Stories Audio Drama Bernice Summerfield Bernice Summerfield Episode 1 The Secret of Cassandra 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 3 Statistics Quotes Overview Released Monday, December 18, 2000 Written by David Bailey Publisher Big Finish Productions Runtime 68 minutes Time Travel Future Synopsis A vicious war between two nations is coming to a head, and the final movements are centred on the sailing ship Cassandra. Along with a very strange cargo, Cassandra carries Captain Colley, a man with his own sad burden, and the paranoid General Brennan, a woman convinced that her actions will end the war once and for all. Their grim mission goes entirely to plan, until the Cassandra gains an extra passenger a shipwrecked archaeology professor by the name of Bernice Summerfield. Sensing something is very wrong aboard the ship, Bernice's snooping brings her close to a terrible truth. Soon, Bernice doesn't know who to trust, and she can no longer be sure if anyone is who they claim to be... Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Bernice Summerfield How to listen to The Secret of Cassandra: Big Finish Audio Bernice Summerfield: The Secret of Cassandra Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 3 reviews 23 March 2025 · 32 words Review by megaminxwin Spoilers This review contains spoilers! yeah, i mean. its okay i guess. i feel like the ending was a bit rushed, honestly, and it also feels like benny forgives captain colley and general brennan waaaay too easily megaminxwin View profile Like Liked 0 5 February 2025 · 396 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Depois de uma temporada de estreia inteiramente composta por adaptações de livros da Virgin, “The Secret Of Cassandra” é a primeira aventura totalmente original em áudio drama produzida pela BIG FINISH Productions – Começamos o áudio com Benny tirando um leve cochilo em seu iate, que logo acidentalmente cruza o caminho com um tipo de “barco de guerra” e é destruído fazendo-a permanecer em uma pequena ilha até ser resgatada pelo “Capitão Colley”. A bordo de um veleiro automatizado que leva o nome de “Cassandra”, à medida que Bernice se envolve com os poucos tripulantes, a arqueóloga descobre que o barco possui uma certa influência nos rumos e eventos de uma guerra que vive seu auge, existindo assim uma polarização de ideias muito acirrada entre os tripulantes a bordo. Isso insere a personagem em vários dilemas a ponto de não saber mais em quem confiar – Por mais que seja uma tentativa bem ambiciosa, ainda mais levando em consideração o fato de ter um elenco e cenário bem limitado. Infelizmente o resultado final transparece como o escritor, David Bailey, teve uma certa dificuldade em moldar seu roteiro não conseguindo superar essas tais limitações, deixando nítido vários de seus diálogos expositivos e forçados, dificultando sua expansão narrativa. O que naturalmente gera uma quebra de imersão ao ouvinte, tornando uma trama menos envolvente, principalmente porque se apoia muito em conveniências de enredo bastante óbvias. Não me entendam errado, “The Secret Of Cassandra” não é um áudio ruim, bem longe disso, mas sim, é apenas uma primeira aventura bem segura de início de temporada, aquelas nas quais não abraçam o compromisso de entregar algo brilhante ou uma obra de arte, é apenas um passatempo imersivo ao som do mar com alguns personagens indo contra as ideias um do outro. Também devo ser justo e destacar que sim, o áudio tem seus momentos de tensão na trama, Lisa Bowerman e o resto do Cast entregam um ótimo papel. Em resumo, esse é mais um áudio que recebe o habitual rotulo de história ok, como já dito antes, ele acaba sendo um pouco ofuscado pelas suas nas próprias limitações, falta de desenvolvimento mais profunda, dando uma certa estranheza em alguns momentos, como estive-se o tempo todo na estaca zero, estacionado. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 0 14 August 2024 · 852 words Review by PalindromeRose Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Bernice Summerfield #2.01. The Secret of Cassandra ~ 4/10 ◆ An Introduction The second wave of ‘Bernice Summerfield’ plays brought with it a couple of big changes, the most important of which was the choice to create original storylines for the range. This choice is something that I’m massively in favour of, because it means things are going to be original from this point onward, they hope. ◆ Publisher’s Summary A vicious war between two nations is coming to a head, and the final movements are centred on the sailing ship Cassandra. Along with a very strange cargo, Cassandra carries Captain Colley, a