Stories Television Doctor Who Season 18 Classic Who S18 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Keeper of Traken 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [TARDIS] (A starscape is on the scanner, with a planet near centre.) ADRIC: So this in N-space.DOCTOR: Yes, the old home universe. It's many times larger than anything you're used to.ADRIC: All those stars.DOCTOR: Yes.ADRIC: Do you know them all?DOCTOR: Well, just the interesting ones.ADRIC: How can you tell which is which?DOCTOR: Well, law of probability, that sort of thing, you know. Anyway, we're supposed to be on our way back to Gallifrey.ADRIC: I don't see what the law of probability's got to do with it.DOCTOR: No. What? Adric, I give you a privileged insight into the mystery of time, yes?ADRIC: Yes.DOCTOR: Open your mind to adventures beyond imagining, yes?ADRIC: Yes.DOCTOR: And you criticise my logic.ADRIC: No. No, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you don't really make sense.DOCTOR: Ah. Ah. Oh, you've noticed that, have you? Well, I mean, anyone can talk sense. As long as that's understood, you and I are going to get on splendidly.ADRIC: Then where are we?DOCTOR: Metulla Orionsis, I'd say. Does that make sense? (Adric checks a read-out on the console.) ADRIC: That's what it says here.DOCTOR: Yes, that's an interesting planetary system.ADRIC: Traken, isn't it?DOCTOR: Eh? You're beginning to get the hang of this console. Yes, Traken. (reads) Traken Union, famous for its universal harmony. A whole empire held together byADRIC: By?DOCTOR: Well, by people just being terribly nice to each other.ADRIC: Well, that makes a change.DOCTOR: Yes. I don't think I've actually been there. Just know it by repute, so I'll tell you all about it sometime. (The Doctor goes through the inner door.) ADRIC: Well, you won't have to. We're going there anyway. (The Doctor re-enters.) DOCTOR: Going to Traken? Who said so?ADRIC: You set the controls for it.DOCTOR: You set them.ADRIC: No! No, you must have.DOCTOR: But I didn't. Did I? I wonder what the law of probability would say about that? (The TARDIS twirls lightly through the satellites of Traken.) DOCTOR: Now, what seems to be the problem?ADRIC: We've gone into orbit round one of the planets.DOCTOR: I thought so.ADRIC: Thought what?DOCTOR: I thought you might appreciate it if I gave you the impression I knew what was happening. We could panic, of course, but where would that get us?ADRIC: What's happening?DOCTOR: I don't know.ADRIC: Well, you should know.DOCTOR: Adric.ADRIC: Well, you are a Time Lord, aren't you?DOCTOR: Adric. If I knew everything that was going to happen, where would the fun be? (The Doctor looks up and across the console.) DOCTOR: Hello. (A very old man with a highly domed head and long finger nails is sitting in a plush scrollwork chair.) KEEPER: How do you do.DOCTOR: It's all right, Adric. The Keeper of Traken.KEEPER: Well guessed, Doctor. The reports I hear of your intelligence are true, I see.DOCTOR: Oh, well, it wasn't difficult to guess who'd taken possession of the TARDIS. I mean, there can't be many people in the universe with the capacity of just dropping in like this.ADRIC: Well, you could have told me.DOCTOR: Shush. Time reveals everything, Adric. What can we do for you, Keeper?KEEPER: Listen closely, Doctor. As you see, the passing ages have taken toll of me.DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I know that feeling.KEEPER: But unlike you, my time of Dissolution is near and the power entrusted to me is ebbing away.DOCTOR: Oh, come on. It's still fairly impressive. I mean, I couldn't flit around the universe in an old chair like this.KEEPER: I have all the minds of the Union to draw on. I am only the organising principle. It is on that count I ask you to come to Traken.DOCTOR: Right!KEEPER: Think carefully before you agree. There is great danger in this for you and your young friend.DOCTOR: How so, Keeper?KEEPER: I fear that our beloved world of Traken faces disaster.ADRIC: Universal harmony, you said.DOCTOR: Shush.KEEPER: The Doctor does not exaggerate. Since the time of the Keepers, our Union has been the most harmonious the universe has ever seen. Does the boy not know of this?DOCTOR: Oh, he's not local. (The Keeper vanishes.) DOCTOR: E-space, wasn't it? Where's he gone? (The Keeper reappears on the other side of the console, by the scanner.) KEEPER: How vain one can still be. I thought the whole universe knew the history of our little empire.DOCTOR: Yes. They say the atmosphere there was so full of goodness that evil just shrivelled up and died. Maybe that's why I never went there.KEEPER: Rumour does not exaggerate, Doctor.ADRIC: The screen.KEEPER: Oh, forgive me. May I borrow it for a moment?DOCTOR: Oh please, Keeper, please.KEEPER: Yes, we have indeed been visited by evil many times. Our compassion for these poor distorted creatures seems to attract them like moths to a flame. Sometimes they are redeemed. (The screen shows a group of men tending a park.) KEEPER: The Fosters are the guardians of the spiritual welfare of our capital. (A glowing red statue lands on a low plinth near the men.) KEEPER: They name such creatures Melkur.DOCTOR: Melkur?KEEPER: Melkur. Literally a fly caught by honey. The Fosters know there's nothing to fear from these visitations.DOCTOR: So what becomes of this Melkur?KEEPER: It's baleful influence will not extend beyond the grove, and even here it will only produce a few weeds. Like others before it, the creature will calcify and pass harmlessly into the soil. But the demise of any living thing is painful to us. (A woman in blue carries orange flowers up to the dull statue with bits of moss growing on it.) KASSIA [on screen]: And how are you today, you poor Melkur? The Fosters have appointed me to look after you. There isn't much I can do. It must be awful being rooted to the spot like a tree. If you weren't quite so evil, you might be able to move a bit, just around the grove. Being so evil, you can't even speak. Never mind. I'll come and visit you again soon. Oh. By the way, my name's Kassia.DOCTOR: Well, that particular evil seems to be well under control.KEEPER: Seemed, Doctor. That was many years ago. Young Kassia is now grown up. Such was her purity of spirit that she became a consul, and the day of her marriage to Tremas has become, somehow, the turning point for Traken. (The scanner shows the happy couple drinking goblets with linked arms before kissing in front of a delighted crowd.) [Sanctum] (The grey-haired groom mounts a couple of steps. Everyone say Hi! to Anthony Ainley.) TREMAS: Enough, Trakens. Enough! Applause is heady, and I've already drunk more wine than a man of my responsibilities should. To be a consul and a father I thought were duties enough, but now once again to be a husband, and to Kassia.KASSIA: My husband is right. The wine has flowed freely tonight. Perhaps I should take him home.SERON: Already you've begun to pamper him, Kassia, like that Melkur of yours in the grove.KATURA: People have begun to think she was married to the statue, all these years she's been tending him. (Everyone say Hi! to Margo Van der Burgh, who once played Cameca, the Doctor's love interest in The Aztecs.) LUVIC: I hope she looks after Tremas better than she looks after the Melkur. He's covered in moss.KASSIA: I'm sure it does not become us to mock Melkur.KEEPER: I rather think it is you they are mocking, Kassia. (The Keeper and his chair appear behind moving etched glass screens at the top of the steps.) TREMAS: Keeper, you were able to join us.KEEPER: No affairs of state could keep me from such an occasion as this. Come, the pair of you. Receive my blessing.KASSIA: We are honoured, Keeper. (Tremas and Kassia link hands and kneel.) KEEPER: Kassia was right, Tremas. She promised to tend the Melkur while its power still lived. Who would have thought its demise could be so protracted. She has been loyal, and we now release her.TREMAS: Come, Kassia. Thank the Keeper.KASSIA: But who will tend him?KEEPER: The Fosters, perhaps. Since you drove them from the grove, it has become neglected. Fruit trees need some little tending too, you know. No, Nyssa shall watch over your Melkur. And she must share in the blessing, too. (Tremas' daughter, in her mauve gown, steps forward between Tremas and Kassia, and kneels.) KEEPER: I, nearing the time of my passing, bless the marriage of these two, Tremas and Kassia, truest of my five true consuls, together with Nyssa, now daughter to you both. [TARDIS] KEEPER: Now it begins. My certain knowledge of the coming Dissolution. No Keeper lasts forever, and the period of transition is always difficult. But I sensed more than that, even as I came to name Tremas as my successor.DOCTOR: Sense what, Keeper?KEEPER: All-pervading evil, and somehow nurtured in those three good people standing before me to receive the blessing of the Keeper. Doctor, my time is close. I need your help.DOCTOR: Anything I can do, Keeper.ADRIC: That goes for me, too.DOCTOR: