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Classic Who S16 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)

The Pirate Planet

3.64/ 5 1,312 votes

Reviews and links from the Community

Review of The Pirate Planet by uss-genderprise

Definitely a solid story with an interesting premise and plenty of fun character moments. Unfortunately, there are many  tropes in this serial which I feel were done better in previous episodes of the show.

Romana is much more enjoyable in this episode than the last, actually feeling like a proper character for the most part. I like how much she seems to enjoy the Doctor's antics.

I found the Captain a bit too over-the-top and poorly acted to enjoy, and his quick 180 when Mr. Fibuli died felt very unrealistic with his previous characterisation.

I felt that the story forgot the overarching plot of the season a bit too much. It didn't feel like the Doctor and Romana were at all focused on finding the Key. One thing the previous episode did better was integrate that into the plot.

Review last edited on 17-06-24

Review of The Pirate Planet by thedefinitearticle63

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Ribos Operation

This is such a good story on so many levels, to start, it's written by Douglas Adams, who gives these 4 parts a very distinct style from what Doctor Who has had to offer so far. The clever sci-fi concepts mixed in with surreal, witty dialogue make for one of my favourite 4 parters yet.

The concept of a planet that mines other planets by teleporting around them is fascinating and makes for a puzzling mystery that leads into a great cliffhanger. The conversations are all very entertaining to watch unfold and it gives the usually shallow side characters a life of their own. All this is generously helped by the incredible supporting cast, especially Bruce Purchase's "Captain". Tom Baker also gets a change to show off his range as the Doctor.

Just a solid story all round and an all-time classic.

Next Story: The Stones of Blood

Review last edited on 23-05-24

Review of The Pirate Planet by 15thDoctor

The Pirate Planet is good humoured and has excellent character moments. It takes a bit of time to fall into Douglas Adams’ idiosyncratic writing style, but once it does it is particularly charming. The comedic exploration of fascinating sci-fi concepts is quite different from typical Doctor Who. It is the very same year Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was first released and has a milder form of the same bookish, British, slightly surreal humour. The epic realisation at the end of part two, that the planet they have found themselves on eats other planets and strips them of their resources is both brilliant in scientific terms but also in analogous when thinking about the real world - an example of Adam’s flare for storytelling.

In the opening episode Adams pens some brilliant dialogue between Romana, K-9 and The Doctor. It's actually a better introduction to the new companion / Doctor relationship than the previous story. You get a great insight into The Doctor’s charming childishness and inability to accept that another Time Lord might be better at some things than himself (working the TARDIS, finding out information from locals). I love how his pomposity is periodically pricked by Romana, who feels like a much more distinct and full bodied character in this one. I remember when I saw this story for the first time, in 2013, I found the larger than life, bombastic and overacted lead villain irritating. For some reason his performance sat better with me this time round. I like how the excellently named Mr Fibuli is his punching bag, only in the final moments of his life being touchingly, almost homoerotically appreciated.

If the villains were a little less moustache twirling and more believable as characters I think this story would be considered a real classic. As it is though it is still a strong second instalment of season 16.

Review last edited on 8-05-24

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