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DOCTOR: Life depends on change, and renewal.

— Second Doctor, The Power of the Daleks

DOCTOR: I’d like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it spreads its wings. Life depends on change, and renewal.

— Second Doctor, The Power of the Daleks

DALEK: (trying to drown out the Doctor) I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant.

POLLY: But don't you see? Human beings can't be friends with Daleks. They don't have friends.

VALMAR: I don't see why not.

POLLY: It's a kind of hatred for anything unlike themselves. They think they're superior.

(Daleks chant in unison)

DALEKS: We will get our power. We will get our power. We will get our power.

(Daleks chant in unison)

ALL DALEKS: Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy!

DALEK 1: Orders received. Exterminate all humans.

DALEK 2: Exterminate all humans.

DALEK 1: Exterminate! Annihilate! Destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy!

ALL: Daleks conquer and destroy! Daleks conquer and destroy!