Stories Audio Drama Bernice Summerfield Bernice Summerfield Episode 2 The Stone’s Lament 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 3 Statistics Quotes Overview Released Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Written by Mike Tucker Publisher Big Finish Productions Runtime 68 minutes Time Travel Future Location (Potential Spoilers!) Rhinvil Synopsis Bratheen Traloor, reclusive billionaire, has lived alone for over twenty years on the planet Rhinvil. Now he has broken his isolation, inviting Bernice Summerfield to examine a mysterious artefact unearthed during building work at his sprawling mansion. Accompanying Benny is Adrian Wall, the Killoran construction manager from the Braxiatel Collection. Adrian is responsible for overseeing the work, but his construction crew has vanished, and soon he and Benny discover that Traloor is not as alone as they might think... Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Bernice Summerfield Adrian Wall First Appearance How to listen to The Stone’s Lament: Big Finish Audio Bernice Summerfield: The Stone’s Lament Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 3 reviews 28 March 2025 · 38 words Review by megaminxwin Spoilers This review contains spoilers! i do enjoy a good haunted house story where the house itself is the enemy, its not being haunted by something. this is a fun example, which works pretty well with the genre conventions without being too samey megaminxwin View profile Like Liked 0 5 February 2025 · 663 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Original (Brazilian Portuguese) Translation (English) The Stone’s Lament é a primeira história original notável de Bernice Summerfield pela Big Finish, carregando o legado de Doctor Who ao estar sempre à frente de seu tempo. Adrian Wall, o chefe de construção da Kilorano na Coleção Braxiatel, acompanha Benny em uma expedição arqueológica, sendo responsável por supervisionar o trabalho dela. A equipe de Adrian acaba desaparecendo misteriosamente, e logo ele e Benny descobrem que o bilionário Bratheen Traloor não está tão sozinho quanto pensavam em sua mansão. O áudio se passa em um cenário atmosférico: o planeta Rhinvil, inteiramente feito de rochas, repleto de tempestades, sombrio e desolado – o lugar perfeito para se isolar. Conhecemos o bilionário recluso, Bratheen Traloor, que vive sozinho há mais de vinte anos e decide romper seu isolamento ao convidar a Professora Bernice Summerfield para examinar um artefato misterioso descoberto durante a construção de sua mansão (ilustrada na capa). A ideia de Mike Tucker é explorar ao máximo o sentimento de obsessão e ganância, algo que transparece explicitamente nos personagens, como o próprio Traloor. Vemos a obsessão dele por Benny crescer de forma perturbadora, escalando a níveis absurdos. A interação com Benny é cheia de contrastes e momentos cômicos, especialmente quando ele percebe que alguém, fingindo ser Benny, está gritando com ele. Sua obsessão é inquietante, com fotos dela espalhadas por seu quarto e todas as suas palestras gravadas. Essa reviravolta sombria adiciona uma profundidade inesperada à trama. Mas o bilionário sofre um efeito reverso: na verdade, sua mansão é uma espécie de inteligência artificial com um sistema automatizado, comunicável, que, por algum motivo, adquiriu consciência e sentimentos. A sacada genial de Mike Tucker está na simples ideia: quem mais poderia nos conhecer do primeiro ao último fio de cabelo além de nossa própria residência? Talvez só nossos pais e família. Mas já imaginou se sua própria casa fosse um ser senciênte e ela se apaixonasse por você? Provavelmente existiriam muitos motivos, já que ela testemunhou tanta coisa e teve uma convivência significativa. Assim, inicia-se um ciúme vindo da mansão, causado (obviamente) pela obsessão do bilionário pela arqueóloga, colocando os personagens em armadilhas e situações de risco. Embora não seja uma obra-prima irretocável, The Stone’s Lament se destaca pelo desempenho de seu ótimo elenco, sua atmosfera e sua abordagem sobre comportamentos abusivos e tóxicos. Toda a trama da casa senciente tentando expulsar Benny e Adrian é muito bem construída e conduzida, e a revelação de Traloor como um obsessivo adiciona tensão e desconforto à história. Outro destaque do áudio é a primeira aparição de Adrian Wall, o famoso "Cachorrão", interpretado brilhantemente por Harry Myers. O personagem fez sua primeira aparição nos livros da Big Finish (no livro Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript). Aliás, há um problema de cronologia na linha do tempo de Bernice Summerfield, pois há conexões entre os livros e os áudios. Na época, a empresa adotava uma estratégia de marketing que forçava o público a comprar tanto os áudios dramas quanto os livros, interligando as duas mídias em alguns casos, como em Mirror Effect e Death and the Daleks. Na maioria dos casos, essas interligações adicionam backgrounds nas relações dos personagens, que logo conhecemos nos áudios. No caso de Adrian, não se preocupe; basta pouco tempo ouvindo-o para que ele naturalmente se torne um dos seus favoritos da linha. Myers dá vida ao personagem, tornando-o um elemento essencial e carismático na narrativa. Lisa Bowerman entrega uma performance sólida como Benny, enquanto Harry Myers rouba a cena como Adrian Wall. Em resumo, The Stone’s Lament é uma boa adição à lore do universo de Bernice Summerfield, contando com um excelente enredo, ótimos personage Click here to translate KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 0 14 August 2024 · 1014 words Review by PalindromeRose Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Bernice Summerfield #2.02. The Stone’s Lament ~ 7/10 ◆ An Introduction A planet made entirely of rocks and filled with thunderstorms. Bleak, desolate, and the perfect place to go on holiday if you’re having a mid-life crisis and have a taste for My Chemical Romance. Welcome to Rhinvil… where Benny is going to meet a rather disturbing fan. ◆ Publisher’s Summary Bratheen Traloor, reclusive billionaire, has lived alone for over twenty years on the planet Rhinvil. Now he has broken his isolation, inviting Bernice Summerfield to examine a mysterious artefact unearthed during building work at his sprawling mansion. Accompanying Benny is Adrian Wall, the Kiloran construction manager from the Braxiatel Collection. Adrian is responsible for overseeing the work, but his construction crew has vanished, and soon he and Benny discover that Traloor is not as alone as they might think… ◆ Prof. Bernice Summerfield Lisa Bowerman does a pretty good job in ‘The Stone’s Lament’. Benny thinks the artefact on Rhinvil sounds interesting, so she’s been up bright and early to do a little bit of homework on the planet, and their host. It’s clear that Adrian has some rather different views on archaeology to her, and she’s appalled at his lack of respect for history – what point is progress if the past ends up destroyed in the process? Benny believes that people tend to just complicate your life, but that she’s just gotten used to the complications. The archaeologist's life suits her; something that gives her a lot of pleasure. She thinks archaeology has a lot more life in it than you may expect. Benny is quite rightfully horrified at the obsessive collection of her photographs Traloor has compiled. ◆ Adrian Wall This episode is notable for introducing possibly my favourite character in the whole range: a seven foot Killoran who got his rocks off with Benny, not realising that she was possessed by an evil witch named Avril Fenman – trust me, we’ll be discussing the novels from this series in due course. Voicing our favourite big dog is the wonderful Harry Myers, who delivers a top notch debut performance. Adrian is convinced that Traloor is barking mad for wanting to settle on Rhinvil. He can think of far more comfortable ways of getting some privacy, like a pleasure station or a private island. It never ceases to amaze him that Benny can dig up anything at all with a few trowels and brushes… as he’d rather focus on using a JCB to dig the biggest hole possible! Killorans are apparently born uncouth, but Benny vouches for Adrian, and claims that he is a good man. Adrian decides to get hammered in Traloor’s bar, and then nearly cacks himself when someone pretending to be Benny starts shouting after him! ◆ Story Recap Barren, rocky, and surrounded by thunderstorms: that’s the best way to describe the desolate planet of Rhinvil. Nobody ever wants to come here, so it’s the perfect place for a reclusive billionaire to build his gigantic mansion. Bratheen Traloor is in the midst of having a new wing built onto his home, with plans to turn it into a gallery for any artefacts he comes across during his amateur archaeological expeditions. Only, something has went very wrong on the planet’s surface. It appears that the Killoran construction crew have vanished without a trace, meaning work on the new wing has ground to a halt. The head of the construction crew, Adrian Wall, has been sent to investigate by Irving Braxiatel. Accompanying him is Prof. Summerfield, as Traloor wants her expert opinion on an artefact found during the construction work… but his interest in Benny extends far beyond mere academia. ◆ Prof. Summerfield and the Yandere! Mike Tucker has written some excellent audio adventures – with the only major dud from him being ‘Dust Breeding’ – so I was naturally excited to hear him tackle a different range. Unfortunately, this episode felt a little half-baked. The mansion is sentient, trying to force Benny and Adrian to leave, because it contains the consciousness of the planet who is head over heels for its billionaire owner. The plot is easily one the weaker aspects of ‘The Stone’s Lament’. That being said, even I wasn’t expecting Traloor to be revealed as a literal yandere: his bedroom walls are plastered with photos of Benny, and he’s got all of her lectures recorded too! I’m sure your imagination can probably guess what he gets up to in that room, so let’s not even mention it, because I don’t particularly wanna lose my appetite. ◆ Sound Design How unfortunate! Toby Richards and Emily Baker are still doing their best to deafen me and overpower all the dialogue. The soundscape for this episode was pretty average. Heavy rain during a thunderstorm on Rhinvil. The distorted voice of the House sounds like someone has stuck a Dictaphone inside a fish bowl. Construction equipment being moved around by Adrian. Voices phase in and out of earshot, disorientating our Collection representatives. Music playing inside of Traloor’s mansion bar. Waves lapping against the pebble beaches of Rhinvil. The mansion begins to collapse, great big stones and rocks rolling into the sea. ◆ Music The music is alright in ‘The Stone’s Lament’, but I really wish it wasn’t overpowering everything around it. I would like to be able to hear something of the dialogue at one point. ◆ Conclusion “I like to surround myself with beauty, Bernice.” A sentient planet that has merged with an artificial intelligence, that just so happens to love its owner… and the owner just so happens to be a reclusive billionaire who has an unhealthy obsession with Benny. ‘The Stone’s Lament’ is pretty inoffensive, and it definitely wont set the literary world on fire. That being said, Lisa Bowerman delivers a really good performance, and Harry Myers does an amazing job as Adrian Wall (who may have just become one of my favourite characters in this whole range). It’s a good enough story, but by no means exceptional. PalindromeRose View profile Like Liked 2 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating46 members 3.12 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating64 votes 3.47 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating55 votes 3.20 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 83 Favourited 4 Reviewed 3 Saved 0 Skipped 2 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote