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Main Range • Episode 69

Three’s a Crowd

3.23/ 5 328 votes

Released May 2005
Written by Colin Brake
Runtime 110 minutes
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Space Station

On an almost lifeless planet in a remote star system, Earth Colony Phoenix is struggling to survive. The colonists, utterly dependent on transmat technology and unable to leave the security of their Habitat Domes, have developed severe agoraphobia... not to mention an inability to deal with visitors...

The TARDIS crew arrives on an apparently abandoned space station in orbit above the planet and soon discover that they and the remaining colonists are in the gravest danger.

To survive, the Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem must uncover the colony's darkest secrets before it is too late.

Something inhuman is stalking the colony...

...and it's hungry!

Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.