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First aired

Monday, September 7, 1987

Production Code


Written by

Pip and Jane Baker

Directed by

Andrew Morgan


100 minutes

Time Travel


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The Rani has returned after her last encounter with the Doctor, with yet another malicious scientific scheme.

Taking advantage of the post-regenerative trauma the recently regenerated and unstable Doctor is going through, the Rani hopes to achieve control of an approaching asteroid composed entirely of strange matter.

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4 Episodes

Part One

First aired

Monday, September 7, 1987


25 minutes

Written by

Pip and Jane Baker

Directed by

Andrew Morgan

UK Viewers

5.1 million

Appreciation Index



The alien world of Lakertya. With the aid of the savage Tetraps, the Rani has conquered this planet to allow her to continue her depraved biochemical experiments. But she finds herself needing the Doctor's assistance...

Part Two

First aired

Monday, September 14, 1987


25 minutes

Written by

Pip and Jane Baker

Directed by

Andrew Morgan

UK Viewers

4.2 million

Appreciation Index



The Rani's impersonation of Mel backfires badly because Urak can't tell the difference, while the Doctor attempts to learn the secret of the Loyhargil.

Part Three

First aired

Monday, September 21, 1987


25 minutes

Written by

Pip and Jane Baker

Directed by

Andrew Morgan

UK Viewers

4.3 million

Appreciation Index



The solstice nears, making it time for the Rani to bring her plans into fruition. The Doctor's sympathies for Beyus, ruler of the Lykertyans, are rather qualified. Beyus' heart is for his people yet something prompts him to collaborate fully in helping the Rani reach all her objectives. The answer, he's told, lies within the Center of Leisure.

Part Four

First aired

Monday, September 28, 1987


25 minutes

Written by

Pip and Jane Baker

Directed by

Andrew Morgan

UK Viewers

4.9 million

Appreciation Index



The Rani, at last, links the Doctor into her great brain machine, the crowning jewel in her component packet of geniuses brought together to turn Lakertya itself into one vast cerebral mass capable of redirecting time anywhere in the universe, giving her absolute power over all creation.


How to watch Time and the Rani:


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14 reviews

Honestly fell apart in the final episode. The acting was bad, the writing and delivery very clunky. And at the end of the day, I'm not sure it has anything interesting to say. It's a shame; I was excited to see where we went with Lakertyans and the Tetraps.


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To start my watch through of the Seventh Doctor, this was my least favorite post-regeneration episode so far. The costume design was bizare, and the Rani and the aliens were quite boring.

Originally I rated it 2/5. However, now that I've started Paradise Towers, I bumped it up a star. This is much better than PT lol.


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A pretty poor way to start out McCoy's run, unfortunately, and probably the weakest of his stories. The side characters were decidedly lacking, the evil plan was pretty weak, and even the Rani felt a little flat (a shame given it's her second and final TV appearance). That being said, it wasn't completely without charm; Seven was delightfully funny, and Mel got fleshed out a bit beyond "mysterious companion from the future". (I quite like Mel. Anyone who complains about her screaming too much can pipe down until they've been launched into the air in an exploding bubble, see how well they cope with it.) It's all a bit too much of a farce for my liking, with a flimsy plot, but there are some enjoyable moments.


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Not good, but certainly not the worst.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Brink of Death

That was... alright? I've heard so much hating on it, that it's one of the worst if not the worst story of Classic Doctor Who and it just ended up being a passable if not enjoyable little adventure. It's definitely not great but it absolutely doesn't deserve it's reputation. There were a lot of things to like in this story, the soundtrack is brilliant, the direction is brilliant, Sylvester McCoy's performance is great (and really funny).

Speaking of McCoy, he comes out swinging. His Doctor is so immediately different from 6 (and refreshingly kind (atleast compared to Sixie on TV)). I love his little gimmick of constantly quoting things but getting them wrong, it's really funny and it doesn't get old - especially when they start acknowledging it.

The Rani's plot is a bit nonsensical but you definitely feel the stakes. "When the Rani dabbles, she dabbles on a grand scale." It was a bit odd having people like Einstein in the story and then hardly using them beyond the odd joke about relativity. I do think this story is quintessentially Classic Doctor Who, it's got all the hallmarks; set in a quarry, silly looking alien drama, hammy performances. But it does all those things a lot better than most; they atleast try to make the quarry look like an alien planet with the whole pink sky thing, the Tetrap props are genuinely really good, the effects for the traps are also really good.

Overall, I can't say I understand the hate for this story. If this is the worst that McCoy gets on TV then I'm going to enjoy these next three seasons very much.

Next Story: Unregenerate!


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AVG. Rating405 members
2.41 / 5

AVG. Rating292 votes
3.19 / 5

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DOCTOR: Ah, well… Every dogma has its day.

— Seventh Doctor, Time and the Rani

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Transcript Needs checking

Part One


(A series of energy bolts hit the TARDIS while it is in flight. We go inside to see Mel and the Doctor lying unconcious on the floor. The exercise bike collapses. An reptile-descended lifeform watches a rainbow swoosh across the sky then the TARDIS lands in a rocky landscape. The doors open and the Rani enters, carrying a ray gun.)

RANI: Leave the girl. It's the man I want. Take him to my laboratory.

(The Rani leaves, and her giant hairy bat servant rolls the Doctor over onto his back just as his features finish regenerating. Everyone say Hi! to my second-favourite Doctor - Sylvester McCoy.)

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