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Friday, February 4, 2000

Written by

Jonathan Blum


101 minutes

Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London


One would-be assassin is in a mental ward. Another's on the run. Their intended victim is stirring up the mobs. Terrorists are planning a strike of their own. A talk-radio host is loving every minute of it. A Whitehall insider whispers about a mysterious UN operative, with a hidden agenda. Everyone's got someone they want to be afraid of. It'll only take a little push for the situation to erupt — and something is doing the pushing. But you can trust the Doctor to put things right. Can't you?

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18 reviews

Excellent ideas throughout, in a story which will always feel relevant. Tense, dark politics, coupled fantastically with the idea and concepts of the entity of Fear.

In execution, I'm not sure it does justice fully to all these ideas, but it certainly is enjoyable throughout, and I enjoyed listening.


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The Fearmonger - 8/10

This is a wonderfully written story, which in all honesty is terrifying due to the fact it is still so relevant today - 25 years later!

Like I just mentioned is absolutely terrifying that this story is still so relevant today, with the current state of politics I feel it was a really good time to experience this story for the first time. The entity of 'Fear' is wonderfully personified throughout and the sound design on this story really helps that.

The plot itself is thoroughly engaging all the way through and had me hooked the whole time, the political party in this story in many ways is far too real but thats a good thing because it shows just how insane it is.

The characters in this story all work well together and create a full feeling world, if that makes sense. I think another benefit of the characters in this story is that they all feel very real - which is a very common theme for this story.

The Doctor and Ace work great in this story too and the climax of this story is brilliant for both their characters.

Overall The Fearmonger gets an 8/10 because this is most definitely my favourite main range story so far and I cannot stress enough how scarily close to reality this story is 25 YEARS later!


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Dimensions in Time

A very topical story considering current events. This story really feels like a natural continuation of where the show was headed before it got cancelled and I'm honestly quite impressed to hear a story so blatantly political. This story is really solid in general, it's very well paced and the grounded setting makes for much more impactful feeling stakes compared to the typical sci-fi laser gun stuff. I love the radio show stuff, it's a clever way to play into the audio medium.

There's a lot of great dialogue here that really suits McCoy's Doctor in particular. It's also an interesting look at how the Doctor decides when to interact with this kind of stuff. He could just as easily step in during the rise of any dictatorship or tyranny throughout Earth's history so it's nice for that to be properly addressed.

Great story. Hope they keep up the quality.

Next Story: The Genocide Machine


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It's been a while since I listen to this one, but yeah many already said it: It's politic commentary, which is really well written and well you can't go wrong with the Tardis Team of 7 and Ace. I have to admit, while I still need to listen to the 3rd and 4th Play, I can't see them beat this out of the first 5. This just might be the first great Big Finish Play so far, at least. Its Story is really well written and played wonderful by our leads, and it gives you (at least me) an eerie feeling with its really nice sound design. While the idea of an alien feeding off fear is already a bit overdone (even at that time) this still works fairly good and is such a stellar first outing for solo 7 outing in the MR. (Seriously, they got it sooo right at their first go??) Admittedly, while I praised the sound design, not everything is perfect, it still has some issues that plagued previous and even some later releases. Still I enjoyed this one, it does really feel like a story that could have come out if the classic series continued onwards in the 90s


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Situada em um futuro próximo na Terra, temos uma personificação literal de uma atmosfera política de medo inserida a uma história bem ao estilo de "Os Caça-Fantasmas" com o Doutor e a Ace perseguindo uma criatura não visível que alimenta o medo das pessoas. A trama é entrelaçada a um cenário político que houve terrorismo, populismo, mídia sensacionalista, fraude, grupos politicos extremistas cegos...É tipo um "House of Cards" só que com acrescentos de elementos de sci-fi.
McCoy e Sophie estão fiéis ao que eram na série de TV, o 7° Doutor desempenha um papel melancólico e enigmático já a Ace rouba a cena em vários momentos, alguns até mesmo bem chocantes como o cliffhanger da parte 2 onde ela toma uma tiro de Walter. Aliás, esse áudio está cheio de cliffhangers bombásticos, se prepare. Além dessas duas figurinhas mais que conhecidas, temos a ilustre participação da icônica "Jacqueline Pearce" atuando como a política "Sherilyn".
Mesmo com uma conclusão rápida e apressada (mas ainda sim satisfatória), sua excelente narrativa cheia da reviravoltas se resultou em "passo a passo" bem instigante, em vários momentos me vi muito preso a história.


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The Time Scales

AVG. Rating272 votes
4.00 / 5

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ACE: Oh, "No coloured" signs in 1963, "Pakis out" and petrol bombs in my time - now it's the future and it's ethnic cleansing. Nothing changes, does it?

DOCTOR: Forty years ago, Harper wouldn't even have been out of the ordinary. It does change, you know. Never completely, never all at once, but it does.

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