Stories Television Doctor Who Season 17 Classic Who S17 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Creature from the Pit 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Well, to be fair, I did have a couple of gadgets which he probably didn't, like a teaspoon and an open mind. — Fourth Doctor, The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite ADRASTA: Doran, I saw no mention in your paper that the shell was alive. DORAN: It can't be, my lady. It's impossible. We detected nothing. ADRASTA: But this man did. DORAN: He's mistaken. DOCTOR: Well, to be fair, I did have a couple of gadgets which he probably didn't, like a teaspoon and an open mind. — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Did you hear what I said just now? ROMANA: About this being a frightening experience but don't be alarmed? DOCTOR: Yes. I didn't say that. ROMANA: You didn't? DOCTOR: No. I was too busy being frightened and alarmed. — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite HUNTSMAN: Kill him. DOCTOR: What? And just as we're all getting on so well? HUNTSMAN: Kill him. DOCTOR: Look, I don't want to stand on protocol or anything like that, but couldn't you at least do the done thing and take me to your leader? — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite ROMANA: I'm a traveller. I'm a Time Lord. And I am not used to being assaulted by a collection of hairy, grubby little men. — Romana II, The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite KARELA: Bring the tin animal. K9: Correction, madam. As I have already told you, I am not made of tin. KARELA: If I say you're made of tin, you horrible little animal, you're made of tin. K9: I cannot accept the input of incorrect data. — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Erato, we did it! ERATO: I still it was impossible. ROMANA: So do I, though I did calculate our changes of success at seventy four million three hundred and eighty four thousand three hundred and thirty eight to one against. DOCTOR: What? Seventy four million three hundred and eighty four thousand three hundred and thirty eight? Well, that's extraordinary. ROMANA: Why? DOCTOR: Well, that's my lucky number. — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite ROMANA: I was so worried about you. DOCTOR: Oh, you shouldn't be worried. Time Lords have ninety lives. ROMANA: How many have you got through, then? DOCTOR: About a hundred and thirty. — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: What are you doing down here? ORGANON: A small matter of a slight error in a prophecy. DOCTOR: Ah. Well, I guess it could happen to anybody. ORGANON: Why, are you in the business yourself, sir? DOCTOR: What? ORGANON: Seeing into the future? DOCTOR: Oh, well. ORGANON: Crystal ball man, are you? Or do you favour goat entrails? DOCTOR: No, I tend to use a police box affair. — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: You must be the Lady Adrasta. ADRASTA: And you're the fellow who was found in the Place of Death. DOCTOR: Yes! Do you know, I'll tell you something fascinating about that. ADRASTA: Anyone found there is put to death. DOCTOR: Oh, you knew. Well, don't you think you could at least put up a notice? — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite ROMANA: What is that thing in the pit? ADRASTA: We call it the Creature. ROMANA: Ah, that's original. But what kind of creature is it? ADRASTA: Hard to say, really. ROMANA: Why is that? ADRASTA: Our researchers divide into two categories. The ones who have got close enough to find out something about it. ROMANA: Yes? ADRASTA: And the ones who are still alive. — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: What's this? ADRASTA: We call it the Pit. DOCTOR: Ah. You have such a way with words. — The Creature from the Pit Link to Quote Favourite KARELA: What are you doing in the Place of Death? DOCTOR: Oh, just pottering around. I have this insatiable curiosity, you see. Why do you call it the Place of Death? KARELA: Because anyone found here is automatically condemned to death. DOCTOR: Ah. Is that so? You know, I've always been fascinated by place names and I trust you'll make an exception in my case. — The Creature from the Pit