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First aired

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Written by

Chris Chibnall

Directed by

Jamie Magnus Stone


88 minutes

Time Travel

Past, Present

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Sanctuary Base 6 space suit, Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London, Russia, St Petersburg, UNIT HQ

UK Viewers

5.3 million

Appreciation Index



Famous paintings have been mysteriously defaced around Earth, seismologists have gone missing, there is strange activity occurring in volcanoes and across the stars a bullet train is pursued by CyberMasters. The Doctor doesn't understand how it all connects. All she has is a message from an old enemy - "this is the day you die"...

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11 reviews

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People (including me) can be blinded by the awkward and meandering script with more inadequacies than usual because Sophie Aldred and Janet Fielding and Peter Davison and Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann and David Bradley and Bonnie Langford and Katy Manning and William Russell show up.

I mean, that's great and all, but still!


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i don’t know what the funnier part of this ep is, The Master breaking to Rasputin (Club Mix) — Boney M; or The Doctor getting hit by a laser beam and dying again


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There are about 4 really great ideas in here that I feel would work really well if split off into their own episodes. However, The Power of the Doctor tries to do too much at once and I just find it messy and disjointed as a result.


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really good, probably one of my top 5 13 stories, but it really doesn't work as a regeneration story. yaz deserved better. also, small thing, but they should have had peri (or even one of 8's lot like charley or sam or fitz or whoever) in there with tegan and ace.


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What a finale for the Thirteenth Doctor! I had a lot of fun with this episode, seeing Ace, Kate, and others was awesome! And seeing Doctor's 1 and 5-8 was awesome as well, and Paul McGann gets more screen time. I do agree that it's a bit all over the place in plot, but I think it works. Great visuals as well, and loved the long length. (Though MAX kept dropping the bit-rate and dropping the stream, so it was a blurry mess at some points.)

I am sad this era is now over, I really enjoyed it. Now back to classic who, as I'm not much of a fan of the newer seasons sadly.


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AVG. Rating784 members
3.67 / 5

AVG. Rating426 votes
3.85 / 5

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DOCTOR: Oh, the blossomiest blossom. That's the only sad thing. I want to know what happens next. Right, then. Doctor Whoever-I'm-about-to-be. Tag, you're it.

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Power of the Doctor

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Transcript + Script


(Cutting through the bulkhead.)

HALAZ: Emergency transmission from the Toraji Transport Network. This is an urgent request for immediate assistance! This is an all-frequency appeal for help. We're under attack! We've been hijacked!
HALAZ: All passengers down here! Marshals, to your posts.
ARNHOST: Who is it? Who's attacking us?

(Cybermen open fire, but get cut down themselves.)

HALAZ: Be careful.
ARNHOST: It's all right, they're dead.
HALAZ: Go through. Head down the train. There are more marshals. Secure passenger safety.

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