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First aired

Saturday, March 8, 1969

Production Code


Written by

Robert Holmes

Directed by

Michael Hart


150 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Mining, Pirates, The Doctor Falls

Location (Potential Spoilers!)



The TARDIS materialises in Earth's future on a space beacon just before it is attacked by pirates. The travellers find themselves trapped in a sealed section of the beacon. It is blown apart and flown to where the pirates will plunder it of the precious mineral argonite. They witness a conflict between the pirates and the Interstellar Space Corps, led by General Hermack and Major Warne.

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6 Episodes

Episode One  Missing

First aired

Saturday, March 8, 1969


25 minutes

Written by

Robert Holmes

Directed by

Michael Hart

UK Viewers

5.8 million

Appreciation Index



Space beacons are being destroyed by pirates, who are salvaging the argonite metal. When the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive on one of the beacons, they are mistaken for pirates.

Episode Two

First aired

Saturday, March 15, 1969


25 minutes

Written by

Robert Holmes

Directed by

Michael Hart

UK Viewers

6.8 million

Appreciation Index



With the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe trapped on a beacon segment, Hermack becomes suspicious of the unruly prospector Milo Clancey.

Episode Three  Missing

First aired

Saturday, March 22, 1969


25 minutes

Written by

Robert Holmes

Directed by

Michael Hart

UK Viewers

6.4 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe flee from the Space Corps with Clancey, who decides to seek refuge on Ta.

Episode Four  Missing

First aired

Saturday, March 29, 1969


25 minutes

Written by

Robert Holmes

Directed by

Michael Hart

UK Viewers

5.8 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are held prisoner by the space pirates while Caven comes up with a plan to throw suspicion onto Clancey.

Episode Five  Missing

First aired

Saturday, April 5, 1969


25 minutes

Written by

Robert Holmes

Directed by

Michael Hart

UK Viewers

5.5 million

Appreciation Index



Madeleine is revealed to be working with Caven, who comes up with a way to kill the Doctor and his friends whilst framing them for the piracy.

Episode Six  Missing

First aired

Saturday, April 12, 1969


25 minutes

Written by

Robert Holmes

Directed by

Michael Hart

UK Viewers

5.3 million

Appreciation Index



With Clancey and Issigri trapped aboard the LIZ, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe try to convince Madeleine to help them before Caven destroys Ta.


How to watch The Space Pirates:


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4 reviews

This is a perfectly fine serial. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that it's pretty good! It felt gritty, realistic and grounded. The setting felt well-developed and interesting, as well as somewhat realistic, and lots of the characters are great (Milo Clancey in particular). There's also some nice twists, subversions of expectations and dramatic irony which I really like. I liked the pacing.


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banger utter banger I will not allow anyone to say otherwise


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Dull, boring, and with little redeeming qualities. The acting doesn't work. The pacing doesn't work. This is the kind of serial that non-Who fans think the rest of DW is like. There is a germ of an interesting story here, but sadly it is bogged down by the other 95% of the content.

My biggest complaint is that the TARDIS crew are minor characters in their own show.


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This review contains spoilers!

The Space Pirates are plundering space beacons owned by the Issigri Mining Corporation for valuable argonite, blowing them up in the process. Both of these sides have distinctive and interesting characters with believable motives you can invest in. As with much of this season, there is a "spy thriller" feel running through some of the plot - can we trust Milo Clancey? Should The Doctor and co. be trusted by anyone?

The scenes where the space beacons are pilfered and destroyed are especially good, full of drive which keeps you hooked in the moment. This is helped by the fantastic model scenes - alongside the fantastic sets in The Web of Fear this is some of the best production we have seen in the series so far (lets hope they keep this up into the 1970s!)

This is a story which I would especially like to see returned in its entirety to the archives.


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AVG. Rating257 members
2.01 / 5

AVG. Rating293 votes
3.03 / 5

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HERMACK [OC]: This is V forty one. V forty one calling LIZ seventy nine. LIZ seven nine, can you hear me?

MILO: LIZ seventy nine. LIZ seventy nine. I can hear you, V forty one. Go away!

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Transcript Needs checking

(Transcriber's note - this story only exists in audio except for episode 2)

Episode One

[Beacon Alpha One airlock]

(Far out in space hangs a segmented structure built solely to receive and transmit data across the space ways. A black dart-shaped craft approaches it and docks. Three men carry boxes of equipment into the beacon. Outside the beacon, two space-walkers attach magnetic charges its hull and finally a rocket propulsion unit.)

CAVEN: Dervish! Dervish!
DERVISH: (a thin man) We've nearly finished.
CAVEN: About time.
DERVISH: My men are just coming. We'll detonate by radio beam.
CAVEN: Right. Hurry it up.

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