Stories Television Doctor Who Season 16 Classic Who S16 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Stones of Blood 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Here. Look, how can I explain? Listen, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity said EMILIA: Said that you cannot travel in space faster than the speed of light, because the speed of light is a limiting factor. If you travelled more than a hundred and eighty thousand miles per second, you'd encounter the time distortion effect. DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, well, he was nearly right. EMILIA: In fact, you'd arrive at your destination before you'd left your starting point. DOCTOR: Yes. Absurd, isn't it? EMILIA: Oh, I don't know. DOCTOR: I always thought it was fun, myself. I did try to explain the realities to poor old Albert, but he would insist that he knew best. EMILIA: Oh, they're all the same, these physicists. Oh, sorry. — The Stones of Blood Link to Quote Favourite ROMANA: K9, what is tennis? K9: Real, lawn or table, mistress? ROMANA: Never mind. Forget it. K9: Forget. Erase memory banks concerning tennis. Memory erased. — The Stones of Blood