Shush. Well, we'll see. We'll see.KEEPER: I am fearful even to involve the Doctor. He will face unimaginable hazard, confront power that would obliterate even a Time Lord. Even you, Doctor. Goodbye, my friend. Farewell. (The Keeper and his chair vanish.) ADRIC: Well, that's a funny way of going about things.DOCTOR: Yes, isn't it. What do you make of it?ADRIC: I don't know. But I do hope we know what we're doing.DOCTOR: So do I. We?ADRIC: You. [Courtyard] (The wedding party is breaking up.) TREMAS: If all the stars were silver, and the sky a giant purse in my fist, I couldn't be happier than I am tonight.NEMAN: Poetry apart, Consul Tremas, I'd rather be rich than Keeper Nominate any night of the year.TREMAS: I wasn't thinking of state duties, Proctor.NEMAN: Ha, Kassia, of course. But she should be with you, surely?TREMAS: She's gone to the grove to take leave of her precious Melkur. (Sarah Sutton speaks.) NYSSA: Aren't you jealous, father?NEMAN: His happiness is like the stars, he says. Plenty to share with everyone, even with Melkur. [Grove] KASSIA: You listen so patiently, and who else could I speak to of my unhappiness? To be Keeper Nominate, they regard it as a great honour, but when the Keeper's Dissolution comes it will take Tremas from me forever. And I know his time will be soon. I know it will be soon.MELKUR: Soon.KASSIA: You spoke to me! [TARDIS] (The Doctor enters with two large books under his arm.) ADRIC: Whatever's that?DOCTOR: Knowledge. Accumulated wisdom of centuries.ADRIC: A gazetteer?DOCTOR: Well, they're just a couple of my old time logs. You know, I really may have been to Traken. It's so difficult to keep track of.ADRIC: I suppose it helps keeping a time log.DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Mind you, I don't bother now. Much too busy. Actually, this might not be the right volume. Here, take that and make yourself useful.ADRIC: What am I looking for?DOCTOR: Well, you know, Traken, Keepers, all-pervading evil.ADRIC: Universal harmony?DOCTOR: Yeah, anything along those lines. [Courtyard] (A body has been found.) SERON: Kassia has called a meeting?LUVIC: Another of her strange ideas, perhaps?SERON: Kassia is a gifted sensitive. Her spiritual qualities are beyond question. But Tremas has yet to persuade her that we live in the real world, not some chaos of superstition.LUVIC: So this man's death was natural, you think?SERON: He was full of years. Old men die.NEMAN: I've never seen one die like that. Pain on his face, and fear perhaps? Is that natural?SERON: Unexpected, certainly, but I am never one to jump to conclusions, particularly in the presence of others. There is rumour enough abroad.NEMAN: With all this restlessness within the Union, Consuls, I don't know if perhaps the Fosters should be armed.LUVIC: Armed? That's an unusual suggestion.NEMAN: These are unusual times, Consul.SERON: Well, Tremas? Has science brought us any nearer discovering how the Foster died?TREMAS: It's so fantastic I hardly know whether to believe it myself.SERON: Fantastic? (Tremas holds up his tricorder.) TREMAS: I've scanned the courtyard several times. Something quite strange has registered. See for yourself.SERON: It seems our worst fears are confirmed.LUVIC: They are?SERON: Tremas has clearly fallen under Kassia's spell in more ways than one. Tell the meeting I shall be delayed a moment. Tremas clearly needs humouring. (Luvic enters the Court building.) SERON: What do these readings mean?TREMAS: It's impossible to say. It's beyond the scope of the instrument to analyse or measure.SERON: You're sure it's not an error?TREMAS: An error. Yes, it must be.SERON: But if the readings are true?TREMAS: If these readings are true, then obviously some, some force is taking possession of Traken. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Ha, ha. Interesting stuff, isn't it?ADRIC: If I could understand it.DOCTOR: What?ADRIC: Well, look. I read about something that's just happened.DOCTOR: And?ADRIC: The next page says it didn't happen at all.DOCTOR: So?ADRIC: Over the page says it did happen, but many years ago.DOCTOR: Ah, yes. Well, I suppose it is a bit above your head. Mind you, they did say I had a very sophisticated prose style.ADRIC: As for your handwriting.DOCTOR: Handwriting? What about my handwriting?ADRIC: It's marvellous.DOCTOR: We've arrived. Right, now let's see what this place really looks like. (The scanner shows a path through lush foliage.) DOCTOR: Well, it's a good place if you fancy a spot of gardening. [Sanctum] KATURA: Murder? Here, in the precincts of the court?TREMAS: We don't know that it was murder, Consul Katura.KATURA: You have determined the cause of death?LUVIC: I thought it was natural.SERON: There's no need to be alarmist, Tremas.TREMAS: He died through contact with some high energy source. How and why it happened, I cannot say.KASSIA: (sotto) A sign. Power of Melkur. (aloud) Consuls, I sense some great danger coming to us all. The Fosters must be armed.SERON: With respect, Kassia, we cannot allow superstition to stampede reason.KASSIA: I have reason.KATURA: Then you have only to let the Consuls know what it is.TREMAS: Well, Kassia? (Kassia sits down and stays quiet.) SERON: We are the Keeper's appointed consuls. Let his benevolent wisdom be our guide, not irrational fears and intuitions. Are we agreed to summon the Keeper?LUVIC: First we must decide about the Fosters. I feel that perhaps Kassia's right on that point. They should be armed. (Katura and Tremas nod.) SERON: Send for Proctor Neman. (A Foster leaves.) [Grove] (The TARDIS has arrived close to Melkur. Adric comes out first and sees the statue staring straight at them.) ADRIC: It looks almost alive.DOCTOR: Hmm? Looks pretty well calcified to me.ADRIC: I've got the nasty feeling it's looking at us.DOCTOR: Fiddlesticks. [Sanctum] KASSIA: I speak for the many peoples of the Traken Union. They ask why crops fail, why droughts and floods disturb our planets. And now, violent death in the very precinct of the court itself. What do we tell them?SERON: Normal events, Consul, when the span of our Keeper nears its end.KASSIA: Nothing is normal at such a time. This Keeper, whose protection we have enjoyed for a thousand years, is dying. The power is growing weaker day by day.TREMAS: Trakens have survived times like this in the past. We shall do so now, through science and understanding.KASSIA: Brave words, husband, but no great comfort to a people being stripped of their traditional protections.SERON: The Keeper knows our situation. He'll speak when the time is right. [Courtyard] (The Doctor is struggling to open the right hand gate of the grove, so Adric just pushes open the left one. They go through to meet an unwelcoming committee of armed Fosters.) DOCTOR: Put your hands up in the air like that. (The Doctor and Adric reach for the sky.) DOCTOR: I wonder what we've done this time? Are you the welcoming committee? [Sanctum] KATURA: We can't afford to stand on ceremony, Consul Seron. I propose we put it to the vote.LUVIC: The sooner, the better.TREMAS: Very well, but you know the law. The vote must be unanimous. Consuls, it is proposed that we summon the Keeper. Those in favour raise your hands. (Seron does not raise his hand.) TREMAS: Consul Seron.SERON: If the majority are agreed, then I'll concur, of course. (A gong sounds.) SERON: Open the door. (Neman enters with the Doctor and Adric, and armed Fosters.) NEMAN: Consuls, the cause of the evil. We have found them. (In the grove, the Melkur's eyes glow red.) TREMAS: So, who are you?DOCTOR: I wondered when you were going to ask. You know, I hate to say this sort of thing, but Traken hospitality isn't what it used to be.ADRIC: He's called the Doctor, and I'm Adric.DOCTOR: It's probably the usual misunderstanding. We keep running into this sort of thing. Actually, we were invited here this time.ADRIC: This is true.TREMAS: Invited?DOCTOR: Yes, to pitch in, help out, that sort of thing.TREMAS: Who asked you here?DOCTOR: Well, excuse my name dropping, but the Keeper, actually.TREMAS: You've had contact with the Keeper?DOCTOR: In a manner of speaking, yes.LUVIC: I don't follow this at all.TREMAS: The Keeper said one would come amongst us to help Trakens. Could you be this one, Doctor?DOCTOR: Well, unless he's in the habit of soliciting help, yes.KASSIA: Sacred law decrees that the Keeper has contact only through his consuls.SERON: You say, Doctor, that you arrived here in some kind of craft?DOCTOR: Yes.SERON: And landed in the grove?DOCTOR: Yes. We thought we'd walk the rest of the way. You know, fresh air, stretch the legs.SERON: Then your craft should still be there.DOCTOR: Yes.TREMAS: Proctor Neman, send some of your brothers to confirm this.NEMAN: Certainly, Consul. (In the grove, Melkur fires energy bolts from its eyes at the TARDIS, which disappears.) TREMAS: But if they are indeed known to the Keeper, can we risk such a grave injustice, Kassia?KATURA: They can't be known to the Keeper or we would have been informed.LUVIC: I don't understand