man with his own sad burden, and the paranoid General Brennan, a woman convinced that her actions will end the war once and for all. Their grim mission goes entirely to plan, until the Cassandra gains an extra passenger – a shipwrecked archaeology professor by the name of Bernice Summerfield. Sensing something is very wrong aboard the ship, Bernice's snooping brings her close to a terrible truth. Soon, Bernice doesn't know who to trust, and she can no longer be sure if anyone is who they claim to be… ◆ Prof. Bernice Summerfield Lisa Bowerman kicks of Series Two with a decent enough performance, though nothing that will set the world on fire. If Benny hadn’t fallen asleep under the lovely, baking Chosan sun… her yacht probably wouldn’t have strayed into the path of a warship. They shot her clean out of the water, but at least they had the decency to shipwreck her on an island, even if there’s nothing there. She promises General Brennan that she is not a spy. It seems that Benny’s idea of small talk is to joke about putting poison in Brennan’s wine (she’s clearly the last person you want at a dinner party)! She claims to be good at ending up in more trouble. Benny is convinced that Captain Colley is weak, and that he should have just thrown himself overboard when his wife died, rather than dragging the whole world into his mad scheme. ◆ Story Recap Benny has been holidaying on the Earth colony of Chosan… and it just so happens that two of the largest continents here are at war with each other. Whilst taking in the sun’s rays, and fast asleep at sea, her yacht suddenly strays into the path of a warship, and she soon finds herself stranded on a desert island. After a few days, she’s rescued by Captain Damian Colley of the SS Cassandra – a high-tech Chosan craft that has been stylised to resemble a 17th century Earth sailing ship! The only other passenger is one General Brennan, who has some precious cargo that it’s vital to take back to her homeland… cargo that can win her the war. But is there something else going on here? Captain Colley seems to be working for both sides of the conflict, but claims to be a neutral party, which is far from the truth. ◆ A Sentient Bomb? Series 2 was the first time original adventures were being released under the ‘Bernice Summerfield’ banner, which meant there were so many avenues of possibility one could explore… but instead, we got a script that felt completely bland and generic. ‘The Secret of Cassandra’ revolves around Cpt. Colley wanting to help the forces of Pevana in utterly annihilating the opposing continent, after their forces caused the death of his daughter – the namesake of his precious ship. The man that General Brennan, a Calabraxian soldier, has under lock and key in the Cassandra’s hold turns out to be a walking bomb. The idea is incredibly average, but then the script decides that the walking bomb is actually Colley’s dead daughter, who transplanted her mind into another body! The revelation comes out of nowhere and makes zero sense. That sort of mind-swapping will be explored again by BigFinish in ‘Blood of the Daleks’, but it actually made sense in that release. ◆ Sound Design The overall production quality is still abysmal: audio glitches are a prominent feature, completely drowning out the dialogue at times. It genuinely baffles me that this got past BigFinish’s quality control team. ◆ Music I see that Toby Richards and Emily Baker are continuing to linger like a bad smell… and so is that dreadful theme tune they created! Seriously, the lyrics are so awful that a little bit of sick comes into my mouth the moment I hear “I love the adventure, the thrill of a mystery, my only release!” ◆ Conclusion I usually begin this section with a quote from the episode, but the writing here was so uninspired that I couldn’t find any interesting dialogue. The plot was seriously boring: every element of it – aside from a walking bomb and a 17th century sailing ship – left my mind mere moments after listening to it. It doesn’t help that we’re still cursed with the abysmal post-production work of Toby Richards and Emily Baker! ‘The Secret of Cassandra’ adds nothing to the overall story arc, so you should honestly just skip it. PalindromeRose View profile Like Liked 2 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating48 members 3.01 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating72 votes 3.32 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating56 votes 3.15 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 86 Favourited 2 Reviewed 3 Saved 0 Skipped 2 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote