Stories Audio Drama Big Finish Main Range Main Range Episode 13 The Shadow of the Scourge 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 9 Statistics Quotes 1 Overview Released October 2000 Written by Paul Cornell Runtime 130 minutes Time Travel Future Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Earth Invasion, Temporal grace Location (Potential Spoilers!) Kent, Earth, England, London Synopsis The Pinehill Crest Hotel in Kent is host to three very different events: a cross-stitch convention, an experiment in time travel and... the summoning of the Scourge. The Seventh Doctor, Bernice and Ace find themselves dealing with a dead body that has come back to life, a mystical symbol that possesses its host, and a threat from another universe that is ready for every trick the Doctor's got up his sleeve. This time, has the Doctor gone too far? 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Não julgue o livro pela capa, ou melhor dizendo não julgue o áudio pela capa. Posso dizer que esse é definitivamente um dos áudios subestimados do catálogo inicial da Big Finish - Escrito pelo brilhante Paul Cornell, The Shadow of the Scourge possui todo aquele tom pesado e incomum ao estilo Virgin New Adventures que sempre espero me deparar na linha Novel Adaptation. É interessante observar a mudança de contraste incial feita pelo escritor, os viajantes da TARDIS chegam a um hotel luxuoso, tranquilo com direito a músicas relaxantes, até que derepende tudo muda, uma invasão ao local acontece trazendo um tom muito pesado a história. Visualmente os Scourges parecem ser criaturas comicas que beiram ao ridículo, é aí que você se engana meu amigo - Esses gigantes louva-a-deus são muito mais terríveis e sanguinários do que vários outros vilões que vimos na série, seu controle e poderes telepaticos alimentam o medo e a ansiedade de suas vítimas até mesmo induzindo a se matarem, nessas cenas o áudio sufoca o ouvinte transmitindo sensações altamente perturbadoras dos distúrbios mentais causados por elas. Confesso que achei um pouco confuso o conceito dos Scourges envolvendo as dimensões, não entendi muito bem. Paul faz muito bem uso do chamado horror body, os membros dos asquerosos bixos crescendo nas vítimas...aaaa que agonia kkk coisa de revirar qualquer estômago do mais sensível até o mais resistente. Fiquei muito feliz pela dinâmica do trio, Doctor, Ace e Bernice finalmente surtir efeito, cada um deles bem encaixados na trama encima de um andamento narrativo bem dinâmico, Paul Cornell sabe muito bem lidar e conduzir suas peças entregando um enredo que traz situações alarmantes o tempo todo. Em resumo é um audio que tem todos os ingredientes dos livros da Virgin. É instigante, pesadooo, perturbador e com uma mensagem muito inteligente. A parte 3 é chocante, seu cliffhangar é de arrepiaaar com direito a uma excelente performance do Sylvester McCoy. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 0 24 November 2024 · 5 words Review by Rock_Angel 2 UNDERRATED TO HELL N BACK Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 2 27 September 2024 · 177 words Review by kiraoho Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! 03.05.2022 It's an interesting one. Bernice Summerfield is an excellent companion to the Doctor, and even though it's not her first appearance (see Virgin New Adventures), it was still immediately clear who she was and how she interacted with the other two. I think there's a story waiting to be told just with Bernice's character alone, that's how good of a character she is. I don't like the scheming Seven. I find this interpretation of the Doctor to be rather dull and monotonous. Once you've seen one such story, you've basically seen them all. But this one has a twist. What if the Doctor's plan doesn't work out? What if he's outsmarted and outskilled? This results in a surprisingly coherent story, that unfortunately starts coming together only in the last third of the story. Before that you can even think it's another procedural with no point. It's longer than it needs to be, gets sidetracked and the actual core of the story, though very-well formulated, is shaky in the realized version. It's a good listen, but also skippable. 3.5/5 kiraoho View profile Like Liked 1 28 August 2024 · 516 words Review by slytherindoctor Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! MR 013: The Shadow of the Scourge Well that was horrifying. This is definitely the first real horror story in the main range and it works very well. An eight dimensional army of beings called the Scourge emerge from another universe and feed on the fear of humans. What makes this story really horrifying is what they can do. They're so far beyond humanity that they can force humans to kill themselves or each other just by speaking to them. They come through into this universe by inhabiting and transforming the bodies of humans, preying on their fears and insecurities to push their way in. So you've got body transformation and mind control horror. The Doctor has a plan to deal with them, but that plan fails and halfway through the story he gets transformed himself in a pretty horrific second episode cliff hanger. It's wild to see this Doctor, the one who plans and lays traps and always seems like he's in control, very much so NOT in control. We get to see the Scourge playing on the Doctor's insecurities. I love the characterization here of this Doctor being someone who constantly tests his companions to see if they'll leave because they always inevitably leave him anyway. So he pushes them away before they have a chance to hurt him. I relate to that so much cause I do the same thing. Ace does something rather insane here. She has someone bash her ears in and thus ruin her eardrums so she can't hear the Scourge's commands. Which is certainly one way around the mind control if you can't deal with the insecurities that they cause. It's pretty wild. We get to hear her shouting and not hearing anything for most of the backhalf of the story. Bernice also says things like "by the goddess" a lot, I assume she's from a world where they worship a goddess. The story also starts off in a very interesting way with three different conventions going on. A mystic conference to the great god Om (which is the spark to let the Scourge in), a time travel demonstration, and a cross stitch convention. I don't know about the characterization of cross stitchers being desperate and depressed but sure. It works for what they're going for here. In the end, the Doctor pushes back by crawling to the top of the Scourge hive mind after he's been transformed. And when he's about to succumb to the Scourge entirely, Bernice comes back for him and pulls him out of it. They get the humans to push back, to not be afraid, to admit their insecurities and failures and not be afraid of hiding them anymore. It's a great ending to a great story. Also, this cover does not in any way do the Scourge justice. Not sure what they were thinking with preying mantis people. Does this scream "the embodiment of human fear and insecurity and the conception of hell" to you? No. No it doesn't. Nice shades for Ace though. Still, great audio, easily the Seventh Doctor's best so far. slytherindoctor View profile Like Liked 3 Show All Reviews (9) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating172 members 3.54 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating441 votes 3.66 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating200 votes 3.55 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 306 Favourited 24 Reviewed 9 Saved 5 Skipped 3 Owned 16 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny DOCTOR: Hello, welcome to my mind! Sorry for the mess. — Seventh Doctor, The Shadow of the Scourge