what's going on.NEMAN: Consul Tremas.FOSTER: There's nothing there.NEMAN: The Fosters have searched the grove for the stranger's craft.TREMAS: And you have found it.NEMAN: There is no craft. The grove is empty.KASSIA: Does anyone doubt now? (Night has fallen. Melkur turns its head to watch the patrolling Fosters.) KATURA: It seems they have indeed been lying to us.DOCTOR: Look, why don't we summon up the Keeper or something?TREMAS: We are about to do so.KASSIA: Yes, we will summon the Keeper. (The consuls walk up to the glass screens and bow. Meanwhile, Melkur walks out of the grove. The consuls put their large rings into keyholes either side of the Keeper's screens.) TREMAS: Keeper of Traken, by unanimous consent, your consul summons you. (The Keeper appears behind the screens.) TREMAS: Keeper, we have strangers among us who claim they are known to you.KASSIA: And dare to say they were summoned here to Traken at your request. (The screens slide open.) KEEPER: Bring the strangers forward. (Neman and the armed Fosters bring the Doctor and Adric forward. Melkur appears at the partly open door.) DOCTOR: Sorry to trouble you, Keeper, but we do seem to have a problem here. (Melkur's eyes glow.) DOCTOR: Please tell them who we are, will you?KEEPER: Evil! The sanctum is invaded!DOCTOR: Keeper, tell us.KEEPER: Consuls, we are invaded. Evil! Infinite evil! (The Keeper vanishes from his chair, and Melkur leaves the Doctor and Adric at the wrong end of the Foster's guns.) Part Two [Sanctum] DOCTOR: Consuls, you're making a big mistake. I'm sure you're all charming, reasonable people at heart.KASSIA: Fosters, do your duty.DOCTOR: The least you can do is hear what we have to say.KASSIA: Execute them. This evil must be stamped out.DOCTOR: Quite! And Adric and I are willing to stamp with the best of them, but let's stamp with some justice and precision. Consuls, you saw what happened. Your Keeper was attacked. (Neman grabs the Doctor's arm.) SERON: Wait! Do I understand you to imply that one of us here used force against the Keeper?DOCTOR: Yes. Someone here, or someone very near here.KATURA: One of us?LUVIC: Against the Keeper?KASSIA: The Keeper recognised you for what you are, strangers. Creatures of Melkur!TREMAS: Melkur?KASSIA: Of course! The evil originates from him. Don't you realise? The evil is here before you, before your eyes! (Kassia faints. Fosters patrol the courtyard as Melkur leaves the building. Tremas helps Kassia onto a chair.) TREMAS: My wife is not well.DOCTOR: Did she say Melkur?SERON: She has an obsession with the statue.LUVIC: Devoted to it. Takes it flowers.KATURA: Since she was a child.DOCTOR: A force was certainly brought to bear upon the Keeper from some quarter. Tell me more about this Melkur.KATURA: Consuls, this Doctor is procrastinating.SERON: Perhaps, but I would like this clear. Are you asking us to believe that some kind of psychic power has been used?DOCTOR: No, not at all. A high energy beam. And if I had the right instrument (The Doctor sees Tremas is holding his tricorder.) DOCTOR: Extraordinary. It's just the thing. How very curious.TREMAS: Are you a scientist, Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes, and so I see are you. Tremas, isn't it? Been investigating high energy forcefields, eh?TREMAS: You understand these things?DOCTOR: Well, I've dabbled a bit in the bioelectronics line. May I cast an eye over that?TREMAS: Will the court permit an exchange of scientific views? (The three others nod, and Tremas and the Doctor move away from Kassia.) [Courtyard] (A patrolling Foster comes out of the grove to discover his fallen colleagues, then sees Melkur with the glowing eyes.) FOSTER: No! No! No! Argh! (Melkur returns to the grove.) [Sanctum] DOCTOR: Where did you get these readings?TREMAS: In the courtyard.DOCTOR: Plasma fields of this strength couldn't have been generated without some pretty formidable magnetic containment. I'm hardly tooled up for that sort of thing.TREMAS: Quietly, Doctor. I don't want to alarm the others with this yet. (Tremas returns to the consuls. Kassia is recovered now.) SERON: What do you make of him? Does he talk sense?TREMAS: It's hard to say.KASSIA: Then let us proceed, husband. Fosters!TREMAS: Wait. In honour to the truth, we cannot proceed.KATURA: What truth, Tremas?TREMAS: The charges have not been proved against the strangers. Consuls, under sacred law, I claim consular privilege and take them under my protection.KATURA: Consular privilege?KASSIA: No, Tremas. I'm doing this for you.SERON: He is quite within his rights.LUVIC: Maybe, but can't he tell us what's going on?KATURA: Why this brave gesture, Consul Tremas?KASSIA: Yes, why? Let it be.SERON: We have no right to question him on that point. Very well. We place you both under the protection of Consul Tremas. You realise the consequences. (Kassia leaves quietly.) DOCTOR: Consequences?SERON: Should you infringe the law here in any way, then his life too is forfeit.DOCTOR: Ah yes, yes, very civil of you, Consul. And we'll do our very best to try and return the compliment, won't we, Adric?TREMAS: Kassia? Where's Kassia? [Courtyard] (Kassia sees a dead Foster.) KASSIA: Melkur! This mustn't be discovered. It is too soon. (She runs over to the second one and drags him into the shrubs, then returns for the first before the Consuls begin to leave the building.) LUVIC: Yes, indeed. This is a very serious matter.KATURA: Do they understand? One can never tell with strangers.SERON: Doctor, the consuls now transfer you to the custody of Tremas.KATURA: But you must stay with him.DOCTOR: A sort of house arrest? Well, that suits us, eh, Adric?LUVIC: Suits you?ADRIC: Yeah. With no TARDIS we've nowhere to put up for the night.TREMAS: There's little of the night left, Doctor. It'll soon be dawn. (Katura, Luvic and Solon leave. The Doctor goes to where the first Foster's body had been, on the steps to the Court building.) DOCTOR: It's been here again.TREMAS: What, Doctor?DOCTOR: Whatever it was that was here last time.ADRIC: How do you know?DOCTOR: Those stones have been hit by a plasma beam. They're disintegrated. Look, the sun's coming up. You're right, it is morning. Tremas, you know what I need more than anything else in the universe?TREMAS: No, Doctor.DOCTOR: Breakfast. Is your place far? [Grove] (Melkur is back in his usual spot when Nyssa brings flowers just like her step-mother used to do. Then she reaches up to brush off some moss. Kassia is watching from behind a shrub.) KASSIA: No. (Nyssa leaves, and Kassia goes over to Melkur.) KASSIA: Yes, Melkur? [Tremas' quarters] (Traken breakfast appears to be fruit and bread.) DOCTOR: Well, if you don't mind, I think it's high time we got down to work.TREMAS: What do you have in mind?DOCTOR: Well, the first thing we ought to do is find my TARDIS. (Nyssa enters.) TREMAS: Proctor Neman had the grove thoroughly searched.NYSSA: Grove? I've just come from there.TREMAS: My daughter, Nyssa.ADRIC: Hello.DOCTOR: Hello.NYSSA: How do you feel?DOCTOR: Oh, fine, fine. It's always nice to be reprieved. Listen, you didn't notice a tall blue box with a lamp on top out there, did you?NYSSA: There was nothing like that there.DOCTOR: I know that TARDIS, Tremas. It's got to be out there somewhere.TREMAS: Very well, I'll take you there myself. But just you, Doctor. Adric will stay here.DOCTOR: Thank you. (Tremas and the Doctor leave. Nyssa smiles at Adric.) [Grove] KASSIA: I tried, Melkur, but I failed. The Doctor is now protected by sacred law.MELKUR: Your failure is irrelevant. The law which protects the strangers will presently destroy them.KASSIA: And Tremas? What of my husband? You promised to save him. He must not become Keeper.MELKUR: Your precious Keepers. They, too, are irrelevant. When this one dies, he will be the last of his kind here on Traken.KASSIA: But Tremas is named as successor.MELKUR: Named, perhaps, but what's in a name? Kassia is as good a name as Tremas.KASSIA: I do not understand.MELKUR: Understanding is not necessary to your task, Consul. Now listen carefully and obey without question. [Tremas' quarters] (There are lots of computer banks in an alcove.) ADRIC: Well, I had no idea your science was this highly advanced.NYSSA: It has to be, to protect and expand a great power which our Keeper exercises on our behalf.ADRIC: Oh yes, I've read about your Keeper. The chosen Keeper dedicates himself to the bioelectronic system.NYSSA: The Source, yes. From it he organises the whole Traken Union. (Adric looks at the tricorder.) ADRIC: These readings couldn't be something to do with the Source, I suppose?NYSSA: The energy emissions? Oh no, the frequency profiles are something completely new to us.ADRIC: Have you tried a Fourier analysis? (Nyssa looks baffled.) ADRIC: Something to write with. [Seron's quarters] (Luvic and Katura are with Kassia.) KASSIA: And this matter must be dealt with immediately.KATURA: No, no (Seron enters.) SERON: Secret meetings now? Why do you visit my quarters hugger-mugger like this?KATURA: Is it true, Seron? Kassia