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PERI: What I mean, Doctor, is I don't mind where we go so long as when we get there, we spend some time and relax.

DOCTOR: You want a holiday! Why didn't you say so before? I know the very place.

PERI: Doctor, if you're about to suggest the Eye of Orion, don't. I've heard all about that elusive place once too often. No one lives there and few visit, apart from you.

DOCTOR: Oh, but such a beautiful moonset. Ideal tonic for the weary time traveller. But, if that doesn't appeal, as I've said, there is always Andromeda.

PERI: Oh, really. And what's out there?

DOCTOR: Some of the most magical sights in the entire universe. Astral starbursts creating a myriad celestial bodies against a timeless royal blue backdrop.

PERI: Very poetic, but that's the exact description you always give of the Eye of Orion.

DOCTOR: It is?

PERI: Word for word.

DOCTOR: Does nothing please you?

DOCTOR: Hello. What are you doing here?

HERBERT: I've come to help. At least I can experience the adventure.

DOCTOR: I presume you heard what I said to Peri.

HERBERT: Oh, but she's a girl. This is work for men.

DOCTOR: Men? Men!


DOCTOR: Look, what I'm about to do is very dangerous. There's nothing particularly masculine about throwing your life away.

HERBERT: That's not what you said to Peri.

DOCTOR: I lied. And as I did it so badly, I'd have assumed even you would have realised.

HERBERT: I'm sorry. I simply didn't realise. I thought that

DOCTOR: You didn't think at all. That's half your problem. A characteristic you share with most of the people on your irritating planet.