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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Written by

Tom MacRae

Time Travel

Past, Present

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Cloister Bell

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Vortex Manipulator, TARDIS key, Fez

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England


A live Doctor Who adventure in which the audience is the star of the show. The production is unlike anything audiences will have ever experienced. This is their story, their mission, the audience are the hero. No two shows are ever the same, no individual adventure is ever repeated. There is no stage, there is no comfy seating, there is no division between the world of the audience and the world of the show.

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The Crash of the Elysium - No Rating 

This live show experience is something that has Intrigued me for a good while so I decided to do as much research into it as I could. As I didn't experience this back in 2011 or 2012 I felt it would be nice to give it a five star rating as it hasn't even had enough ratings to give it an average. (Also as I will talk about it seemed pretty damn good).

As far as I can find there is little to nothing of any showing of this experience on the internet - which is a shame but I suppose it made it even more unique for the people who did experience it. What I did find was some behind the scenes footage of the cast talking about the experience and a lot of interviews with the people who took part, and there was also a small 13 second clip of the Eleventh Doctor that was used as a sort of teaser for the experience in which he exclaims

"Hello? Hello, if you can hear this please listen to me it's about time and how very little of it I've got left. Everything that happens next depends on you."

its a nice little teaser for the show in all fairness even with its short duration.

The thing about this experience that made it so unique was the claim that 'no two show would be the same' , which as far as I can tell was correct - how drastically the shows differed is hard to know but I don't imagine it was massively. The experience on its original in 2011 was marketed as just for 6 - 12 year olds but due to popular demand there were session for 13 and overs to attend while the show was on. That being said a majority of the interviews were with children after they experienced it and they all seemed to have absolutely loved it and even said it was quite scary at time, which is wonderful to hear as they were the target audience. If any of the children became scared at any point a cast member would let them get outside as an 'evacuation' while still in character.

The company who put the show on 'Punchdrunk' are a theatrical company formed in 2000 who specialise in 'Immersive Theatre' (the idea that no two audiences have the same experience). They've ran a multitude of shows with this Doctor Who one being no different to their usual formula of immersive theatre in which there isn't really a stage and its just an environment for the audience to get involved in and to decide what happens in the show. I can't say I've ever heard of shows like that but it does sound quite interesting to say the least (especially if its Doctor Who).

The Crash of the Elysium show itself consisted of a plot line in which the group advance through the Elysium spaceship which had crashed and come face to face with a Weeping Angel inside (again i'm very unsure on how much this changed between audiences in the grand scheme of things). The Weeping Angel section is the bit the interviewees described to be the 'scary part', the scene entailed an Angel being discovered and advancing on the group in flickering lights (which if I was 6 - 12 would probably scare me too). After being taken by the Angel and thrown back in time they'd attempt to get into the TARDIS with the Doctors permission but fail, which then would prompt the Doctor via radio to tell them there's a Vortex Manipulator and a fez waiting for them to get home. The Angels advance again but the group escape back to the future, there they defeat the Angels once and for all - saving the day. Overall though the plot seemed like a good mix of Doctor Who themes and a fun run around for the kids. As a side note the kids who went to one of the performances in the afternoon of July 15th were lucky enough to meet Matt Smith in person.

This is undoubtedly the weirdest "Review" I've ever written if you could even call it that but if you have read all that I do hope its proved interesting, this show is quite forgotten at least to me as id never even heard of it until I saw it on here but either way I thought id write this for anyone interested as the what the hell this was. (if you want more detail the best place to look is the TARDIS fandom wiki page for the show).


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