tells us her husband concealed knowledge from the consuls.SERON: What knowledge?KASSIA: The nature of these emissions. Tremas has been recording their energy profiles.SERON: Disharmony among us consuls now? Tremas did not conceal the knowledge. He and I have discussed the subject together.LUVIC: You knew too? This is a grave matter, Seron.SERON: Dangerous knowledge, Consul. Knowledge that could tip our people over the brink into superstitious chaos. Is that what you want?KASSIA: This matter has grave implications for the succession.SERON: You question the Keeper's judgement? You say Tremas is unfit to succeed?KATURA: That is for him to prove, and the sooner the better.SERON: Rapport with the Keeper?KATURA: It is the only way we know to resolve this problem.KASSIA: What is there to fear, Seron? If he acted justly, he will survive and we will be humbled.SERON: If there has been deceit, then I am to blame. Tremas did what he did on my advice.KATURA: You? Seron.LUVIC: Then in justice, Seron, you must enter Rapport.KASSIA: No, that is not intended.SERON: Intended, Kassia? By whom? Very well, we will put it to the test. I shall submit myself to Rapport. I ask that Consul Tremas keep vigil on my behalf.KATURA: With Consul Tremas under suspicion too, that is hardly the best choice.LUVIC: No, IKASSIA: I shall keep vigil for you, Seron.SERON: Thank you, Consul Kassia. Under your zealous eye we may be certain justice will be done. Now Consuls, you will excuse me. I must prepare myself. [Courtyard] (A crowd has gathered at the gate to the grove.) TREMAS: Proctor Neman?DOCTOR: Is something the matter?NEMAN: Consul?TREMAS: We intend to visit the grove. Who are those people?NEMAN: Ordinary citizens, Consul.TREMAS: Oh.NEMAN: They're waiting for a sign.TREMAS: A sign?NEMAN: There are rumours that the Melkur has been redeemed and will bring these disasters to an end.DOCTOR: Huh, that's hardly likely.NEMAN: It's superstition. But if I might suggest?TREMAS: Yes, Proctor Neman?NEMAN: It would perhaps be better if the Consul were not to visit the grove. It might be seen as confirmation of the rumour.DOCTOR: Well, I can see the force of that argument, but what I'm more interested in is finding myTREMAS: Thank you, Proctor. A wise thought. I'll show the Doctor round the court instead. (Tremas leads the Doctor away.) TREMAS: (sotto) The man's too fond of money to be trusted.DOCTOR: Really?TREMAS: There is another way to the grove. The service vault beneath the Keeper's chamber.DOCTOR: Citizen trouble there?TREMAS: No. Entry to it is possible only through consular agreement. [Tremas' quarters] (Adric finishes his maths.) ADRIC: These readings were taken before we arrived.NYSSA: You know what it is?ADRIC: I think so, except it's impossible. But the Doctor will know for sure. He must see this, Nyssa.NYSSA: But you're supposed to stay with me.ADRIC: Well then, you'll have to come along, too. Come on. The grove. [Grove] MELKUR: You have served me well, Kassia. At my feet you will find a gift. (It is a large metal band.) MELKUR: Wear it as a token of your allegiance. (Kassia puts the band around her neck, and it glows red for a few moments.) MELKUR: Now, the gentle irradiation and your allegiance is assured. Go now, Kassia. Be my eyes and ears.KASSIA: It is not as you predicted, Melkur. Seron will now enter Rapport.MELKUR: There is much that you do not understand, Kassia. [Inside 'Melkur'] (Kassia is looking straight into a pair of monitors.) KASSIA [on screen]: I have failed you, Melkur, but spare my husband, I beg of you. You have promised. (A charred and wizened hand switches off the screens, and someone cackles evilly.) [Sanctum] DOCTOR: Wait. (There's a red light on over a small door at the back of the room.) DOCTOR: There's someone in there.TREMAS: You mustn't be seen. It's too dangerous. (They hide behind buttresses. Kassia comes through the door and walks through the room. The light goes out.) TREMAS: Kassia.DOCTOR: Don't. She's in some sort of trance.TREMAS: She must have come from the grove.DOCTOR: Yes, from the Melkur thing. (Tremas leads the Doctor through the little door and down some stairs.) [Vault] (A globe sits in the middle of some lovely Celtic influenced wrought-iron work.) DOCTOR: You know, Tremas, your Source manipulator is really quite beautiful.TREMAS: Yes, it's functions have expanded steadily over the years.DOCTOR: Its limitless organising capacity refined to a single frame and obedient to the will of your Keeper. A great achievement, Tremas, and a great temptation to people less principled than ourselves.TREMAS: Yes, the thought has occurred to me. Come, the grove is this way. [Inside 'Melkur'] (The monitors are switched back on as the Doctor and Tremas enter the grove.) DOCTOR [on screen]: Bothers you, does he, Tremas?TREMAS [on screen]: Yes, and with good reason.DOCTOR [on screen]: Yes, me too. I'd like to take another look, but first, the TARDIS. [Grove] (The Doctor gets out his TARDIS homing device. It beeps.) DOCTOR: Now, we put it down about, yes, here. Hmm.TREMAS: Well?DOCTOR: It's here. It's just been displaced slightly by the current time cone. Now, what's the simplest way around this? I'd like to set up a standing wave. Something the autosystems can home in on.TREMAS: Would a binary induction system serve the purpose?DOCTOR: Well, it'll be a start.TREMAS: Back to the vault stores, then. [Inside 'Melkur'] MELKUR: Find your TARDIS, Time Lord. Much good will it do you now. [Courtyard] NEMAN: Yes, lady?NYSSA: Proctor Neman, why are all these people gathered here?NEMAN: Rumours, lady. The law permits it.NYSSA: They offend the dignity of the Keeper. Have them removed.NEMAN: But that is not lawful, lady.NYSSA: My father and other consuls determine what is lawful. (She shows him her money pouch.) NEMAN: (to Fosters) Remove them.FOSTER: Come on, clear this area. Come on, move it. (Nyssa hands over the money pouch.) NYSSA: See that they leave here.NEMAN: As you wish, lady. (Neman follows the Fosters and the people. Nyssa gestures to Adric who comes out of hiding.) NYSSA: It's locked!ADRIC: Well, never mind. I'm quite good with locks. May I borrow your brooch? (Adric picks the lock on the grove gates.) NYSSA: Hurry, Adric, slip through. (Adric gets through and away, then Nyssa is spotted.) KATURA: No, Nyssa. Do not enter the grove.NYSSA: ButLUVIC: It's dangerous.NYSSA: Who says so?KATURA: Seron, and your father.NYSSA: But my father. Yes, I see.KATURA: The Melkur can do without your attentions for today, I'm sure.LUVIC: But unfortunately the state cannot do without ours. [Grove] (Adric listens on the other side of the gate.) KATURA: There are grave matters for us to discuss, Nyssa.LUVIC: Come on, we'll take you home.KATURA: Stay there until these things are settled. (Adric watches Katura and Luvic escort Nyssa away, then goes carefully deeper into the grove.) [Inside 'Melkur'] MELKUR: So, your sheep stray from the fold, Doctor. [Grove] DOCTOR [OC]: Psst.ADRIC: Doctor? (The Doctor grabs Adric from behind and pulls him into a bush.) DOCTOR: I thought I told you to stay with Nyssa.ADRIC: Doctor, Doctor, I must speak to you.DOCTOR: Shush. Can't it wait?ADRIC: No.DOCTOR: All right. Come on, through here. [Court building] (Seron leads a small procession along the corridor.) KATURA: So be it. (She takes his ring.) KATURA: Good luck, Seron. We wish you well. (Seron and Kassia enter the Sanctum.) [Vault] ADRIC: The wave loop pattern's unmistakable.TREMAS: Ah, you recognise the source of these energy emissions?ADRIC: I thought they might be from some sort of a TARDIS. I don't know what the Doctor thinks.DOCTOR: The Doctor thinks you might have a very good point. This certainly looks like a TARDIS generator, but you don't get shift ratios of this magnitude in an ordinary Type Forty. Adric, we have a full backflow inducer in the making here. (The Doctor stares at a bizarre screwdriver shaped piece of equipment.) [Sanctum] SERON: Keeper of Traken, the Consul's integrity is in doubt. I therefore claim Rapport with the Source so that you may make your judgement. (Kassia puts her ring into a console and flicks a switch.) [Vault] (Downstairs, the Doctor turns the odd piece into a neat cylinder with prongs.) DOCTOR: There we are, a fully fledged full backflow inducer.TREMAS: Doctor!DOCTOR: Yes? (The Source is starting to glow.) DOCTOR: What does that mean?TREMAS: It means the Keeper is being summoned. (They run upstairs.) [Sanctum] (Seron is caught in a column of light. It seems to be painful. He turns completely around, then is released. The Keeper appears.) SERON: Your judgement, Keeper?KEEPER: You are blameless, Seron, but doomed, and we are both betrayed. (The Keeper looks at Kassia, then vanishes.) KASSIA: Forgive me, Seron.SERON: Consul Kassia! (Kassia's eyes become flat and blank, with pinpoint pupils.) KASSIA: Forgive me, but I serve a greater purpose. (Her eyes and collar glow red.) SERON: Lost, degraded creature. [Inside 'Melkur] SERON [on screen]: You betrayed your Keeper and your sacred