Stories Television Doctor Who Season 4 Classic Who S4 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Faceless Ones 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking (Transcribers note - episodes 2, 4, 5, and 6 only exist as audio) Episode One (From the Lost In Time DVD) [Gatwick airport runway] (The TARDIS materialises in the middle of a runway. Jamie and the Doctor come out.) JAMIE: It's a flying beastie! (An aeroplane is coming in to land, flaps down. Jamie and the Doctor run, followed by Ben and Polly. It aborts its landing, missing them and heading off back into the sky. A patrolling policemen sees the running group.) POLICEMAN: Hey, you! Stop!DOCTOR: Scatter. (Ben goes one way, while the Doctor, Jamie and Polly go another. The policemen intercepts Ben.) [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: The pilot said what?MEADOWS: A police box on the runway.COMMANDANT: A likely story. Tell him to get back into stack and await further instructions.MEADOWS: Yes sir.COMMANDANT: Miss Rock, get the Airport Police.MEADOWS: Gatwick Control, Sugar Delta X-Ray. Return to stack.COMMANDANT: Police? Commandant here. In-bound aircraft reports obstruction on intersection of runways Five and Two. Investigate and report back. Police Box. (Two motorcycle police ride off to investigate, then escort a low-loader carrying the TARDIS off the runway. The policeman has failed to catch Ben. The Doctor and Jamie are hiding behind the wheels of a parked aeroplane.) DOCTOR: Jamie, come over here with me. Come on. (Polly comes out of a hangar to see the policeman walking away, so she ducks back inside.) [Chameleon Tours hangar] SPENCER [OC]: Just a minute. (A grey-suited man comes down some wooden stairs.) SPENCER: Give me that envelope! (Spencer is an airline pilot, and he is pointing an alien weapon at the man.) SPENCER: I would advise you to stop. (There's a pulsing sound and the man drops. Spencer picks up the envelope the man was carrying and drags the body a short way before covering it with what looks like parachute silk, then leaves. Polly has seen all this from behind some crates.) [Chameleon tours secret office] (Spencer walks through an ordinary looking office, twists a can on a shelf and a secret door opens into a high-tech room. He turns on a monitor.) SPENCER: Can you come quickly? Trouble.BLADE [on monitor]: Trouble? What happened?SPENCER: The postcards. Someone found them.BLADE [on monitor]: Right. (Transmission ended, a buzzer sounds. A surveillance camera shows Polly uncovering the body.) [Chameleon Tours hangar] (Polly runs as Spencer comes out, weapon ready. Outside the hanger, Spencer is about to fire at her when the motorcycle police ride past. He puts the weapon away and goes back inside. Elsewhere, Ben watches the TARDIS being delivered to a hangar.) [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: (into phone) All right, all right. So you dumped it by number four hangar, but what was it? It was a police box? (to Jean) Get me the police chief. All right, you can bring those planes down now. The obstruction's been cleared.MEADOWS: Right, sir.JEAN: Do you think it was some kind of practical joke, sir? Students or maybe someone?COMMANDANT: Well, whoever it was they're going to pay for it as soon as I get my hands on them. I'm not going to have the lives of passengers endangered by practical jokers or anyone else.JEAN: Superintendent Reynolds? I have the Commandant for you. The Chief of Police.COMMANDANT: Listen, what's all this about a police box on the runway? Oh. Well, security's got to be tightened up all round. He reports that four suspects were seen running away from it.JEAN: Did they catch them?COMMANDANT: No. Idiot of a policeman lost them. They're probably miles away by now. Get me Immigration. Tell them to let me know if any suspicious characters are seen in the area. [Airport] (The Doctor and Jamie are hiding under another aeroplane.) JAMIE: There's Polly!DOCTOR: Polly! Over here!POLLY: Doctor, I've just seen a man killed.JAMIE: Hit by one of the beasties?POLLY: No, no. He was murdered by another man.DOCTOR: Get your breath, Polly, and tell us exactly what happened.POLLY: Well, I went into the hangar to get away from a policeman, and there were two men in there. One of them had a gun and he shot the other one.DOCTOR: The murderer, did he see you?POLLY: Well, he chased me, but I managed to lose him.DOCTOR: Could you find this hangar again?POLLY: Well, I think so. I can remember the name. It was Chameleon something or other. Hey, where's Ben?DOCTOR: We haven't seen him. Come on, let's find this hangar.POLLY: But listen. The bloke with the gun, he'll be looking for me.JAMIE: Ah, we'll look after you. Now come on.POLLY: But where's? What about Ben?JAMIE: Aye, we'll find him. Come on. [Chameleon Tours hangar] (Blade is another pilot.) BLADE: Who was he?SPENCER: He found the postcards.BLADE: His name?SPENCER: I don't know. I caught him in the office. He found evidence. I had to stop him. (Blade checks the man's wallet.) BLADE: You killed Detective Inspector Gascoigne. A policeman.SPENCER: Do you think a parent sent him?BLADE: Possibly. It's doesn't matter The important thing is that nobody should find him. Arrange disposal. [Chameleon Tours office] SPENCER: All right. Get it over here as quickly as possible. A container is on the way.BLADE: Right. Destroy this. Why have you left those suitcases there?SPENCER: The detective. He interrupted me. (Spencer puts the suitcases and wallet through a panel in the wall. There's a whirring sound each time. Then the buzzer sounds.) BLADE: Spencer!POLLY [on monitor]: Look. And, Doctor, the bloke came out of that door there.DOCTOR [on monitor]: Is it locked? Is anyone in there? No, its locked. There's nobody there. [Chameleon Tours hangar] DOCTOR: Polly, this man that killed him. Would you recognise him again?POLLY: Well, yes. He chased me. I'd recognise him anywhere. [Chameleon Tours office] BLADE: Fool. [Chameleon Tours hangar] DOCTOR: Polly, how do you say he was killed?POLLY: With a gun.DOCTOR: Can you describe it to me?POLLY: No. It was too far away. Why?DOCTOR: This man was electrocuted. His clothes are all scorched!POLLY: It was definitely some kind of a gun, Doctor.DOCTOR: Maybe. But not one that's not been developed yet on this planet. [Chameleon Tours office] BLADE: This man they call Doctor, where does he get his knowledge?SPENCER: He looks like a normal being.BLADE: More intelligent then most. He is a threat to our operation.SPENCER: I'll kill him.BLADE: No. Get the girl. She can identify you. We can deal with the man later.SPENCER: He may talk.BLADE: So? Nobody will believe him. [Chameleon Tours hangar] DOCTOR: We must report this to the authorities.JAMIE: That man who chased us. We could find him maybe.DOCTOR: What, the policeman? Oh, no, no, Jamie. We must find the man in charge in this place.POLLY: But what about him? We can't just leave him here.DOCTOR: There's nothing else we can do. Now, let's find the main airport building. Come on. [Gatwick airport] (Spencer is hiding in another hangar as Jamie and the Doctor walk past.) JAMIE: Are you sure this is the right way, Doctor?DOCTOR: This seems to be leading to the main airport building. (Spencer grabs Polly and fires a pen-like device at her. She is silent as he drags her away.) [Chameleon Tours hangar] POLLY: Oh, what happened to me?SPENCER: A temporary disablement. You'll be back to normal any second now. Up here.POLLY: Where are you taking me?SPENCER: You'll soon find out. [Chameleon Tours office] SPENCER: I've got her.BLADE: Excellent. Did anybody see you this time?SPENCER: She was following behind her friends, but they didn't notice.POLLY: They'll come looking for me.BLADE: Sit down.POLLY: Murderers.BLADE: You'll have to show us some respect, and answer my questions. Which airline do you work for?POLLY: I don't understand.BLADE: You must belong to some airline or the airport authority to be in this part of the airport.POLLY: I've got nothing to do with the airport. We'd just arrived. We were lost. I was trying to find someone to help me and I saw him kill a man.SPENCER: You say you'd just arrived? How did you get here?BLADE: We'll gain nothing by questioning her. The important thing is that we've got her.POLLY: You don't think my friends are just going to forget me like that, do you? (The buzzer sounds.) JAMIE [on monitor]: I don't understand it, Doctor. Polly's nowhere to be seen. Something must have happened to her.DOCTOR [on monitor]: It's locked Jamie. There's nobody there. (Polly tries to hammer on the door but Spencer grabs her.) [Chameleon Tours hangar] DOCTOR: I'm afraid we're wasting our time here, Jamie. The sooner we find the authorities and tell it all to them, the better. Come on.JAMIE: All right. [Chameleon Tours office] BLADE: Yes, you're right. Your friends are worried about you. Well then, we shall have to do something to stop them worrying. [Immigration] TANNOY: Would Doctor Scott, passenger recently arrived from Alderney on flight number JY17, please return to the ticket desk.DOCTOR: This seems to be the way, Jamie. (They come to passport control.) DOCTOR: Excuse me, we're looking for someone in authority.JENKINS: Just a moment, sir. All in good time. Thank you, Madam. Now, sir, your passport please.DOCTOR: I've got no time for that. We want to see someone in authority!JENKINS: I am in authority. Your passport, please.DOCTOR: You don't understand. We have something important to report.JENKINS: Yes, sir. When you've found your passport. The next one, please.JAMIE: What's a passport, Doctor?DOCTOR: Some sort of official mumbo-jumbo. Look! We've just discovered a dead body out there. Did you hear me?JENKINS: Well, sir. If I were you I'd inform the police.DOCTOR: Then please tell me where we can find them.JENKINS: There's probably a policeman in the main concourse,DOCTOR: And where is that?JENKINS: Through this door and turn to your left.DOCTOR: Thank you. Thank you very much. Come on, Jamie.JENKINS: May I see your passport, sir?DOCTOR: We neither of us have passports! Now does that satisfy you?JENKINS: I think you must be mistaken, sir. You couldn't have got on the aircraft without passports.DOCTOR: What aircraft?JENKINS: The one you arrived on, sir.JAMIE: We didn't arrive on an aircraft.JENKINS: Now look here, sir, this joke's gone on far enough. You know and I know that you must have arrived here on the last inbound flight, which was flight number 729 from Madrid.JAMIE: Can we not tell him about TARDIS? Ow! (The Doctor stamps on Jamie's foot.) JENKINS: What's that?JAMIE: It's the way we got here.JENKINS: You gentlemen wouldn't know anything about a police box, would you?JAMIE: That's just what I'm saying. We're. Ow!DOCTOR: I really think that our mode of conveyance is irrelevant. The important thing is that we've discovered a dead body out there and we want to report it to someone in authority.JENKINS: I think you'll have plenty of opportunity to see someone in authority.DOCTOR: Well, thank you.JENKINS: Will you take a seat please, over there?DOCTOR: Thank you very much. (Jenkins makes a telephone call.) JENKINS: Give me the Commandant, please. Hello, sir, Jenkins here. Immigration desk number five. I think I've got two of your suspects here. [Chameleon Tours hangar] (Ben is walking past the hangar when he hears hammering. He goes inside to investigate. Blade is fastening a large crate before going into the office.) BEN: Anyone here? There must be someone around. Anyone here?JEAN: Oh, hello, Is Captain Blade about?BEN: Well, I don't know. I'm a bit lost.BLADE: Are you looking for me?JEAN: Yes, I have your flight schedules here. They're all in order.BLADE: Thank you.JEAN: Goodbye. (Jean leaves.) BLADE: And what do you want?BEN: I'm looking for the way out, mate.BLADE: This is private property. Visitors are not welcome. Do you belong to the airport staff?BEN: Yeah, I started today. But I didn't mean to come in here. I just got lost, see.BLADE: Are you sure?BEN: Of course I am. Look, are you going to direct me or not?BLADE: Yes, of course. Come on, I'll show you the way. [Immigration] COMMANDANT: You say this girl actually witnessed a murder?DOCTOR: Yes, she saw the man killed.JAMIE: He was electrocuted with a ray gun.COMMANDANT: A what?DOCTOR: Oh, what does it matter what sort of gun. The point is he was killed and my friend saw it happen.COMMANDANT: Where is she? I'd like to talk to her.JAMIE: Well, that's another thing. She's vanished.COMMANDANT: Oh, people who vanish, ray guns. Is this some sort of joke?DOCTOR: You wouldn't think it a joke if you'd come and see the body.COMMANDANT: What flight did these people come in on?JENKINS: Well sir, they came with the passengers from flight 729 from Madrid, but they've no passports.COMMANDANT: Perhaps you'd kindly explain why you have no passports?DOCTOR: Oh look, we're all wasting time. Now, are you going to come and see that body, or am I going to find someone who really is in charge in this place?COMMANDANT: I am in charge in this place, thank you. Now, you'll both accompany me to this hangar immediately.DOCTOR: Well thank you. Thank you very much. At last.COMMANDANT: Tell Air Traffic Control where I am.JENKINS: Yes, sir. Immigration desk number five here. Number One's just gone to the hangar area. He wanted me to let you know. As a matter of fact, he has just gone to look for a dead body. Yes, It's going to be one of those days, isn't it. [Chameleon tours office] (Blade selects a postcard of the Eiffel Tower, puts a French postage stamp on it then repeats with the next postcard.) BLADE: Get her?SPENCER: She's being processed. They can take another on the next flight.BLADE: Excellent. (Blade takes a hypodermic syringe