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The Rani is so sick of these stupid gay idiots it's so funny
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Review last edited on 20-03-25
I'd say it's a decent one. It doesn't have much going for it, but it's still very enjoyable. The Master + Rani duo is truly iconic.
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Review last edited on 21-01-25
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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.
Previous Story: Vengeance on Varos
Surprisingly, this might be one of the most consistent seasons of Doctor Who yet. This is another really solid story that introduces a new villain; the Rani. Kate O'Mara is great as the titular character, especially in her dynamic with Anthony Ainley's Master. It's also nice to see a Time Lord villain that isn't just a carbon copy of the Master and it gives us a great perspective on how other Time Lords view the rivalry between the Doctor and the Master. The story itself is nothing remarkable; it's a decently captivating adventure. It does feel like it lacks substance a little. There isn't much of a mystery after the identity of the Rani is revealed and that's fairly early on.
I think part of what makes me enjoy this story is how authentic it feels. It rarely feels like the Doctor actually time travels, especially in the early days. Normally the cramped studio sets and hammy acting give away the low-budget nature of the show. This story is an exception with excellent location filming, costumes and dialogue. Overall, this is a story that follows the historical formula to a tee and greatly benefits from it. Colin Baker is really starting to shine as the Doctor and I appreciate that this is a more grounded and less zany story.
Next Story: The Two Doctors
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Review last edited on 29-08-24
God forbid women do anything
Okay I cannot in honesty say this is a good story but I did enjoy it, particularly the first part. The Rani makes an excellent addition to the Doctor+Master dynamic and she might even come back one of these days
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Review last edited on 27-07-24
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Part one of The Mark of the Rani is a real gem. Pip & Jane Baker introduce a great setting for a story and a tonne of different, interesting ideas such as enlightenment leaders vs possessed luddites, a new Time Lords enemy and the Doctor’s TARDIS being thrown down a pit. Unfortunately none of this comes to anything in part two, where they introduce embryo dinosaurs and landmines that turn people into trees. The Master and The Rani lack of any kind of coordinated plan, they kind of want to control all these great Enlightenment minds - but we don’t see any significant or dramatic moves towards reaching those aims. You finish the story scratching your head, wondering what they main thrust of the whole thing was meant to be.
Ainley is thankfully on good form and Kate O’Mara’s Rani is very fun! Both completely bombastic but a good reflection of the incumbent Doctor, who also has settled into the part well by this point. It was nice having a baddie for The Master to sort of collaborate with - it was about time a major new Time Lord character was introduced.
Unfortunately the second part starts to feel a bit slow and has no pay off. It is educational in parts but does not have much story to go round. The Rani’s TARDIS however is a true delight. I wish The Doctor had gotten something as spaceship-like as this!
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Review last edited on 26-04-24
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