consular vows? Kassia, reject this evil. Reject it. [Sanctum] KASSIA: I cannot. Now, Melkur, now! (Energy bolts fire from her eyes into Seron's. He falls. ) [Outside the Sanctum] (At the top of the stairs to the vault.) TREMAS: You wait here. [Sanctum] TREMAS: Kassia? Dead? Seron dead? How? (Kassia's eyes have returned to normal.) TREMAS: What have you done, Kassia?KASSIA: Tremas, my husband, I (The collar stops her speaking. The main door opens and the other Consuls enter.) KASSIA: Seron is dead, rejected by the Keeper.TREMAS: No!KASSIA: Melkur is the cause of his destruction. Melkur. And those are his agents. (The Doctor and Adric stand in the vault doorway.)LUVIC: Seron, and now you, Tremas? Is nothing sacred any more? Fosters, take them.DOCTOR: Quick, the vault. The vault.KASSIA: Leave them. Come with me. [Vault] (The Doctor retrieves his new equipment.) TREMAS: Hurry, Doctor.ADRIC: But we can't get out. There are Fosters at the other door to the grove.DOCTOR: You're forgetting about the TARDIS, Adric. Come on, come on. [Grove] (The Doctor switches on his new backflow inducer.) DOCTOR: Wait, wait, wait.ADRIC: Will it work?DOCTOR: Well, give it a moment or two. Trust me. (The beeps from the device speed up.) DOCTOR: If you come up with a better idea, let me know.MELKUR: Doctor, recovering the TARDIS won't help you.DOCTOR: So you're the cause of all this.MELKUR: Turn off your instrument. (The eyes glow.) DOCTOR: Adric, Tremas, don't look at its eyes.ADRIC: Doctor, look! (The TARDIS appears. Kassia walks up and stands in front of the doors.)TREMAS: Kassia, help us!KASSIA: Yes, help me, Tremas. (She grabs at her collar and he runs to help her.) KASSIA: Don't look. Not my eyes. (But the energy bolts go straight from her into him. Tremas falls backwards into the Doctor's arms.) DOCTOR: He should be all right. Come on, he's only stunned. (Then a net falls on the trio, controlled by a Foster. Energy ripples through it and they all collapse.) KASSIA: It is done, Melkur.MELKUR: Oh no, Kassia. It is only beginning.Part Three [Dungeon] (Fosters lay the Doctor, Adric and Tremas on benches by the wall, then leave. Kassia and Neman arrive and look through the metal grill of the door.) KASSIA: They are to be closely watched, and no contact with anyone without my express authority.NEMAN: Yes, Consul.KASSIA: My husband and his friends have betrayed the Keeper. A full confession to satisfy the Traken people and then. You understand? These services will not be overlooked, Neman. [Corridor] KATURA: Where could she be?LUVIC: Here she comes now. Kassia. Kassia, where are the strangers?KASSIA: Closely guarded.KATURA: And the Keeper?KASSIA: It is our duty to propose a new successor. Tremas has forfeited his right.KATURA: Seron is dead.LUVIC: Then it's got to be one of us.KATURA: Well, we shall have to decide the issue formally.KASSIA: But later. [Cell] (Everyone has woken up.) DOCTOR: Well, quite a little home from home.TREMAS: It's the penal wing, Doctor. We haven't had much use for these cells for some time now.DOCTOR: Not till we came along, that is.ADRIC: Can you open it?DOCTOR: Some sort of electron lock. Still, sonic screwdriver should do it.ADRIC: What's the matter?DOCTOR: Seems a bit far along. Be a good chap, will you, and nip outside and unlock it for me. I'm not a magician, you know. (Two Fosters walk past.) DOCTOR: Lovely day. [Grove] KASSIA: All is as you predicted, Melkur. Seron is dead, Tremas is in disgrace. He cannot become Keeper now. You've saved him.MELKUR: And he may continue to live if you continue to obey.KASSIA: What? Can there be more to be done?MELKUR: Oh yes, my servant. Much more. The Doctor, he is a great and cunning enemy. While he lives, the cause of Melkur is in doubt.KASSIA: The Doctor and his young friend.MELKUR: With them you must finish the job you have begun. And one more thing. You have interfered with the succession. Order must be restored.KASSIA: A successor is to be chosen.MELKUR: Will this successor serve us as you do?KASSIA: I do not know.MELKUR: But we must know, Kassia. These things must be ensured. I can think of no better Keeper than yourself.KASSIA: No! [Inside 'Melkur'] KASSIA [on screen]: No, release me!MELKUR: Not until the work is done, Kassia. [Cell] DOCTOR: The Keeper's not dead yet, so we still have a little time.TREMAS: Not much, Doctor. Seron's murder proves the Keeper's power is at an end. His death can't be far off.DOCTOR: Whatever happens, Melkur must not be allowed to make contact with the Source.TREMAS: How could he, Doctor? The bioelectronics only permit a Traken to succeed to the Keepership.DOCTOR: Exactly.TREMAS: Kassia. [Grove] KASSIA: Melkur, I implore you. Answer me! (Nyssa hides when she sees Kassia kneeling before the statue. Kassia realises someone else is there and gets up. As she passes the bush, she pulls Nyssa out.) KASSIA: Ah, spying, eh? My Fosters will deal with you.NYSSA: Your Fosters?KASSIA: Yes, mine, bought and paid for.NYSSA: But you haven't bought my father or Adric and the Doctor.KASSIA: No need. They're under lock and key.NYSSA: He's no criminal! Nor are the strangers. This Melkur has made you mad.KASSIA: Don't interfere with what you don't understand. Now go home! This will all come to good in time. [Tremas' quarters] (Nyssa enters and goes straight to Tremas' desk by the technology alcove. She opens a plush blue box, gets a small rod-like item from the computer rack and screws a top from the box onto it. Then she puts the whole thing back into the box and leaves with it.) [Sanctum] KASSIA: Consuls of Traken. Recent events have proved that a great evil threatens our Traken Union. It is our clear duty to unite and strive to defeat it. Are we agreed?KATURA: Yes, Kassia. We're all proud of our liberal tradition, but this superstitious mania, this cult of Melkur, is growing.KASSIA: Fostered by my husband and the strangers.LUVIC: It must be stopped.KASSIA: It will, Consuls, but only if we demonstrate our intention to oppose it. And to do that, we need a Keeper Nominate who will not shirk what must be done.KATURA: That's certainly true, but I'm far too old and, Luvic.LUVIC: Oh, I do not have such greatness in me.KATURA: So there's no great dilemma about the choice. (They look at Kassia, who tries not to smile.) [Outside the Sanctum] NYSSA: Proctor Neman, please take me to my father.NEMAN: I'm sorry, lady, that is impossible.NYSSA: My father is still a Consul of Traken. I demand to see him.NEMAN: Your father and the strangers are condemned criminals. No one may see them.NYSSA: By whose orders?NEMAN: Consul Kassia. Forgive me, I have my instructions. (Nyssa holds up the blue box.) [Sanctum] KATURA: So be it. Consul Kassia, we appoint you Keeper Nominate. Do you accept or reject?KASSIA: I accept.KATURA: Well, that's that.LUVIC: First, the matter of Tremas and the strangers. Kassia?KASSIA: The strangers must die. Tremas will be of use.LUVIC: Yes, his contribution to the state has been outstanding.KASSIA: Their deaths will serve to deter others.KATURA: Yes. Sadly we must show that our intentions are firm.LUVIC: Sadly. [Outside the Sanctum] NEMAN: I cannot accept payment. The honour of the Traken Union is at stake. There is a limit to the power of money, Lady Nyssa.NYSSA: I think this is powerful enough. (Nyssa holds the rod as a weapon.) NEMAN: I see.NYSSA: Please do as I ask. I will use it if I must.NEMAN: You will die for this, lady.NYSSA: I know what I am doing. Now, the key to the cell, please. Down there. (Neman throws the metal key card onto the ground by Nyssa's feet. As she bends to pick it up, Neman and the Foster try to rush her. She shoots them both, then picks up the card and runs.) [Cell] (Another patrol passes.) DOCTOR: Lovely day. Huh. They're not a very talkative lot, your Fosters, Tremas.TREMAS: I suspect Kassia's bribed them. She daren't risk losing us now.DOCTOR: Why? Why should she, anyway? Ah, a friendly face.NYSSA: Doctor.DOCTOR: Nyssa. Nyssa, the lock. (He hands her the sonic screwdriver, she hands him the card.) DOCTOR: Ah. (He gives her the card back and she crosses the corridor to unlock the door. The Doctor gazes at his trusty screwdriver.) DOCTOR: New technology dates so quickly these days.TREMAS: Well done, daughter. [Dungeon] DOCTOR: Which way, Nyssa? This way or that?NYSSA: Follow me, Doctor.DOCTOR: Right. (The Doctor pulls the cell door shut first. Further along, the Doctor pulls Nyssa back just before a patrol passes.) [Outside the Sanctum] (Neman and the Foster are still lying on the floor.) NYSSA: The ion bonder. I stepped up the ion rate. They'll sleep for quite a bit yet.DOCTOR: What? I must remember never to fall out with your daughter, Tremas. May I look at that? Yes, very clever. No self-respecting fugitive should be without one. (The Doctor puts it in his pocket.) DOCTOR: Now.TREMAS: Where to, Doctor?DOCTOR: Back to the TARDIS. Much the safest place if we can get there.NYSSA: We must hurry.TREMAS: The grove. We can't use the sanctum entrance, they've taken my ring.ADRIC: And the main