from a tray, then opens a cabinet door. An inhuman arm reaches out. He injects it then the buzzer sounds.) [Chameleon Tours hangar] JAMIE: The body, it's gone.COMMANDANT: You're quite sure you got the right hangar?JAMIE: Aye, the name's up outside. The body was lying just here.DOCTOR: Well, let's see what we have got, shall we? (The Doctor uses a magnifying glass to examine the concrete floor.) COMMANDANT: What exactly are you doing?DOCTOR: For the police, of course. The trouble is, I can't tell them who he was.COMMANDANT: Some sort of mystery man, no doubt?DOCTOR: Yes, as a matter of fact he was. There was nothing in his pockets to identify him.COMMANDANT: Oh, a man with nothing in his pockets?DOCTOR: Yes, I was rather surprised myself. No, wait a minute, there was one thing.COMMANDANT: What did he have in his pocket?DOCTOR: This.COMMANDANT: A postage stamp?DOCTOR: Ah, but it's Spanish and it hasn't been used.COMMANDANT: Oh, I am sure that'll make all the difference.DOCTOR: Exactly. Hello, this is interesting.COMMANDANT: What have you found now?DOCTOR: It's burnt fibres.JAMIE: What about this, Doctor? This wasn't here before. It's a burn mark.DOCTOR: You're right, Jamie. That's quite new. Well, it's good to see someone is using their intelligence.COMMANDANT: Oh, I've had enough of this. You two are coming with me.DOCTOR: That was definitely made by a ray gun.COMMANDANT: Ray gun, burnt fibres, foreign stamps.DOCTOR: Unused foreign stamps.COMMANDANT: All right, unused foreign stamps. I must be as mad as you are even to be listening you.DOCTOR: You know what they've done with it, don't you?COMMANDANT: Done with what?DOCTOR: The body. Somewhere there's a large packing case.JAMIE: Right behind you, Doctor. (Jamie starts to pull at the lid. It says made in Poland, by the way.) BLADE: Can I help you?COMMANDANT: Are you connected with Chameleon Tours?BLADE: Yes. I'm Captain Blade, Chief Pilot.COMMANDANT: Ah, these gentlemen seem to think there's an incident happened in here.BLADE: An incident?COMMANDANT: Would you mind if we had a look in this packing case?BLADE: May I ask who you are?COMMANDANT: I'm the Commandant.BLADE: Yes, of course. What you expect to find?JAMIE: A dead man.BLADE: How very interesting. (Blade opens the case with a crowbar.) COMMANDANT: Plastic cups! Now, I'm going to do some investigating of my own.DOCTOR: Well, I'm glad I've roused your interest.COMMANDANT: Oh, but you have. And what I am going to investigate is you and why you're both here in the airport. Thank you, Captain Blade. Come on, you two. Out!DOCTOR: Come on, Jamie. We'd better humour him. (The Commandant, the Doctor and Jamie leave.) BLADE: Bring him down. (A figure is helped to the stairs.) BLADE: It's all right. (All we can see is an inhuman hand.) SPENCER: Will he survive?BLADE: If we hurry.SPENCER: There you are. We've got to get you to the airport building and you'll be safe.BLADE: He's reaching suffocation point. Hurry. [Immigration] DOCTOR: If you'd had let me search the place properly we might have foundCOMMANDANT: That hangar is leased to a private charter company. I've no right to search in there, let alone you. Now, will you kindly sit down and keep quiet. Jenkins, get on to Superintendent Reynolds. This is his job. These people are trespassing.JENKINS: I've just got another flight coming through, sir.COMMANDANT: All right, I'll do it.JAMIE: Doctor, look! (Polly has arrived at the desk and is getting out her passport. Meanwhile, Spencer and Blade are helping the mysterious figure up an escalator and through the airport concourse.) DOCTOR: Commandant, this is the girl I was telling you about.POLLY: I beg your pardon?COMMANDANT: Do you know these gentlemen?POLLY: No. Why, should I?COMMANDANT: According to them, they know you.DOCTOR: Now where have you been, Polly?POLLY: Polly? My name isn't Polly. You must have made a mistake. I've never seen them before in my life [Medical centre] (Spencer and Blade take the figure through to the rear, into the x-ray room and it sits on an examination table. It is struggling to breathe.) Episode Two [Medical centre x-ray room] (Blade pulls back a screen to reveal Meadows lying unconscious on another table.) [Immigration] COMMANDANT: You're quite sure you've never met these men? They say they know you.MICHELLE: But they can't know me. This is my first visit to England.JAMIE: But Polly, it's us. Me and the Doctor.DOCTOR: Would you mind telling us your name?MICHELLE: I am Michelle Leuppi from Zurich.DOCTOR: You have a passport?MICHELLE: Yes, of course. Here. Have I done something wrong?COMMANDANT: Oh no, I don't suppose there's anything for you to worry about, Miss. May I just ask what you're doing in England?MICHELLE: I've come here to work. Look, here is my work permit.COMMANDANT: Oh, yes, that's quite in order. Thank you. Excuse me.DOCTOR: Where did you learn such excellent English?MICHELLE: I had an English governess. Would you mind telling me what's happening?COMMANDANT: Nothing that need concern you, miss, everything's perfectly order. Now, if you'd just like to go through there.POLLY: Thank you. (Polly lookalike Michelle leaves.) JAMIE: Polly, wait!COMMANDANT: Just a minute young man.JAMIE: But she's a friend of ours and she saw the murder!COMMANDANT: You're going to wait here until the Superintendent of police arrives, now understand that.DOCTOR: Ah, you're going to tell him about the dead body. Very sensible.COMMANDANT: No. I am going to tell him about you. Put me through to Superintendent Reynolds, please.DOCTOR: (sotto) Jamie, I don't think we're very welcome here. When I say run, we run.COMMANDANT: Hello, Super? Commandant. I've got a couple of illegal entrants here. Yes. Immigration desk number five.DOCTOR: Run!JENKINS: Commandant!COMMANDANT: Situation changed. They've just made a run for it. I'll give you their description. [Medical centre x-ray room] (A nurse enters.) BLADE: Quick, he's suffocating.PINTO: You were twenty minutes late. (She gets two arm bands from a cupboard, one black and one white. There is a tiny control panel in each one. Blade puts the white one on Meadow's forearm, while Spencer attaches the black one to the alien.) BLADE: Who is he?PINTO: Meadows, Air Traffic Control.BLADE: Good. He may be useful to us. (The nurse puts headsets on both bodies and switches on the machine they are attached to. Meadows begins to twitch and the alien goes rigid.) [Concourse] (Two policemen stride through the passengers. The Doctor and Jamie are sitting next to a newsstand, hiding behind broadsheets. Jamie has chosen a foreign one, and is holding it upside down.) JAMIE: They're still hunting for us, Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes. We'll have to keep out of their way until we can prove our story.JAMIE: A fine chance we have of doing that with Polly kidding on she doesnae know us.DOCTOR: I don't think Polly was kidding on. In fact I don't think that was Polly.JAMIE: Of course, it was Polly. You saw her.DOCTOR: You don't want to believe everything you see, Jamie.JAMIE: Doctor. (The policemen are coming back.) JAMIE: All clear, Doctor. (The Doctor is reading his paper.) JAMIE: Doctor!DOCTOR: Jamie, what was the name of that hangar?JAMIE: Polly said Chameleon something.DOCTOR: Yes, Chameleon Tours. An advertisement for Chameleon Youth Tours. Budget Tours for young people between the ages of eighteen and twenty five.JAMIE: What do they mean by budget?DOCTOR: Inexpensive, cheap. This could be the bait. Do you know what a chameleon is, Jamie?JAMIE: It's just a name, I suppose.DOCTOR: It's the name of a small animal, a lizard that can change it's colour to merge with it's background. But it's a name that could equally be applied to people as well. People who change their personalities to suit their own ends. Budget Tours. Young people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. Oh yes, there's something strange going on here.BEN: Doctor! Jamie!DOCTOR: Ben, are you all right?BEN: Yeah, I'm okay.JAMIE: Well that's a relief.BEN: What happened to you two, and where's Polly?DOCTOR: We can't talk here. We've got to find somewhere to hide. Something about passports.BEN: I've got the very place. Come on. [Medical centre x-ray room] (The features of the alien are turning into those of Meadows. The real Meadows is covered with a sheet now. Nurse Pinto switches off the machine.) BLADE: Is he all right?PINTO: We'll see. (She stabs the alien with a pin.) MEADOWS 2: Ow! (They help him to sit up facing an eye test chart.) PINTO: Read the first line.MEADOWS 2: (slurred) E TPINTO: Vocal control. (Blade adjusts a dial on the arm band.) BLADE: Try that.MEADOWS 2: H X O A (Stoppers are removed from two chemical bottles. Meadows 2 sniffs at one and likes it, but recoils from the other. ) PINTO: All complete. (She hands a personnel file to Blade.) BLADE: Who are you?MEADOWS 2: My name is George Meadows. I work at Air Traffic Control, Gatwick Airport.BLADE: Where do you live?MEADOWS 2: Number Ten, Sylvia Avenue.BLADE: Number Ten?MEADOWS 2: Until last week we lived at Number Thirty-Four. I've been too busy to tell the Personnel Department of the change.BLADE: Excellent, [Concourse] (The Doctor, Ben and Jamie are walking along when Ben sees someone at one of the kiosks.) BEN: Look, there's Polly.DOCTOR: Yes. Look who she's working for.JAMIE: Chameleon Tours.DOCTOR: Yes. Leave this to me. Polly.MICHELLE: Please go away.DOCTOR: Now, something has happened to you, Polly. I want you to try to remember up to the time we left the hangar.MICHELLE: I don't know what you're talking about.DOCTOR: Now think, Polly. There were three of us in the hangar. You were showing us something. Now, what was it?MICHELLE: I tell you, I don't know what you're talking about.DOCTOR: The hangar, Polly. The Chameleon Hangar. You said you'd seen the man who did it.MICHELLE: I didn't see anything. I think you're mad. If I'd seen anyone shot, I'd have gone to the police.DOCTOR: Anyone shot?MICHELLE: I mean murderedDOCTOR: I didn't say anyone was shot or murdered, Polly.MICHELLE: (upset) Look, please, will you just leave me alone. (The Doctor returns to Ben and Jamie.) BEN: What's happened to her, Doctor?DOCTOR: I don't know, but I mean to find out. Come on, let's find that place where we can talk.BEN: Right. (As Michelle watches them leave, she is being watched by Blade on a monitor in a room at the rear of the kiosk.) [Chameleon tours cubicle] BLADE: Come in here. I was going to brief you for this assignment, but there isn't any purpose now.MICHELLE: I have failed then?BLADE: Circumstances are against you. I'll make arrangements for you to leave on the next flight.MICHELLE: Back to base.BLADE: Yes.MICHELLE: What about that man? He's very persistent.BLADE: Don't worry about him. We have ways of dealing with such people. [Air Traffic Control] (Meadows 2 relieves another air traffic controller. Jean Rook enters and sees the Commandant being questioned by a man with a slight Scottish accent and smoking a pipe.) CROSSLAND: Are you sure you haven't seen him, sir?COMMANDANT: I'm quite sure. Oh Jean, this is Detective Inspector Crossland. Give him any help you can. If you'll excuse me?CROSSLAND: Yes, of course, sir.JEAN: Well now, Inspector, what can I do for you?CROSSLAND: Well, I think I'll need a pass for a start.JEAN: Well, that's easily arranged. Anything else?CROSSLAND: Yes, I was supposed to meet a colleague of mine here. Detective Inspector Gascoigne.JEAN: Yes?CROSSLAND: Well, he was investigating a missing person off one of your charter flights. The funny thing is, he hasn't shown up.JEAN: Detective Inspector Crossland. What shall I say your business is?CROSSLAND: Investigation into Chameleon Youth Tours. [Photo booth] (Three grown men into one photo booth doesn't really go.) JAMIE: What is this place?BEN: It's a machine that takes your photograph.JAMIE: Photograph?BEN: Well, you see, you've got yourDOCTOR: No, Ben, not now. What puzzles me is this girl pretending to be Polly, yet in a way she is Polly.BEN: Do you think she's been brainwashed?DOCTOR: No, not in the time. Whatever happened to her happened to her in a few minutes. Look out. (The curtain is pulled back by an elderly lady. Surprised, she pulls it back again and leaves.) DOCTOR: All right. Now Ben, Jamie, we've got to find out more about Chameleon Youth Tours, but the trouble is, we're not free to move around with the authorities looking for us.BEN: Well, they're not looking for me.DOCTOR: No, that's true. You could investigate the hangar.BEN: (Leave it to me. Now what about you?DOCTOR: I'm going back to the Commandant and try and convince him that there's a murderer abroad.JAMIE: Well I'll go with Ben.DOCTOR: No, Jamie, I want you to find your way back to the Chameleon kiosk and keep an eye on Polly. (The come out of the booth and split up. Jamie is a little lost and wanders around.) TANNOY: Further call for flight BR129 to Geneva now boarding through channel B at gate number 19. [Chameleon Tours kiosk] (A dark-haired liver bird approaches, played by Pauline Collins. She could have been a companion if she'd wanted the long-term job.) SAMANTHA: Oh, er, are you in charge here?MICHELLE: Yes. Can I help you?SAMANTHA: Yes. I'm Samantha Briggs and I've come down from Liverpool.MICHELLE: Oh, really.SAMANTHA: It's about my brother, Brian Briggs.MICHELLE: What about him?SAMANTHA: He went on one of your tours, and now he's disappeared.MICHELLE: I'm sorry, I don't follow.SAMANTHA: Well, it's really very simple. I tried to get the telephone number of the hotel you sent him to, and the operator said there was no such place.MICHELLE: Well, the operator must have been mistaken then.SAMANTHA: So, I got in touch with the police and they said that Brian wasn't