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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Written by

Gary Russell

Narrated by

David Banks


76 minutes

Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Ayrshire, Earth, Scotland


The year is 1860, and a lonely house stands on a craggy rock in Ayrshire, Scotland. Inside, two men brace themselves against rushing winds, wailing voices and loud, crashing noises. Goats with fire-red eyes bleat relentlessly, and a procession of weird figures appear, apparently from all ages of man.

Among them, strangest of all, is a tall man with spiky brown hair, wearing a blue suit and waving a small silver candle...

When the Doctor and Martha call at the house, they learn about the mysterious portal that lies within, a doorway leading - where?

It's not long before they join the two men in trying to hold back the monstrous demons within. David Banks, who played the Cyber Leader in the BBC TV series, reads this suspense-laden tale by Gary Russell.

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👍🏼(7.8) = GOOD!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

Gary Russell provides a spooky tale set in a remote house on a rainy rock in Scotland in the year 1860. We follow two men in the house, haunted by strange visions, as Ten and Donna appear to find out what is going on. The writing style resembles that of a traditional ghost story, drawing similarities to the Robert Eggers movie The Lighthouse.

We learn about the electrical experiments carried out at the remote house, which opened dimensional portals that brought the titular demons into our world. The narrative maintains a tight focus on the demon portal plot.

The Doctor and Martha are well-written. Despite being hampered by her status as a black woman in this time period, Martha in particular demonstrates her overall prowess and intelligence when faced with challenges, while the Doctor demonstrates interest, empathy, and genuine interest in the situation.

The two men, James Forbes and Ian McCullen, are well-written, dismissive, creeped out, and recognisably Scottish. I appreciate the way they gradually reveal the nature of the demons haunting them, as well as the personal tragedy that shapes their actions.

The story mostly relies on the tension between the Doctor and Forbes. Eventually, we meet the main villain, the big and scary demon figure, and this is where the story picks up speed and excitement. The story then largely adheres to a fairly predictable resolution.

David Banks, known as the Cyber Leader voice actor, narrates with a wonderfully atmospheric baritone. He might not exactly capture the Doctor’s and Martha’s voices, but he brings plenty of tension to the story with his style.

The writing and sound effects beautifully capture the time and setting, pulling you into the eerie and atmospheric landscape and the dangers hiding within. The demons are explained early in the story, and the story does not scare the listener with unknown creatures.


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