Stories Television Doctor Who Season 4 Classic Who S4 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Tenth Planet 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Episode One [Tracking room] (The Zeus 4 probe blasts off from Earth, it's two man crew on a routine atmospheric testing flight. The spacecraft is tracked from the underground control room of Snowcap Base at the South Pole. Here the team of international scientists and technicians is led by a physicist, Doctor Barclay, although the base itself is under the military command of General Cutler, an American who takes his orders directly from Geneva HQ.) GENEVA [OC]: Handing Zeus 4 to Polar base. Will you take control now, please?CUTLER: We have Zeus 4. Thank you, Geneva.DYSON: (bald) Snowcap to Zeus 4. Over to local control channel J for Jimmy.WILLIAMS [OC]: Over to J for Jimmy now.CUTLER: Good morning gentlemen. You lucky devils. Have a nice trip.SCHULTZ [OC]: (Australian) Why not come up and join us?CUTLER: The penguins might miss me. Take over, will you, Barclay? (Barclay is bespectacled and bearded.) BARCLAY: Sir. Dyson, give Texas Tracking the next orbital pattern, will you?DYSON: Right, will do.BARCLAY: Snowcap to Zeus 4. Morning, Blue, morning, Glyn. How do you read me?SCHULTZ [OC]: Loud and clear, Snowcap, loud and clear. Hey, we have a great view of your weather. How is it your end?BARCLAY: There's a blizzard and an eight force wind. Repeat your velocity for ground check please. [Zeus 4] SCHULTZ: Well, let's see. We have 18,250 at 0132.WILLIAMS: (African American) Williams coming in. Cosmic management is now complete. Are you ready to receive data?BARCLAY [OC]: Go ahead.WILLIAMS: Okay, Bluey, let him have it. Are you receiving it?BARCLAY [OC]: Yes, A one okay. [Guard room] (Below pin-ups of of young ladies in a state of undress, a young Italian private is reading a comic book and singing La Donna E Mobile. His American sergeant is peering into a periscope) SERGEANT: Man, it's blowing like crazy out there. All I can see is snow, snow and more snow. (On the surface, the blocky periscope protrudes a metre or so up out of the freezing ground, not far from the squat chimneys, aerials and access hatches that are the only external evidence of the base. As the periscope tracks slowly round, it misses the sight of a blue police box materialising a short distance away.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Quite an arctic storm blowing out there. Come along, Polly, my child, with my cloak. (Ben is zipping up a parka, and Polly has found a fur coat and hat) POLLY: Hey Doctor, you've got the most fantastic wardrobe.DOCTOR: Yes, well I'm glad you approve, my child.POLLY: These are gorgeous. Where do you shop, Carnaby Street?BEN: Who do you think you are, Nanook of the North or something?DOCTOR: Oh now, now, now. Stop being so flippant. We don't know what we're in for outside there. Now come along, come along, come along.POLLY: There you are, Doctor. Are you sure you're going to be warm enough?DOCTOR: Oh, like toast my dear. Now, did you find everything you want?POLLY: Yes, thanks.DOCTOR: All right, well let's go outside and investigate. Go along. [South Pole] POLLY: The Doctor was right about this being the coldest place on earth. I'm freezing already.BEN: Yeah.POLLY: Hey, what's this?BEN: Well, watch it Polly.POLLY: It's some kind of an aerial. There must be something buried underneath here. Hey, look over there. There's something moving.BEN: Don't touch it, Polly. It looks like some kind of periscope.POLLY: Is there some kind of a submarine or something down there? [Guard room] (The Sergeant gazes through the periscope in disbelief.) SERGEANT: Hey Tito, will you come over here?TITO: Oh, what is it?SERGEANT: Come over here, quick. I can see people!TITO: Sure, sure, lots of people.SERGEANT: And there's a woman.TITO: A woman. A woman? Hey! (Everyone pays attention.) TITO: Come on. (looks through the periscope) Hey, hey! Mama Mia. Bellissima. (He's looking straight at Polly. The Sergeant takes the periscope back and moves it around to see the TARDIS.) SERGEANT: Looks looks like some kind of a hut. Quick, take those small arms. Get upstairs and get bring them down. Get moving! [South Pole] (Moments later, the Doctor, Ben and Polly are surrounded by armed guards.) BEN: I think we'd better go with them. (They all climb carefully down through the trapdoor.) [Guard room] (Down the spiral metal staircase.) SERGEANT: Move it. Come on. Hurry up. Come on. Let's go, let's go. Come on, pops, will you move it? Will you move it, pops? Let's go, come on!DOCTOR: Please stop that. Please, please stop that.SERGEANT: Just a moment, pops. Now, who are you, and what are you doing here?POLLY: Oh, we just landed outside.SERGEANT: What in?POLLY: Well it's a sort of spaceship actually.TITO: Ha ha! Some spaceship, boss!SERGEANT: You can knock off the jokes.BEN: She's not joking.SERGEANT: Look buddy, I want the truth, and quick.DOCTOR: Can you tell us precisely where we are, please?SERGEANT: You're at the South Pole base of International Space Command, and frankly, popsDOCTOR: Doctor.SERGEANT: Doctor, your story's gonna have to be awful good.POLLY: So you mean we are on Earth?BEN: Well you heard, the South Pole.SERGEANT: Oh boy. Tito, get the CO.TITO: He's a-not going to like it.SERGEANT: Get him!DOCTOR: Why don't you speak up, I'm deaf! (sotto) Who's the CO?BEN: The Commanding Officer, the boss. (Tito gets on the telephone.) TITO: Hallo, sir? Private Tito, duty guard here. Could you give a message to the General please?BEN: General?SERGEANT: General Cutler, the CO.TITO: Sir? I know, but this is an emergency! What's that? The General's not there? Well can-a you tell me where he is then?CUTLER: Right here, Private. What is it, Sergeant?SERGEANT: Ah, well, sir.CUTLER: Who are these people?SERGEANT: Well sir, they just appeared outside.CUTLER: What?SERGEANT: Yes, sir, as I said they just appeared. From a hut.CUTLER: A hut?SERGEANT: Yes, sir. Never been there before.TITO: That's a-right General. That's just the way it happened.CUTLER: Well? Who are you?BEN: Able seaman Ben Jackson, sir, Royal Navy.CUTLER: Then why aren't you with your ship?BEN: That's a bit difficult to explain, sir.CUTLER: Yeah, I'll bet my sweet life it is.DOCTOR: We don't intend you any harm, General, I can assure you of that.CUTLER: You can assure me of what you like but whether I'll believe you or not is another question. I haven't got time to deal with these now, but when I do you'd better have a good explanation.DOCTOR: I don't like your tone, sir.CUTLER: And I don't like your face, nor your hair. Sergeant, bring them into Tracking and put them under guard in the Observation room. I'll deal with them as soon as I have time.SERGEANT: Yes, sir! [Tracking room] (Cutler enters, closely followed by the Sergeant, Tito and his prisoners. The Doctor, Ben and Polly are shepherded through the room into the adjoining observation area.) TITO: OK, come on, move, avanti, avanti, svarro.CUTLER: All right, all right. Don't sit there like a lot of frustrated penguins. Get on with it. [Observation room] POLLY: Hey, isn't it smashing. It looks just like that rocket place in America.BEN: Yeah, but I wonder why there are so few people. I mean it's not like what you see on the telly, is it?SERGEANT: I don't know what you see on your TV, son, but this is General Cutler's outfit. Come on, you'd better take a seat. (Ben and Polly sit down.) SERGEANT: He don't like a lot of personnel. Cuts down to the bare minimum and works them right into the ground. We only spend a couple of months on this station anyway. We can't stand more than that. (The travellers take off their coats.) POLLY: I see. Hey, perhaps we can catch a lift back to England.BEN: Oh, I can't see the squire there giving us a free lift anywhere.DOCTOR: Well, I don't want to depress you both but I'm afraid we're not quite where you think we are.BEN: What do you mean?POLLY: What?DOCTOR: Well, just take a peek at that. (A calendar on the wall shows December 1986.) POLLY: 1986! Oh no, and I thought we'd be able to get home.BEN: Yeah, we're still at sea. Here, but that'll explain the few people. Them computers must do all the work now. Here, I wonder if they got to the moon yet.SERGEANT: Sure, don't you listen to the news?BEN: You mean you have sent people to the moon?SERGEANT: Yeah, an expedition just returned.POLLY: Well, what's this flight then?SERGEANT: Oh, this is just a normal atmosphere testing probe.DOCTOR: Yes, I see. A rocket testing site. (The Sergeant presses the intercom button.) SERGEANT: Hey, what's that?BARCLAY [OC]: An error? Where? [Tracking room] WILLIAMS [OC]: Looks bad. We're now over South Island New Zealand and reading a height of 1100 miles.BARCLAY: 1100? But that's impossible! Dyson, check what it should be, will you?DYSON: It should be 980.BARCLAY: No, it can't be. Let me try.DYSON: Let me do it.BARCLAY: No, you're right. 