gate's guarded all the time.DOCTOR: It's the only way in. Just stay calm, eh? I'll think of something. (An alarm goes off.) DOCTOR: Come on, back. (The Sanctum doors open.) LUVIC: A painful duty, Consul Kassia.KATURA: Not really our way, this judicial blood-letting. Still, if it must be, it must. (Kassia rushes forward to help Neman up.) KASSIA: The prisoners?NEMAN: Oh, we were attacked. The Lady Nyssa.KASSIA: Search the court. They can't be far away. Now find them! Or you, Neman, will wish you had never been born.NEMAN: Yes, Consul.KASSIA: No, wait. Have the court sealed. Double the guard on the sanctum and the grove and search everywhere, including the residential quarter.NEMAN: Yes, yes. [Corridor] DOCTOR: Come on. (A little further on, they meet two armed Fosters.) DOCTOR: Ah, good morning, or afternoon, or is it evening? It's very difficult to keep track of time around here.FOSTER: Up against the wall.DOCTOR: Ah.NYSSA: Doctor, the ion bonder.DOCTOR: Oh yes.FOSTER: That's enough. Kill them! (But the Doctor is quicker on the draw.) DOCTOR: Tremas, we've got to get out of these corridors and lie low somewhere.NYSSA: We're close to our quarters, father.TREMAS: Too risky.ADRIC: Not if they've already searched there.DOCTOR: Good thinking, Adric. Come on, Tremas, lead on.TREMAS: Come on. [Grove] MELKUR: I'm disappointed, Kassia. You have failed me.KASSIA: We will find them. The court is sealed. They cannot escape.MELKUR: I warned you about the Doctor but you chose to ignore me. Now you suffer! (Kassia's collar glows red and she gasps in pain.) MELKUR: Rise, Consul. Were you not necessary to our purpose, you would die. [Inside 'Melkur'] KASSIA [on screen]: Tell me what I should do, Melkur.MELKUR: First, the Doctor. It is clear now he must be destroyed.KASSIA [on screen]: I shall not rest till it is done.MELKUR: Time presses, Consul. The power of the Keeper is almost ours. Only the Doctor can destroy all that we have planned. He must be found. Must, you hear? [Tremas' quarters] (The place shows signs of a very thorough search. Tremas groans at the sight.) DOCTOR: Well, the new regime seems to be making rather a mess of things. Tremas. Tremas.TREMAS: Huh?DOCTOR: Blueprints. Master plans. Do you happen to keep them here?TREMAS: What plans in particular?DOCTOR: Well, the master plans to the Source manipulator, of course.TREMAS: Yes, in the atmosphere safe. The secrecy of the Source manipulator is a sacred trust.DOCTOR: Tremas, we must stop Kassia becoming the Keeper, and for that we need the master plans.TREMAS: But I swore an oath, Doctor.DOCTOR: Well of course you swore an oath! Now you have to choose. Your personal honour against the safety of the whole of Traken.NYSSA: Yes, father.TREMAS: I can't, Doctor.DOCTOR: Well, that's fine. That's fine, Tremas. I mean, when this thing has taken over the entire Source you'll have the consolation of knowing that you kept your honour intact. (Tremas goes to a blank piece of wall, puts his hand through and removes a scroll.) TREMAS: The original design of the Source manipulator. The means that gave power to our Keepers.DOCTOR: Good. [Corridor] NEMAN: Consul, there's no sign of them. Some of my men made contact, but they got away.KASSIA: Oh, where could they be?NEMAN: Well, they were last seen headed towards the grove.KASSIA: Yes, obviously trying to get to the Doctor's craft. Very well, we'll help them. Call off the search.NEMAN: Call it off, Consul?KASSIA: Have the Fosters withdrawn. All of them.NEMAN: Including those covering the entrance to the grove?KASSIA: Especially those. I want it left clear.NEMAN: May I ask what you have in mind, Consul?KASSIA: Same as before, Neman. The death of the prisoners. [Tremas' quarters] DOCTOR: Now, Nyssa, you stand on guard. It's magnificent. Magnificent. It's a pity about that poor chap having to sit for thousands of years in a chair, but it is magnificent.TREMAS: It's a small price to pay for harmony throughout the Union, Doctor. Thousands of years of peace and prosperity for all our people.DOCTOR: Yes, I can see there's something in that. Adric, put your mind to that.ADRIC: ErTREMAS: That could be the crucial circuit.DOCTOR: Agreed, yes. I wonder, could it be tripped?ADRIC: Well, I wouldn't like to be around if it was.TREMAS: What are you thinking, Doctor?DOCTOR: Oh, dangerous thoughts, Tremas. Dangerous thoughts. Look, Adric. Warp crossover connected there, shutdown element there andADRIC: Disaster.DOCTOR: Well, only if the servo blew.ADRIC: You aren't serious, are you?DOCTOR: Well, it could be done. Tricky, and I hope not necessary. Yes. Thank you, Tremas. Put that away safely, will you? Nyssa, how are the fun and games over there?NYSSA: No movement, nothing.DOCTOR: Good. Let's get back to the TARDIS. Off you go. Come on. Off you go. [Sanctum] (The fire in the Keeper's area sinks low.) LUVIC: The signs are unmistakable, Katura.KATURA: Yes, Consul. It's happening at last. Foster, find Consul Kassia. Bring her here immediately. Tell her, tell her the Keeper is dying. [Corridor] (Nyssa has been scouting ahead.) DOCTOR: Well?NYSSA: No Fosters anywhere.ADRIC: But they can't have given up the search.TREMAS: It's not like Kassia to give up so easily. I don't like it.DOCTOR: Neither do I. Still, what can't be cured must be endured.ADRIC: That's the silliest thing you ever said.DOCTOR: Yes, yes, don't listen to me. I never do. Come on. Come on. [Sanctum] LUVIC: The texts say it is an agonising death, Katura.KATURA: Yes. For his sake and ours, may it be swift. With the Source out of control, nature, they say, reverts to destructive chaos. I dread that anything should go wrong, Luvic.LUVIC: Yes, yes. Kassia must be here the instant the moment comes.KATURA: Then let her hurry. Time runs out. [Courtyard] ADRIC: I don't like it, Doctor.DOCTOR: No, it is very quiet. Wait, wait. Come on, quickly. [Grove] DOCTOR: Now remember, we come to the statue presently. No funny business. Off you go.ADRIC: Wait.DOCTOR: What is it?ADRIC: Listen.DOCTOR: What? Imagination. Come on. (Straight into a group of Fosters.) DOCTOR: Well, Neman. Neman, you've made a splendid recovery.NEMAN: Unfortunately for you, yes. Now stand still!TREMAS: Neman, I'm Tremas, your Consul. What's happened to you people?NEMAN: Enough, Consul. There is nothing to be said. As far as you are concerned, our instructions are clear.DOCTOR: Well, clarity is the soul of knowing what the other chap's going to do. What are you going to do?NEMAN: By order of the Keeper Nominate, you are all sentenced to death.DOCTOR: What?NEMAN: Sentence to be carried out immediately. Fosters. (Thunder crashes overhead. The Fosters look up, frightened.) NEMAN: Fire! Fire! (The Fosters run away instead. A strong wind blows up. Neman grabs for a weapon but the Doctor uses the ion bonder on him first.) TREMAS: The Keeper, Doctor. The Keeper's dying!DOCTOR: Yes, and Kassia will be the next Keeper unless we make the Sanctum. (They struggle against the gale.) TREMAS: He dies, Doctor. The Keeper dies!NYSSA: Father! [Sanctum] (There is a wind blowing in here, too, as Kassia enters.) LUVIC: Quick, Kassia. Quickly!KASSIA: Yes, Melkur, the time has come. [Inside 'Melkur'] MELKUR: Do what must be done. I am impatient, Kassia. [Sanctum] KASSIA: Keeper of Traken, your work is done. Go swiftly in gratitude for all you have accomplished. She who will succeed is present. Relinquish the Source and die. (The flames go out.) KATURA: He is gone! (The glass doors open and Kassia sits on the Keeper's chair.) [Grove] (The storm stops as suddenly as it had started.) TREMAS: The Keeper is dead. [Sanctum] (The glass doors close.) LUVIC: The Source. Has it survived?KATURA: All will be well, Consul. All will be as it should be.KASSIA: Consuls, you are witness to my acceptance. Instruct the Source that transition may be completed. [Grove] DOCTOR: Come on.MELKUR: Doctor. So you survive after all.DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes, we're still here. Don't write us off yet, will you.MELKUR: Look into my eyes, all of you. There is nothing more than you can do, Doctor, so look, and you will die swiftly. [Inside 'Melkur'] MELKUR: A merciful death. Refuse and you will regret it.DOCTOR [on screen]: Oh, no. We know what you're up to, Melkur, and we'll stop you. That's a promise.MELKUR: But it's too late, Doctor. The Source is mine! And soon, very soon, you will feel its power.(The Doctor and his group leave the area of Melkur's vision.In the Sanctum, the flames behind the Keeper's chair leap back into life.Melkur turns off the monitor.)MELKUR: Now this Traken web of harmony is broken. I am free!