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First aired

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Written by

Chris Chibnall

Directed by

Jamie Magnus Stone


50 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Cloister Bell, Halloween, Miniaturisation, The Doctor Falls

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, Liverpool

UK Viewers

5.81 million

Appreciation Index



Halloween, 2021. A storm approaches. Something tears through space and time, undoing everything it touches. Who is the man who escapes his shackles? What about Dan has got his captor's attention? Why have the Angels come? And what will remain of the Earth when this night is done?

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A good first part to the season. There was a lot going on, maybe to much, but I'm curious to see what happens next.

Another spectacular step up in visuals this season


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This was, in retrospect, a decent start to the Flux, but given how much a waste of a time this six-part story is, The Halloween Apocalypse is ultimately kind of wasted for the fun atmosphere it kicks off with. It is also a bit annoying in how it just doesn't really follow up on anything meaningful from Series 12 here. Dan is fun, and that helps salvage an otherwise waste of our time a bit, but other than that it is really hard to value an episode I had fun with at first knowing that none of these plots points are going anywhere fun.

It's a shame too, because the Swarm has a cool start to him, I feel. It was a welcome moment of colour and energy that felt sorely missing from Jodie's first two years on the show, and at the time it came out I was excited to hopefully get something meaningful to get with Jodie before her time with the show was done. As it stands though, it is just a slightly memorable moment from a terrible time in Doctor Who history.


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AVG. Rating613 members
3.32 / 5

AVG. Rating905 votes
3.63 / 5

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KARVANISTA: You defile the sacred legacy of my forebears.

DAN: You don't look anything like four bears.

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Transcript + Script Needs checking

[In mid-air]

(In mid-air)

DOCTOR: Listen to me, Karvanista. If you think you have won this little skirmish, you are very much mistaken. Do not imagine for a second that you have got the better of us. Right, Yaz?
YASMIN: Oh, yeah. We are totally in command.
KARVANISTA [OC]: Is that right? Cos from where I'm hovering, you seem to be handcuffed and footlocked to a gravity bar, which in 79 seconds will release you into the boiling acid ocean directly below, where your bodies will instantly disintegrate. Even if you survive that - which you won't - in four minutes' time the entire planet will be engulfed by a nearby giant red star. Oh, and if you try and escape, my Kill Disks will blast you to pieces.

(Flying machines with twirling blades.)

KARVANISTA [OC]: Meanwhile, I am now far away, travelling towards what will in future be known as the final hours of planet Earth.
BOTH: What?
KARVANISTA [OC]: Don't worry. You'll be long dead.
DOCTOR: Oh. I must admit, Yaz, I can't help feeling that some of this is my fault.
YASMIN: Some? All of this is your fault.
DOCTOR: What d'you mean?
YASMIN: Accidentally blowing up Karvanista's droid guards when we were trying to sneak into his operations base unnoticed?
DOCTOR: It's very temperamental, Nitro-9.
YASMIN: Suggesting we escape his base by air-surfing on this gravbar?
DOCTOR: How was I to know that force shield would reboot at the exact moment we were heading towards it?
YASMIN: And when we got captured, you had to mention the two sets of cuffs in your pocket.
DOCTOR: Two words, Yaz, Trapezium Seven.
DOCTOR: Trapezium Seven. That high-gravity circus workshop. Who were the top two in the class? Ready?
DOCTOR: Me neither. I love being not ready. Three, two, one. Alley-oop.

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