staying at any hotel in Rome.MICHELLE: Well, perhaps he changed his mind and decided to go off on a different tour then.SAMANTHA: Yes? Well what about this then? A postcard from Brian posted in Rome.MICHELLE: Yes, that does seem odd, doesn't it. Er, would you like me to make some enquiries, for you?SAMANTHA: Well, what do you think I've come all the way down from Liverpool for?MICHELLE: Well, since you've put the matter with the police, why have you?SAMANTHA: The police. They said that dozens of people go missing every week and they haven't got the men to go chasing after them all.MICHELLE: I see. What did you say your brother's name was?SAMANTHA: Brian Briggs. Would you like me to spell it for you?MICHELLE: That won't be necessary, thank you. I'll see what I can find out, if you don't mind waiting. [Chameleon Tours cubicle] (Michelle calls up the office on the monitor.) MICHELLE: Is Captain Blade there?SPENCER [on monitor]: No.MICHELLE: Well, I must speak with him urgently. Enquiries about a missing passenger.SPENCER [on monitor]: I'll tell him to contact you. He shouldn't be long. [Chameleon Tours kiosk] MICHELLE: The gentleman I wanted to speak with wasn't available. They're trying to find him. Do you want to wait?SAMANTHA: Well, I've got nothing else to do, have I? I'll be over there. (She goes to sit near Jamie, who is hiding behind another newspaper.) SAMANTHA: Oh, blast.JAMIE: Is anything the matter?SAMANTHA: Stuck up thing!JAMIE: What?SAMANTHA: Not you. That girl. She just couldn't care less.JAMIE: About finding your brother.SAMANTHA: Yes.JAMIE: I couldn't help overhearing. Do you think something's happened to him?SAMANTHA: Well, that's just it, I don't know. Oh, Brian can take care of himself all right, but still.JAMIE: Aye, well I hope you're right.SAMANTHA: What do you mean?JAMIE: I might just be able to help you. I can't tell you anything at the moment but later I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. I'm sure he'll know what's best. (Jamie hides behind his newspaper as a policeman walks past.) [Air Traffic Control] JEAN: Excuse me, sir. There's a gentleman to see you.COMMANDANT: Did he say what about?JEAN: Well yes. It's about a dead body.COMMANDANT: Bring him in.JEAN: Would you come in, please?DOCTOR: Thank you. Ah, Commandant. How nice to see you again.COMMANDANT: (into telephone) Airport Police please.DOCTOR: At least hear what I have to say.COMMANDANT: I've heard all I want to from you. What do you mean, they're engaged. This is the Commandant. Thank you.DOCTOR: If you're going to speak to the police, then tell them that there's something happening in this airport that may endanger human lives.COMMANDANT: Hello, police? Commandant. Would you send a couple of men down here at once please.DOCTOR: Well, since I'm obviously about to be arrested, may I make one last request? Listen to me for just one minute!COMMANDANT: Not for one second. I've heard all I want to hear about burnt fibres, ray guns, disappearing people.DOCTOR: But there was a dead body in the Chameleon Tours hangar.JEAN: Did you say Chameleon Tours?DOCTOR: Why, do you know something about it?JEAN: Well no, but the Inspector Crossland wanted to knowCOMMANDANT: All right, Jean. I'll handle this. Take this man away, put him under lock and key and keep him there.DOCTOR: One step nearer and I'll blow you all to smithereens! Catch! (The Doctor has gone, leaving the Commandant holding a small rubber ball.) COMMANDANT: All right, after him. [Chameleon Tours office] BLADE: That's quite clear, is it? You know what to tell her?MICHELLE [on monitor]: I do.BLADE: As soon as you've got rid of the girl, close the kiosk and get on the next flight. [Chameleon Tours kiosk] MICHELLE: Miss Briggs.SAMANTHA: Yes. Have you found anything?MICHELLE: Er, well yes, I have, but I'm afraid it doesn't help very much. Your brother definitely did get on our flight to Rome, but what he did when he got off the plane, I couldn't tell you.SAMANTHA: Well, if you can't, who can?MICHELLE: Miss Briggs, we're dealing with thousands of passengers every week. We can't keep track of every single one. If I were you, I'd go back to Liverpool. I'm sure your brother will turn up eventually. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to close this kiosk.SAMANTHA: Thanks for nothing. (Polly/Michelle puts a Closed sign on the counter and Samantha goes back to Jamie.) SAMANTHA: There's something funny going on here.JAMIE: Why?SAMANTHA: My brother's vanished, and that lot just couldn't care less. [Chameleon Tours hangar] (Ben has returned to an empty hangar. There are new packing cases in one corner, so Ben levers one open. It contains a catatonic Polly, eyes staring at nothing. Ben runs upstairs.) [Chameleon Tours office] (Ben grabs the telephone.) BEN: Hello? What's the name of the man who's in charge of this airport? The Commandant? Right, well look, can you put me through to his office, please? All right, then Air Traffic Control. But I want to speak to a friend of mine who should be with the Commandant right now. [Concourse] JAMIE: Doctor, I'd like you to meet this young lady.DOCTOR: What young lady? Where's Polly?JAMIE: She's still inside.DOCTOR: Ah, I shan't be a minute. [Chameleon Tours cubicle] DOCTOR: Polly. (It is empty. There's a model aeroplane on the desk and the monitor shows the concourse. A search of the desk produces blank postcards from various foreign countries, together with sheets of unused foreign stamps. The Doctor fiddles with the model plane and the monitor picture changes. First the medical centre, then the hangar office.) BEN [on monitor]: But why wouldn't you listen to him? It's all true. I'm in the Chameleon Hangar now and I've just fDOCTOR: Ben! Ben, can you hear me? (Spencer has walked in and fired a pen-shaped device at Ben. ) DOCTOR: Ben, can you hear me? (Ben is rigid.) [Chameleon Tours office] (Spencer hangs up the telephone.) DOCTOR [on monitor]: Ben, are you all right? Can you hear me? Ben! Ben! Ben, can you hear me?BLADE: Who is he?SPENCER: A friend of that Doctor on the screen.BLADE: Did he see what happened in there?SPENCER: He must have done.BLADE: Then he'll be coming here. We'd better be prepared for him. First, dispose of the body. [Immigration] JENKINS: Who is he?CROSSLAND: His name's Brian Briggs. He's supposed to have come through here about a week ago on holiday.JENKINS: Thousands of people come through here in a week.CROSSLAND: Aye, well it was just a chance. Do you remember that man?JENKINS: Oh yes, I remember him. He had a pass. But I can't remember his name.CROSSLAND: He's a colleague of mine. Detective Inspector Gascoigne. Now when did he come back?JENKINS: I couldn't tell you. There are so many faces. There was a bit of bother this morning. He could have slipped through then.CROSSLAND: What sort of bother?JENKINS: Two people without passports, who told some story about a body in a hangar.CROSSLAND: What happened?JENKINS: Ah, it was all a hoax. These two men they ran away. The airport police are still looking for them.CROSSLAND: Can you describe them to me?JENKINS: One was a scruffy-looking man, medium-height, wearing a frock-coat. the other was a Scots boy dressed in a kilt.CROSSLAND: Oh, they shouldn't be too hard to find. [Concourse] SAMANTHA: Hey, you think we should go after your friend? He's been gone about ten minutes now.JAMIE: No, he said half a hour. Now we'll do what he said.SAMANTHA: Hey, he's a right weirdy, isn't he?JAMIE: No! I wish I had his brains.SAMANTHA: You're all right as you are. (Sam moves closer to Jamie. A woman in airline uniform - Ann Davidson - removes the closed sign from Chameleon Tours' kiosk.) TANNOY: Chameleon Youth Tours announced the departure of their flight Number 413 to Zurich. Will all passengers please assemble in the departure lounge. Chameleon Youth Tours annSAMANTHA: Hey. Hey, look, they've opened up that kiosk now.JAMIE: Aye, and where's Polly?TANNOY: Will all passengers please assemble in the departure lounge. [Chameleon Tours office] (The Doctor finds Spencer's pen weapon. He knows he saw Spencer leave the room on the kiosk monitor, but there are no doors in the right direction.) DOCTOR: Packing cases. [Concourse] (The uniformed woman is addressing the group of youths at the kiosk.) ANN: I'm quite sure the first thing you want to do when you get to Switzerland is write home to your parents, but in case you don't have time, Chameleon Tours have some postcards of Zurich ready for you to write here. When you've finished your postcards, give them back to me and we'll post them for you in Zurich.SAMANTHA: Er, do you mind?MAN: No, go ahead.SAMANTHA: Look, a postcard of Zurich, stamped with a Swiss stamp, all ready to post.JAMIE: Well?SAMANTHA: Oh, you're a right one, aren't you. Don't you see. This could explain the card I got from Brian. It was posted in Rome, but that doesn't mean to say that he posted it.JAMIE: Oh, I see. We'd better tell the Doctor about this. How long's he been gone?SAMANTHA: Er, about half a hour, now.JAMIE: Right, I'll go and find him.SAMANTHA: I'll come with you.CROSSLAND: Just a minute, son. I want a word with you. [Chameleon Tours hangar] (The Doctor is also trying to open a packing case. He finds Meadows staring back at him.) SPENCER [OC]: Somebody help me, please. I'm suffocating. Quickly, somebody help me, please. I'm suffocating. [Chameleon Tours office] SPENCER [OC]: Help me, please! (A panel closes over the loudspeaker that the voice was coming from. The Doctor enters and a shutter closes over the door, trapping him. Then a grill opens in the wall and vapour seeps into the room. The Doctor falls to his knees, suddenly very cold. In fact, he's freezing.) Episode Three [Chameleon Tours office] (The Doctor manages to block the icy gas with his handkerchief, so Spencer flicks another switch and more gas comes out of an upper nozzle instead. The Doctor stands on a chair and blocks that too. Then he notices the CCTV camera and hangs his jacket over it. Spencer slides the door panel aside and comes out of the secret room to find the Doctor lying on the floor. He goes over and gets dosed with his own pen weapon. The Doctor retrieves his coat and makes his escape, leaving Spencer stiff on the floor. The Doctor runs out of the hangar past the still Meadows wearing the white armband.) [Concourse] (By the Chameleon Tours kiosk.) SAMANTHA: Yeah, but what about me brother?CROSSLAND: I'm afraid I've got something more serious to look into first, Miss. If this young man's telling the truth, a colleague of mine's been murdered.JAMIE: Ah, Doctor. There's a man here wants to talk to you.DOCTOR: Oh, who is he?JAMIE: ErCROSSLAND: There you are, sir.DOCTOR: Detective Inspector Crossland, Scotland Yard.JAMIE: Aye, I've told him everything.CROSSLAND: Have you ever seen that man?DOCTOR: Well, that's the man we found in the Chameleon Tours hangar. [Chameleon Tours office] (Spencer blinks and sits up. Blade enters.) BLADE: The Doctor's body. Where is it?SPENCER: He escaped. His intelligence is far above normal beings.BLADE: Above yours, perhaps. I must leave. the flight to Zurich is ready to take off. You will remain here.SPENCER: For what purpose?BLADE: To atone for your incompetence. The Doctor must die, and you must do it. [Concourse] CROSSLAND: All right then, Doctor, we'll go and see the Commandant. I want him to hear your story.DOCTOR: Well, he wasn't every impressed with it the last time.CROSSLAND: This time, he's going to believe you.DOCTOR: Well, if you think so. Jamie, stay here and keep an eye on the kiosk. We shan't be long.CROSSLAND: And don't worry about your brother, Miss. We'll find him for you. (The Doctor and Crossland leave.) SAMANTHA: A fat lot of good that Inspector's going to be.JAMIE: Ah, but he believes us.SAMANTHA: Oh yeah, but that doesn't mean to say he's going to do anything. I think I'll go and have a look round that Chameleon Hangar.JAMIE: Ah, not by yourself.SAMANTHA: Well, I suppose it would be better if I had a man with me.JAMIE: Aye. Oh, if only the Doctor hadn't told me to watch this place.SAMANTHA: Oh, do you always do everything you're told?JAMIE: No. But the Doctor trusts me.SAMANTHA: Yeah, that's your trouble isn't it. All right, stay here. After all, they can only murder me. Ta-ra.JAMIE: No, wait a minute. I don't suppose anything'll happen here, do you?SAMANTHA: Well since they closed the kiosk, it's hardly likely.JAMIE: And we won't be long away, will we?SAMANTHA: Well, that depends on what we find. Ah, come on, kid.JAMIE: In any case, you'll need me to show you the way there. [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: All right, all right, I'll accept that you found a body, but I still want to know where you come from and why you have no passport.DOCTOR: Oh, but surely that's unimportant. IfCOMMANDANT: It is not unimportant to break the law.CROSSLAND: Sir, I think we're going to have to let him tell us in his own way.COMMANDANT: Oh, very well. Make it brief.DOCTOR: Thank you. I have just carried out a search of the Chameleon Tours hangar. In a packing case, I found the body of a man.CROSSLAND: You never told me that, Doctor. Another dead man?DOCTOR: No, he was in a stupefied state, a sort of coma.COMMANDANT: Who's this one?DOCTOR: I don't know his name but I have a feeling he's one of your employees.COMMANDANT: Oh, indeed.DOCTOR: In fact, I think he may be in here. (The Doctor tours the ranks of air traffic controllers.) MEADOWS 2: Taxi, following southern taxi way for departure runway two seven.DOCTOR: Do you know what this is?COMMANDANT: It looks like a fountain pen to me.DOCTOR: Things are not always what they seem. Oh careful, it's dangerous. Chameleon Tours are not quite what they seem either.COMMANDANT: