Stories Television Doctor Who Season 2 Classic Who S2 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Crusade 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny CHAMBERLAIN: I don't understand! VICKI: It's perfectly simple. I'm a girl. CHAMBERLAIN: A girl? Dressed as a boy? Is nothing understandable these days? The dresses, silk, satins. Where's the money to come from? — The Crusade Link to Quote Favourite JOANNA: Bid your servants go about the town and find nimble hands who will dress this child. Good weaving, well-spun cloth. The dresses shall be of silk and satins and brocaded stuff. CHAMBERLAIN: Dresses? Silks? Satins? For the boy? I, I thought there was some amusement, your Highness? JOANNA: Did you, Chamberlain? (Joanna leaves.) CHAMBERLAIN: I don't understand! VICKI: It's perfectly simple. I'm a girl. CHAMBERLAIN: A girl? Dressed as a boy? Is nothing understandable these days? — The Crusade Link to Quote Favourite RICHARD: I am the King. Where is there any man who has greater power over his subjects? JOANNA: In Rome. His Holiness the Pope will not allow this marriage of mine to that infidel. RICHARD: But, Joanna? You defy me with the Pope! JOANNA: No, you defy the world with your politics! The reason you and all your armies are here is the reason on my side. You are here to fight these dogs, defeat them. Marry me to them and you make a pact with the Devil. Force me to it and I'll turn the world we know into your enemy. — The Crusade