Stories Audio Drama The Eleventh Doctor and Valarie Lockwood The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Episode: 0 1 2 3 The House of Masks 2 images Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 7 Statistics Quotes 2 Overview Released Thursday, October 6, 2022 Written by Georgia Cook Runtime 55 minutes Time Travel Past Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Distress Signal, First TARDIS trip, Spaceship, TARDIS is damaged Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) Psychic Paper Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, Italy, Venice Synopsis For Valarie's first trip through time and space, the TARDIS takes them to one of the Doctor's favourite places: Venice, during Carnivale. Unfortunately, not everyone is there to enjoy the party. Captain Tomasi has a murder to commit, and he needs Valarie's help to do it... Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Eleventh Doctor Jacob Dudman Valarie Lockwood Lady Sicura Patricia Lockwood Show All Characters (4) How to listen to The House of Masks: Big Finish Audio The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Geronimo! Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 7 reviews 18 February 2025 · 28 words Review by TheDHolford 1 Another olid story, and probably better pacing than the first. I like Valerie a lot, a great companion, and the story here is fun, albeit a little predictable. TheDHolford View profile Like Liked 1 16 January 2025 · 169 words Review by Callandor Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Robot Riot Prerequisites: The Inheritance is needed, if only for context as to who Valarie is. This boxset is set after the events of Series 7A, so make sure you've seen that. The House of Masks is another great entry in this boxset, giving us Valarie's first actual TARDIS trip. Dudman's 11 is as impressive as ever, and his chemistry with Ingar continues to shine. The basic plot itself is really nothing special, but the dialogue is truly what feels notable. There are a lot of actual fun quips that these two have, and I have to give props to Georgia Cook here. As others have said, the villain is actually a bit weak, but what really pulls this audio from good to great is the ending five minutes. Here, we get (to my knowledge) one of the only acknowledgments of the trauma caused by the Time War that Big Finish has produced, and it works really well. Dudman sells the self-loathing stupendously, and it caps this adventure off nicely. Callandor View profile Like Liked 2 1 January 2025 · 31 words Review by Azurillkirby 2 Valarie is just space-Charley. Loving her so far. And this story was pretty fun too! Interesting set-up and twist. Really excited to see where the 11DC range goes from here. :) A. Azurillkirby View profile Like Liked 2 21 December 2024 · 304 words Review by JayPea Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Oh I love a story like this, encapsulating everything Who in a short, easy to digest manner. I'm almost reminded of The War Games or The Girl in The Fireplace. Starting off in one where you think you know what side of the whoniverse we're exploring today before then taking that expectation and completely flipping it. I especially like it here with how long before the twist is revealed, but how you've got all that build up and hinting towards the twist that in hindsight make complete sense. The masquerade balls of Venice are an incredible setting for a story and conjure brilliant imagery in the minds of the listeners, as well as working incredibly thematically for the story when it's revealed that the whole ball is in fact a 'mask' itself for the drowning spaceship, and that the crew are nearly all dead, these partygoers being robots designed to mask that. Eleven also using his Psychic Paper for the first time here and Valarie knowing what it does it great, and again leans into that theme of masking yourself. Eleven also gets an incredible moment here where he hints about The Time War, about how many people he's killed, and about what it does to a person, in an attempt to empathise with the ship's AI. And then that's also followed by another incredible moment of Valarie questioning Eleven about it, him explaining what he was talking about (taking off the mask), and then offering to take her home if she wants, with her reassuring him that he's not a monster. Him then offering for her to talk about her mum if she needs to, it's all just brilliant character stuff. I absolutely adore Bill for a multitude of reasons, but in some ways I think Valarie is what I wish Bill were. JayPea View profile Like Liked 2 30 June 2024 · 856 words Review by Speechless Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles #3.2 - "The House of Masks" by Georgia Cook The Inheritance was great. It dropped me right back into the best of Matt Smith and had some absolutely outstanding characters and performances. The story was alright and it was conceptually rich but its main selling point was introducing Valarie Lockwood, who immediately got me sold on the rest of this range. So, how