before impact?DOCTOR: No lifeboats.HERBERT: That's a bit remiss. I'd have a word with the manufacturers, if. Sorry.DOCTOR: Impact fifteen seconds.HERBERT: Well, goodbye, Doctor. No hard feelings, I hope. (Herbert holds out his hand. The Doctor looks at it then gives it a quick shake.) DOCTOR: No.HERBERT: I feel a bit frightened now. Couldn't we postpone impact just for a minute?DOCTOR: Impact five seconds.HERBERT: No, I suppose not. (The missile detonates in a big pink glow.) [Inner Sanctum] (It is visible on the wall screen.) PERI: The missile's exploded in the stratosphere!VENA: So it has.MYKROS: It's unbelievable. They must have had a change of heart. (Katz runs in.) MYKROS: We're going to be all right.KATZ: We've won!BANDRIL [on screen]: Let me speak with the Maylin.MYKROS: You are speaking to the new Maylin, Ambassador. Please go ahead.BANDRIL [on screen]: The Doctor has done a brave but foolish thing. The missile has been destroyed, but so has his TARDIS.PERI: Doctor.BANDRIL [on screen]: We shall make our apologies to the High Council on Gallifrey. Furthermore, in honour of the Doctor's unselfish act, and as a token of our goodwill, may I suggest we send down a diplomatic party?MYKROS: Yes, of course, Ambassador. I look forward to receiving you. (Transmission ends.) PERI: Oh, Doctor.MYKROS: I'm very sorry, Peri.PERI: Yes, I, I just want to be alone for a little while.VENA: Of course you do.KATZ: Are you all right?VENA: I don't know. I don't know whether any of us will ever be the same again. It's been a terrible day.KATZ: It's a new beginning.VENA: Not for the Doctor or Herbert. How's Sezon?KATZ: Feeling very sorry for himself. (Peri screams. Something has got its flipper round her throat.) VENA: Oh, Mykros! What is it?MYKROS: (to Katz) Give me your weapon. Give me your weapon!BORAD: That will be of little use, Mykros.MYKROS: Who are you? What are you?BORAD: I am the Borad.MYKROS: Never!BORAD: I am the Borad, and you will do as I command if you value your friend's life.MYKROS: What do you want?BORAD: Capture the Bandril ship.PERI: Don't listen to him.BORAD: If you refuse, she dies.MYKROS: One life cannot be bought at the cost of a whole planet.BORAD: Then I shall kill her.DOCTOR: That's not a very good idea.MYKROS: Doctor!DOCTOR: Besides, it's not a very nice way to treat a lady.VENA: Doctor, we all thought you were dead.DOCTOR: As I thought the Borad was. So why aren't you?BORAD: I must have forgotten to mention the other experiment I have been engaged in.DOCTOR: Ah? Not like you to pass up the opportunity to boast. What is it?BORAD: The reproduction of living matter, cell by cell.DOCTOR: Oh, cloning. Oh, you are a clever clogs. And how very astute of you not to risk your own rotten neck. Speaking of which, shouldn't you release your grip on Peri's? By the way, Peri, did you know he wants you for his bride?PERI: He certainly has an original way of proposing.DOCTOR: I'll make a deal with you, Borad. Show yourself to Peri. If she doesn't scream, the wedding can take place.MYKROS: Doctor.BORAD: What is this foolishness?DOCTOR: I don't think you've got the nerve.PERI: That's right.BORAD: The woman will accept me once she is as I am.DOCTOR: Make up your mind. Do you want her dead or as your bride? If the latter, then show yourself to her.BORAD: No.PERI: Don't I have a say in all this?DOCTOR: Of course not. Be quiet. Why won't you?BORAD: I shall when I am ready.DOCTOR: As I thought. You're afraid.BORAD: Of what?DOCTOR: Rejection. You can alter Peri's outward appearance, but you can't change the brain in her head. Whatever you do, she will always find you repulsive. (The Borad tightens his grip on Peri.) BORAD: Then I shall put out both her eyes.PERI: Come on, you guys.DOCTOR: That's hardly an elegant solution, and the way you've been carrying on, you're not going to win her over with your charm.BORAD: Stay back.DOCTOR: You really are afraid.BORAD: My last warning, Doctor.DOCTOR: The possibility of perfect companionship shattered because of your grotesque, ugly, excuse for a body.BORAD: Yet I have the power to kill you both.DOCTOR: I don't think so. (The Doctor goes over to the half revealed portrait of his earlier self.) DOCTOR: You obviously haven't read the writing on the wall. Now, this'll be an improvement. (The Doctor uses a chair to smash through the painting to reveal a large mirror. Peri sees what is holding her, and screams.) DOCTOR: I told you she'd scream. (The Borad releases Peri and Katz runs to her. The Borad backs away onto the ramp to the Timelash, trying to shield his eyes from his own reflection.) BORAD: Destroy it! Smash the mirror!DOCTOR: What, no power to do it yourself? (The Doctor sidles to the Timelash control box and presses buttons.) DOCTOR: You're nothing, Borad. Just a self-degenerating mutation. You're finished, Borad. Your reign of terror's over. Nobody wants you. Nobody needs you. Nobody cares! (The Doctor elbows the Borad into the Timelash.) PERI: But haven't you sent him back to Earth?DOCTOR: Yes, to the twelfth century. (to Herbert) Where exactly did we pick you up?HERBERT: The Highlands of Scotland. Not far from Inverness.DOCTOR: Ah. Thought I recognised the landscape. He'll be harmless enough there. At least he'll have somewhere to swim for the next thousand years.PERI: But won't he be seen?DOCTOR: From time to time. Right, take cover, everyone. (The Doctor takes off his time slip device and throws it into the Timelash. Everyone gets down behind the Council chairs. There is a bang, then smoke and debris comes out of the Timelash. It goes dark and its control panel explodes. They come out of hiding.) PERI: Okay, Doctor. Fill us in.DOCTOR: Fill you in?PERI: Why weren't you blown up?DOCTOR: Ah, I'll explain one day. It's a neat trick.PERI: Oh, Doctor.DOCTOR: Come on, Herbert. Say your goodbyes. Time we got you home.HERBERT: Well, if Vena and Mykros don't mind, I would like to stay.VENA: He would be most welcome.MYKROS: Indeed.HERBERT: I say, thank you.PERI: Are you going to let him stay?DOCTOR: Oh, I don't think so. I rather think he'll take my advice and return to 1885. He'll tell the world, knowing Herbert.PERI: But who'd believe him?DOCTOR: Not for me to say. The waves of time wash us all clean.PERI: Doctor, you're talking in riddles again. (The Doctor takes a calling card out of his pocket.) DOCTOR: Herbert dropped this. (It says Herbert George Wells.) PERI: Never. Oh, I don't believe it!DOCTOR: I think he'll return to Earth, don't you? After all, he does have an interesting story to tell. Herbert. Herbert! Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.