Oh? And what's your theory?DOCTOR: Well, I'm afraid you won't believe it when you hear it. However. First, Inspector Gascoigne was murdered with a ray gun.CROSSLAND: A ray gun?DOCTOR: A weapon that has not yet been developed on this Earth.COMMANDANT: Oh, really!DOCTOR: There, you see? I knew you wouldn't believe it. What's the use?CROSSLAND: No, now be patient, sir. We are trying to understand you.DOCTOR: Very well. Next, I believe Chameleon Tours to be merely a front, a cover.COMMANDANT: For what?DOCTOR: For the mass kidnapping of young people.COMMANDANT: And is all this supposed to be taking place in my airport?DOCTOR: Yes, at this very moment!COMMANDANT: Oh, that's quite enough. Can't you take that fellow into custody?CROSSLAND: Well, I'm very sorry, sir, but you know he hasn't broken any law, except for this immigration business, and that's not my responsibility.DOCTOR: But Brian Briggs is your responsibility.COMMANDANT: And who is he?DOCTOR: He's a young man who went on a Chameleon Tour and vanished.CROSSLAND: Now, come on Doctor, wait a minute. We're not certain of that yet.DOCTOR: Well, he's nowhere to be found.CROSSLAND: Well, no.DOCTOR: And neither are my two friends. Which to my mind proves my point. Chameleon Tours are a cover for the abducting of young people.COMMANDANT: And just where do you think they're taking them?DOCTOR: Well, in view of the facts that I've already presented, the ray gun, this pen and one or two other things, I think we're dealing with people who are not from this planet.COMMANDANT: That hardly answers my que. What did you say?DOCTOR: You see, I knew you wouldn't believe me.COMMANDANT: Oh, this is absolute, arrant nonsense/CROSSLAND: Er, look, Doctor, I think you ought to produce some evidence to support all this.DOCTOR: Evidence? What about this pen?COMMANDANT: A pen! Do you call that evidence?DOCTOR: I'll demonstrate it for you. Excuse me. Would you mind helping us?MEADOWS 2: I don't understand.DOCTOR: Could you hold this cup out in front of you?MEADOWS 2: Very well. (Meadow stands, holding the cup, then sees the pen weapon.) DOCTOR: Oh, perhaps you've seen one of these before?MEADOWS 2: No, no I (The Doctor fires at the cup, Meadow drops it and runs. Jean picks up the pieces.) JEAN: It's turned to ice.DOCTOR: Do you call that arrant nonsense? [Chameleon Tours office] (Samantha finds the envelope of pre-stamped postcards home.) SAMANTHA: Dear Mum and Dad, have arrived safely in the Black Forest. Will write again soon. Love, Tim. Dear Dad, I. Dear Mum. Jamie! [Chameleon Tours hangar] (Jamie is searching a packing case.) SAMANTHA: Jamie, look what I've found. There must be fifty postcards here. That should make that inspector do something.JAMIE: Aye, you're right, and I know where to find him. You're a brave wee lassie. No time to greet now.SAMANTHA: Oh, get off. I've got something in me eye. Come on. Where are we going?JAMIE: The Commandant's office. [Air Traffic Control] (The Doctor is sitting at a desk, looking over a sheaf of papers.) JEAN: Doctor.DOCTOR: Hmm?JEAN: Here are the remaining flight schedules for Chameleon tours you wanted.DOCTOR: Thank you, my dear.COMMANDANT: What a nasty little device.CROSSLAND: I think I'd better get that checked over, sir. (Jamie and Samantha rush in.) COMMANDANT: What the devil?JAMIE: Doctor! Samantha, down here. Doctor, picture postcards. Look at them.COMMANDANT: This is the limit. I will not have my control room invaded.DOCTOR: What, not even for these?CROSSLAND: Why? What have you got there?DOCTOR: I think it's the further evidence you required, Inspector. Yes, just as I thought.CROSSLAND: Where'd you get these?SAMANTHA: In the office in that hangar. You see what they mean?DOCTOR: All falling into pattern. This envelope is addressed to somewhere in Germany.SAMANTHA: Yeah, Dem Chameleon Reisen, Freiberg. That means Chameleon Tours.COMMANDANT: Just what are you all talking about?SAMANTHA: Well, you see. They give out these cards and get the kids to write home to their parents before they go. Then the Chameleon Tours lot take the cards abroad and they post them back to Britain.CROSSLAND: So the parents think the children have arrived safely.SAMANTHA: Doctor, what do you think does happens to them?COMMANDANT: Now, now, now, this is all mere supposition.SAMANTHA: Oh, to you, maybe. But one of those kids happens to be my brother.COMMANDANT: Your brother?CROSSLAND: Aye, sir. This is the young lady whose brother's missing, and you see, she did get a card from him in Rome.COMMANDANT: But why would anyone want to abduct these young people?DOCTOR: Well, if we knew that we wouldn't be sitting here.COMMANDANT: Inspector, can I have a word with you? (They move away from the desk.) COMMANDANT: You don't think this fellow's a little unbalanced, do you?CROSSLAND: Oh maybe a wee bit unorthodox, sir, but after all, he's given us the only lead we've got so far. If you could just see your way to giving him a free hand.COMMANDANT: A free hand?CROSSLAND: Just to poke around a little bit, sir.COMMANDANT: Do you think it's safe to let the fellow roam round the airport?CROSSLAND: You can rely on us to keep an eye on him, sir.COMMANDANT: All right, but on your head be it.CROSSLAND: I personally will investigate Chameleon Tours. Then I'll report back to you here if I've found out anything. But in the meantime, if you could just keep everything going as normal, you understand? We don't want them to get wind of anything.COMMANDANT: No, no, no, no, no. Doctor, I'll give you the freedom of the airport for twelve hours, heaven help me. At the end of that time I shall expect you back here with some real facts this time.DOCTOR: Thank you, Commandant. (Samantha hugs Jamie.) [Chameleon Tours cubicle] SPENCER: Did they believe the Doctor?MEADOWS 2: I don't know.SPENCER: What do you mean?MEADOWS 2: I think he suspects me. He turned one of our own weapons on me, forced me to leave.SPENCER: You fool. You should have stayed. Now we do not know how much he has discovered.MEADOWS 2: Even if he has discovered the secret of our mission here, they will never believe him. These Earth minds cannot stretch that far.SPENCER: Of course, the truth is beyond their intelligence. Except for that Doctor.MEADOWS 2: I know where he is. I could kill him.SPENCER: You're going to, but not at the risk of your own safety. We still need you in Air Traffic Control. (Spencer takes a button-sized item from a filing cabinet drawer.) SPENCER: Here, take this attach it to him. When we are ready I shall activate the mechanism with this. That should put paid to him once and for all.MEADOWS 2: Very well.SPENCER: Don't delay. I want him dead before Captain Blade returns. [Air Traffic Control] (The group are by an Air Traffic Controller separate from the main group, watching the radar.) JEAN: Doctor, I've made out a pass for you and for your two friends.DOCTOR: Thank you very much.HESLINGTON: Excuse me, sir. There's a Chameleon flight coming in now.DOCTOR: Ah.BLADE [OC]: Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima calling Gatwick Airport control.HESLINGTON: Gatwick Control to Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima. (Meadows enters.) HESLINGTON: Gatwick Control to Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima. I will now give you your heading.DOCTOR: How many flights do they use a day?JEAN: Seven or eight.DOCTOR: How many planes do they use?JEAN: Four. I could get their registration numbers if you like? Why do you ask?DOCTOR: Eight flights a day and only four planes. Is that normal?JEAN: Oh, yes. They have a very quick turn around. I mean, after all they're only on short haul flights. You know, all the holiday centres. Spain, Rome, Athens, the Black Forest.COMMANDANT: Jean, where's the file on winter schedules.JEAN: Excuse me.DOCTOR: Which is the Chameleon plane?HESLINGTON: Oh that one, sir. Look, he's turning left at Dunsfold. I shall hold him now over Epsom until I can give him landing clearance.DOCTOR: What's the range of your radar?HESLINGTON: Hundred and thirty miles, sir. Why?DOCTOR: I was just wondering when this plane first appeared.HESLINGTON: I've no idea, sir. We don't notice them till they start to call in. Oh, excuse me a moment. Gatwick Control to Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima. Climb to ten thousand feet and hold in Epsom control zone to wait landing clearance.BLADE [OC]: Alpha Delta Sierra X-ray Lima to Gatwick Airport. Climbing to ten thousand feet and holding.HESLINGTON: Ah, you were saying, sir?DOCTOR: How long do you hold them after take off?HESLINGTON: Once they've left Gatwick control zone we've finished with them.DOCTOR: Oh, I see. That means they might be anywhere.COMMANDANT: Aren't you rather wasting your twelve hours hanging around here, disturbing my people?DOCTOR: I don't think I've been wasting a minute, but I'll go if you insist. Sam, Jamie. (Meadows bumps into the Doctor and puts the little device on his back.) MEADOWS 2: Sorry.DOCTOR: Oh, it's all right. It's quite my fault. Haven't I met you somewhere before?MEADOWS 2: I don't think so.DOCTOR: You must have a double. [Chameleon Tours kiosk] (Spencer is manning the desk. He finishes dealing with a young lady.) SPENCER: Okay, thank you.CROSSLAND: Excuse me, are you the manager?SPENCER: I'm looking after bookings. Can I help?CROSSLAND: I'd rather like to speak to the manager. I'm a police officer.SPENCER: Is there some trouble?CROSSLAND: I'd prefer to speak to the person in charge.SPENCER: Well, that's Captain Blade. He's just returned from one flight, he's taking off for another. He's rather busy at the moment.CROSSLAND: Perhaps I could go out to the plane.SPENCER: I'll have to see about that. Just a moment, please. [Chameleon Tours cubicle] SPENCER: A detective wants to see you.BLADE [on monitor]: Does he suspect anything?SPENCER: I don't know.BLADE [on monitor]: All right, send him over to the plane. We'll deal with him. [Chameleon Tours office] JAMIE: Are you sure this is the right room, Doctor?DOCTOR: Jamie, have you ever known me to be mistaken?JAMIE: Aye.DOCTOR: Hey. Now watch out.JAMIE: What?DOCTOR: That's the wall the gas-nozzles came out of.JAMIE: Well, there's nothing here now.DOCTOR: You're right. Well, that's clever. That's very clever. Oh well, makes life simpler for us. Now, the man I froze came from here somewhere.JAMIE: Aye, he would. A solid wall.DOCTOR: Well. somewhere in that solid wall there's a door.JAMIE: Aye, and we still haven't found Ben and Polly. What do you think's happened to them?DOCTOR: I don't know. Perhaps if we find that door, we'll find them. Come on, you take that end, I'll take this.JAMIE: Right. (The Doctor starts emptying the shelves from the bottom.) DOCTOR: We must hurry. Inspector Crossland's keeping them busy at the moment, but he'll be no match for them. If he presses them too far. [Aeroplane] (Ann Davidson is taking passenger's jackets and putting them in the overhead compartments.) BLADE: You'll find that the whole plane conforms strictly to the International Standards of air safety. I can't think why anybody should have complained about us?CROSSLAND: Did I say anyone had complained? I'm not enquiring about safety. My enquires are about a missing boy. A passenger on one of your flights. And there's also the business of a colleague of mine, Detective Inspector Gascoigne, who was last seen in your hangar. He's believed to have been murdered.BLADE: That is indeed a much more serious matter.CROSSLAND: Aye, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to hold up this flight a while, while I ask you some questions. If you wouldn't mind coming to the Commandant's office?BLADE: Well, if you'll just excuse me for a moment, Inspector, I have some arrangements to make.ANN: Excuse me, please.CROSSLAND: Aye, I'm sorry lass. (Blade and Davidson go forward. Crossland even thinks about lighting his pipe. Then the engines start up. Crossland goes forward.) [Flight deck] CROSSLAND: Captain Blade. (This is not a standard flight deck. No throttle controls or the usual displays.) BLADE: I shouldn't move any further if I were you. This gun proved remarkably effective in dealing with your colleague, Inspector Gascoigne.CROSSLAND: You killed him.BLADE: Unfortunately an error. You Earth men are more use to us alive. Sit down there. (Ann straps Crossland into the seat.) BLADE: That's better. This Earthman is a particularly fine specimen, don't you think?ANN: Perhaps the Director himself.BLADE: Exactly.CROSSLAND: Look, I don't know what you two are planning for me, but I must warn you of the long arm of the British law.BLADE: I don't think it'll reach where you're going. Chameleon Flight four one three to control. Request start up. [Chameleon Tours office] (The last item on the shelf is the control to the secret room.) DOCTOR: Jamie, look!JAMIE: Hey. [Chameleon Tours room] (The door slides shut behind them. The Doctor opens a large cabinet with a sort of air conditioning unit inside.) JAMIE: What's that, Doctor.DOCTOR: Someone who's not used to the Earth's atmosphere. Very interesting. Ah, a TV monitor set. Let's see what we can see.JAMIE: Hey, what's that?DOCTOR: Well it looks like a hospital. Jamie, we're getting warmer, which is a change from the last time I was here. Come on, let's see if there's a First Aid post in Gatwick Airport. [Chameleon Tours office] JAMIE: Should we clear up the mess, Doctor? [Chameleon Tours cubicle] DOCTOR: No, let's get along to the first aid post. (Spencer uses his remote control device to activate the 'button' on the Doctor's coat.) [Chameleon Tours hangar] DOCTOR: Oh, my back!JAMIE: What?DOCTOR: Jamie, my back! (The Doctor collapses. Jamie spots the device and picks it off his jacket before stamping on it. He