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First aired

Saturday, April 27, 1968

Production Code


Directed by

Tristan DeVere Cole


150 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Base Under Siege, Robots, The Doctor’s Name

Location (Potential Spoilers!)



The TARDIS materialises on board a spaceship, the Silver Carrier, where the Second Doctor and Jamie are attacked by a servo robot. Jamie contacts a nearby space station known as the Wheel and they are rescued. Meanwhile, the Silver Carrier discharges Cybermats, which also travel to and enter the station. These pave the way for the invasion of the station by Cybermen, who intend to use its direct radio link with Earth as a beacon for their invasion fleet.

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6 Episodes

Episode 1  Missing

First aired

Saturday, April 27, 1968


25 minutes

Directed by

Tristan DeVere Cole

UK Viewers

7.2 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Jamie arrive on a mysterious spacecraft whose only occupant is a dangerous Servo Robot.

Episode 2  Missing

First aired

Saturday, May 4, 1968


25 minutes

Directed by

Tristan DeVere Cole

UK Viewers

6.9 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Jamie are brought aboard the Wheel where Jamie is horrified to learn the crew plan to destroy the Silver Carrier with the TARDIS on board.

Episode 3

First aired

Saturday, May 11, 1968


25 minutes

Directed by

Tristan DeVere Cole

UK Viewers

7.5 million

Appreciation Index



Jamie sabotages the Wheel's x-ray laser, unknowingly giving the Cybermen an opportunity to reach the Wheel.

Episode 4  Missing

First aired

Saturday, May 18, 1968


25 minutes

Directed by

Tristan DeVere Cole

UK Viewers

8.6 million

Appreciation Index



The Cybermen instruct their human slaves to smuggle them onto the Wheel while the Doctor attempts to convince Bennett of the threat they pose.

Episode 5  Missing

First aired

Saturday, May 25, 1968


25 minutes

Directed by

Tristan DeVere Cole

UK Viewers

6.8 million

Appreciation Index



The Cybermen gain control of more members of the Wheel crew and the Doctor realises the only way to stop them is for Jamie and Zoe to make a dangerous space walk.

Episode 6

First aired

Saturday, June 1, 1968


25 minutes

Directed by

Tristan DeVere Cole

UK Viewers

6.5 million

Appreciation Index



Jamie and Zoe attempt to recover the time vector generator while the Cybermen realise the Doctor is on the Wheel and make him their prime target.


How to watch The Wheel in Space:


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4 reviews

“Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority.”


Un dernier faux pas pour la saison. 

On peut au moins louer la caractérisation de Zoé, mais le reste est tellement dispensable que même avec ses qualités, The Wheel in Space ne décolle pas vraiment. 

Ceci dit la première partie est particulièrement intéressante, car c’est du pur Hartnell, avec des personnages qui explorent un vaisseau et un développement intelligent. 

Mais j’aurais quand même presque aimé que l’histoire soit plus courte, plus intense, car ici ça traîne trop et pour rien.


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While it is rather slow to get started, once it does, it moves along at a decent pace. While not the most complex or action packed serial, there was enough here to keep me engaged the entire time. The whole cast of characters is interesting and has a part to play in the overall story.

While the Cybermen voices are still in the bad era, their presence in this story is welcome and rather well done. Zoe also fits right in with the regular cast.

The recon was rather well done. As much as I appreciate Loose Cannon, they can't compete with the official releases.


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II'm still none the wiser as to why any of The Wheel's crew trust The Doctor and co. Especially after Jamie's act of sabotage. The fact that they are not locked up on the spot as people opposed to the space program is perhaps the most surprising element of this story. Once you get beyond this there is a somewhat enjoyable, if a bit mixed end to Troughton's second season.

I'm really glad that Jamie and The Doctor are phased by Victoria's absence at the start of the episode and that we get a shot of Victoria looking towards the TARDIS. I';m always delighted when these early companions get treated with the reverence they deserve. "Doctor what do you think Victoria is doing now?" The Doctor gives some sage advice as always.

Jamie and The Doctor continue to be wonderful together. I don't know if there has ever been a more natural and pally Doctor/companion relationship before or since. You truly believe that they trust each other with their lives.

The quick setting plastic is a strong device. I especially like when The Doctor x-rays it to reveal a cybermat! I'm also a huge fan of the on-board lava lamps - an essential for any future spaceship.

The Cybermen are wonderful enemies; I can only imagine the young audience's excitement at the time to see these monsters return. This is the first time they have felt like part of the furniture. Thank God this show managed to create another alien force (almost) as iconic as the Daleks.

Zoe is a dream of a new companion and a lovely contrast to Victoria. Victoria was lovely but Zoe definitely takes a more active role in this adventure. Its great that she is so determined to join the team that she stows away in the TARDIS and takes images of the Daleks in her stride.


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Zoe a new take on the doctors companions for the first time one that’s smarter then him at times but both having much to learn from each other apart from that and giving us the best classic cybermen design it’s not that great


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2.95 / 5

AVG. Rating344 votes
3.55 / 5

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DOCTOR: Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority.

— Second Doctor, The Wheel in Space

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Transcript Needs checking

Episode One


JAMIE: We can't just leave her.
DOCTOR: We're not leaving her, Jamie. It was her decision to stay. She'll be perfectly all right with the Harrises. Now don't worry so much.
JAMIE: I'm not, I'm just. Och, come on, let's go.
DOCTOR: Well, where would you like to go?
JAMIE: I couldn't care less.
DOCTOR: I was fond of her too, you know, Jamie.

(The TARDIS dematerialises and Victoria's image fades from the screen. Later in the flight, Jamie is dozing in a chair.)

DOCTOR: Jamie, we're landing. Jamie!
DOCTOR: We're landing!
DOCTOR: Let's have a look at the scanner, shall we?

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