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First aired

Saturday, November 11, 1967

Production Code


Written by

Brian Hayles

Directed by

Derek Martinus


150 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Base Under Siege, Earth Invasion, Spaceship, The Doctor Falls

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Brittanicus Base, Earth, England


The TARDIS arrives on Earth in a new ice age. The travellers make their way into a base where scientists, commanded by Leader Clent, are using an ioniser device to combat the advance of a glacier.

A giant humanoid creature, called an Ice Warrior by one of the scientists, has been found buried in the nearby glacier.

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6 Episodes


First aired

Saturday, November 11, 1967


25 minutes

Written by

Brian Hayles

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

6.7 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria are brought to a base which is attempting to halt the flow of the Second Ice Age.

Two  Missing

First aired

Saturday, November 18, 1967


25 minutes

Written by

Brian Hayles

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

7.1 million

Appreciation Index



Varga revives and takes Victoria hostage as he works to revive his crew while the Doctor and Jamie find Penley stealing medical supplies.

Three  Missing

First aired

Saturday, November 25, 1967


25 minutes

Written by

Brian Hayles

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

7.4 million

Appreciation Index



Jamie and Arden venture out to rescue Victoria only to find the rest of the Ice Warriors are now active.


First aired

Saturday, December 2, 1967


25 minutes

Written by

Brian Hayles

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

7.3 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor leaves the base to try and find Jamie and Victoria while Storr tries to do a deal with the Ice Warriors.


First aired

Saturday, December 9, 1967


25 minutes

Written by

Brian Hayles

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

8 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Victoria are both held prisoner by the Ice Warriors as Varga decides to take over Brittanicus.


First aired

Saturday, December 16, 1967


25 minutes

Written by

Brian Hayles

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

7.5 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Victoria attempt to force the Ice Warriors to surrender control of the ioniser before the ice flow destroys them.


How to watch The Ice Warriors:


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6 reviews

“What are your qualifications for existence ?”


C’est bien fait. 

C’est une autre base assiégée, mais je suis quand même assez friand de son world-building, et de son monde froid et dévasté. 

Mais comme l’humanité du futur a l’air ici un peu moins humaine, et que sa technologie est défiée par une nature plus que jamais hostile, toute l’histoire est bizarrement imprégnée d’un vrai sentiment d’urgence. 

Et la musique très hollywoodienne contribue en plus un peu plus assez fortement à ce sentiment.  


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At the start of The Second Doctor's tenure, someone high up decided that 4-parters weren't worth it, and that the production teams should focus of stories with 6+ parts where possible. That, as you may know, is a sentiment which didn't stick, and stories like this are exactly the reason why.
It is long, drawn-out and boring having only enough story for 4 parts.
The only notable thing about it is that it introduced the Ice Warriors and the only thing which I found interesting about it was Peter Barkworth's performance as a man who is half machine.
That is, for the first 5 parts, small change, just a short 2-and-a-half-hours!! But after you have battled your way through those five parts (my record is somewhere in the vicinity of 4 months) you are treated to a lovely bit of Doccy Who, with action and spectacle, for the time. Stakes and consequences, tension and release, the good stuff, shame the rest of it is so boring.
Also, side-note, the scientist's costumes are fantastic, the Ice Warrior talking effect is horrible and the computer is unintelligible.



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Lots to love in this story ultimately mixed story.

There is a fantastic setting. You get a real "other worldly" feel, despite this being a future version of Earth. The sets and direction look outstanding, especially the fantastic scenes of Victoria running from the Ice Warriors in the caves.

Leader Clint is one of several fantastic great one off characters and is very well played. They perhaps repeat the for/against computers argument too many times, but it does contribute towards a good plot point (and you have to take into consideration that this would have been watched over 6 weeks).

This story is seminal in its ambition, huge scale and adds another great monster (second story in a row!) to the Doctor Who cannon..

Jamie asking Victoria whether she fancied dressing like the other women in the base and her retort is another hilarious, memorable and light moment. I love this kind of character building.

The story has a great set up, but a weak ending. After 6 episodes you shouldn't feel like the ending is being rushed.


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Interesting concept, and generally well written. I enjoyed the themes presented, and wish we could get a follow up to this overall story. While the story is enjoyable, some of the voices are rather hard to discern. The Ice Warriors voice mixes in with other noises and had me reaching for the subtitles. The costuming is great, even if there is some unexplained outfit changes between episodes.


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this is the first story in a while I think I put right dislike I hate the ice warriors honestly so much enemy of story it’s just so dull and made me fail my science test in primary school so I have a history with this story


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AVG. Rating344 members
3.09 / 5

AVG. Rating463 votes
3.65 / 5

The Time Scales

AVG. Rating159 votes
3.40 / 5

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VARGA: What are your qualifications for existence?

Transcript Needs checking

(Transcriber's note - episodes 2 + 3 exist as audio only)

Episode One

[Ioniser control room]

(It is a land of glaciers, crevasses and massive icicles. In the hi-tech control room, workers in plastic tunics and knee-high boots rush around turning dials on the four curved control panels surrounding a circular central computer interface.)

ANNOUNCER [OC]: This is a preliminary warning. Preliminary warning. Prepare phase one base evacuation procedure. Phase one evacuation.

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