clutches his fingers after touching it.) [Aeroplane] ANN: Please take a barley sugar. Thank you. (Now the passenger can deal with the change in air pressure. She moves on.) ANN: You can unfasten your seat belts now. Thank you. Barley sugar? Thank you. Everything all right? [Flight deck] ANN: All set.BLADE: Good. (Blade switches on a monitor which tracks down the full passenger section.) BLADE: You wanted to know what was the secret of Chameleon Tours. Well, Inspector, see for yourself. (Blade turns dials, there's a loud whining sound, then suddenly all the passenger seats are empty.) Episode Four [Chameleon Tours hangar] (Jamie is trying to wake the Doctor.) JAMIE: Doctor!SPENCER: He's dead. You're coming with me.JAMIE: I'll not leave him.SPENCER: You have five seconds to change your mind.JAMIE: You'll have to kill me then.SPENCER: I said five seconds. Five, four, threeJAMIE: Samantha! (Samantha jumps out of hiding. Spencer turns and Jamie jumps him, making him drop the pen weapon. Samantha kicks it away, but Spencer has a second one and uses it on the pair of them. He picks up the first weapon, then starts setting up a laser. Once it is ready and working, Spencer sets the beam to move across the floor towards the helpless trio, then leaves.) [Flight deck] (Ann leaves with a metal container.) CROSSLAND: I suppose there's no use my asking where this plane's going to?BLADE: You will know soon enough. This is Plane number three to Base. Inform the Director that I have an original for him as ordered. I am delivering him now, and will return immediately to Gatwick Airport. [Chameleon Tours hangar] SAMANTHA: Jamie? Are you all right?JAMIE: Aye. They've not harmed you, have they?SAMANTHA: No, but I can't move.JAMIE: Doctor?SAMANTHA: Are you all right?DOCTOR: What's happening? I can't move. What's that?SAMANTHA: I don't know. It's a beam of light.JAMIE: Aye. Doctor, it's moving towards us. (The laser beam ignites a pile of wood shavings.) DOCTOR: That's just a small foretaste of what'll happen to us if we don't move and quickly.JAMIE: But I can't move, Doctor.SAMANTHA: Neither can I. Oh, wait a minute. I can move one arm. But I can't move away. (Samantha can just reach her handbag.) [Medical centre x-ray room] (Nurse Pinto is transforming another chameleon, using Jenkins from Immigration as the template.) [Chameleon Tours hangar] (Our heroes are starting to get some movement back.) SAMANTHA: Oh, Doctor, can't you do anything to stop it?DOCTOR: No. Wait. One thing. It's a long chance but it just might work. Have you got a mirror in that bag?SAMANTHA: Yes.DOCTOR: Let's see. Yes, that'll do. Hand it to me.SAMANTHA: I can't.DOCTOR: I can't move my hand. Jamie, can you take it?SAMANTHA: Have you got it?JAMIE: No. Careful.SAMANTHA: Take it.JAMIE: Got it.DOCTOR: Right now, see if you can point it at that laser gun.JAMIE: Ay?DOCTOR: That thing on the wall.JAMIE: I'll try, Doctor. But why?DOCTOR: Well, if you can reflect the light back, we've got a chance.SAMANTHA: Can't you prop it up on something?JAMIE: No, it won't work. I'll have to hold it.SAMANTHA: But your hand.JAMIE: It's a risk I'll have to take. (The beam is nearly on them.) DOCTOR: Quick, Jamie, now! (Jamie adjusts the mirror, reflecting the beam back to its projector. It explodes.) DOCTOR: Oh, well done.JAMIE: Why, I can move.DOCTOR: I wonder ifJAMIE: Do you think that's what happened to Ben and Polly, Doctor?DOCTOR: No.JAMIE: Are you sure?DOCTOR: I think they were needed for some purpose.JAMIE: And we weren't.DOCTOR: We were obviously too dangerous for them.SAMANTHA: But to try and do something like this in broad daylight.DOCTOR: Yes. It means only one thing, I'm afraid. Their plans are almost complete. We'll have to act fast if we're going to save Polly and Ben.SAMANTHA: And Brian. Or have you forgotten about him.DOCTOR: No, I've not forgotten him, Sam, but if my guess is right they're all in the same place.JAMIE: And where's that?DOCTOR: I don't know. Wait. The first aid post.JAMIE: Ay?DOCTOR: We saw a first aid post on that monitor.JAMIE: Aye.DOCTOR: We must find it. Well, come on. You're not going to sit there all day, are you? Just a minute. We can't all go down to the Medical Unit.SAMANTHA: All right. What can I do?DOCTOR: Did you get a good look at the man who tried to kill us?SAMANTHA: I'll say. I had me arms round his neck.DOCTOR: Go down to the Chameleon Kiosk and see if he comes in or out.SAMANTHA: Right.DOCTOR: But be careful. Don't let him see you.SAMANTHA: Me be careful? You two watch out for yourselves. I'll be okay. (Samantha picks up her mirror and leaves.) JAMIE: She's got a lot of courage, that wee lass, Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes. I just hope she doesn't try to be too adventurous. [Medical Centre x-ray room] (The new version of Jenkins is sitting up.) PINTO: Who are you?JENKINS 2: Steven Christopher JenkinsPINTO: Where do you live?JENKINS 2: With my parents in Wimbledon.PINTO: Employment?JENKINS 2: I'm an Immigration officer at Gatwick Airport. [Medical Centre] (The Doctor helps a half-conscious Jamie into the room.) DOCTOR: We'll have you as right as rain in a minute. Now just get you down here. There we are. Splendid.JAMIE: (sotto) How am I doing, Doctor?DOCTOR: (sotto) Very well, but don't over do it. Yes, this is the room we saw on the TV monitor. (Nurse Pinto enters, leading Jenkins 2 out.) PINTO: If the tablets do not help, come and see me again. What's the matter with him?DOCTOR: It's a rare tropical disease, Nurse. I'm his doctor. If he if he doesn't rally soon we shall, we shall have to use somnalin.PINTO: Somnalin?DOCTOR: Yes, yes, somnalin. I shall have to get him somewhere to lie down. (He opens the door to the x-ray room.) DOCTOR: Oh, yes, this will do nicely.PINTO: I'm afraid you can't go there.DOCTOR: Why not? It's just an x-ray room, isn't it? Isn't that a couch behind the screen.PINTO: I'm sorry, Doctor. You can't take your patient in there.DOCTOR: You refuse to help my patient?PINTO: Oh, it's not that. I have someone coming for an x-ray.DOCTOR: Oh I see. Well why didn't you tell me in the first place. [Chameleon Tours cubicle] (Spencer and Jenkins 2 are watching on the monitor as the Doctor and Jamie leave.) DOCTOR [on monitor]: Let's get you out of here.SPENCER: That Doctor is a menace to our plans.JENKINS 2: Then we must kill him.SPENCER: I tried. He must have escaped.JENKINS 2: They won't escape me.SPENCER: No, wait. This time, let them to come to us. [Air Traffic Control] JEAN: (on telephone) I've been paging him, Superintendent, but he hasn't responded. Yes, very well sir. I'll keep on trying. Operator. Look, I booked a call through to Athens. Now what's happened? (The Doctor and Jamie enter.) JEAN: Yes, very well, I'll stay near the phone.COMMANDANT: What's all this about?JEAN: Oh, Doctor, have you seen Inspector Crossland?DOCTOR: Well, no. Why?JEAN: Well, Scotland Yard are looking for him and we can't find him anywhere. Also, your Miss Briggs wants to see you.DOCTOR: But I told her to. Where is she now?JEAN: Well, she said something about going to the Chameleon Kiosk.DOCTOR: Go down and join her, Jamie. She's a very strong headed young woman. See she doesn't come to any trouble.JAMIE: I'll keep an eye on her, Doctor. (Jamie leaves. Jean's telephone rings.) DOCTOR: Commandant, did the Inspector say where he was going?COMMANDANT: Hmm? Oh, he said he was going to make some enquires about Chameleon Tours.DOCTOR: And now he's disappeared?COMMANDANT: Aren't you rather jumping to conclusions?DOCTOR: I don't think so. My two friends became involved with Chameleon Tours and they've both disappeared. However, you know what I think's happened.COMMANDANT: Yes, and you know what I think about your ridiculous theory. People from outer space, indeed. (Jean looks shocked.) COMMANDANT: Something the matter with you?JEAN: Commandant, I've found out what's been happening.DOCTOR: Well, that's a step in the right direction.JEAN: What I mean is I took the liberty of phoning all the airports that Chameleon Tours fly to. The last on my list was Athens.COMMANDANT: But don't you realise the expense of phoning Athens.JEAN: Yes, I know, I'm sorry. But what I found out is, they never deliver any passengers.COMMANDANT: What do you mean? Never deliver any passengers.JEAN: It's absolutely true, sir. They all say the same thing. Dubrovnik, Athens, Rome. They say they pick up young passengers to take them off to other places, but none of them ever arrive anywhere.COMMANDANT: Well in that case, they must be flying these young people to some secret airfield. But why?DOCTOR: You're still thinking in Earth terms.COMMANDANT: And I intend to go on doing so. What was the name of that Chameleon Pilot?JEAN: Captain Blade.COMMANDANT: And what time is the plane due back?JEAN: About half an hour sir.COMMANDANT: Right. After the turn-round we'll have it followed this time.DOCTOR: Might I have a word with you, my dear?COMMANDANT: Get me the RAF Station Manston.DOCTOR: I suspect that the Medical Centre is connected with all this.JEAN: Medical? Oh come on.DOCTOR: Now, please don't get like him. Oh yes, there is definitely a connection. Now, I would like to get in there and have a look round.JEAN: But anyone can go in there.DOCTOR: But I would like to get that nurse out of the way first. Do you think that you could manage it for me? [Chameleon Tours kiosk] (Samantha has just bought a ticket.) ANN: You'll find that in order.SAMANTHA: Ta.JAMIE: He said you'd do something silly.SAMANTHA: Oh yeah? What else did he say?JAMIE: He said you were headstrong.SAMANTHA: Oh great. Look, you can tell the Doctor he's not going to talk me out of this one, and neither are you. I'm going on the next Chameleon flight that leaves in half a hour. Oh look, don't you see it's the only way we can find out anything. Oh, don't worry. I'll come back and tell you all about it.JAMIE: Aye, if you do come back.SAMANTHA: Oh, it's only going to Rome.JAMIE: And what makes you so sure you'll find your brother in Rome?SAMANTHA: Oh, I don't know. But that's where he was supposed to be going. At least I'll be doing something.JAMIE: Aye, but do you not realise how dangerous it is?SAMANTHA: Look, if you're sacred, I'm certainly not.JAMIE: I wish the Doctor were here.SAMANTHA: Oh.JAMIE: Hey, maybe I could go with you.SAMANTHA: Hey, now you're talking. Do you think you can you raise the lolly?JAMIE: The lolly?SAMANTHA: The brass, the money. Look, it'll cost you twenty eight quid. Pounds to you.JAMIE: Oh, but that's a fortune. I've never seen that much money in my life. I suppose I couldn't take your place?SAMANTHA: No! (Jamie spots the plane ticket in the top of her bag.) JAMIE: The Doctor said it was no job for a wee lassie.SAMANTHA: A wee lassie? You can tell the Doctor.JAMIE: I'll say goodbye. (Jamie suddenly grabs Sam and kisses her.) SAMANTHA: Hey, kid! (As they continue to embrace, Jamie takes her ticket and puts it inside his sweater.) SAMANTHA: I can take care of myself, you know.JAMIE: I just wanted to make sure. [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: (into phone) Hmm. So you can arrange to have it followed? Good. Oh, I'll find out. What time's the next Chameleon flight?JEAN: 1530hrs to Rome, sir.COMMANDANT: 1530hrs heading south. Right. And I'll let you know when they request permission to start up. Cheerio, old man, and many thanks. Well, that's settled that. The next Chameleon flight will have an RAF fighter on its tail. (Jean collapses into a chair, groaning.) COMMANDANT: Good grief. Jean. Jean! What's the matter with the girl? Get me the Medical Centre. [Medical centre] PINTO: (into phone) Isn't it possible for your assistant to come down here, Commandant? But I'm not supposed to leave here. All right, sir. If you insist. (Pinto picks up a medical bag and leaves. The Doctor enters and goes straight to Medical centre x-ray room) [Medical centre x-ray room] (The Doctor examines the alien transference device closely. Then he finds two electrical switches hidden in the couch. He plays with them, not noticing a screen sliding back to reveal the real nurse Pinto. She is wearing a white armband. The Doctor continues fiddling and the screen closes again. Now he checks a large cupboard and picks the lock with a screwdriver. Jenkins 2 has entered the medical centre and is watching through the doorway. He has a ray gun at the ready. The cupboard contains the supply of black and white armbands. The Doctor takes one of each and locks it up again before going to leave. A passenger enters the main room and Jenkins 2 hides his weapon. The Doctor comes out of the x-ray room.) DOCTOR: I'm just going off duty, but this gentleman will be pleased to attend to you. (The Doctor leaves, quickly.) [Air Traffic Control] PINTO: How do you feel?JEAN: Not too good.COMMANDANT: I can't understand it. She's never done this on me before. (The Doctor enters.) JEAN: Thank you, Nurse. I feel much better now.COMMANDANT: Well, there couldn't be much wrong then.PINTO: Have you had any lunch?JEAN: No, I've been so busy today, I haven't even had any breakfast.PINTO: Then no wonder you didn't feel well. Really, Commandant. You must see that your staff have time for regular meals.COMMANDANT: I've never stopped her having her lunch.PINTO: I'm sure, Commandant. But it has been known to happen. (Pinto leaves.) COMMANDANT: Now look here, Jean.DOCTOR: Very well done.JEAN: Did I give you enough time?DOCTOR: Ample time.COMMANDANT: What is all this? You weren't ill at all, were you?DOCTOR: It's all right, Commandant. She was acting on my instructions.COMMANDANT: On your instructions?DOCTOR: Yes. What do you think of these?COMMANDANT: Now, what are these?DOCTOR: I think there's somebody here who can tell us. (The