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Monday, December 17, 2001


115 minutes

Story Type


Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Generios system


When the evil Skelloids launch an attack upon the seventeen worlds of the Generios system, its peace-loving inhabitants face total destruction.

So it's lucky that the Doctor, that famous traveller in time and space, is in the area, and that he, along with his pretty young assistant, Sally-Anne, manages to defeat the deadly creatures and save the day.

But now it looks as though the Doctor's luck has run out.

Who is the mysterious, curly-haired stranger, intent on causing trouble? What role does the feisty redhead Melanie play in his scheme? And what have they to do with the sinister alien cylinder approaching Generios?

One thing is certain: for the Doctor and Sally-Anne, there's deadly danger ahead...

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12 reviews

pretty decent lighthearted romp, although it was a bit too puerile for my tastes at certain points


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I had so much fun with this audio.  The One Doctor is silly, weird, and kind of perfect.  Christopher Biggins is so funny as Banto Zane, a con man posing as a Doctor who gets caught up with a real adventure involving Mel and the Sixth Doctor.  This audio is such a great example of the redemptive arc of the Sixth Doctor.  We actually get to have fun with these characters and they actually get to be in a great story.  It sounds so simple but in contrast to the show it really felt like these two never got to have stories like this until now.

Both characters really get to shine here as they go on a few quests to get some key items to save the day.  I really liked the first two quests - they were fun and memorable, especially when the Doctor finds himself in a game show against a machine that knows everything - but the third quest kind of felt a littler weaker.  The Jelloid was a little unbearable to listen to and it's the only one of a couple weak spots in the story.  Still, the overall structure and tone of this story is pretty excellent, and does end on a touching moment as Mel and the Doctor celebrate Christmas together.

I don't have a ton else to say about this.  I found it funny and it really kept my attention nicely which is all one should want in a story such as this.  Some of the cultural references feel a little dated to the early 2000s near the end, but it hardly matters in a story this fun and The One Doctor holds up really nicely on the whole.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Queen of Clocks

This is one of the funniest Doctor Who stories I've done in ages. It starts off with a simple premise of someone impersonating the Doctor - TARDIS, companion and all. It turns into an extremely fun Douglas Adams-y adventure where the real Doctor and the impostor are forced to team up with each other's companions to go on a quest for "three great treasures" to save an entire system from total obliteration.

These quests are really funny, The Doctor goes off to a gameshow being played wherein the contestant is an all-knowing databank and never gets any questions wrong. There were some really funny gags about the usual ways to combat this and I found the solution in the end to be quite clever. Mel meanwhile is at a furniture store and she's forced to build an unbuildable set of shelves by really absurd robots.

What this story really is, is a parody of Doctor Who and it's absolutely brilliant. It's clearly done with love though. The cast are really giving their all, 6 and Mel feel like a perfect TARDIS team for this and the impostor Doctor and companion complement them perfectly. The Delaware theme playing was an odd touch, it certainly surprised me and it really added to the ridiculousness of the story.

Overall a really good story, even if it was made by a really awful person.

Next Story: The Juggernauts


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Se destacar no gênero comédia quando aplicado em Doctor Who sempre é uma tarefa muito delicada, não é a atoa que temos inúmeros exemplos de histórias puramente cômicas que deram completamente errado em seus diversos formatos seja na Série de TV, áudio dramas, HQs entre outros. Felizmente não vem ao caso do brilhante e hilario roteiro de Gareth Roberts que brinca e debocha das duas principais figuras da série. Ao chegarem no sistema de Generios composto por dezessete planetas, os tripulantes da TARDIS se deparam com um casal estranho que possuem um status de grande fama – Logo sabemos que o motivo de tanta reverência vem pelo fato de terem salvado o povo de Generios de uma raça alienígena chamada “Skelloid”, na verdade “Banto” e “Sally-Anne” são dois farsantes que se passam pelo o ”Doctor e sua fiel companion” usando dessa mentira para ganharem recompensas seja elas dinheiro, créditos ou cristais preciosos. Sua suposta máquina do tempo se chamada “Stardis” que possui o formato do que os ingleses chamam de “Portaloo” traduzindo para o Português um banheiro químico hahaha e ao contrário da original (da TARDIS) ela é menor por dentro e maior por fora hahaha. Quando o casal cruza o caminho do Doctor e Mel nos embarcamos em uma aventura, uma corrida contra o tempo divertidíssima envolvendo itens coletáveis. O ponto forte do áudio é como ao decorrer do enredo as duas duplas lidam com o desentendimento existente entre elas fazendo um contraste cômico do “farsante” com o “original” – Além de dar um incrível dinâmica a eles, Gareth Roberts insere seus personagens em situações completamente inesperadas que geram muitas risadas do ouvinte, um planeta de robôs montadores de moveis que obrigam Mel e Banto a montarem uma prateleira seguindo as instruções de um manual complexo, um reality show de conhecimentos gerais onde o único candidato participante é uma inteligência artificial de busca de informações e dados o tornando infinito, o Doctor sendo engolido por uma Gelatina gigante de voz com o famoso efeito wacky “EEeeEEeeEeeE AAaaAAaaAAAAa” (essa parte é impossível não rir). Em resumo, é nítida a total influência de Douglas Adams em “The One Doctor”, uma história divertidíssima que conta com um humor de muito bom gosto onde temos uma ideia GENIAL, o original Doctor Who contra uma paródia muito mal feita de sua obra. Provavelmente a história mais engraçada de Doctor Who de todos os tempos, que supera qualquer especial de Natal feito pelo Série de TV.


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Colin Baker truly shines in this one. You grow to love and appreciate his Doctor and also Mel (who I’ve never been particularly interested in) through their comparison with the fake doctor - who is everything the doctor shouldn’t be.

Baker is, of course, amazing in audio but does particularly well here because they don’t write him as too pretentious or judgmental - it’s a well judged portrayal. This story also proves that Doctor Who does not have to be serious to be engrossing. It’s properly funny.


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AVG. Rating214 members
3.93 / 5


AVG. Rating552 votes
4.04 / 5

The Time Scales

AVG. Rating280 votes
4.45 / 5

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DOCTOR: Can’t take the pace, eh? That’s teach you to impersonate someone less awe-inspiring next time.

BANTO: Awe inspiring? In that coat? Have you looked in the mirror recently? Come to think of it, I shouldn’t think you do much else!

DOCTOR: I intend to rise above your barbs. But before I do, I’d like to say this coat can only be appreciated by someone with a sharpened aesthetic sense! Not a dunderhead like you!

BANTO: Sharpened aesthetic sense? Sharpened by what? A dose of mind-altering drugs?!

DOCTOR: I warn you! A verbal duel with me, as you should remember, if you used the smallest fraction of your cerebral cortex, can only end in ignominy for you!

BANTO: Igno-what? Talking to you is like arguing with a thesaurus!

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