980 miles? They're out of position by more than a hundred miles!DYSON: Looks like it.BARCLAY: Snowcap to Zeus 4. Can you read me?WILLIAMS [OC]: Zeus 4 to Snowcap. Strength 8, over.BARCLAY: Take visual checks on Mars to establish position. Report back.WILLIAMS [OC]: Will do, out. [Zeus 4] WILLIAMS: Did you get that, Dan?SCHULTZ: Yeah.WILLIAMS: Okay, go ahead. Should be about 4-2-0. (Checking through the telescope.) SCHULTZ: No. It's 4-3-2.WILLIAMS: It can't be. Try again.SCHULTZ: I am.WILLIAMS: Come on, shake it up. We'll be back in sunrise in a bit.SCHULTZ: Cut it out, Glyn.WILLIAMS: Did you read conversation?BARCLAY [OC]: Yes. We're getting a Mars fix too. Call back.SCHULTZ: Hey, Glyn?WILLIAMS: Yeah?SCHULTZ: Well, er, take it easy but, erWILLIAMS: Come on, come on, what is it?SCHULTZ: It wasn't Mars I had.WILLIAMS: Well that explains it, doesn't it. Come on now, Dan, try again.SCHULTZ: No, listen, Glyn, there's something else out there.WILLIAMS: What do you mean?SCHULTZ: There's another planet out there!WILLIAMS: Another planet?SCHULTZ: Yeah.WILLIAMS: Yeah, you're right. There is something. I can't see properly but it reads as if it was in orbit between Mars and Venus.SCHULTZ: Yeah, that's it. Funny how I can't put me finger on it but it looks kinda familiar.WILLIAMS: Yeah.SCHULTZ: Came the dawn.WILLIAMS: Yeah. Well, I guess we've had enough Earth observations for a bit. Hello Snowcap. Hello Snowcap. We're now in dawn over San Francisco. Can you get the subject from where you are?BARCLAY [OC]: Snowcap to Zeus 4. You are very faint. Put up your power output please.WILLIAMS: It is up.BARCLAY [OC]: Reading you strength 3. Come in, please.WILLIAMS: Repeat, can you get the subject on your retina scope?BARCLAY [OC]: Can do.WILLIAMS: Hey. Hey, Dan. That's odd.SCHULTZ: Yeah?WILLIAMS: Fuel cells are showing a power loss.RADAR: I've found it, sir. [Observation room] (The Doctor has written something on a piece of paper from his notebook.) DOCTOR: Here we are. Well now, excuse me, my dear. Take this to your General please.SERGEANT: Me? You crazy?DOCTOR: Very well, then, take me to the General. I think perhaps I can help him.SERGEANT: Oh, I don't know.DOCTOR: Now look here, Sergeant. This is urgent. I insist. [Tracking room] SERGEANT: General, sir.CUTLER: Yes, what is it?SERGEANT: The old boy would like to have a word with you. Claims it's urgent.CUTLER: Okay, bring him over. But make it fast.DOCTOR: I think I know what you are going to see.CUTLER: How can you possibly?BARCLAY: What? (Barclay takes the paper and puts it in his back pocket.) CUTLER: Oh, get him back over there.DOCTOR: I've written down here what he will see. Now take your hands off me, please. (The Doctor is hustled away again.) DYSON: Barclay. It's not very clear but it's a planet all right.CUTLER: How could it be? Planets don't just appear.BARCLAY: It must be on an oblique orbit.DYSON: It's approaching quite fast. Barclay, couldn't it beBARCLAY: I know what you're thinking. Zeus 4 is out of orbit and a new planet has appeared. Therefore the new planet is influencing Zeus 4. Right?DYSON: That's about it.BARCLAY: We must get them down.CUTLER: An emergency splash zone?BARCLAY: Yes. Snowcap calling Zeus 4, come in please. Zeus 4, come in please. Do you read me?WILLIAMS [OC]: Yes, we read you loud and clear.BARCLAY: You are strength 2 only. Come in, please. Speak up.WILLIAMS [OC]: Fuel cells are showing a power loss.BARCLAY: Power loss? How much?WILLIAMS [OC]: Main tanks are down approximately [Zeus 4] WILLIAMS: Twenty percent.BARCLAY [OC]: We are going to bring you down.WILLIAMS: Roger. We need coordinates to correct orbit.BARCLAY [OC]: Stand by.SCHULTZ: What the heck's going on, Glyn?WILLIAMS: I don't know. Let's get down there and find out.SCHULTZ: Yeah.BARCLAY [OC]: Snowcap to Zeus 4, corrected co-ordinates are 0-0-4-8-2-0-8-2-3.WILLIAMS: Right. We're now correct. Out. Ready on attitude test, Bluey?SCHULTZ: Ready.WILLIAMS: Okay, go. (Schultz pushes the aircraft style controls forward.) WILLIAMS: Again. (Schultz triggers a second thruster burst. Suddenly the craft lurches to one side.) SCHULTZ: Look, look! (Through the porthole the horizon can be seen spinning crazily.) SCHULTZ: We're tumbling!WILLIAMS: No! Use the manual controls!SCHULTZ: I can't. (They both pull on the lever.) WILLIAMS: Come on. Come on. (Finally it works. They are exhausted.) WILLIAMS: What the heck's going on? I feel absolutely clamped down.SCHULTZ: It's like something's sucked out all the power out of my body. [Tracking room] CUTLER: Zeus 4 will splash down at 14.45 your time.DYSON: Thank you, keep checking.CUTLER: Yes? Yes, all helicopters to area 6 immediately.DYSON: Hello, Rome computer base. Final descent path please. Compute and report.BARCLAY: Snowcap to Zeus 4. Your flight path is now correcting.SCHULTZ [OC]: Power loss is increasing and something's happened to our limbs. We're both finding great difficulty in moving.BARCLAY: Well, you've been up there a fair time. It's probably just space fatigue.SCHULTZ [OC]: No, it's quite different. We had to operate the manual controls together. Neither of us could have done it alone.BARCLAY: Well, I, er, we have your descent path now. [Zeus 4] WILLIAMS: You'll have to bring us in this time round. We can't hang on any longer.BARCLAY [OC]: You must! We can't bring you in this time. You'll overshoot.SCHULTZ: We'll never make it, Glyn.WILLIAMS: Yes, we will, Bluey. Come on now. We'll check the re-entry controls. Ready?SCHULTZ: Yeah.WILLIAMS: Retros 1 and 3.SCHULTZ: Okay.WILLIAMS: Main chute cover.SCHULTZ: Yeah.WILLIAMS: Heat shield bolts.SCHULTZ: Right.WILLIAMS: Hey. Hey, Bluey, what do you make our position?SCHULTZ: We're swinging out again!WILLIAMS: Emergency! Emergency! We've lost flight path again. Give correction, please. Urgent! [Tracking room] BARCLAY: Will do. Stand by. It must be the planet. Its gravity is affecting the capsule.DYSON: What shall we do about it?BARCLAY: Well, first of all we must give Zeus 4 a new correction path. Will you do that?DYSON: Right away.BARCLAY: You try and get a better fix on that so-called planet and see what it is.TECHNICIAN: Right sir.CUTLER: It's clearer now. [Observation room] BARCLAY: You say you know what this planet is. Well, what is it?DOCTOR: Well I'm not quite sure, sir. Let me have another look into this instrument.DYSON [OC]: Zeus 4, Zeus 4, can you hear, over?BARCLAY: (intercom) Feed the retina scope into the observations room monitor.CUTLER: Look, Doctor Barclay, let's just get those boys down.DOCTOR: General, General, yes, it's just as I thought. Come and have a look at these land masses.CUTLER: Land masses? I don't see. I see what you mean.DOCTOR: Now, doesn't that remind you of anything?CUTLER: Remind? No, I don't think so.BEN: Yeah, it looks familiar somehow.POLLY: Yeah. Hey, Ben, look, that bit looks just like Malaysia!BEN: Oh, give over. No, hang on, isn't that? Well it looks like South America. But it can't be though!BARCLAY: But there is a similarity. (They appear to be seeing the globe spinning with the north pole at the bottom.) CUTLER: Nonsense, how could there be?BARCLAY: This is unbelievable. That's surely Africa?POLLY: Yes, certainly, and that is Malaysia!CUTLER: Ridiculous. There must be some reflection off Earth.BARCLAY: No, it can't be, there's nothing to reflect on.DOCTOR: And now, my dear Doctor Barclay, I suggest you look at that piece of paper I gave you.BARCLAY: Paper? Oh yes. (reads it) You knew!DOCTOR: Certainly.CUTLER: Knew what?BARCLAY: He has correctly written down what we have just seen and he did it before we saw it.CUTLER: It's a simple confidence trick, that's all.BARCLAY: No, I know when he gave me the paper. Now you clearly know something more about the situation. Can you be more explicit?DOCTOR: Yes, sir, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can. You see, millions of years ago there was a twin planet to Earth andCUTLER: Oh, for heaven's sake! [Tracking room] DYSON: Roger, Zeus 4. We will give you more information. Over and out.CUTLER: Get me Geneva on the radio link.BARCLAY: I do think we ought to hear the old boy out.CUTLER: We'll see what Wigner has to say about this. [Observation room] POLLY: You're looking terribly worried, Doctor.DOCTOR: Am I my dear? Yes, I'm afraid I am rather worried.BEN: What is it Doctor? What's up?DOCTOR: Well you see, Ben, I know what this planet is and what it means to Earth.BEN: And what does it mean to Earth?DOCTOR: Well, that pretty soon we shall be having visitors.BEN: Visitors? What, here? Well, who do you think's bringing 'em, Father Christmas on his sledge?DOCTOR: Oh, quiet, boy, quiet! [Tracking room] CUTLER: ISC Geneva? Put me through to the General Secretary, immediately. Yes, that's right. [Observation room] DOCTOR: May I ask who that was?SERGEANT: You're late, soldier. I was due for my break five minutes ago. Doctor, you don't know nothing about what's going on. That's the Secretary General of International Space Command, Mister Wigner. [International Space Command] (Wigner sits at an impressive desk, a large world map on the wall behind him. His international staff work around him.) WIGNER: This is very hard to believe, General. Are you quite sure?CUTLER [OC]: Yes sir, there's no doubt at all.WIGNER: Very well. Just a moment please. Get on to Mount Palomar. Ask them to provide us with a picture as soon as possible. Contact Jodrell Bank and ask them to get an exact fix on this. We must have data, and quickly. Let me know the moment you have any more information, General. [Tracking room] CUTLER: I'll do that, sir, but there's one more thing.WIGNER [OC]: Yes?CUTLER: We have three intruders. [International Space Command] WIGNER: Intruders? At the pole? Where did they come from? [Tracking room] CUTLER: Well I haven't interrogated yet, sir, but one of them seems to know a good deal about this new planet. [International Space Command] WIGNER: How can he possibly know?CUTLER [OC]: I don't know but I'm going to find out.WIGNER: Do that. Relay at once any further information. [Tracking room] CUTLER: I'll do that sir. [Observation room] CUTLER: Now, suppose you tell me how you really came here.DOCTOR: Yes, well, I'm afraid all that's going to be rather difficult.CUTLER: Now just a minute. You turn up out of nowhere, a routine space shot goes wrong, a new planet appears and you tell us you know all about it. That puts you slap bang in the hot seat, right?DOCTOR: Hot seat?POLLY: But we've got nothing to do with it.CUTLER: That you're going to have to prove.DOCTOR: Well, I think if you allowed us to return where we came fromCUTLER: You're not going anywhere. (intercom) Sergeant?SERGEANT [OC]: Yes sir?CUTLER: Have you searched that hut yet?SERGEANT [OC]: No, sir, we haven't.CUTLER: Well, why not?! Look, I don't want any excuses, get out there and do it immediately. Now, perhaps we'll get to the bottom of this. [Guard room] SERGEANT: Come on, Tito, we have to go break into a hut.TITO: What, that thing out there?SERGEANT: Yeah, that's