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Classic Who S16 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)

The Pirate Planet

3.64/ 5 1,312 votes


KIMUS: You don't think that's wrong, do you?

DOCTOR: Wrong? It's an economic miracle. Of course it's wrong.

The Pirate Planet

ROMANA: Newton? Who's Newton?

DOCTOR: Old Isaac? Friend of mine on Earth. He discovered gravity. Well, I say he discovered gravity. I had to give him a bit of a prod.

ROMANA: What did you do?

DOCTOR: Climbed up a tree.


DOCTOR: Dropped an apple on his head.

ROMANA: Ah, and so he discovered gravity.

DOCTOR: No, no, he told me to clear off out of his tree. I explained it to him afterwards at dinner.

The Pirate Planet

DOCTOR: Er, excuse me! What I'd like to know. Where did you get those jelly babies?

ROMANA: Same place you get them.

DOCTOR: Where?

ROMANA: Your pocket.

The Pirate Planet

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