Doctor holds the two armbands and looks around for a certain ATC.) DOCTOR: Excuse me. Where's the chap who usually sits there?COMMANDANT: Well, he's probably off duty. In that case, he'll be back on shift in a couple of hours.DOCTOR: I see. Oh well, these'll have to wait. [Chameleon Tours kiosk] (Ann is checking passenger tickets.) TANNOY: Chameleon Youth Tours announce the departure of their flight number 419 to Rome. Will all passengers please assemble in the departure lounge.ANN: Don't forget your postcards. Give them back to me and we'll post them for you in Rome. Have you found your ticket yet?SAMANTHA: I don't know. I seem to have lost it somewhere. But you remember me, don't you? I bought the ticket off you.ANN: There are so many people. What was the name? [Chameleon Tours cubicle] SAMANTHA [on monitor]: Samantha Briggs. Oh, it had S Briggs on the ticket.ANN [on monitor]: S Briggs has already checked in.SAMANTHA [on monitor]: Oh no. Well, who the heck? Look, can you remember what she looked like?ANN [on monitor]: She? I seem to remember a boy with that ticket.SAMANTHA [on monitor]: Jamie. He's pinched it. Look, you have to stop him.ANN [on monitor]: I can't hold up the flight.SAMANTHA [on monitor]: But look.ANN [on monitor]: I'm sorry, there's nothing more I can do for you. (Spencer phones through to the front desk) [Chameleon Tours kiosk] ANN: Hello. Yes, all right. That's very kind of you. You're very fortunate. Your ticket's just been found.SAMANTHA: Oh, good. Well who got it?ANN: We can't tell you that, I'm afraid, but our manager would like to see you. He's just through there.SAMANTHA: Oh right, ta. (Samantha goes to the rear cubicle.) ANN: Now, who's got their postcards ready? [Chameleon Tours cubicle] SAMANTHA: Er, you wanted to see me?SPENCER: Yes, indeed. You won't escape again. (Meanwhile, Jamie and the other young people are boarding their plane. What about his lack of passport? Oh well.) [Air Traffic Control] HESLINGTON: Chameleon 419. Clearance correct.BLADE [OC]: Chameleon 419. Taxi Clearance.HESLINGTON: Chameleon 419. Taxi following southern taxiway for departure runway 27.BLADE [OC]: Roger.COMMANDANT: Well, this time they'll have the RAF on their tail.DOCTOR: How high can fighters go these days, Commandant?COMMANDANT: Oh, ten miles plus.DOCTOR: How futile. (Chameleon 419 takes off.) JEAN: RAF Manston, sir.COMMANDANT: Oh, good. Hello, old boy. The Chameleon Rome flight's just taken off. They're on Amber one, at flight level 210. Right. Good man. (A fighter plane takes off from Kent to intercept.) [Aeroplane] ANN: You can unfasten your seat belts now. Thank you. (Jamie is very pale.) ANN: Are you all right?JAMIE: Oh aye, I'll be all right.ANN: Good. (Then Jamie makes a sprint for the rear toilets.) [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: That's the fifty mile mark they're passing now.DOCTOR: Normally you don't plot them at this range?COMMANDANT: No, there's too much traffic to control. Once they're up and away on their air corridor, we're finished with them.PILOT [OC]: Hello, Gatwick Airport. This is RAF 241. How do you read me? [RAF fighter] HESLINGTON [OC]: Gatwick Airport to RAF 241. We read you loud and clear.PILOT: Have the Chameleon aircraft in sight. Am following at ten thousand feet, heading due south. [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: That's him, right on the tail. So far, so good. [Flight deck] ANN: All set.BLADE: Something's following us.ANN: Another airliner going the same way?BLADE: No, it's too small. It's a fighter. Give me a radar reading.ANN: Two three decimal seven nine. (Blade uses a targeting device then presses a button.) [RAF fighter] (A beam of light hits the pilot. He screams.) [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: Heslington, that fighter's off course.HESLINGTON: Gatwick to RAF 241. Do you read me?DOCTOR: That plane isn't just off course. Something's happened to it.COMMANDANT: You're right. It's out of control.HESLINGTON: Gatwick to RAF 241. Do you read me?DOCTOR: I don't think you'll get a reply.COMMANDANT: It's fading, dropping out of our radar. Jean, get me RAF Manston. That plane's crashed.HESLINGTON: Look at the Chameleon plane. There's something wrong with that too.COMMANDANT: Hmmm?DOCTOR: It's standing still!COMMANDANT: Impossible.HESLINGTON: No, sir, the blip's stationary.COMMANDANT: That can only mean one thing. It's crashing, too. [Aeroplane] (Actually it isn't. It is hovering, folding it's wings back into the fuselage. The passenger cabin is empty. Ann picks up a small object from each seat and puts them into their own compartment in her metal container.) BLADE [OC]: Report to the flight deck immediately. [Flight deck] BLADE: How many people require passports in order to leave the airport on the next flight.ANN: Twenty five.BLADE: You missed this one here.ANN: I'm sorry.BLADE: Carry on. (Ann returns to the main compartment, but has lost her place. Did she pick something up from Jamie's seat or not? As it is empty she assumes she must have, and moves on.) [Air Traffic Control] JEAN: Negative report from Air Sea Rescue, sir.COMMANDANT: But with two aircraft ditching there must be some signs of wreckage.DOCTOR: Why do you think the Chameleon plane crashed into the sea?COMMANDANT: Because it disappeared off our radar screen.DOCTOR: But it stood still first.COMMANDANT: Because it must have collided with the RAF plane and dropped like a stone.DOCTOR: Why do you think that?COMMANDANT: You see, when a plane on that radar appears to stand still, it is in point of fact dropping straight down.DOCTOR: What about straight up?COMMANDANT: Oh, my dear Doctor. To get above our radar umbrella like that it'd have to climb vertically until it was a hundred miles high. The darned thing would be in outer space.DOCTOR: Exactly. (Flight 419 is now a rocket which has left Earth's atmosphere and entered the blackness of space to rendezvous with a huge conical satellite in geostationary orbit, which no one, including NASA, Jodrell Bank and NORAD, has noticed up there. Space doors open and the former aeroplane enters.) Episode Five [Aeroplane] (Ann comes out from the flight deck carrying the metal container. Blade is with her.) ANN: That plane they sent to follow us, should we have destroyed it?BLADE: We could eliminate a whole squadron of their toy planes and they'd never get on to us. Their minds can't cope with an operation like this. Remember the teaching of our Director. The intelligence of Earth people is comparable only to that of animals on our planet. (Blade and Ann disembark. Jamie comes out of the galley and starts to follow them, but hides again when two blank Chameleons come on board and start removing the passenger's hand luggage. Finally his chance comes, and he leaves the plane.) [Stock room] (Ann carefully unloads the contents of the container into a cabinet drawer and leaves. Jamie watches her walk down the corridor. He intends to follow, but there are other people around so he goes into the stock room instead. The room is completely lined with tall metal cabinets full of small specimen drawers, each containing six miniaturised humans.) ANN: I thought I'd missed one of you. I wondered what happened to you.JAMIE: What have you done to them?ANN: Close that drawer. (Two blank Chameleons enter and seize Jamie.) JAMIE: No. No. Don't. Leave me. No, leave me! [Air Traffic Control] (Sad telephone calls are being received.) JEAN: Right, thank you. Air Sea Rescue say they're still searching but there's no trace yet.COMMANDANT: Commandant. I see. Did the pilot managed to bail out? I'm sorry. They've found the remains of that RAF plane. The pilot had been electrocuted.DOCTOR: Do you still think these people are from Earth?COMMANDANT: I don't know, Doctor. I just don't know what to think. If only there was one solid piece of evidence.DOCTOR: I think it's just come in. Do you mind if I question him? I think I know how to make him talk. (The Doctor goes over to Meadows 2, who has just come in, and shows him the white armband.) DOCTOR: You know what this is, don't you?MEADOWS 2: I don't know what you're talking about.DOCTOR: Oh I think you do. Roll up your sleeve.MEADOWS 2: Do I have to take orders from him, sir?COMMANDANT: I think perhaps you should explain, Doctor. After all, this man is working for me.DOCTOR: You only think he's working for you. Commandant, your personnel are being systematically replaced, and this is how they are doing it. This is not Meadows, it only looks like Meadows. He's wearing one of these things on his arm.COMMANDANT: Very well, do as he asks.MEADOWS 2: But sir, this is ridiculous.COMMANDANT: We all have to help in this, Meadows. Roll up your sleeve. (Meadows 2 makes a dash for the door.) DOCTOR: Stop him! (Jean pushes a chair in Meadow 2's path and he falls over it. Two other ATC restrain him.) COMMANDANT: Now get him in this chair. Jean, send for the police. All right, Doctor, go ahead.DOCTOR: Roll up his left sleeve. (The black armband is revealed.) DOCTOR: There we are. Now then. What happens if I were to turn one of these?MEADOWS 2: Don't touch it!DOCTOR: Ah, I see. Right. Now then, you are going to answer all my questions, and in return, I promise no harm will come to you. Do you understand?MEADOWS 2: All right.DOCTOR: Where are your planes taking all their passengers?MEADOWS 2: There's a satellite about a hundred and fifty miles up.DOCTOR: Why are you abducting all these young people?MEADOWS 2: We had a catastrophe on our planet. A gigantic explosion. As you've seen, we have lost our identities. My people are dying out.COMMANDANT: But what use would our people be to you?MEADOWS 2: Our scientists devised a process so that we could take on the physical characteristics of another being.DOCTOR: This is part of the process?MEADOWS 2: Yes, that's why you mustn't touch it.DOCTOR: How many of these young people do you hope to abduct?MEADOWS 2: This time, fifty thousand.COMMANDANT: Fifty thousand!DOCTOR: How large is this satellite?MEADOWS 2: On the journey in our planes, the passengers are miniaturised.DOCTOR: I see. How many of your people are working here at Gatwick Airport?MEADOWS 2: I don't know. That's the truth, I tell you. I don't know.DOCTOR: Very well. What happens to the people whose identity has been taken over, the originals?MEADOWS 2: They're somewhere in the airport. I don't know exactly where.COMMANDANT: I'll have the whole place torn to pieces to find them.MEADOWS 2: No, you mustn't find them.DOCTOR: Why not?MEADOWS: You, you mustn't, that's all.DOCTOR: Because if we do find them, we'll find one of these on their arms, eh? And if we remove it, something terrible will happen to you?MEADOWS 2: Yes.DOCTOR: What if you have to change back?MEADOWS 2: Well, that can be done, but with the machine.DOCTOR: The machine in the Medical Centre?MEADOWS 2: Yes. None of us know where our own originals are, except that Nurse.DOCTOR: Nurse? What about her?MEADOWS 2: Oh she was cunning. She's got her own original with her.DOCTOR: Where is it?MEADOWS 2: I don't know.DOCTOR: I think you do know. Now, are you going to tell me?MEADOWS 2: It's in the Medical Centre.DOCTOR: Right, you're going to show me where it is.MEADOWS 2: I daren't. She'll have me destroyed.DOCTOR: Are you going to co-operate or are you not? (Two policemen enter.) MEADOWS 2: All right. It won't make any difference. You'll never see those fifty thousand young people again.DOCTOR: I think I'd better take him down there. The Medical Centre. [Medical centre] (Samantha is gagged and strapped to the couch in the x-ray room. Pinto goes into the main area and opens a first aid box on the wall. She activates the monitor at the back of the box.) SPENCER [on monitor]: What is it?PINTO: This girl. What do we do with her?SPENCER [on monitor]: We need to use her as an original. That way we can get one of our people close to the man who is menacing us. He will then be killed.PINTO: But surely Captain Blade isn't bringing any more of our people to Earth? (The monitor goes blank as the Doctor enters.) PINTO: Can I help you?DOCTOR: Bring him in. (The policemen escort Meadows 2 into the room.) PINTO: I'm afraid I don't understand.DOCTOR: I think you two have something in common.PINTO: Is this man ill, officer?DOCTOR: Roll up your sleeves.PINTO: What are you talking about?DOCTOR: Officer!PINTO: Please, take your hands off me.DOCTOR: Certainly. (He pulls up her left sleeve.) I've seen all I want to see. I'll have that, if you don't mind. (He takes the pen weapon from her tunic.) DOCTOR: Now then, where is her original?MEADOWS 2: It's in there.PINTO: You can't go in there!DOCTOR: Would you rather be destroyed? Keep an eye on her, officer. Bring him along. [Medical centre x-ray room] DOCTOR: Sam! Sam, are you all right? (The Doctor frees Samantha.) DOCTOR: Are you all right, Sam?SAMANTHA: Yeah. Oh, I thought I was done for there. Pins and needles.DOCTOR: You're lucky it was no worse. (He checks her arm is sheath-free.) SAMANTHA: What are you doing?DOCTOR: Just checking up. Now then, where is the Nurse's original?MEADOWS 2: It's in a panel in the wall somewhere. The control's in the couch there.DOCTOR: All right, Officer. (The policeman releases Meadows 2 to operate the controls. The panel slides back to reveal the real Nurse, wearing the white armband.) SAMANTHA: Flipping heck. But she's in there! (In the main room, Pinto 2 has been washing her hands. There is a ray gun hidden in one of the towels and she uses it on the policeman, who screams and dies. Then she goes into the x-ray room and aims it at Meadows 2.) PINTO: You traitor!SAMANTHA: Look out! (Before she can fire, Meadows leaps towards the real Nurse and touches her armband. Pinto 2 dissolves into a shapeless blob.) DOCTOR: It's all right, Sam. It's all right.SAMANTHA: She vanished!MEADOWS 2: Doctor. (The real nurse is waking up.) DOCTOR: Put her on here. (Meadows helps her onto a couch.) MEADOWS 2: There we are.DOCTOR: Will there be any permanent damage?MEADOWS 2: No. You can take that off now. (He takes off the nurse's armband.) DOCTOR: It's all right. You'll be quite all right in a few minutes. There. (The Doctor sees a pile of files on a table.) SAMANTHA: Doctor, what's happened to Jamie?DOCTOR: What on Earth are these doing here?SAMANTHA: Doctor, Jamie wasn't anywhere near the kiosk the last time. Look, you're not listening! I think they've got Jamie!DOCTOR: Jamie! Where?SAMANTHA: Well, you should know. You got him to pinch me ticket.DOCTOR: Pinch your ticket?SAMANTHA: To stop me from going to Rome.DOCTOR: Oh. You mean Jamie hasSAMANTHA: Has gone in my place.DOCTOR: First Polly and Ben, now Jamie. We've no time to lose. [Stock room] (Tied to a chair, Jamie is struggling to get free when the door opens.) JAMIE: Inspector!CROSSLAND: Let's see if I can get you out of there. How did you get here? (Crossland unties Jamie. He seems to have lost his accent somewhere.) JAMIE: I came on the plane, stole someone's ticket.CROSSLAND: You ought to have been miniaturised on the journey.JAMIE: Miniaturised?CROSSLAND: Reduced in size, like all the youngsters in these cabinets. Did you not have anything to eat or drink?JAMIE: No, I felt too ill.CROSSLAND: That explains it. The food is the first part of the process.JAMIE: Inspector, what is this place?CROSSLAND: A satellite, Jamie. A flying ship in space. These people are from another planet. It seems the Doctor was right after all. Does anyone down there believe him yet?JAMIE: Oh, I'm not sure. I don't think so.CROSSLAND: I suppose it is too much for them to believe. But surely the Doctor's convinced them that something is going on?JAMIE: Aye, I think maybe the Commandant.CROSSLAND: Yes, Jamie.JAMIE: Inspector, have you escaped or something?CROSSLAND: No-one escapes from here.JAMIE: But the plane that comes here, well, it must go back to Earth. We could get on it.CROSSLAND: The last plane to Earth is leaving now. They've just gone back to pick up their own people.JAMIE: Surely the Doctor'll think of some way of rescuing us?CROSSLAND: Not this time, Jamie. This time he's up against a mind superior even to his. The mind of the Director.JAMIE: You mean someone clever than the Doctor?CROSSLAND: The man in charge of this whole mission.JAMIE: You seem to know a lot about it, Inspector.CROSSLAND: Of course I do, Jamie. I am the Director. (The space doors open and the rocket shaped aeroplane comes out, to descend to Earth.) [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: And his is the bearing where the Chameleon plane vanished. I want to know if it reappears there. They've a flight due any minute.HESLINGTON: Very good, sir.COMMANDANT: Now then, Doctor. What's all this about personnel files?DOCTOR: Over here. I'll show you. I found these in the Medical Centre. Records of twenty five people who work here. Each one of these has been taken over by Chameleons.COMMANDANT: Right. I'll have them all under arrest within fifteen minutes. Airport Police please. Now, look at this.DOCTOR: What is it?JEAN: Chameleon Air Schedules.COMMANDANT: You see here? Their last flight of the season goes in an hour. Superintendent Reynolds please.DOCTOR: The last flight? Well that's exactly why they mustn't be arrested.COMMANDANT: Superintendent? Commandant here.DOCTOR: Will you please listen to me!COMMANDANT: Will you hold on a moment, please?DOCTOR: These people must not be arrested.COMMANDANT: Why not?DOCTOR: Somewhere in outer space, there are fifty thousand young people, three of my friends amongst them, and somehow we've got to bring them back. I want to get on this last flight, which means the Chameleons must think that everything is going according to plan.HESLINGTON: Commandant?COMMANDANT: Reynolds, I'll call you back. Now what is it?HESLINGTON: This blip. It's just appeared out of nowhere and it's coming this way.COMMANDANT: Right, well keep tracking them. It maybe the Chameleon plane returning. Now look here, Doctor. All very well talking about getting on that plane, but how?DOCTOR: At the moment, you look like a man called Meadows. Could you shed that identity and become somebody else?MEADOWS: Yes. Yes, some of our people have been processed twice.DOCTOR: Good. Then in that case I shall pretend I am a Chameleon, and get on board that way.COMMANDANT: But even if you get on that plane, what do you hope to do?DOCTOR: I don't know till I get to the satellite, and then I will have one card to play, and that's up to you Commandant.COMMANDANT: What's that?DOCTOR: The people the Chameleons have taken over, the originals, are hidden somewhere here in Gatwick Airport. You have got to find them.COMMANDANT: Of course, and get those fearful things off their arms.DOCTOR: No, no, no! Find them, by all means, but don't tamper with those arm sheaths. Otherwise we lose our one threat. The one thing I may be able to bargain with.COMMANDANT: Yes, I see that. But I still don't see how you're going to get on that plane, let alone convince them that you're one of their people.DOCTOR: That will depend entirely on Nurse Pinto.COMMANDANT: Jean, get onto Superintendent Reynolds. [Medical centre] DOCTOR: Now, is everything clear? You're sure you understand what I am asking you to do?PINTO: Yes, of course, but we've got to think of those young people. (Blade enters with a briefcase.) BLADE: How very convenient. Lock the door.PINTO: No, don't shoot! This is Meadows. He had to be re-processed.BLADE: Why?DOCTOR: The Doctor became too suspicious of me as Meadows. I was able to kidnap him. The rest is as you can see.BLADE: A pity. It was useful having someone in Air Traffic Control. But then of course we have possession of the Doctor's brain.DOCTOR: You think that will be useful?BLADE: Undoubtedly.DOCTOR: That means that you'll be taking us up to the satellite?BLADE: I am taking everybody back to the satellite on the next plane. It's the last flight. Surely you haven't forgotten that?DOCTOR: The re-processing. It's difficult to remember details.BLADE: Yes, of course, I understand. What have you done with his original?DOCTOR: In a safe place.BLADE: Well it should be with the others.DOCTOR: Tell me where that is and I'll have it transferred.BLADE: There's no time for that now. Jenkins will see you through Immigration. We leave in fifteen minutes. (Blade leaves.) PINTO: Do you think we convinced him?DOCTOR: I don't know. However, we've got aboard that plane. Come on, don't let's be late. [Air Traffic Control] JEAN: Right. Thank you. That was the police, sir. They say the passengers are now boarding the Chameleon plane.COMMANDANT: Did they see if the Doctor had got on board?JEAN: Yes. He was with Nurse Pinto. All the passengers are adults and most of them have been identified as airport personnel.HESLINGTON: Commandant. Chameleon plane's requesting clearance for start up.COMMANDANT: All right, Heslington, normal procedure. Give them clearance.HESLINGTON: Chameleon 345, stand by for start temperature (And the plane takes off. A little later.) COMMANDANT: Yes. Now it's stationary. It must be ascending vertically.HESLINGTON: The blip's getting fainter, sir. That means he's rising above our radar umbrella.COMMANDANT: (into phone) Ah Superintendent, the very man.HESLINGTON: Blip's just gone, sir.COMMANDANT: Now look, Reynolds. We've got to get every man of your force on that search. There isn't a moment to lose. Time's running out on us. [Medical centre] (Sam and Jean are searching for clues, Sam in the kiosk and Jean in the Medical Centre.) SAMANTHA: Any luck?JEAN: No. Look at that. Wish my files were as neat as that. How about you. What about the kiosk?SAMANTHA: Not much. Just a few papers.JEAN: Hmm. Oh, we'd better get back to Air Traffic Control then. [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: Well?JEAN: Just a few papers, sir.COMMANDANT: Well, there might be a clue there.JEAN: Commandant, surely they'd put them somewhere? I mean, well, somewhere we'd never think of.COMMANDANT: We've got to think of it, Jean, wherever it is. The Doctor's relying on us. Thousands of lives are depending on us finding those originals, and quickly. [Aeroplane] PINTO: How much longer, Doctor?DOCTOR: I don't know. I should think we're almost there. Don't worry. (We see the aeroplane turn into a rocket and go through the satellite's space doors.) BLADE: One moment. Owing to the complete success of our operation, living space on our satellite has had to be used for our cargo. Therefore, quarters will be re-allocated. Report to the accommodation centre for instructions.PINTO: Do you think he's suspects?DOCTOR: I don't know. Let's follow the others. [Transference room] (The Director is adjusting the armband controls of a new duplicate.) DIRECTOR: What is your name? Try again, What is your name?JAMIE 2: Jamie. (He has no trace of an accent.) DIRECTOR: Where do you come from?JAMIE 2: From Earth, a place called Scotland.DIRECTOR: Excellent. (Blade enters.) BLADE: Director.DIRECTOR: What is it?BLADE: We have found two impostors. The Doctor and Nurse Pinto. I want permission to have them destroyed.DIRECTOR: One moment. What do you know about the Doctor?JAMIE 2: He is not of this Earth or of this century. He has travelled through time and space. His knowledge is even greater than ours.BLADE: Director, this man is a danger to us. He should be destroyed.DIRECTOR: And I say he must live, but as one of us.BLADE: You will regret it.DIRECTOR: You have your orders, Captain Blade. [Satellite corridor] PINTO: What do we do now?DOCTOR: We slip away and see if we can find these young people. Come on. Ah, Captain Blade, we're carrying out your instructions. We're looking for the accommodation centre.BLADE: My instructions don't apply to you. You two won't be needing living space. (The Doctor and Nurse turn to run, but are surrounded by blank Chameleons.) Episode Six [Satellite corridor] DOCTOR: Captain Blade, what is this? I don't understand. We're here to stay, aren't we?BLADE: Oh yes, you're here to stay, but not in your present state.DOCTOR: I'm very sorry. I simply don't understand what you mean.BLADE: I checked with the Medical Centre. You're both human. We want you intact. That's why I allowed you to come here. I want your brain. (They are marched away.) [Air Traffic Control] MEADOWS 2: I've told you, I don't know where they are. You're wasting your time with me.REYNOLDS: I think he's telling the truth.COMMANDANT: I'm afraid he is. Get him out of here. They must be here somewhere.REYNOLDS: We have completely searched this area. I've now got fifty men going through this part and the Metropolitan Police are sending help. But time is running short. I have to cover the entire airfield. I need volunteers now.COMMANDANT: Get me the public address room. Heslington, divert all in-bound aircraft. Public Address Room, this is the Commandant. Switch me through to the PA system and stop all other announcements until further instructions. This is the Airport Commandant speaking. [Concourse] COMMANDANT [OC]: Please pay attention. I want all available Airport personnel to assist in a special duty. Will they please report to the Airport Police, who will issue instructions. I would like to assure passengers that there's no cause for alarm, and to apologise for the temporary suspension of all outward flights. (The police are joined by office workers, flight attendants and other ancillary staff from the airport in the search for their colleagues.) [Director's office] (The Doctor and Nurse are marched into Crossland 2's office, followed by Blade, Chambers and the Chameleons.) DOCTOR: Oh.DIRECTOR: What did you hope to achieve here?DOCTOR: A chance to plead with you for the lives of fifty thousand young people.DIRECTOR: They're only human beings.DOCTOR: And what are you?DIRECTOR: We are the most intelligent race in the universe.JAMIE 2: Director?DIRECTOR: Yes?JAMIE 2: Freiburg flight has just taken off.DOCTOR: Why, Jamie!JAMIE 2: You wish to speak to me?DOCTOR: Oh no, of course, it's, it's not Jamie. You're a Chameleon. Well, I don't think you've done a very good job on him.DIRECTOR: Why not?DOCTOR: Well you've lost his Scots accent in the process. Oh, I much preferred the original.DIRECTOR: If you're looking for your friend's original, Doctor, you won't find it in here.DOCTOR: Really?DIRECTOR: No, it's (pause) in a safe place. Not far from here. What are we waiting for?JAMIE 2: Dubrovnik and Athens. They're waiting to collect our personnel.DIRECTOR: We're well ahead of schedule. We can wait. Proceed with the processing. By the way, Captain Blade, congratulations on bringing this man here. I personally will decide which of our people is to have his identity.DOCTOR: It'll be one of your friends, I've no doubt. It's understandable. The special people up here feel more secure if their originals are actually in the satellite.DIRECTOR: Be quiet.DOCTOR: The Director has nothing to worry about because his original, Detective Inspector Crossland is actually on board. But (to Blade) where's your original? (to Spencer) And where's yours?DIRECTOR: That's enough! Their originals are perfectly safe, hidden on Gatwick Airport where they will never be found. (The Director leaves. Back at Gatwick, Meadows 2 breaks away from his police escort and makes a run for it.) BLADE: What did you mean about our originals?DOCTOR: Well, as I see it, there are two categories. People like your Director and that man over there whose originals are safe on board here. And then there are people like you