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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Rise and Fall

74% 507 votes

Released Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Written by Al Ewing
Publisher Titan Comics
Artist Boo Cook
Colourist Hi-Fi
Pages 22

"I disliked my enemy so much... I bought the company!" Fresh from a bruising battle with the Amstrons, the Doctor has decided that enough is enough – if SERVEYOUinc won't stop plaguing him and his friends wherever they land, he's going to hit them where it hurts – by buying a controlling interest in the company! But what does the Doctor's corporate career mean for Alice, ARC and Jones? Is there a place for them in the Doctor's bold new venture? And what kind of sting does SERVEYOUinc have left to deploy?

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Alice Obiefune  John Jones  ARC  Talent Scout