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First aired

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Written by

Russell T Davies

Directed by

Ben Chessell


52 minutes

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

The One Who Waits, Susan Twist, Ruby's mother

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Abbey Road, Earth, England, London

UK Viewers

3.91 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Ruby meet The Beatles but discover that the all-powerful Maestro is changing history. London becomes a battleground with the future of humanity at stake.

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24 reviews
Maybe it's just the Disney budget, but oh my god the SPECTACLE since RTD came back. It's wonderful.
The more we see of 15/Ruby, the better these two are together.
Also holy s**t does Jinkx Monsoon f**king KILL here.


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I really enjoyed the plot of music disappearing and it was set up well. Maestro sets theirselves up as a great villain when we first meet them and it continues through the rest of the episode. They’re creepy and enjoyable. The music battle scene was brilliant. I love that Maestro is the child of the Toymaker. We already knew that his influence would be around in this series. The series arc is laid out with them. The Doctor being scared of them is great. We never see that happen but I like that he’s able to overcome it. Ruby is great in here as well. There is no major critique before the ending.


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Maestro is a lot of fun and I respect how experimental this story was in just going for it. Some stand-outs like the tuner sequence hiding from Maestro, the initial Beatles review, and "I thought that was non-digetic". Ultimately it doesn't quite do the Beatles enough justice, so that's why I can't rate it higher.


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somehow im starting to hate the start to this season more than i hated series 11 which is really impressive. its not like this is outright terrible or even bad but its easier to describe this (and the previous 2 episodes) as Lacking Soul. feels dreadfully uninspired. sure the set looks nice, the outfits are cute, having a drag queen villain is awesome... but like... i dont know. i just feel like something is missing.

ruby keeps talking to the doctor like shes known him longer than she has even though this is only her second adventure in the tardis. hearing her say stuff like "but doctor you always know" and "doctor you never hide" is just so weird to me like she doesnt even know him like that yet. not to mention that those are just examples of her dialogue being really dull. frankly i dislike her more than any chibnall companion so far which is kind of crazy since shes not even a bad character so far she just seems so boring. her entire character right now is relying on this mystery of her birth but with her terrible introduction how am i to even care. at least this episode improves on space babies by not mentioning the doctor not knowing where he came from every 10 minutes (a bit of an exaggeration but you know. rtd doesnt seem to understand why some of us actually liked the timeless child stuff and is milking it only for the adoption aspect)

also, whoever is making these original songs is really really really bad at music. ive never sat through such actually bad musical numbers in my life. you cannot convince me that anyone is going to dance to that song with the energy the cast had to it.


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I was pretty disappointed with the episode. Especially since I was a Beatles fan, and the episode itself was marketed as a Beatles episode. But really it was just a sequel to "The Giggle" with John and Paul being the only Beatles that are really featured (I don't dislike the two, but I really wanted to see some George and Ringo action for the episode).

It definitely should've been something like "Vincent and the Doctor" or "The Shakespeare Code", where the historical figures featured actually take part in the story instead of pretty much doing nothing for 40 minutes then just appearing in the climax to play a chord.

Even though I was disappointed with the lack of Beatles in it, I wouldn't say that I hate it entirely. Most of the redeeming factors for me would go to Jinx Monsoon's performance as Maestro and the neat reference to Pyramids of Mars. So I probably would say that it's like "Rings of Akhaten", where the story isn't great, but there's that one bit that overshadows the entire episode and kept it from being a terrible one. That one scene (for me personally) being the Beatles dog song the Pyramids of Mars reference.


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AVG. Rating808 members
3.44 / 5

AVG. Rating649 votes
3.24 / 5

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(A schoolboy's piano lesson is in progress.)

TIMOTHY: First, we have a note. Then we have a tune.

(Three Blind Mice.)

TIMOTHY: Then we have a melody.

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