two, whose originals have been left behind at Gatwick airport. If they're tampered with, you're finished.BLADE: He's lying. Come on, let's get him into the machine before the Director returns.DOCTOR: Yes, you'd better process me quickly, because any minute now you'll cease to exist. You're first on the list.BLADE: What list?DOCTOR: Oh, surely you understand? We've found all of the originals. The Commandant at the Airport is going to deprocess them one by one, starting with you, unless I stop him.SPENCER: He's bluffing.BLADE: Wait! Where did you find the originals?DOCTOR: Ah, that I can't tell you. But they'd been searching for some time and just as I was about to board the aircraft I got a signal which meant that they'd been successful. Otherwise I wouldn't have come. Well, if you don't believe me, check with Gatwick Airport. I imagine you know its radio frequency? (Blade goes over to Jamie 2.) BLADE: Contact Gatwick Air Control. [Air Traffic Control] REYNOLDS: I've got two dozen men moving down here looking for any signs of the soil having been disturbed. There are twenty men here, with fifty volunteers going through these hangars.HESLINGTON: Commandant.COMMANDANT: Yes.HESLINGTON: Someone's crashing our frequency.COMMANDANT: Who is it?HESLINGTON: I don't know, sir. It's an unidentified station asking for you.JAMIE 2 [OC]: This is Chameleon Headquarters calling Gatwick Airport. How do you read me?COMMANDANT: This is Gatwick Airport, Commandant speaking. We are reading you loud and clear.JAMIE 2 [OC]: We understand you have found some property in which we have an interest. Will you confirm?COMMANDANT: Yes, we have that property.JAMIE 2 [OC]: State where you found it.COMMANDANT: Does that matter. The important thing is we have found it, and can now destroy you.JAMIE 2 [OC]: Please stay by your receiver.COMMANDANT: The Doctor must be trying some sort of bluff.REYNOLDS: And we're not being much help to him. [Chameleon Tours kiosk] (Sam is looking for a paper she found last time.) JEAN: Where do you think you left them?SAMANTHA: I don't know, I left them in here somewhere. Anyway, none of that Chameleon lot could have nicked them 'cos they've all gone.JEAN: Here, look.SAMANTHA: Yeah. You see it suddenly dawned on me, what would they be doing with so many coaches?JEAN: Oh, why didn't that occur to me?SAMANTHA: Oh, you haven't got all the brains in London you know. Twenty five. There you are. Twenty five car numbers, twenty five people. [Air Traffic Control] JAMIE 2 [OC]: This is Chameleon Headquarters. Explain your reluctance to state where you found the property.COMMANDANT: It is not a question of reluctance.REYNOLDS: Say the police haven't told you yet.COMMANDANT: The property is in the hands of the police, who have not yet informed me where the hiding place was.JAMIE 2 [OC]: Message understood. Please stay by your receiver.REYNOLDS: I'll get that. Air Traffic Control. Hold on a minute. It's the girl and your assistant. They think they've got a clue.COMMANDANT: Right, I'll try and stall them.JAMIE 2 [OC]: Chameleon Headquarters to Gatwick Airport. We are closing down now.COMMANDANT: Gatwick Airport to Chameleon Headquarters, are you receiving me? [Director's office] COMMANDANT [OC]: Gatwick Airport to Chameleon Headquarters, are you receiving me? Gatwick Airport to Chameleon Headquarters, are you receiving me?DIRECTOR: Turn it off. Put that gun away.BLADE: He said he'd found our originals.DIRECTOR: And had he?BLADE: No, he was bluffing.DIRECTOR: Proceed with the processing. In future, take your orders only from me.DOCTOR: You're going to get a surprise when twenty five of your people disintegrate.DIRECTOR: What a pity you won't be able to see it. The Nurse. (The Doctor is trying to jam his screwdriver into the processing machine behind his back.) DOCTOR: Now then, now what is it you want me to do?BLADE: Sit down.DOCTOR: Tell me, what happens if you disintegrate in the middle of my being processed? I mean, will that do me any harm, being suspended between one thing and another, so to speak?BLADE: Sit down! (The machine explodes.) DOCTOR: Oh dear.DIRECTOR: You should have been watching him. Send for a new unit. You haven't averted your fate, only postponed it. [Car park] (Sam and Jean are checking the parked cars, looking for the registration plates on the list they found.) [Director's office] DIRECTOR: At last. Now, Doctor.DOCTOR: You're quite sure it's safe now? (The Doctor sits and has a headset put on him.) [Car park] ((Meadows 2 is watching Jean and Sam do their search. Then he pounces on Sam. Jean runs to help. There's a struggle, but one alien is no match for a Liver girl and a secretary. Then Sam spots Jenkins inside a car. The police arrive and the rest of the missing people are found.) [Director's office] DIRECTOR: Is everything ready now?BLADE: Just one moment, sir.JAMIE 2: Director. Gatwick Control calling us again.DIRECTOR: Ignore them.JAMIE 2: They claim they have found the originals.DIRECTOR: They're bluffing again, I said ignore them. (The Doctor and a Chameleon are now both wired up to the machine.) [Air Traffic Control] HESLINGTON: Gatwick Airport to Chameleon Head Quarters. Do you read me? It's no good sir.COMMANDANT: Very well. We'll have to give them a demonstration. Right, Super.REYNOLDS: Sergeant Erskine? [Car park] (The recovered bodies have been laid out. Reynolds talks to his sergeant through a walkie-talkie, who kneels and removes Jenkins' armband.) [Director's office] (Jenkins 2 dissolves.) BLADE: They have found them! They weren't bluffing.DIRECTOR: His equipment could have gone wrong.BLADE: All right, what could have gone wrong with it?DIRECTOR: That is a question for our scientists.DOCTOR: By the time they tell you that there's nothing wrong with it, you'll all have disintegrated, except of course the Director.DIRECTOR: Be quiet. This has nothing to do with you.DOCTOR: Yes, you're quite right, it only concerns these two. I'll keep my mouth shut.BLADE: We'd better contact Gatwick Air Control.DIRECTOR: We've finished with Gatwick Airport.BLADE: And what if they haven't finished with us?DIRECTOR: That would be your own fault, wouldn't it? You told me that all the originals were hidden where they could not possibly be found until the life have been drained from them. Are you now telling me you were careless? (Blade aims his ray gun at the Director.) BLADE: Contact Gatwick Air Control.DIRECTOR: Destroy the transmitter! (Spencer raises his weapon.) DIRECTOR: All right.JAMIE 2: This is Chameleon Headquarters calling Gatwick Airport. How do you read me? [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: Gatwick Airport to Chameleon Head Quarters. We are reading you loud and clear.JAMIE 2 [OC]: Can you now state where you found the originals?COMMANDANT: The originals were discovered in a car park. To prove it, we have already eliminated one of your personnel. A man. [Director's office] COMMANDANT [OC]: I now wish to speak to the Doctor. Unless I hear his voice immediately, the next to be eliminated will be Captain Blade.BLADE: Release him. I said, release him! (The Director unstraps the Doctor.) BLADE: Get to that microphone.DOCTOR: Release the Nurse first.COMMANDANT [OC]: I said I wished to speak to the Doctor, otherwise the next will be Captain Blade.BLADE: Doctor, the microphone.DOCTOR: Are you quite all right, my dear.PINTO: Yes, I think so.DOCTOR: Good. Commandant, this is the Doctor speaking.COMMANDANT: Ah, what a relief.DOCTOR: Stand by while I negotiate. Now then, I will tell you my terms. I will guarantee your continued existence, if you will return to Earth all the young people you abducted.DIRECTOR: No use. They've all been miniaturised.DOCTOR: Then reverse the process.DIRECTOR: I'm afraid that's impossible. The equipment for that is on our home planet.BLADE: He's lying. The planes themselves are the miniaturisation chambers and they work both ways. What kind of continued existence would we have, Doctor?DOCTOR: In your former state, I'm afraid. Your scientists will have to think of some other way out of your dilemma.BLADE: It's better than death.SPENCER: We accept.BLADE: All right, we accept.DIRECTOR: You fools, how can you trust him? (The Director starts to leave, and Jamie 2 follows.) JAMIE 2: Look out! Ahh! (Blade fires, killing them both.) DOCTOR: Commandant, are you still there?COMMANDANT [OC]: Yes.DOCTOR: Negotiations have been successfully concluded as arranged.COMMANDANT [OC]: Good. I'll leave the people in the car park as they are until you arrive back.DOCTOR: Good. Please stay listening out on this frequency. I am leaving Captain Blade in charge of the radio.COMMANDANT [OC]: Can you trust him?DOCTOR: Yes, I think I can now.COMMANDANT [OC]: What are you going to do?DOCTOR: I'm going to try and find my three friends and the Inspector. You know where they are?BLADE: Yes.DOCTOR: You will take me to them. I will call you again.COMMANDANT [OC]: Roger. [Air Traffic Control] COMMANDANT: Well, Heslington, flap over. Let's get back to normal as quick as we can. [Store room] BLADE: They're over there. I don't know which one. (Jamie is in the first cupboard the Doctor opens. He takes the armband off him.) JAMIE: Doctor!DOCTOR: Jamie! Ha, I'm glad to see you alive.JAMIE: How do you mean?DOCTOR: I'll explain to you one day. Well, come along out. You look like a soldier in a sentry box standing there. Sit down.It's all right, he's a friend. Now sit down while I find the others. Ah! Inspector Crossland. There we are. Now, Ben, Polly and back to Gatwick. [Director's office] (Gatwick Airport is back to normal operation.) BLADE: Doctor, the first plane is ready for take off. We've got all the processed personnel including your three young friends aboard.DOCTOR: Ah, good.BLADE: Are you going with us, Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes, I'm going with Nurse Pinto. Are you going, Inspector?CROSSLAND: No, I think I'd better stay here just for a while, to tidy things up. Are you ready, Nurse?PINTO: Oh yes, Inspector.CROSSLAND: I'll see you to the plane.DOCTOR: I'll see you on the plane, Nurse. (Crossland and Nurse Pinto leave.) BLADE: What will our future be, Doctor?DOCTOR: So long as you keep your side of the bargain, you may return to your planet unharmed. Perhaps your scientists will be able to find some way out of their dilemma. I may be able to give them one or two ideas of my own. [Air Traffic Control] (The Commandant is on the telephone.) COMMANDANT: Yes, yes, I know. All flights were suspended as well as yours. Hello Doctor. All down safely.DOCTOR: Yes. Yes.COMMANDANT: Splendid, Splendid. I'll take that Brussels call now.DOCTOR: There's just one thing, Commandant.COMMANDANT: Yes, yes, right.DOCTOR: Our TARDIS. Our police box.COMMANDANT: Ah Bruxelles. Oui, j'accord.DOCTOR: The police box on the runway.COMMANDANT: Oh, yes, of course. Jean, see that the Doctor gets his property back, will you? Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you so much.DOCTOR: Thank you, Commandant.COMMANDANT: Goodbye, Scotty.DOCTOR: Goodbye, Samantha. Come along, Jamie. We must find Ben and Polly and get to the TARDIS. (The Doctor leaves.) JAMIE: I'd better say goodbye.SAMANTHA: Oh. Well I'll see you around then?JAMIE: Around where?SAMANTHA: Well, you know, around. Ah, you're not just going off like that?JAMIE: Aye, I must go. The Doctor'll be. Well, your brother'll be here any moment.SAMANTHA: Yeah. Well, ta-ra then! (Samantha suddenly kisses Jamie.) JAMIE: Aye, well, er.SAMANTHA: Hey, thanks for everything, Jamie.JAMIE: I'll say goodbye. (Jamie leaves.) SAMANTHA: Goodbye, Jamie. [Gatwick Airport] (A chauffeur driven car delivers the Doctor and company.) DOCTOR: This will do. My thanks to the Commandant.POLLY: Thank you every much. Hey, Doctor, where are you going?BEN: Hey, come back! (The Doctor is marching to a hangar. Jamie catches up with them and they follow.) [Airport hangar] POLLY: Doctor.BEN: What are you doing?DOCTOR: Doing? I'm looking for the TARDIS, of course.POLLY: Oh, no. Can't we stay in London a bit?BEN: Yeah, it's good to feel normal again.DOCTOR: Normal? What do you mean, Ben?BEN: Well, no monsters, or Cybermen. All this, it's normal. I understand it.DOCTOR: Do you? What about Chameleon Tours?BEN: Oh yeah, that was different.JAMIE: Oh, I'll be glad to get away from here. Can you not land us in a nice civilised place like 1750?POLLY: What's so uncivilised about 1966?JAMIE: Oh, you can keep it!BEN: Did you say 1966?POLLY: Yes.BEN: What month is it?DOCTOR: It's July. July the 20th, to be precise.POLLY: What are you getting at?BEN: Don't you see, Duchess? July the 20th, 1966 is when it all began! We're back to when it all started. Well, I think.POLLY: That means it's as if, it's as if we've never been away.DOCTOR: You really want to go, don't you?BEN: Well, we won't leave, Doctor, if you really need us.POLLY: The thing is, it is our world.DOCTOR: Yes, I know. You're lucky, I never got back to mine. All right, then. Off you go. Now go on, Ben can catch his ship and become an Admiral, and you Polly, you can look after Ben.POLLY: I will. You will be safe, won't you?JAMIE: I'll look after him.BEN: I'm sure you will, mate. Goodbye, Doctor.DOCTOR: Ben.BEN: We might see you sometime. Take care.DOCTOR: Well you'd better hurry. The Commandant's car waiting. (Ben and Polly leave.) JAMIE: I'm sad to see them go.DOCTOR: Yes, Jamie. So am I. Well, we've got things to do.JAMIE: What things?DOCTOR: Well, I didn't tell the others, but we've lost the TARDIS.JAMIE: We can't have done.DOCTOR: It was outside. It's not there now.JAMIE: You mean somebody's stolen it?DOCTOR: I don't know, but that's what we're going to find out. Come on! Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.