right. Come on, hurry up and get dressed up.TITO: Oh, mama. [South Pole] (A small flying saucer lands a little way from the base. The Sergeant and Tito clamber up through the trapdoor onto the surface and go over to the TARDIS. The Sergeant can't open the doors.) SERGEANT: It's no good, Tito, we'll need a welding torch to get inside this thing. Get back inside and bring me out one. You'll need some help, okay?TITO: Okay.SERGEANT: Hurry up, will you, before I freeze to death. (Tito leaves. Three tall shiny figures approach.) SERGEANT: What the heck? Tito? Is that you, Tito? What's going on here? Who is that? Who the heck are you? (The Sergeant fires his gun twice point blank at the lead silver giant. It hits him across the neck.) [Guard room] (Tito has got the torch.) TITO: Okay Joe, that should do it. Okay, let's go. [South Pole] (Tito and Joe head to the TARDIS.) TITO: Hey, here it is, Sarge. Hey, sir, what's going on? (The figure turns but it is not the Sergeant. Throwing off the jacket, it knocks Tito down as a second one takes out Joe. We get our first good look at these visitors. Bare human-like hands, silver suits with tubes and a box on the chest, and a blank masked face. A round device on the top of the head is fastened by tubes to where our ears would be.) Episode Two [Observation room] CUTLER: That's the most fantastic story I've ever heard.DOCTOR: I can only repeat, sir, what I have already told you. You will get visitors from that other planet.CUTLER: Nonsense. [Tracking room] CUTLER: What's the position on the capsule, Doctor Barclay?BARCLAY: Full instructions have been issued, General. I'm just doing the final ground check.CUTLER: What's the range?RADAR: 1250 miles, sir.CUTLER: How much off course?RADAR: About 230 miles.CUTLER: (unintelligible)RADAR: (unintelligible)CUTLER: I don't like it. Hello, Zeus 4. Cutler, Snowcap here. Now look, gentlemen, everything's under control, there's nothing to worry about. We're going to get you down here sure as God made little apples. (Williams is on monitor 5 and Schultz on monitor 4.) WILLIAMS [OC]: Okay.CUTLER: We'll be seeing you. (Barclay is taking a quick mouthful of drink.) CUTLER: All right, Doctor Barclay, this isn't a convalescent home.BARCLAY: All right.DYSON: Are you all right.BARCLAY: Yes. Ready?DYSON: Ready. [South Pole] (The three Cybermen - for it is they - put on the guards' parkas and move towards the trapdoor. The bodies are nearly covered in snow already.) [International Space Command] WIGNER: Get me Polar base.WOMAN: We are having trouble there, sir.WIGNER: Keep trying.WOMAN: Yes sir. (Wigner switches on a small television on his desk.) REPORTER [on screen]: And since it was first discovered at the South Pole rocket base [International Television News Studio] REPORTER: Reports have been coming in from observatories the world over confirming its' existence. (The reporter is passed a sheet of paper, which he reads from.) REPORTER: And here, straight from Mount Palomar observatory, is the first picture of our new neighbour in space. (The upside-down Earth with Australia at the top.) REPORTER: Some observers have reported that its land masses resemble those of Earth, but this is being hotly disputed in top astronomical circles and no general agreement has yet been reached.REPORTER: Jodrell bank, England, says the planet is approaching Earth but there is absolutely no cause for alarm. It won't come near enough to collide. [International Space Command] REPORTER [on screen]: So I repeat, there is no danger. (Wigner turns the television off.) WIGNER: Let's hope they are right. What about Polar base? Are you through?WOMAN: No, sir. We can't get them.WIGNER: What's happened?WOMAN: There's some interference, sir.WIGNER: What sort?WOMAN: Well, that's the trouble, sir. We don't know. It's enormously powerful and it seems to be coming from the base.WIGNER: We must get in touch with them. [Tracking room] BARCLAY: (into microphone) May I have your attention, everybody. This is very important, so please listen carefully. Final orbit commencing from base reference one is four minutes, ten seconds from now. Now, we've got a very difficult job on our hands and I want everybody to be on their toes all the time. If the capsule power falls too low I shall take over re-entry from here, and for that I want the entire team behind me. Now, base reference one commencing [Observation area] BARCLAY [OC]: Now.DOCTOR: Yes, they must bring them down.BEN: But why, Doctor?DOCTOR: Because they can't last another orbit. [Tracking room] (The Doctor storms in, then stops as he spots three pairs of silver boots entering from outside. He shakes the General's shoulder.) DOCTOR: It's imperative that I talk to you, General.CUTLER: Get away, old man. Can't you seeDOCTOR: (to Barclay.) You, will you pay attention? Will you?! (Cutler sees the three Cybermen and mistakes them for soldiers.) CUTLER: Get this man back into the Observation room. Sergeant, that was an order! Take that man back to the obs (The Cyberman takes off his parka. Polly screams. The other two Cybermen reveal themselves.) CUTLER: Back to your places. (Suddenly, the soldier who had been guarding the Doctor, Ben and Polly rushes towards the Cyberman with his gun raised. The Cyberman at the top of the landing aims a light device at him. Smoke comes from the guard's body, and he falls backwards to the floor.) [Observation room] POLLY: Oh. no!BEN: Come back, Polly. They'll blow your head off!DOCTOR: Hey! [Tracking room] CUTLER: Now look, I don't know who you are or what you are, but we've got two men in space. If we don't act now we won't get them back alive. (The Cyberman opens its mouth but does not move any lips as it speaks in a strange sing-song tone that puts emphasis in all the wrong places.) KRAIL: They will not return.CUTLER: Why not?KRAIL: It is unimportant now.CUTLER: But We must get them back! WhenKRAIL: There is really no point. They could never reach Earth now.POLLY [OC]: But don't you care?KRAIL: Care? No, why should I care? [Observation room] POLLY: Because they're people and they're going to die! [Tracking room] KRAIL: I do not understand you. There are people dying all over your world yet you do not care about them. (Polly rushes in, with the Doctor and Ben behind her.) POLLY: Yes, but we could avoid their deaths.KRAIL: You will be wondering what has happened. Your astronomers must have just discovered a new planet. Is that not so?BARCLAY: Yes, that's right.KRAIL: That is where we come from. It is called Mondas.BEN: Mondas?BARCLAY: Mondas? But isn't that one of the ancient names of Earth?KRAIL: Yes. Aeons ago the planets were twins, then we drifted away from you on a journey to the edge of space. Now we have returned.BEN: You were right, Doctor.BARCLAY: But who or what are you?KRAIL: We are called Cybermen.BARCLAY: Cybermen?KRAIL: Yes, Cybermen. We were exactly like you once but our cybernetic scientists realised that our race was getting weak.BARCLAY: Weak? How?KRAIL: Our life span was getting shorter, so our scientists and doctors devised spare parts for our bodies until we could be almost completely replaced.POLLY: But that means you're not like us. You're robots!KRAIL: Our brains are just like yours except that certain weaknesses have been removed.BARCLAY: Weaknesses? What weaknesses?KRAIL: You call them emotions, do you not?POLLY: But that's terrible. You, you mean you wouldn't care about someone in pain?KRAIL: There would be no need. We do not feel pain.POLLY: But we do. (Suddenly Cutler lunges to a desk and presses a button.) CUTLER: Ha, that'll fix you! Europe will know there's an emergency here now.KRAIL: That was really most unfortunate. You should not have done that. [International Space Command] WIGNER: Well, it seems to me there is a pattern. Number 1, a new planet appears. Number 2, the Earth is losing it's energy. Number 3, as the planet gets nearer, the energy loss gets worse. This in my mind connects the two. Exactly how I don't know, but aWOMAN: Sir!WIGNER: Yes, what is it?WOMAN: Emergency signal from the Pole, sir.WIGNER: What did they say?WOMAN: Well, nothing, sir. It went off again.WIGNER: Heavy static, emergency signal. Get them on the emergency microlink. [Tracking room] KRAIL: Switch on the radio and tell Europe that nothing further has happened and that all is well here.CUTLER: I'll do no such thing.KRAIL: That is an order.CUTLER: Go take a jump!KRAIL: Trigger pack. (Talon puts its hands on Cutler's head and he goes rigid. The Cybermen lay him down on a ledge by the stairs.) KRAIL: Stay where you are.POLLY: You've killed him!KRAIL: I have not killed him. He will recover. Now, someone must answer your commander in Europe. He is waiting.BARCLAY: I refuse.KRAIL: You.DYSON: Yes?KRAIL: Which are the communication controls?DYSON: They're over there.BARCLAY: Dyson! (Cyberman 1 walks over to the Zeus 4 monitors.) KRAIL: Stand aside.BARCLAY: What are you going to do? (Cyberman 1 hefts a light weapon.) KRAIL: You will see.BARCLAY: If you destroy those we shall be unable to keep contact with the capsule.KRAIL: Your commander is still waiting for your report.DYSON: For God's sake, Barclay, do as he asks. Do you want the place destroyed?BARCLAY: All right. Come in, Geneva.WIGNER [OC]: Snowcap. What's going on? We received an emergency from you on the microlink.BARCLAY: (stammering) It was a fault. We're looking at it now. I'm sorry about the false alarm.WIGNER [OC]: Where is this static coming from? We can hardly hear you, even on these bands.BARCLAY: It, well, I think it must have been the reactor. We had the moderator on for a time this afternoon and er, well, well that's probably it.WIGNER [OC]: I see. Contact us if you have any further reports on this new planet.BARCLAY: Yes, sir. (Transmission ends.) DYSON: Well done, Barclay. Now the space capsule will have another chance.BARCLAY: Now you must let us try and get in touch with our astronauts.KRAIL: I told you it is impossible for them to