Stories Audio Drama Bernice Summerfield Bernice Summerfield Episode 3 The Dance of the Dead 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 2 Statistics Quotes Overview Released Thursday, October 24, 2002 Written by Stephen Cole Runtime 65 minutes Time Travel Future Synopsis Illegally smuggled aboard a spaceship, hungover to the nth degree, all Benny Summerfield wants is to curl up in a ball and die. And it looks like she's going to get her chance. When disaster strikes the ship - human error, or deliberate sabotage? - Benny barely survives. Banding together with a party of Ice Warriors and a laconic steward, a hazardous, arduous race is on to find a way out of the wreck before it breaks up all together. But are her fellow escapees all they seem? Benny finds that's hard to tell when your own mind's being hijacked by the memories and emotions of a dead alien - while a Martian Grand Marshall becomes your better half... Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Bernice Summerfield Ice Warriors How to listen to The Dance of the Dead: Big Finish Audio Bernice Summerfield: The Dance of the Dead Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 2 reviews 22 August 2024 · 678 words Review by PalindromeRose Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! Bernice Summerfield #3.03. Dance of the Dead ~ 6/10 ◆ An Introduction Returning to the main series now, we’ve got Benny’s first adventure with a bona fide alien from Doctor Who. Took them long enough to do something like this, but it’s time for our favourite Professor to make friends with a New Martian Delegate. Otherwise known as an Ice Warrior… ◆ Publisher’s Summary Illegally smuggled aboard a spaceship, hungover to the nth degree, all Benny Summerfield wants is to curl up in a ball and die. And it looks like she's going to get her chance. When disaster strikes the ship – human error, or deliberate sabotage? - Benny barely survives. Banding together with a party of Ice Warriors and a laconic steward, a hazardous, arduous race is on to find a way out of the wreck before it breaks up all together. But are her fellow escapees all they seem? Benny finds that's hard to tell when your own mind's being hijacked by the memories and emotions of a dead alien – while a Martian Grand Marshall becomes your better half… ◆ Prof. Bernice Summerfield Lisa Bowerman’s performance is decent here, when she’s not being possessed by memories. Benny seems to specialise in places she shouldn’t be. She should be back on the Collection, with her son, and other animals! She tells Sstac that she spent a year on Mars, and three more in debt as a result. ◆ Story Recap Following her brief adventure on Excelis, Benny found herself smuggled aboard the space liner Empress, which is currently calling on a hundred worlds to take delegates of a peace conference home. She’s dealing with the mother of all hangovers, but soon finds herself dealing with the ship in bits… as it’s decimated by several large explosions! Teaming up with Grand Marshall Sstac, of the New Mars delegation, the two must locate the ship’s saboteur… and stop New Mars falling into a state of all out war! ◆ Missed Potential ‘The Dance of the Dead’ is a script that reeks of missed potential, but let’s start off with the positive bits. I really enjoyed the friendship between Benny and Grand Marshall Sstac, and they work exceedingly well together (there’s clearly a lot of on-air chemistry between Bowerman and Brenher). It’s really saddening that we didn’t get to hear this pairing in action again. With the positives now out of the way, let’s dive into the missed potential of this adventure… and its main MacGuffin. Steve Cole’s script revolves around the idea of two Kolgarian jewels. They contained a gas that would keep their memories and emotions, allowing them to live on after death. Benny and Sstac breathe them in, and start believing they are the Kolgarian delegates, Asnarbi and Musjarna. I feel like we could have had these amazing dream-like sequences with Benny and Sstac, like an out-of-body moment where they experience these lost lives… we instead get scenes where the two just talk absolute nonsense! Such a shame. ◆ Sound Design David Darlington returns, but his soundscape for ‘Dance of the Dead’ felt incredibly generic. Clicking electrical instruments can be heard aboard the Empress, as Benny comes round from her hangover induced sleep. The babbling of the Kolgarian delegates. The Empress begins detonating and delegates start screaming, running round like headless chickens! Sprinklers spray the decks with cool and soothing water. ◆ Music This score honestly sounds like a mosquito farting into a microphone… moving swiftly on! ◆ Conclusion “Mayday! Mayday! From the space liner Empress.” ‘Dance of the Dead’ definitely had potential, but the concept of Benny and Sstac being possessed by memories and spouting nonsensical dialogue reminds me a little too much of the keyboard sneeze writing from ‘Venusian Lullaby’. Once your script starts rambling like an incoherent moron, I am going to lose interest. That being said, I really enjoyed the friendship between Benny and Sstac, and it makes me wish he could’ve just abandoned his post on New Mars and become another resident of the Braxiatel Collection. PalindromeRose View profile Like Liked 3 20 May 2024 · 183 words Review by Seagullslost 2 Waking up from heavy drinking Benny finds herself on a spaceship going home, but its never straight forward is it? The ship sufferers from some accident/explosion. There are Ice warriors for company, but crystals that contain the memories of an alien race are shattered and Benny and Grand Marshall Sstac start reliving those memories. This is one of those stories in a series where you kind of know that its a filler, its not going to have any long term impact on the series and by the end everything will back as it was. I'm reminded of an episode of Deep Space Nine where an old Jake Sisko ruminates about a decision he made long ago and by the end it doesn't happen and everything is fine. It just doesn't really go anywhere. Its not bad, but just not that engaging, I was never in a situation where I wanted to get back to carry on listening to find out what was going on. I did consider not bothering to finish it, but I did and it was ok, but just ok. Seagullslost View profile Like Liked 2 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating40 members 3.21 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating55 votes 3.73 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating49 votes 3.60 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 73 Favourited 5 Reviewed 2 Saved 0 Skipped 2 Owned 4 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote