Stories Television Doctor Who Season 17 Classic Who S17 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Horns of Nimon 2 images Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite SETH: If we don't pay tribute, the Nimon will destroy us. ROMANA: Sounds like an insecure personality to me. SETH: He lives in the power complex. ROMANA: That fits. — The Horns of Nimon Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Ha ha! We did it! K9: Please clarify. DOCTOR: Well, I just put a lot of spin on the TARDIS, and the asteroid simply sliced us up out of the gravity whirlpool. Oh, you know, K9, sometimes I think I'm wasted just rushing around the universe saving planets from destruction. With a talent like mine, I might have been a great slow bowler. — The Horns of Nimon Link to Quote Favourite TEKA: They say he's the only scientist left on Skonnos. ROMANA: Really? Why is that? SETH: The great Civil War. Only the army survived. ROMANA: That sounds like a well-organised war. — The Horns of Nimon Link to Quote Favourite SOLDEED: My dreams of conquest! You have brought this calamity upon me! — Soldeed, The Horns of Nimon Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny ROMANA: The Nimon be praised? How many Nimons have you seen today? SOLDEED: Don't dare blaspheme the Nimon. ROMANA: How many! SOLDEED: Skonnos will ROMANA: How many Nimons? SOLDEED: Three. I have seen three. — The Horns of Nimon