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Main Range • Episode 37

The Sandman

62% 558 votes

Released Thursday, October 24, 2002
Written by Simon A. Forward
Runtime 116 minutes
Time Travel Unclear
Locations The Clutch

The Clutch is a fleet in constant motion, ships jostling for position, in an endless migration between the stars. For the Galyari, forbidden by an ancient curse from settling on a world ever again, the Clutch is home. But the curse travels with them...

The Sandman, a figure of myth and folk-lore, preys on the young and old alike. He lurks in the shadows and it is death to look upon him.

All too soon after the TARDIS arrives, it is evident that the Doctor and the Galyari share a dark history, and Evelyn is shocked to discover that, on the Clutch, it is her friend who is the monster.

The Sandman, according to the tales, also goes by the name of the Doctor...

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Also featuring:

Mordecan  Voshkar  Galyari