is it followed up? I guess I'm alone on this opinion but I found The House of Masks to emulate Eleven stories well, but emulate all those forgettable middle episodes everybody forgets (The Beast Below, The Curse of the Black Spot, The Vampires of Venice). A little boring, just a little too fast and with a plot I've heard before. Plot: Following a distress signal, The Doctor takes Valarie to Carnivale in Venice, eventually making their way to the exclusive party of one Lady Sicura in an expansive palazzo that appeared overnight. Stuck in a sinking building and surrounded by idiosyncratic guests, can the Doctor and Valarie discover the palazzo's secrets before it's too late? (CONTAINS SPOILERS) If I do have to give House of Masks one merit, it definitely continues the trend of emulating Eleven's era pretty darn well, the plot feels straight out of Series Five. A spaceship masquerading as a Venetian palazzo with a rogue AI keeping the guests entertained at any cost does feel like something we'd reasonably see 11 and Amy tackle (I mean, they did in Curse of the Black Spot), it's definitely the type of small scale serial the should would have between big showdowns and it's still joyous to be dropped right back into the Moffat Era. The most impressive thing I noticed listening to The House of Masks is its sound design; throughout the whole thing, the vibrant sounds of the far off Carnivale, the sloshing sounds of the flooded palazzo basement and the eerie synchronised utterances of the robotic guests all build up a great atmosphere that the script doesn't really live up to. However, the setting of the regal Venetian masquerade is fantastic and probably should've been in a better story. My main gripe with the House of Masks is that I've just seen everything in it before: a historical setting (The Vampires of Venice, The Curse of the Black Spot, A Town called Mercy) has a crashed ship in it that's camouflaged (The Lodger) with a rogue AI trying to help people based on its programming but instead harming them (The Lodger, The Curse of the Black Spot, The Girl in the Fireplace). Because of this, it just comes off as mediocre and repetitive. Maybe if the story had gone in a more inventive or ambiguous direction rather than just a rogue AI I would've been more invested but who knows? Another step down from The Inheritance is in the characters, I found the dialogue in this episode to be so unbelievably insufferable and Valarie to become immediately overly-familiar - this doesn't feel like it should be her first trip in the TARDIS. I also found all the emotional beats to be pretty unaffecting, especially after The Inheritance knocked it out of the park in that respect. However, I did like the Doctor talking about the Time War with Valarie at the end, even if it is just a retread of the speech from Gridlock. One more thing that annoys me about this episode is how it does that thing when the Doctor and company just happen to stumble across a sci-fi plot with nothing triggering it, just discovering it out of pure luck; it dips too far into the unbelievable. The House of Masks, whilst overall enjoyable, felt like a retread of episodes from the show that eventually came off as mediocre. There are a few good positives but none of that's in the script or story, still, it's definitely a good addition to Series 7V. 6/10 Pros: + Manages to drop you right back into Series Five + The setting of the Venetian palazzo is brilliantly atmospheric + The mystery, right up until its reveal, is pretty engaging + Wonderful sound direction that really helped visualise the story + Found the guests themselves and the repeated phrases to be really eerie and slightly akin to Chimes of Midnight + The Doctor and Valarie talking about the Time War was decently written and acted Cons: - Just a series of things I've seen before, emulations of previous episodes, none of which were stand out - The dialogue really got on my nerves in this one, very twee and forced - The emotional scenes just didn't do it for me throughout, none of them hit very hard - Valarie feels overly familiar and a whole lot less interesting than before - Contains the really annoying trope of the TARDIS Team just stumbling across a plot without any reason for coming across it - The resolution to the central mystery wasn't all that interesting, its a concept that has been done better before and isn't very engaging here Series 7V | Ranked: 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. The House of Masks by Georgia Cook - 6/10 1. The Inheritance by Alfie Shaw - 8/10 Overall - 7.0/10 Speechless View profile Like Liked 1 Show All Reviews (7) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating162 members 3.73 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 213 Favourited 11 Reviewed 7 Saved 2 Skipped 1 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: You’re right. Could be extremely dangerous. Unconscionably dangerous. So dangerous I haven’t thought of a word for it yet. I’d better go first! — Eleventh Doctor, The House of Masks Show All Quotes (2) Open in new window