get back now. The pull of Mondas is too strong.BARCLAY: But you must let us try, please.KRAIL: It is a foregone conclusion. You are wasting time. However, if you wish to contact them I have no objection. He and his colleagues may use their equipment. Any attempt at deceit however, kill them at once. Remove the soldier. I will carry on detail.BARCLAY: Snowcap to Zeus 4, come in please. Zeus 4, come in please.WILLIAMS [OC]: We have you. Over.BARCLAY: Prepare to check orbital density.WILLIAMS [OC]: Ready.BARCLAY: As it was. (The Cybermen leave the soldier's rifle behind on the floor.) BEN: Right, Doctor. While they take him out, we'll make a break for it.DOCTOR: Hmm?BEN: We can get back to the TARDIS!DOCTOR: Well how can we do that, boy?BEN: Well, we can make a break for it down that corridor, to the trapdoor and then bolt it from behind.DOCTOR: Nonsense, nonsense, they'll burn us down in a flash.BEN: We can do with that for a start. (Ben picks up the rifle.) DOCTOR: No, Ben!POLLY: No, they'll see you. Ben, for goodness sake!KRAIL: Stop! Come here. (The Cyberman is aiming his weapon at Ben.) KRAIL: You do not seem to take us seriously. (The Cyberman takes the rifle from Ben and bends it.) BEN: Blimey!KRAIL: Take him out and look after him. It is quite useless to resist us. We are stronger and more efficient than your Earth people. We must be obeyed. [Projection room] (Ben is thrown into the room and the door is locked.) BEN: Locked! Oh, now where've they put me? (The reel to reel projector and the cans of film on the shelves rather give it away.) BEN: Oh great. A projection room! [Zeus 4] BARCLAY [OC]: You begin exactly 60 seconds from now. Are you ready to go?SCHULTZ: Yeah, ready.BARCLAY [OC]: Our readings here show that you need forward correction of 7 degrees.WILLIAMS: Yes, that checks. We'll correct with attitude control. Okay, Bluey, go ahead.SCHULTZ: Hello, Snowcap. We've reoriented capsule. Attitude now correct.BARCLAY [OC]: Retro rockets to go in 20 seconds. After I give you the time check you'll come in on your own. Right?WILLIAMS: Will do.BARCLAY [OC]: Ready. 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fire!WILLIAMS: Okay, Bluey, check velocity. I'll do ground check.SCHULTZ: We're not down to re-entry velocity.WILLIAMS: What?SCHULTZ: We're still at 14-5, we should be down to 11-2.WILLIAMS: We'll have to use the retros again. Quick man, quick!SCHULTZ: Fuel's gone.WILLIAMS: Hello Snowcap. Hello Snowcap, fuel's gone! Can't get back in! Any ideas? (Bluey puts on his spacesuit helmet.) [Tracking room] DYSON: Look at the radar now. They're accelerating!POLLY: Can't you do anything to help them?BARCLAY: No, the retro fuel's gone.DOCTOR: Terrible, terrible.RADAR: Emergency red and await instructions. I repeat, emergency red.DYSON: Their course is changing now, they're spinning out. The acceleration is enormous! [Zeus 4] (Smoke is bellowing out of everything. Glyn struggles to fasten his helmet on securely.) [Tracking room] DYSON: They're beyond escape velocity now. They can't possibly re-enter. (Monitors 1 + 2 flash white and then go blank.) POLLY: What happened?DOCTOR: I'm afraid the spaceship exploded, my dear.POLLY: You mean they're dead?KRAIL: Now perhaps you can see that your planet is in great and imminent danger. In order to save you we shall require information to be transmitted to Mondas.DOCTOR: Save us?POLLY: What about those poor men?KRAIL: Perhaps you will co-operate. Mondas drew the ship away. It was unavoidable.DYSON: Why? What is happening?KRAIL: I will require your name. (The Cyberman walks to Dyson and holds a small microphone towards him.) DYSON: Tell us!KRAIL: The energy of Mondas is nearly exhausted and now we turn to it's twin and will gather energy from Earth.BARCLAY: But but!DOCTOR: Gather energy?!KRAIL: Age, name and occupation.BARCLAY: But for how long?DYSON: My name is John Dyson, supervising engineer.KRAIL: Until it is all gone. Age.DYSON: But that means that the Earth will, will die!KRAIL: Yes. Everything on Earth will stop. Age, please.BARCLAY: But you can't calmly stand there and tell us we're all going to die!KRAIL: You are not going to die.DOCTOR: And how are you going to stop this energy drain from Mondas?KRAIL: Name and occupation please. We cannot. It is beyond our powers.DOCTOR: How are we going to survive?!KRAIL: Speak please. By coming with us. Age.BARCLAY: With you?KRAIL: Yes. We are going to take you all back to Mondas. Your age please.DOCTOR: His age is unimportant here!BARCLAY: That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life!DOCTOR: You cannot for one moment [Projection room] (Ben tests a screwdriver against a tabletop.) BEN: Oh, I can just imagine trying to tackle one of them geezers with a screwdriver. (He looks at the projector.) BEN: Hey, wait a minute! If I was to turn this on the door, it might blind him! Yeah. (Ben turns off the lights, then turns on the projector. An old western appears.) BEN: Hah! I saw that film twenty years ago. (With the film lined up on the top of the door Ben starts banging on it.) BEN: Oy, come in here mate, you're wanted! Oy, come in here! (The Cyberman opens the door and cover its eyes. Ben grabs it's light weapon and backs away.) BEN: Now then, Fred!CYBERMAN: Do not resist. Give me that weapon. (The Cyberman is only six feet away from Ben.) BEN: I'm sorry, mate, I'm giving the orders here. Now look, get back. I'm telling you, get back! (The Cyberman raises his arm so Ben triggers the weapon.) BEN: You didn't give me no alternative! [Tracking room] BARCLAY: There's no scientific certainty that this is a dying planet.DYSON: Perhaps we'd prefer to take our chances here.KRAIL: You must come and live with us.POLLY: But we cannot live with you. You're, you're different. You've got no feelings.KRAIL: Feelings? I do not understand that word.DOCTOR: Emotions. Love, pride, hate, fear. Have you no emotions, sir?KRAIL: Come to Mondas and you will have no need of emotions. You will become like us.POLLY: Like you?KRAIL: We have freedom from disease, protection against heat and cold, true mastery. Do you prefer to die in misery? (Cutler wakes up. Cyberman 2 has his back to him.) POLLY: But look, surely it's possible for us not to lose Earth's energy?KRAIL: It is inevitable.POLLY: Then you don't mind if we all die.KRAIL: Why should we mind?DOCTOR: Why? Why?!POLLY: Because millions and millions of people are going to suffer and die horribly!KRAIL: We shall not be affected.POLLY: Don't you think of anything except yourselves?KRAIL: We are equipped to survive. We are only interested in survival. Anything else is of no importance. Your deaths will not affect us. (Ben has arrived on the landing. Cutler signals for Ben to pass him the light unit.) POLLY: But I can't make you understand, you're condemning us all to die. Have you no heart?KRAIL: No, that is one of the weaknesses that we have removed. (Cutler fires the light weapon at Talon then Krail. They die.) CUTLER: All right, get me Geneva, quick! Come on, let's have some action. Get rid of these things.DOCTOR: I don't think you should have done that, General. We may have learned a very great deal.CUTLER: Yeah, we may have lost a very great deal. Our lives. (Cutler picks up the telephone.) CUTLER: Put me through to the General Secretary. Is Zeus 4 down yet?BARCLAY: I'm afraid we lost them, General. [International Space Command] WIGNER: We followed Zeus 4's last orbit from here. A terrible tragedy.CUTLER [OC]: Yes, sir, but I'm afraid that's not the hassle. We've had more visitors.WIGNER: Visitors?CUTLER [OC]: Yes, sir. They're part man, part robot. They come from this new planet, Mondas. Three of them broke into the base here and overpowered us.WIGNER: What's happened to them now?CUTLER [OC]: We overwhelmed them sir, but there'll be more on their way.WIGNER: Hold on, Cutler. Military bases all round the world must be put on immediate alert. Cutler, could you deal with another attack, with your limited resources?CUTLER [OC]: Yes, we can handle them.WIGNER: Good. Now, Cutler, we've got a special task for you. We sent up a single astronaut to help Schultz and Williams down. [Tracking room] CUTLER: When did you send him up?WIGNER [OC]: He was sent from Woomera at 14.59 hours.CUTLER: Yes? You want me to take over the tracking?WIGNER [OC]: Yes. Establish contact immediately. One other thing. This is a dangerous mission. We needed for a brave man, so we asked for volunteers.CUTLER: So?WIGNER [OC]: Your son volunteered. Cutler? Are you there?CUTLER: Yes, sir. Yes I'm here. You've sent my son to his death. You realise that, I hope.WIGNER [OC]: We'll bring him down.CUTLER: What about the loss of power? [International Space Command] WIGNER: His spacecraft has double the reserves of Zeus 4. [Tracking room] CUTLER: He's gonna need it.WIGNER [OC]: Good luck, General. [International Space Command] WIGNER: If Cutler is right, then we are probably going to fight the first interplanetary war. (Radio telescopes scan the skies, including Jodrell Bank and Goonhilly if I'm not mistaken.) [Tracking room] CUTLER: All right, that's the information, gentlemen. Now get cracking, and establish contact with it.ALL: Right, sir.BARCLAY: But surely, General.CUTLER: No buts. Get the information from computer, and let me know when you've got it.BARCLAY: Right-o. (Cutler picks up the phone.) CUTLER: Security? Major, I want the guard doubled on the main entrance. Use section 1. Yes, and section 2 to the flight exit and tracks. Section 3 to the fuel tanks, check them over, and double the guard on them. What's that? I don't care what sort of a rest they're on! Get them out there, and do it quick! I'll get some action here yet. Missile control? Programme all Cobra anti-missiles for launch imminent. Stand in readiness and await instructions.POLLY: What a ghastly man.BEN: Yeah, I wouldn't want him on the bridge.CUTLER: We'll soon have this place sealed up like a bottle.DOCTOR: I think you rather underestimate the