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The Fourth Doctor Adventures S6 • Episode 5

The Haunting of Malkin Place

76% 122 votes

Released Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Written by Phil Mulryne
Runtime 105 minutes
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Ghosts

Whilst on the way to visit the town where Henry James lived, a chance encounter with a spiritualist on a train sends the Doctor and Romana on the trail of a ghost. It's the most convincing case of haunting he's ever heard of, he tells them. And so, on their arrival, does it appear to be.

Things go bump in the night at Malkin Place. The voice of a crying child. Birds bursting into flight. Strange movements in a seance.

The Doctor is determined there must be a rational explanation. But is science always the answer to everything?

Signal Strength: 40%

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