(The person turns round to the camera. We last saw this disintegrating wreck in The Deadly Assassin. Oops.The statue dematerialises from the grove.) [Sanctum] KATURA: By this act, Kassia, you are physically confirmed as Keeper. Prepare for access to the Source. (Katura presses buttons on her console.) KATURA: May you bring peace and blessing for all your time, Keeper.DOCTOR: Consul, don't do it!KATURA: You again!LUVIC: Fosters, these traitors have no business here.DOCTOR: Consul Kassia has betrayed you all. Don't complete the transition.KASSIA: Do your duty, Katura. Complete transition!DOCTOR: Don't listen to her, Consul.KASSIA: Complete transition!TREMAS: No, Katura!KATURA: Transition complete. You now have access to the Source, Keeper. (As Katura and Luvic bow, Kassia screams and writhes in the chair, then begins to fade.) LUVIC: The Keeper!TREMAS: We warned you, Consuls.DOCTOR: (to Adric) It's our only chance. Secure the TARDIS. Take Nyssa with you and wait. (Adric and Nyssa leave.) DOCTOR: It's too late, Tremas. Far too late. (There is the sound of a TARDIS, and Melkur replaces Kassia on the Keeper's chair.) Part Four [Sanctum] MELKUR: Thank you, Consul Katura. You were most wise to complete the access to the Source. I am grateful.KATURA: Who are you?DOCTOR: Your new Keeper.TREMAS: This is no Keeper of Traken.DOCTOR: Well, I know it's not exactly what you had in mind, but now I'm afraid you're rather stuck with him.MELKUR: Consul Luvic, you may now summon Proctor Neman.DOCTOR: I should do it, Consul, if I were you. He'll make you.MELKUR: There is no compulsion. It is your Keeper who asks. Do it to serve him.DOCTOR: Huh. No compulsion? You've changed your tune.MELKUR: Apparently you haven't, Doctor. Consuls, this man is known to me, as is his ambition.DOCTOR: My only ambition is to stop you, Melkur.MELKUR: An unhappy man. The old Keeper rejected him and you Consuls sentenced him to death. Is that not so?KATURA: He speaks the truth. Do as the Keeper says, Luvic.DOCTOR: (sotto) I want to get a closer look at that Melkur creature. I have the oddest feeling we've met somewhere before. [Grove] NYSSA: How could he just disappear and reappear like that?ADRIC: That's nothing. We do it all the time in the TARDIS. Of course! Just like the TARDIS. [Sanctum] TREMAS: And you have no right to sit in that chair. How dare you expect us to believe you were known to the old Keeper?MELKUR: Known to him, Consul? It was he that arranged that I should succeed.TREMAS: Impossible! No outsider can become Keeper.KATURA: That's true. Our choice was Consul Kassia.MELKUR: Yes, Consul. That is why it happened as you saw it happen. The old Keeper foresaw this, and Kassia gave her life so that I should serve you.DOCTOR: If you ask me, poor old Kassia didn't have much say in the matter. [Inside 'Melkur'] MELKUR: You still do not recognise me, Doctor, but soon you will know me. Soon. [TARDIS] NYSSA: So this is the TARDIS. But howADRIC: Just a minute. (Adric shuts the doors.) ADRIC: We're safe now. No one except the Doctor can get in. Or at least that's the theory.NYSSA: How can all this be like Melkur?ADRIC: I don't know, but the Fourier analysis we did says it is.NYSSA: But why is it so much bigger inside than it is outside?ADRIC: Oh, the Doctor told me that was because it was dimensionally transcendental.NYSSA: What does that mean?ADRIC: It means it was bigger inside than outside.NYSSA: What are you doing?ADRIC: Testing drives, in case we have to leave in a hurry.NYSSA: What is it, Adric?ADRIC: I'm getting blocking.NYSSA: Blocking? What does that mean?ADRIC: It means if we have to leave in a hurry, we're in very serious trouble. [Sanctum] MELKUR: Proctor Neman, you will dismiss the Consuls and have them confined to quarters. A purely temporary measure, Consuls.NEMAN: The Doctor is under sentence of death, Keeper.MELKUR: Yes, death. I had not forgotten. I am loath to begin my regime with bloodshed, but in this case. (Melkur fades in and out.) MELKUR: You are all confined to quarters. Your fate will be decided later. And Doctor, try to leave, try to gain access to the TARDIS, and you will suffer. (Melkur vanishes.) NEMAN: You are confined to Consul Tremas' quarters until further notice.DOCTOR: He'll destroy you too, Neman, just as he destroyed Kassia.NEMAN: Consuls, you are dismissed. Escort them to their quarters. [TARDIS] (Adric has got a large circuit panel out of the console and is working on it.) NYSSA: There must be something we can do.ADRIC: There is. The Doctor showed me how this thing could be destroyed.NYSSA: How?ADRIC: You wouldn't like it.NYSSA: Adric, if it stopped MelkurADRIC: It would. It would, but it'd do a lot more than that.NYSSA: What do you mean?ADRIC: We can destroy Melkur, Nyssa, but only by completely destroying the Source. [Tremas' quarters] TREMAS: Doctor, these chaps are rDOCTOR: Shush. (The door slams shut. The Doctor opens it to see a Foster standing close guard.) DOCTOR: Looks like the second law of thermodynamics. (They go over to the technology alcove and talk quietly there.) DOCTOR: Talking of entropy, what happened last night in the sanctum, the statue fading and struggling, that was most unexpected.TREMAS: It's normal, Doctor. The reaction when a new Keeper succeeds. The effort weakens him. His power comes and goes at first.DOCTOR: A C-reaction. Melkur all sweetness and reason because he's vulnerable.TREMAS: Yes, stalling opposition until his power's secure.DOCTOR: Well then, perhaps we could apply the ultimate sanction.TREMAS: His power's increasing by the minute. The full reaction process is a matter of hours. No, what am I thinking of? We still need all five rings.DOCTOR: What, even though we've got the master plans of the Source Manipulator?TREMAS: You mean there may be a way to short-circuit the security system? [Sanctum] (Neman has one of Melkur's collars around his neck and a consul ring on his finger.) MELKUR: Neman, you carried out my orders?NEMAN: Yes, Keeper. The Consuls are confined to their quarters and the residential wing is sealed off.MELKUR: That is good, very good, because until my power is fully active, I shall depend on you.NEMAN: You may count on me, Keeper.MELKUR: Excellent. Let us entrust you with another task. Neman, Consul Tremas has a certain document in his possession. It must be secured at once. [Tremas' quarters] (That document is being carefully studied.) TREMAS: A control panel at the base of the chamber, activated by Consular ringsDOCTOR: Which in our case we have not got. What's that piece of mechanism? Oh, of course, a recursive integrator. Hmm. How are the rings encoded?TREMAS: Er, ah! Gamma mode encryption.DOCTOR: I see. Then there'll be a single large prime number at the root of it and we don't have the integer key. What a pity you still haven't got your own ring.TREMAS: Oh, you couldn't derive it from one ring. The computation would take thousands of years.DOCTOR: Oh, I don't know. I know one or two shortcuts. (They hear footsteps. The Doctor rolls up the parchment and stuffs it up his coat sleeve. There is a knock on the door.) DOCTOR: Come in. (Neman enters with two armed Fosters. The Doctor has his back to him.) DOCTOR: Ah, Neman. How nice.NEMAN: Consul Tremas, I have orders to secure the plan of the Source Manipulator. You will please hand it over.TREMAS: Impossible, Neman. The plans of the Source Manipulator are for the eyes of Consuls only!NEMAN: The Keeper orders it, that is enough. Do as I say. (Melkur and his chair materialise.) DOCTOR: Dear me, he seems to be almost back on form.MELKUR: Tremas, you will do as Proctor Neman asks.TREMAS: I have told him and now I am going to tell you. (Melkur fires energy bolts from his eyes. Tremas doubles over.) DOCTOR: All right, all right, Melkur. There's no need to show off your powers as Keeper. We know what you can do.MELKUR: Only a beginning, Doctor. Persuade your friend to cooperate.DOCTOR: Tremas, why don't you do as he asks? It's only a bit of paper, after all. You know why he wants it. He doesn't want you to show it to me.MELKUR: Correct, Doctor. (Tremas goes to the blank wall, and takes the parchment from behind the Doctor's back.) DOCTOR: Afraid I might spoil your fun? (Melkur gasps and fades a bit.) DOCTOR: I'd watch it if I were you, Melkur. Burning the candle at both ends and all that. (Tremas turns and hands the parchment to Neman.) MELKUR: Hold it out, Neman. (Neman obeys. Melkur zaps it and it bursts into flames.) MELKUR: Now, Doctor, we are safe. The Source is secure. (Melkur disappears.) DOCTOR: Oh, by the way, by the way, Neman. Neman, come here. You chaps might be interested in this as well. (The Doctor puts his arms round the shoulders of the Fosters. Neman moves in close.) DOCTOR: Listen, do you know that expression, two heads are better than one? (The Doctor bangs the Fosters' heads into Neman's head. They all fall down.) DOCTOR: Well, I think that one head's better than three. (Tremas takes Neman's Consul ring.) TREMAS: Part of the problem solved, Doctor.DOCTOR: So far it's going magnificently. Melkur'll be out of action for a while. Let's try and make that a permanent arrangement, shall we? Come on. [TARDIS] (Nyssa is helping with repairs, doing something clever to a very large white glass ball with four prongs on one end.) NYSSA: The servo shut-off. (Adric fits it to the panel he has been working on.) ADRIC: Perfect. Now there's just the crossover element left. [Corridor] FOSTER: Halt.TREMAS: Consul Tremas on special mission for the Keeper.FOSTER: Halt, or I'll fire. No one may leave the residential quarter. (The Doctor zaps him and his companion with the ion bonder, then he and Tremas drag them away.) DOCTOR: Come on, through here. Come on. (Meanwhile, Neman wakes and staggers out of Tremas' quarters.) [Outside the Sanctum] TREMAS: Here's the residential quarter.DOCTOR: Yes.TREMAS: Order of Proctor Neman. We're summoned to the Keeper. (Tremas uses the ring to open the door and they go inside.) NEMAN: Stop them! (Too late. The doors close.) NEMAN: Doh! [Sanctum] DOCTOR: How much longer do we have, Tremas?TREMAS: Can't say, but next time we see the Melkur, the reaction is almost certain to be over. (They kneel by a panel in the base of the Keeper's Chamber, and Tremas starts pressing buttons.) DOCTOR: Not a very pleasant thought. I had considered a more drastic solution.TREMAS: You know another way to destroy Melkur?DOCTOR: No. Just an idea that Adric and I had.TREMAS: Progress, Doctor. You can start your code-breaking now. [TARDIS] NYSSA: Finished?ADRIC: Yes. Now all we have to do is connect it up to the manipulator circuits.NYSSA: What will it do?ADRIC: Nothing, until Melkur taps the energy core of the Source.NYSSA: And?ADRIC: Oh, all sorts of things. Time energy will be displaced, energy will overflow, overload the control element.NYSSA: And Melkur?ADRIC: The Source will consume itself and whoever controls it. Or at least, that's the Doctor's theory.NYSSA: Let's hope we don't have to put it to the test.ADRIC: Yes. [Sanctum] DOCTOR: Eight, eight, seven, one, zero. Another zero. That's a bad sign. (Melkur materialises. The control panel goes bang!) DOCTOR: Down, Tremas. (A gale rips through the room, along with a peal of thunder. The Doctor and Tremas are blown away from the chamber.) TREMAS: Did you key the whole number in?DOCTOR: What?TREMAS: Did you key the whole number in?DOCTOR: No. Three more digits to go.TREMAS: You nearly had the sanction programmes running. A matter of moments.DOCTOR: Shush. We've still got a chance. Just remember three, three, seven.MELKUR: Now then, Doctor. Let's have you closer, shall we? (The wind has stopped. The Doctor gets up and walks towards the chamber, his eyes blank.) MELKUR: On your knees, Doctor. [Vault] NYSSA: Adric, the Source. Melkur's active.ADRIC: The prime circuit bank, Nyssa. Which panel?NYSSA: I'll do it. (She lifts off a cover.) NYSSA: You know what to do? (Adric picks up two bundles of unconnected wires.) [Sanctum] MELKUR: Too late, Doctor. I am now in full control of the Source.TREMAS: You may call yourself Keeper of Traken, but our people will never accept you.MELKUR: A noble thought, Tremas, but not true, you know. Your people will obey, just as you will.TREMAS: I would die first. (Tremas lunges for the panel with his ring, but is held short.) MELKUR: Oh, that's not necessary. Now, Consul Tremas, who do you obey.TREMAS: I obey you, Melkur.MELKUR: Let's put it to the test, shall we? (The doors open.) MELKUR: Come in, Neman. Please hand your weapon to Consul Tremas. Doctor, you may watch but not interfere. Now, Neman, you failed in your duty to me, did you not?NEMAN: I tried, Keeper.MELKUR: The punishment for failure is death. Consul Tremas, you're a fair-minded man. Kindly destroy Neman, will you? (Neman starts backing away. Without looking round, Tremas lifts the weapon and shoots him.) MELKUR: And now yourself, Tremas. (Tremas puts the weapon to his head. Suddenly it flies out of his hand. Melkur laughs.) MELKUR: You see, Consul? You will accept me now that I have these powers as Keeper. You have no choice, really. None of you has. [Vault] (Nyssa has the soldering iron.) ADRIC: Careful. (He switches on their device.) ADRIC: That's it.NYSSA: Well done, Adric. Even my father couldn't have done better. [Sanctum] MELKUR: Yes, Tremas. You will build machines, to my design, of course. Your colleagues will mobilise the people and I shall lead them to worlds without number, to conquest!DOCTOR: That's a very popular delusion.MELKUR: And along the way, many old scores will be settled, Doctor.DOCTOR: Old scores?MELKUR: You still do not know me, Doctor? But none of this will matter when I control the deeper mysteries of time.DOCTOR: All this and that too? How do you propose to manage that?MELKUR: Through the resources of the Keepership, and through you, Doctor. The knowledge will be taken from you atom by atom, and what is left of you, the husk of your body, that will also have its uses. (The glass screens slide back. The Doctor walks up and inside, and they close behind him. Melkur and the Doctor vanish. Adric and Nyssa enter.) ADRIC: We've sabotaged the Source Manipulator. Where's the Doctor?TREMAS: He's in there.NYSSA: But it's going to blow any minute! [Inside 'Melkur'] MASTER: Well, Doctor?DOCTOR: Of course, the Master.MASTER: Welcome to my new ship.DOCTOR: I used to know an ancient remedy for mad dogs. I must look it up some time. Good library here, have you?MASTER: Unfortunately for you, you will not be using it. This whole domain is now keyed to my biological rhythms. If you move a muscle, you will be destroyed. [Sanctum] ADRIC: Nyssa, the vault.NYSSA: It's too late, Adric. We can't disconnect at full power. It will be catastrophe.ADRIC: But the Doctor! [Inside 'Melkur'] MASTER: You will find immobility endurable, Doctor. I speak from experience.DOCTOR: I thought you meant to destroy me.MASTER: That would be irrational, to waste all that acquired knowledge of the centuries. You spoke of my library, Doctor. I intend that you should become a part of it. Your mind I shall deposit there. Your body. I am now nearing the end of my twelfth regeneration.DOCTOR: Then that is the end for a Time Lord.MASTER: But not for the Keeper of Traken. With my new powers, anything is possible. Yes. I shall enjoy full mobility once again. (The Master is about to grasp the Doctor from behind when -) MASTER: The Source! Someone has tampered with the power of the Source! Argh! [Sanctum] ADRIC: Nyssa, the Source! It's in reverse. (Something goes bang! in the Master's TARDIS. Fire breaks out. Free to move, the Doctor runs out through a pane of glass.) NYSSA: It's useless, father. You can't stop it. (A gale has broken out again. Luvic and Katura stagger in. The Doctor appears inside the glass doors.) DOCTOR: Adric! Three, three, seven! (Adric drags himself across the floor to the control panel.) DOCTOR: Three, three, seven! (Adric manages to enter the two threes before he is blown back. The Doctor gets out of the chamber and finishes the job. The wind stops.) DOCTOR: Why, thank you, Adric. That should cancel out your little bit of sabotage and put paid to the resident Keeper for good.KATURA: The Source! The Source is failing.DOCTOR: You know, I was going to mention that. I think that one of you two should step into the breach if you want to keep this quaint old custom going.LUVIC: I'll go. (Luvic runs up the steps and sits in the Keeper's chair. The screens close around him and Katura goes to the control panel.) TREMAS: What happened?DOCTOR: You just missed your chance of becoming Keeper yet again. But confidentially, I think that you're very lucky.TREMAS: We're all lucky, Doctor.DOCTOR: Really?TREMAS: To have met you.DOCTOR: Ah, well, I'm afraid your luck's just run out. Adric and I have got to fly. Come on, Adric.ADRIC: We're supposed to be heading back to Gallifrey.TREMAS: Goodbye.NYSSA: Goodbye. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Well, she seems to be going right as ninepence now.ADRIC: Why couldn't I start it?DOCTOR: Oh, probably the Master up to one of his little party tricks again. Then the general run-down condition. It badly needs an overhaul.ADRIC: Then why don't you?DOCTOR: Well, it involves an awful lot of recalculation, and this type's not really my forte. (Ouch, what a pun.) ADRIC: Well, you did work out the code for the Source Manipulator.DOCTOR: Oh, guesswork mostly.ADRIC: But it did work.DOCTOR: Yes, it did, didn't it. Adric, wouldn't it be nice to be right about everything? [Sanctum] KATURA: Well, Tremas, the new Keeper has been inaugurated.TREMAS: Perhaps we shall have peace again. (There's a curious modern wooden long-case clock by the entrance to the vault, where there wasn't one before.) NYSSA: Come on, father. You'll be needed to put everything together again.TREMAS: Starting with my quarters. I'll join you in a minute. There's something I want to look into.(Nyssa follows Katura out. Tremas goes over to the clock, which says 11:55, and touches the face. His hand sticks to it.)TREMAS: Help! Nyssa! (The front of the case opens and the Master comes out.) MASTER: So, a new body at last. (The Master goes behind Tremas and slides inside him. Tremas' grey hair and beard vanish to be replaced by slicked back black hair and a trimmed goatee beard.) MASTER: A new body at last. (He goes inside the clock and it dematerialises.) NYSSA: Father? Where are you? Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.