Cybermen, General.CUTLER: Oh, that's what you reckon is it, old man? Well, you're entitled to your opinions so long as you keep them to yourself! You did well, boy, to kill that soldier.BEN: I had no choice.CUTLER: Oh, don't apologise. He's dead, isn't he?POLLY: He seems to be enjoying all this.CUTLER: What's that? What's that you said?POLLY: I said you seem to be enjoying all this.CUTLER: Look, missy, I've got a personal stake in this emergency. That's my son up in that capsule. And you know what happened to the last one.POLLY: I'm sorry.RADAR: Sir!CUTLER: Yes?RADAR: General Cutler, sir!CUTLER: Yes, what is it?RADAR: Strong signal on the early warning, unidentified.CUTLER: Well, identify it, man!RADAR: Yes sir, it's. There are hundreds of them, sir! (On the radar screen a big bunch of small blips has appeared.) CUTLER: Hundreds of what?RADAR: Spaceships sir. In formation!Episode Three [Tracking room] CUTLER: Spaceships. That means only one thing, more Cybermen. Dyson, see if you can get hold of Zeus 5. I want to speak to my son.DYSON: Trying now, sir. (The Doctor starts swaying and moaning.) BEN: What's the matter, Doctor?POLLY: Doctor, what's the matter? (The Doctor collapses in their arms. They lower him gently to the floor.) BEN: What's happened to him?POLLY: Ben, do something quickly.BEN: Yeah, he needs medical help and quick. General!CUTLER: Yes, what is it?BEN: It's the Doctor, he's passed out. He's ill!CUTLER: Look, I've got enough on my plate without worrying about him. Get him down to one of the cabins and look after him. You, give him a hand.TECH: Yes, sir.DYSON: Coming through now, sir.CUTLER: Good.DYSON: Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. How do you read me?TERRY [OC]: Zeus 5 to Snowcap. Reading you loud and clear. Over.CUTLER: Give me that. Hello, son. Zeus 5, are you experiencing any power loss?TERRY [on monitor]: Hey, that voice sounds familiar.CUTLER: Repeat, any power loss?TERRY [on monitor]: You sound very het up down there. Yeah, there's some loss of power when I'm in orbit on the same side of Earth as this new planet, but it picks up again on the far side. I guess I'm shielded there. What happened to Williams and Schultz?CUTLER: Well, er, you won't be meeting up and docking with them now. There's been a little trouble. So what we have to do is get you down now. [Bunk room] (Ben and Polly have settled the Doctor on a lower bunk bed.) BEN: Oh, a fine time he picks for a kip. Well, come on Polly, let's get back to the control room.POLLY: We can't leave him.BEN: He seems all right. His pulse and breathing are normal.POLLY: I don't understand it. He just seems to be worn out.BEN: Well, look, there's nothing we can do till the quack gets here anyway. Come on.POLLY: All right. [Tracking room] CUTLER: Yes, well, let me know if there's any change. Now look, son, we're getting readings on our screens down here of a large formation of spaceships. Seen anything up there?TERRY [on monitor]: Sounds kinda spooky. No, I've nothing to report so far.CUTLER: They're on your orbit about thirty miles below you.TERRY [on monitor]: No, I can't see anything, but it's pretty dark down there.CUTLER: Well keep your eyes open and report any sightings immediately, okay?TERRY [on monitor]: Check, sir.CUTLER: Now take care, son. We'll get you down as soon as we can. Out.DYSON: What do we do now?CUTLER: I only hope I'm right. Now listen, men, the situation as I see it is this. We've got three major problems on our hands. One, my son has been sent up on a foolhardy mission and we've got to get him down. Two, another visit from these creatures is almost a certainty. Three, the Earth is being drained of it's energy by this so-called planet Mondas or whatever it's called.DYSON: There's nothing we can do about any of them.CUTLER: That's where you're wrong, Mister Dyson, we can do something. We can destroy Mondas.BARCLAY: But that's impossible.CUTLER: Impossible is not in my vocabulary, Doctor Barclay.BARCLAY: And just how do you propose to do it?CUTLER: By using the Zee-bomb.BARCLAY: You can't do that!CUTLER: I can and I will.DYSON: What about the radiation effects on Earth?CUTLER: That's a risk we'll have to take.BARCLAY: But to use this bomb you'll have to get authority from Geneva.CUTLER: I'll get authority, fella, right now. Get me Geneva.BEN: What is the Zee-bomb?CUTLER: What is it? It's a doomsday weapon, Mister, and rightly primed it could split that planet in half. There are two or three at strategic positions round the globe. We have one of them and the means of delivering it to Mondas.BARCLAY: Secretary Wigner, sir.CUTLER: Secretary? [International Space Command] (Wigner is down to shirt sleeves.) WIGNER: Yes, General?CUTLER [OC]: The expected attack, sir. They've been sighted in force.WIGNER: Yes, I know. We've just got reports. They are coming in from all over the world. And to make matters worse, the energy drain is increasing rapidly. (to aide) Ouvrez les lignes des communications avec toute les (?) de monde. Allez-y.WOMAN: Toute de suite.WIGNER: Cutler, you must hold on as best you can. [Tracking room] CUTLER: Yes, sir. Request permission, sir, to take defensive action against this planet.WIGNER [OC]: What action?CUTLER: The Zee-bomb, sir. Mounted in the warhead of a Demeter rocket and fired at Mondas, it could destroy it. [International Space Command] WIGNER: We can't take the risk. This might have disastrous effects, both on Earth and the atmosphere. We would have to consult our top scientists. [Tracking room] CUTLER: But there isn't time for consultation. This is an emergency!WIGNER [OC]: We must know exactly what we are doing.CUTLER: But there isn't time, we'll have to take a chance! [International Space Command] WIGNER: No, General. You must take no precipitous action. This is quite out of the question. [Tracking room] CUTLER: Yes, sir. But do you do give me authority to take any action necessary against the Cybermen?WIGNER [OC]: Yes, of course. You must do all you can.CUTLER: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. (Cutler puts the phone down.) CUTLER: Right, gentlemen. Prepare to start the countdown.BARCLAY: But surely you haven't got the authority to use that bomb!CUTLER: Secretary Wigner has given me authority to take any steps necessary to stop the Cybermen.BEN: Yeah, but I bet that didn't include using the Zee-bomb!CUTLER: That is my order!BEN: Look, tell him he can't use this bomb, Barclay. We'll all go up with it!CUTLER: Now, look you. Ever since you came into this base you and that old man have poked your noses into things that don't concern you. Well, you've just done it for the last time. You, take them out of here and lock them up with the Doctor.POLLY: But just a minute, are you sure there's only one way of dealing with the Cybermen?CUTLER: As they are about to attack us, yes, I am sure.BEN: But there is another way. To wait.BARCLAY: I don't follow.BEN: Look, the Doctor said that it's not only Earth that's in danger, but that Mondas itself is in far greater danger. Otherwise, why have they bothered coming here?CUTLER: And just how did he figure that out? It's draining energy from the Earth, isn't it?BEN: Yes, but he said eventually it would absorb too much energy and burn itself out. Well, shrivel up to nothing. So all we've got to do is wait!CUTLER: Wait? Sure, wait until these Cybermen friends of yours get here and take over this planet. Oh no, mister, we're not going to wait. We're just going to accelerate the process a little. We're going to make it disappear just a little bit sooner, that's all.BARCLAY: But don't you see, General? A nuclear explosion on Mondas would deliver a terrific blast of radiation, enough to destroy all the life on the side of the Earth that's facing it. It might even turn into a sun, a sort of supernova. And it would certainly destroy the space capsule.CUTLER: That's a risk we'll have to take. So far as the capsule's concerned, Doctor Barclay, you are going to programme that bomb so that it hits Mondas at a time when my son's orbit has taken him to the far side of the Earth.BARCLAY: But there are no guarantees of success.CUTLER: I'm not arguing, Doctor.RADAR: They're coming in closer, sir.POLLY: I'm coming with you.BEN: No, love, you stay here.POLLY: But what about the Doctor?BEN: No, I'll look after him. Now look, You heard what Barclay said. I think he's scared, so work on him, get him on our side.POLLY: All right. (Ben is escorted out.) CUTLER: All right, Barclay, the bomb. Well?BARCLAY: You'll have to be present at the fusing, General. Dyson is not allowed to do it without you.CUTLER: Okay, Dyson, let's get on with it.POLLY: Can I stay and help?CUTLER: What do you think you could do?POLLY: Well, I could make some coffee or something.CUTLER: Oh, all right. I suppose we could do with some. Now, don't lose contact with my son, and keep track of those Cybermen. Let me know the moment an attack is imminent.R/T: Yes, sir. Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. (Cutler leaves.) [Bunk room] BEN: Doctor! Doctor! Oh, what's the use? There must be a way out of here somewhere. (Ben's penknife doesn't shift the lock.) BEN: Oh, they didn't make locks like that in 1966. (Ben spots the ventilation grill.) BEN: Hey, wait a minute. I wonder where this leads to? [Bomb assembly room] (Everyone is in protective masks and clothing.) CUTLER: Right, we'll fuse it now.DYSON: Yes, sir. (Dyson inspects the mechanism.) CUTLER: Well, come on Barclay. What are we waiting for?DYSON: Last minute checks, sir.CUTLER: This little baby's gonna solve all our problems.DYSON: Yes, sir.CUTLER: Well, at least you agree with me, Dyson.DYSON: If we get this away, do you think we stand any chance, sir?CUTLER: What do you mean? There's no alternative.DYSON: The old man could be right. It might be better to wait.CUTLER: Wait nothing. History is littered with guys who waited, and where did it get them? Nowhere.DYSON: There are the radiation effects. I mean, nothing is known, the results of this bomb could be quite fantastic.CUTLER: You've never talked so much since you came to the base, Dyson. What's the matter, you scared?DYSON: No, not exactly.CUTLER: Come on man, admit it. I am. I'm scared for that son of mine. That's why we've got to get this thing away, otherwise we'll never get him down. Well, come on you fellas. Time's short. Let's get moving.DYSON: We can start now.TECH: Sir.DYSON: Ready? Right. Seven, two, four, six, eight, eight, two. [Tracking room] BARCLAY: Well?R/T: Still can't raise Lieutenant Cutler, sir.BARCLAY: Well, keep trying, man. Keep trying.R/T: Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. Come in, please. (Static.) BARCLAY: Let me know the instant you hear from him.R/T: Yes, sir. Try via the Hawaii relay.TECH: Right.R/T: Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. Come in, please.POLLY: How do you like your coffee?BARCLAY: Oh, as it comes.POLLY: Are you trying to get in touch with General Cutler's son?BARCLAY: Look, you just keep your mind on making coffee, will you? I'm sorry, that was rude. You must be scared stiff with all this happening.POLLY: I am rather.BARCLAY: Well, try not to worry about it.POLLY: If Mondas turns into a sun and pours out deadly radiation, how much will it affect us?BARCLAY: I don't know. It may not affect us at all.POLLY: That's not what you said just now.BARCLAY: I know, but I'm not at all certain what would happen.POLLY: But what could happen?BARCLAY: Well, the radiation could affect us, and there'd be a certain loss of life. And the vegetation would, well, suffer badly for many years.POLLY: And you're prepared to just let this happen?BARCLAY: Well, what can I do? Cutler holds all the cards.R/T: 13 minutes to countdown, Doctor Barclay.BARCLAY: Right.POLLY: Can't we wait, fight off the Cybermen until Mondas is destroyed? It would probably mean the end of Cutler's son, but that's one life against millions.BARCLAY: Yes, but what can I do? If I don't follow the General's orders he's bound to, well, carry on on his own without me. You know, he's a very ruthless man.POLLY: Can't we pretend to follow his orders, but in fact make sure the rocket doesn't go off?CUTLER: Anything to report?RADAR: Yes, sir. The signal on the screen is still there, 1500 miles north north east. It's been stationary for the last ten minutes.CUTLER: Let me know the moment it starts to move.RADAR: Yes, sir.CUTLER: Any word from my son?BARCLAY: Can't seem to raise him, General.CUTLER: What?RADAR: The signal, sir, it's moving. Coming in fast, course 0-1-5.CUTLER: Where's it heading?RADAR: Straight for here, sir.BARCLAY: Cybermen?CUTLER: Must be.BARCLAY: Anti-missile batteries?CUTLER: No. No, I've got a better idea. We'll let them land and then ambush them with their own weapons. Put the whole base on red alert.R/T: Very good, sir. Now hear this. All base to red alert. Repeat, all base to red alert.CUTLER: Security? Major, put section one under snow camouflage and issue them with the captured Cybermen weapons. Report to me on R/T when complete. How long to countdown?BARCLAY: Ten minutes.CUTLER: They'll be here by then. We'll have to hold them off, then proceed as with a normal launching. (Cutler picks up the phone.) CUTLER: Yes?DYSON [OC]: Bomb's in position, sir. Will you check it now?CUTLER: Right. Just time before the battle commences. (Cutler leaves.) POLLY: (sotto) Quick, now's our chance.BARCLAY: For what?POLLY: To go and see Ben. We need the others to help. Hurry, before it's too late. [Bunk room] (Ben is trying to open the grill. Polly dashes in.) POLLY: Ben?BEN: Strewth, you gave me a turn then, duchess.POLLY: How is he?BEN: Oh, he's just the same. (Barclay enters.) BEN: The quack's been to see him. He says he'll be all right, though.POLLY: Doctor Barclay's going to help us.BEN: Oh, good. Now look, is there anything we can do to stop this rocket?BARCLAY: Well, it can be immobilised quite simply if we can get into the rocket silo.BEN: Well, can't you?BARCLAY: No, it's under constant guard. If I or anyone else tried to tamper with the controls we'd be discovered immediately.BEN: Well, is there any other way in?BARCLAY: No. Wait a minute.BEN: Well?BARCLAY: There is one way. I designed this part of the base. That ventilator shaft leads straight into the rocket silo. But I doubt if I could get into it. It'd be a tight squeeze.BEN: But I might. Though if it leads into the rocket silo, would I need a radiation suit?BARCLAY: No, the top part is screened. But there's a guard outside and an engineer checking instruments inside.POLLY: Well, couldn't we distract him, get him outside?BARCLAY: Perhaps. Now look, this is what you would have to do.BEN: Yeah. (Barclay draws a diagram on a pad of paper on the table.) BARCLAY: Along the side of the rocketBEN: Yeah.BARCLAY: Just level with the walkway, there is a panel marked Plug Servo Leads. You'll need a screwdriver.BEN: Well, I've got this knife.BARCLAY: Good. That will do. Now, unscrew the panel and inside you will see four small plugs. Take out any one of them and snip off a pin and put it back.BEN: What'll that do?BARCLAY: Well, the fuel pump pressure will fall to zero at blast off.BEN: You mean the engines won't work? But I mean, won't they discover it?BARCLAY: Not in six months. It's not the sort of fault they look for. (A klaxon sounds.) BARCLAY: The Cybermen. Now look, this is what you have to do. You come out of the ventilation shaft, down a ladder at the side. [South Pole] (Another Cybersaucer lands. Nearby, guards are hiding with just the Cyberweapons visible. A group of Cybermen approach and stop. The guards fire the weapons and take most of them out.) [Ventilation shaft] (Ben crawls along the shaft. He checks with Barclay's map and comes to the silo, where he can see a scientist going through a check list. Another scientist opens the door and summons his colleague out to meet with Barclay. Now the room is clear for Ben to unfasten the grill.) [Bunk room] POLLY: I do wish you'd wake up. (She hears a noise and gets into the top bunk, covering herself with the blanket. An armed guard checks that the two prisoners are present, then leaves.) [Rocket silo] (Ben gets the grill open. He goes over to the Servo Plug Leads.) [South Pole] (The three guards emerge from their hiding place near the TARDIS and collect the Cybermen's weapons.) [Tracking room] (Cutler is watching on a monitor.) CUTLER: Well, that's accounted for that lot. Tell them to bring the captured weapons down to the guard room.R/T: Sir.CUTLER: Barclay? Where's Barclay?DYSON: I don't know, sir. He wasn't here when I got back.CUTLER: Know where he went?DYSON: Maybe to the rocket silo.CUTLER: I wonder.DYSON: Burns, check my figures on the second stage booster.BURNS: Sir. [Corridor] (Outside the silo.) CUTLER: What are you doing here, Doctor Barclay?BARCLAY: General, I was just checking these with Haynes. [Rocket silo] (Cutler enters as Ben is half way inside the mechanism. He pulls him out and Ben falls backwards over the railing.) CUTLER: All right. Get him down to the tracking room. You, check that rocket. See if he's done anything.BARCLAY: I can explain this, General.CUTLER: Yes, I'm sure. Right now you're coming with me. I need you. We'll talk about this after that rocket's gone. [Tracking room] CUTLER: Now, listen. I am warning you. If that rocket doesn't take off for Mondas, if my son's life is in jeopardy because of him, I'll take the law into my own hands. And that goes for you too, Doctor Barclay. You'd just better make a good job of that launch. Okay, start the countdown.BARCLAY: Preliminary checks are not complete, General.CUTLER: See if you can get through to my son again.R/T: Snowcap to Zeus 5. Snowcap to Zeus 5. Come in, please.TERRY [OC]: Zeus 5 to Snowcap. Reading you loud and clear. Over.CUTLER: Give it to me. Son, Son, have you seen any sign of those spacecraft yet?TERRY [on monitor]: No, I haven't seen a thing, there's just me up here at the moment, all on my lonesome.CUTLER: Yeah. Well watch it. They move mighty fast.TERRY [on monitor]: Well, when are you going to bring me down?CUTLER: Well, we can't do it just yet, you'll have to hold on. We have to deal with Mondas first.TERRY [on monitor]: Hey, wait a minute. The capsule's getting a little slow on the controls.CUTLER: What about your power?TERRY [on monitor]: It loses and then picks up again.CUTLER: Yes, that's Mondas affecting it. Don't worry, son. We'll get you down just as soon as we're able.TERRY [on monitor]: Well, it can't be too soon for me.CUTLER: Good luck, son. Out.TERRY [on monitor]: Luck. I'm gonna need it.BARCLAY: All systems ready to proceed with countdown. Barclay speaking. Check in please. Silo control. (Polly is tending the bump on Ben's head from his fall.) POLLY: Ben. Ben, please wake up.TECH [OC]: Check.BARCLAY: Gantry team.TECH 2 [OC]: A1 Okay.BARCLAY: Fire control.TECH 3 [OC]: Check.BARCLAY: Fuel control.TECH 4 [OC]: Perfect. Check.BARCLAY: Search monitors.TECH 5 [OC]: Okay.BARCLAY: Bomb fuse team.TECH 6 [OC]: Completed. Check.BARCLAY: Booster guidance.TECH 7 [OC]: Check.BARCLAY: We are starting at T-minus two minutes, starting from now! (Ben comes round.) POLLY: Ben, are you all right?BEN: Who's that?POLLY: Shh, keep your voice down.BEN: What happened?POLLY: I'll tell you later.BARCLAY: Radar vectors check. T-minus 1-50 and counting.TECH [OC]: Check.POLLY: Did you manage it?BEN: Oh, my head. It's splitting!POLLY: Did you, Ben? Try and remember.BEN: I can't think.BARCLAY: T-minus 1-40 and counting. Clear silo. Booster giros on.TECH [OC]: Silo clear. We have a fault on range computer. Check circuits.BARCLAY: Stop the countdown!POLLY: Does that mean they've found the fault?BEN: I don't know!CUTLER: What's the matter with those range computers?BARCLAY: It's only a minor fault, General. Holding at T-minus 01-35.CUTLER: It had better be minor, Doctor Barclay.TECH [OC]: All clear.BARCLAY: Proceed with countdown. Starting from now.POLLY: It's still going to fire after all you've done.BARCLAY: T-minus 01-25. Raise the missile. (The rocket emerges from it's silo.) >BARCLAY: T-minus 1-5. Everyone out of silo area. Land lines away. (The rocket's gantry and cables retract.) BARCLAY: T-minus 50 seconds. Switch firing circuits to auto action.TECH [OC]: Will do.BARCLAY: Countdown timing to automatic.POLLY: We'll know if you succeeded in just a few seconds.TECH [OC]: T-minus 40 seconds. T-minus 30 seconds. T-minus 20 seconds. T-minus 10 seconds. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two. (Ignition. ) Episode Four (This episode exists as only audio with stills and some clips.) [Tracking room] (Ignition ends. The rocket has not lifted off.) POLLY: Ben, you made it. The rocket hasn't gone off. It didn't work. Now we've all got a chance of life.CUTLER: Your Cybermen friends may have a chance of life, but not you, sailor. Nor that old man. Now go get him up here.POLLY: But he's ill!CUTLER: He's gonna get worse. Get him up!DOCTOR: No need. I'm here.POLLY: Doctor!BEN: Doctor, are you all right?DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes. Your plan is foiled, sir. You cannot fire the rocket.CUTLER: You just arrived in time. Get over there.DOCTOR: I must protest.CUTLER: Move! Dyson, get through to Zeus 5!POLLY: What's happened to you, Doctor?DOCTOR: Oh, I'm not sure, my dear. Comes from an outside influence. Unless this old body of mine is wearing a bit thin.POLLY: What do you mean, wearing a bit thin?DOCTOR: Oh, don't worry child, don't worry, don't worry. Oh, let's have a look, dear boy. (Cutler is pointing his service revolver at Barclay.) CUTLER: Barclay, that rocket was sabotaged with your help. Now you're gonna get it off the ground again. I'm gonna give you one more chance or you're gonna get killed with them.BARCLAY: I can't fire this rocket, and neither can you.CUTLER: How long will it take you to refuel?BARCLAY: Long enough.CUTLER: All right, if that's the way you want to play it get up. Get up. Get up! Get over there.DYSON: I'm getting a signal, sir. From Lieutenant Cutler, sir.TERRY [on monitor]: I'm tumbling badly and there's little control left in the capsule. I must speak fast.CUTLER: Yes. Yes, go ahead, son.TERRY [on monitor]: This new planet, there's something strange happening.CUTLER: What do you mean?TERRY [on monitor]: Well it seems to brighten up like a sun and then darken again.DOCTOR: It cannot absorb much more energy.RADAR: Sir, Cyberman spaceships on approach path.CUTLER: Shut up, will you? Go ahead, son.TERRY [on monitor]: Hey, control's gone again. Energy loss severe It's like, it's like being on a switchback. I can't, I can't seem to (Transmission ends.) CUTLER: Get that signal back!DYSON: It's gone. Could be a power failure.CUTLER: Come on, man! Come on, Dyson, get that signal!RADAR: Sir, Cyberman ship on descent now!DYSON: Radio dead. It's hopeless.BARCLAY: The enemy will landing at any moment.DOCTOR: General!CUTLER: The enemy! The enemy! I'll tell you who the enemy is. You are the enemy. You.RADAR: The Cybermen, sir. They must have landed.CUTLER: You, you, you, you killed my son!DYSON: But, sir, they've landed!CUTLER: The only person I gave a care about in this whole world, and you killed him. So now I'm going to kill you and I'll start on you, Doctor. (Cybermen enter. Polly screams. Cutler opens fire but the Cybermen's response is faster. Cutler falls to the ground, dead.) KRANG: Silence. Anyone who moves will be killed instantly.DOCTOR: We owe you our lives. That man was going to have us shot.KRANG: Go with the others down there.BEN: There's gratitude for you. We save their grotty planet Mondas for what.KRANG: Saved Mondas? We do not believe you. We have seen a rocket missile aimed at Mondas.DOCTOR: That is so. We prevented it being fired at you. We helped you. Therefore, I suggest you help us.BEN: It's no use talking to these geezers.KRANG: And what do you ask in return for this?DOCTOR: Your planet is finished. It will disintegrate. We know why you came here, so why not stay and live with us in peace?KRANG: We will confer. Keep your places. Anyone who moves will be killed instantly.BARCLAY: Can we trust them?BEN: No, of course we can't.DOCTOR: We have no chance. We must play for time. Be quiet. Well, sir, what have you decided?KRANG: We cannot talk while that missile is aimed at Mondas. It must be disarmed first.DOCTOR: A moment, please. Are you able to disarm this rocket?BARCLAY: Well, yes, but, erDOCTOR: It will give us the time we need.BEN: The time for Mondas to burn itself out, you mean?DOCTOR: Yes, now quiet! We accept your terms. The warhead will be removed from the rocket.KRANG: It must be removed to below ground level.BARCLAY: Well, there's the radiation room. It's the deepest in the base.KRANG: That will do. And to make sure you do this, we will take two hostages. That girl will go to the spacecraft. You will stay here with us. You three must go to the rocket.DOCTOR: You must do as they say.BEN: Look, if you want a hostage, what about me?KRANG: You are needed to help with the warhead.BEN: Now, look here, you're not taking Polly.DOCTOR: Let me handle this, my boy!BEN: But Doctor!DOCTOR: All of you, go with Barclay.BARCLAY: But Doctor, I think it would be a good idea ifDOCTOR: Go. I think it is wiser.BARCLAY: Very well. Come on, Dyson.DYSON: Right.DOCTOR: You give me your word that this young girl will be returned to me when that bomb is safely stowed away?KRANG: Yes.DOCTOR: Very well, child, off you go. And don't forget your coat. I don't want you to get cold. [Cyberman ship] (In the Cybership, Polly is pushed into a small cabin.) POLLY: Ow! What are you going to do with me now? What kind of chair is that? It's horrible! Look, keep back! Keep away from me! (The Cyberman puts his hands on Polly's head and she falls unconscious. She is clamped into the chair.) [Tracking room] WOMAN [OC]: Geneva calling South Polar base. Geneva to South Pole.DOCTOR: Didn't you hear?WOMAN [OC]: Geneva calling South Polar base. Geneva to South Pole. Geneva to South Pole. Geneva to South Pole.DOCTOR: Hello Geneva, Geneva.WOMAN [OC]: Secretary Wigner to speak with General Cutler.DOCTOR: I'm afraid the General isn't here at the moment, and, er, I've been put in charge temporarily. [International Space Command] WIGNER: Who is that speaking?DOCTOR [OC]: I have no time to discuss it now, sir.WIGNER: Tell General Cutler there have been mass landings of Cybermen in many parts of the world. Who are you? (The office is full of Cybermen.) GERN: I am now Controller of the Earth. Resist us and you die. [Tracking room] GERN [OC]: You must proceed with your second objective.KRANG: We are proceeding according to plan.GERN [OC]: Report to me as soon as you are ready. We must have time to evacuate.KRANG: Unit Delta plus calling. Unit Delta plus calling. Unit Delta plus calling.DOCTOR: I do not understand your friend, sir. Evacuate? Surely you're not going to return to Mondas now?KRANG: We will not discuss our plans with you.DOCTOR: What is your second objective? It's quite obvious, isn't it? The destruction of the Earth! Ben! Barclay! Do not help them. [Radiation room] DOCTOR [on monitor]: They're going to use the Zed-bomb to destroy the Earth! (Ben, Barclay, Dyson and Haines are all clothed in protective radiation suits.) BEN: Did you all hear that?BARCLAY: Of course, it all makes sense now! We've allowed ourselves to be fooled by them.DYSON: We've just set them up nicely. Cutler was right, wasn't he? We should have used the bomb on them.BARCLAY: No, that might quite easily have led to something far worse.DYSON: Worse? We're just about to be blown to bits along with the entire population of the Earth, and you talk about something worse?BEN: Give over, mate. What he means is, while there's life there's still hope.DYSON: Seems to me we've just signed our own death warrants.KRANG [on monitor]: Check progress on the bomb.BEN: Quick! All look busy. Bring in number two line! Half a mo. The Doctor told us to play for time, right? And I've got an idea.DYSON: Marvellous.BEN: Well, you might at least hear it. I don't hear any bright suggestions coming from you two guys.BARCLAY: Go on.BEN: Well, any idea how strong these Cybermen are?BARCLAY: A rough idea.BEN: Yeah, well, they could lift a man like he was well, like he was a wrench, right?DYSON: Yes, well?BEN: Well, they're also pretty advanced geezers, way ahead of us.DYSON: What has this got to do with it?BEN: Well, that just it. With all this, why should they need us? Well, they could shift that bomb in half the time, so why get us to do it? Also, you notice they remain outside this door, looking at us all the time through the door. Well why?DYSON: This is just a waste of time.BARCLAY: No, wait a minute, I think I see what he's driving at. They use us because they daren't handle it themselves.BEN: Yeah, but the point is, why? Well, you're the scientists.BARCLAY: Don't you see, Dyson? It could that they're afraid of radioactivity.BEN: Let's get this one inside and see what it does to him. Now look, all lie down on the floor. Play dead.DYSON: This is ridiculous, games.BARCLAY: Well maybe, but it's worth giving it a try. Come on, lie down. (Barclay, Dyson and Haines lie on the floor.) BEN: Help! Help! Come in here, mate, there's something up! Help! (The Cyberman enters cautiously, but is overcome by radiation. Ben grabs his gun, shoves him outside and closes the door.) BEN: You see?DYSON: What did you do that for? We could have escaped!BEN: To where? We're okay right where we are.BARCLAY: And they can't set off this bomb while we defend this room.BEN: Right. So all we've go to do is sit tight and wait until Mondas breaks up like the Doctor said! Well, we've got them. Yeah, but they've still got the Doctor and Polly. [Tracking room] DOCTOR: Well, gentlemen, stalemate I think, don't you agree? Well now, what about a little talk?KRANG: You forget we can do what we like with all of you and the girl.DOCTOR: