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Virgin Missing Adventures

Time of Your Life

2.98/ 5 140 votes*

Released Thursday, March 16, 1995
Written by Steve Lyons
Pages 278
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Reality TV Space Station
Locations Torrok

"Organic bugs must be purged from the system," the screen told him. Then, more succinctly, "You die."

The Network broadcasts entertainment to the planets of the Meson system: Death-hunt 3000, Prisoner: The Next Generation, Bloodsoak Bunny... Sixteen channels, and not one of them worth watching. But for the citizens of poverty-stricken Torrok, television offers the only escape from a reality too horrible to face.

Angela, a young inhabitant of Torrok, leaps at the chance to travel to the Network with a hermit who calls himself the Doctor. However, all is not well on the giant, chaotic space station. A soap star has murdered his wife's lover; the robotic regulars of Timeriders are performing random kidnappings; and a lethal new game show is about to go on the air.

Can the Doctor uncover the cause of the apparently random disturbances — or will his appearance as a competitor on Death-hunt 3000 be the last of his life?

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