Oh, quite so, but I'm afraid that won't help save your planet, will it? [Radiation room] KRANG [on monitor]: Listen to me. This close proximity of our two planets means that one has to be eliminated for the safety of the other. The one to be destroyed will be Earth. We cannot allow Mondas to burn up. If you help, we will take you all back to Mondas with us. There you will be safe.BEN: Yeah? For how long?DYSON: It could be our only chance.BEN: The answer is no! We'll just sit tight here until Mondas breaks up. Now then, you'd better release the Doctor and Polly and send them down here. You're gonna need our help when Mondas is gone. [Tracking room] KRANG: Mondas will not burn up. Take the old man out to the spacecraft.DOCTOR: You will regret this.KRANG: Now we give you three minutes to start fusing the warhead. If you fail, you will never see your friends again. [Radiation room] BEN: That's really done it. What do we do now?DYSON: This is hopeless. We must do as they say.BARCLAY: Well, it could be a bluff.BEN: Yeah, how do we find out?BARCLAY: Well, we must stick to our plan and sit tight. There are millions of lives at stake.BEN: Yeah, but there must be something we can do. (Ben disconnects the communication system.) DYSON: What did you do that for? Now we can't communicate with them.BEN: No, and they can't spy on us either. Now this is what I think we should do. [Cyberman ship] (Polly and the Doctor are in the cage-chairs, with their hands fastened to a bar in front of them.) POLLY: Doctor? Doctor?DOCTOR: What is it, child?POLLY: Engines! They're not going to take off, are they?DOCTOR: No, no. Wait. The vibrations. Perhaps it's coming from Mondas.POLLY: What do you mean, Mondas?DOCTOR: This spacecraft receives its energy from Mondas. Perhaps it's absorbing too much.POLLY: Don't mean it's going to blow up, do you?DOCTOR: No, I don't know, child. It is an unknown power.POLLY: Doctor, I'm scared! [Radiation room] (Ben is looking at the tritanium feed cylinder.) BEN: What's it weigh then?DYSON: You're not thinking of carrying that thing around with you, are you?BEN: I'm not asking you. Can it be shifted, Doctor Barclay?BARCLAY: No, it would be an impossible task to use it as you intend using it.BEN: Well, just what is there in this room that is radioactive and that a bloke could carry?DYSON: Nothing. You're wasting your time and ours. And our three minutes is nearly up anyway.BEN: Think, sir. Is there anything behind here that's radioactive?BARCLAY: Well, yes, of course. That's the base nuclear reactor. It supplies all the power.BEN: Well what's it like? Is there anything that could be moved by hand?BARCLAY: Well, if we extracted the reactor rods they could be carried for a short distance, but it would be a very tricky operation.BEN: Well, it's our only hope. Come on.DYSON: Are you both quite mad?BEN: Look, Dyson, we're the sane ones. Do you really think those Cybermen intend to let us live?DYSON: They gave us their word.BEN: They just said anything they thought we'd listen to. They've got no feelings, remember? They told us that. So what's to stop them? Anyway, you might as well face it, mate, your number's up either way. So why not try, eh? We need your help anyway, okay? [Tracking room] JARL: Records, Krang.KRANG: Our planet is nearing saturation point. We must lose no time. Switch on the monitor. Their three minutes is up. We must hear their decision. What has happened? [Radiation room] (Dyson and Haines are extracting the fuel rods from the reactor, with Barclay behind them carrying a Geiger counter.) BARCLAY: Hold them away from yourselves. Gently does it, very gently. Stand by the emergency power switch. The lights will be fading any second now.DYSON: I suppose you realise there's only about an hour's supply of lighting and heating in the emergency batteries. Then we shall all freeze to death.BEN: If this don't work, mate, you needn't worry about the cold anymore. (Ben checks that the corridor is clear.) BEN: Okay, it's all clear. Quick! [Corridor] BEN: Dyson, you go up this end of the corridor. When you hear the Cybermen coming, come out behind them. Haines, you go round that corridor and do the same. Now look, I'll draw their fire, so when you hear the sound of this gun, start coming forward. Do you really think there's enough radiation in these two rods to trap them?BARCLAY: Just.BEN: Okay, come on. (Ben and Barclay go back into the Radiation room. Krang and Jarl are coming.) KRANG: Do not use this gas unless you have to. We need them alive and conscious. (Ben retreats to the others in the Radiation Room.) [Radiation room] BEN: They're coming. Quick! Behind the door.KRANG [OC]: Your three minutes is up. What is your decision? We shall be forced to kill you. We will give you one more chance to come out and give us the bomb.BEN: Come in and get it! (The Cybermen start to pump gas into the room.) BEN: There's something else down by the door. (Barclay opens the door.) BEN: Now! (Ben fires his Cyber-weapon and Jarl falls.) BARCLAY: I can't hold out much longer!BEN: Where's Dyson and the other bloke got to? [Corridor] KRANG: The humans are behind the door. Let the gas do its work. (Haines and Dyson come up behind the Cybermen with the radioactive rods. The Cybermen collapse and Ben comes out of the room.) BEN: Quick, Dyson. Help get Barclay out of here. [Tracking room] TECH: What happened, Doctor Barclay? Are you all right?BEN: He's all right. Yeah, get in the chair.DYSON: Back to your desks all of you. The emergency's not over yet. Philips, there are two reactor rods out in the corridor. See that they're put back at once.BEN: Hey, they've still got the Doctor and Polly.BARCLAY: No, wait! If you try and tackle the spacecrafts on your own, you don't stand a chance. We don't know how many Cybermen there are left.BEN: Well?BARCLAY: Well, here's one of the things they use to contact each other.BEN: I don't know how it works.BARCLAY: Well then, do anything, make a signal. Draw them here.DYSON: Is that wise?BEN: Well, if that spaceship takes off we'll never gonna see them again.DYSON: You may bring them all in on us.BEN: Well that's a risk we've got to take. (The Cyber comm. unit buzzes.) BEN: That should do it. Any idea how long it'll take for them to get here?DYSON: You stand by with those guns.BARCLAY: Now look, we must all get down other side of the room.BEN: Okay.BARCLAY: Opposite the door so we can face them. Use the guns. (The lights go out.) BEN: What now?DYSON: The emergency battery's running out, I suppose.BARCLAY: We can't face them in the dark!DYSON: Now we shall freeze to death.BARCLAY: They must get those reactor rods back.BEN: Hang on, they're coming back.BARCLAY: Ah.BEN: Look!BARCLAY: Here they are.SHAV: Resistance is useless. Drop your weapons.RADAR: Just look at Mondas, sir. I can't believe it!DYSON: Fantastic! It looks as if it's melting!BEN: It's falling to bits!BARCLAY: The end of Mondas.BEN: Hey, look! What's happened to them?BARCLAY: They've disintegrated!DYSON: They must have been entirely dependent on power from Mondas.TERRY [on monitor]: Zeus 5 to Snowcap. Are you receiving me. Over?BARCLAY: Quick, Dyson, get that.TERRY [on monitor]: Zeus 5 to Snowcap.DYSON: Snowcap to Zeus 5. Reading you loud and clear.TERRY [on monitor]: What happened? Where have you been?BARCLAY: Here, let me have that. Snowcap to Zeus 5, what is your fuel position?TERRY: It's okay. Everything's suddenly working normally. And what about getting me down?BARCLAY: We've been on emergency power. We'll handle your splashdown as soon as we get full power back. Start checking the base main units.DYSON: Yes, right.BARCLAY: Hello, Geneva? Geneva?BEN: Hey! The Doctor and Polly!BARCLAY: Snowcap here.WIGNER [on monitor]: Hello, Snowcap. Who is that, Barclay?BARCLAY: Yes, we've just getting full power back. The danger is apparently over. [International Space Command] WIGNER: The Cyberman menace has ended all over the world. Let me have a full report as soon as you can. [Tracking room] BARCLAY: Sir, will do. Did you hear that? He wants a full report. Where exactly shall we begin, do you think? [Cyberman ship] BEN: Doctor!POLLY: Ben! Oh please, Ben, help me. Get me out of this thing!BEN: All right, don't panic, I'll have you out soon.POLLY: Ow! My hands were stuck and I couldn't get out. Ben, I've been so scared.BEN: Take it easy, love, take it easy.POLLY: And that Cyberman thing, it just fizzled into nothing, Ben, it was awful.BEN: What's the matter with the Doctor?POLLY: I don't know. When the lights went out, he just seemed to faint.BEN: Hey, come on Doctor, wakey wakey! It's all over now.POLLY: Doctor. (They help him out of the cage.) DOCTOR: What did you say, my boy? It's all over. It's all over. That's what you said. No, but it isn't all over. It's far from being all over.BEN: What are you taking about?DOCTOR: I must get back to the TARDIS immediately!POLLY: All right, Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes, I must go now.BEN: Aren't we going to go back to say goodbye or anything?DOCTOR: No. No, I must go at once.BEN: Oh well, you better have this. We don't want you catching your death of cold. (Ben hands the Doctor his cloak.) DOCTOR: Ah, yes. Thank you. It's good. Keep warm. (The Doctor leaves.) POLLY: What's happened to him?BEN: Dunno. He seems to lost his sense of humour.POLLY: Well, I can't wait to get out of this place.BEN: Good looking guys, aren't they? [Outside the TARDIS] POLLY: Wait for us!BEN: Open the door!POLLY: Hey, let us in!BEN: You can't leave us here, of all places! Open up!POLLY: Doctor! [TARDIS] (The Doctor is overtaken by an invisible power but summons the effort to open the door for Ben and Polly. Levers are moving and the central column is moving up and down. The Doctor collapses.) POLLY: Doctor! Quick, help him.BEN: No, leave him. (To the familiar sound of dematerialisation, the Doctor's features change to those of a younger dark haired man.) Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.