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This short Doctor Who Adventures comic strip sees the 11th Doctor, Rory and Amy arrive in a coastal village in 1951 where all the locals are admiring a strange face which has emerged from the cliff face. It turns out the face belongs to a robot who crashed on Earth many years before and got buried in the rock - only now being revealed by erosion from the sea.
The robot heads off to find some missing parts and, once complete, heads off into space to return home.
The DWA strips are rarely involved stories but they do provide an entertaining diversion. The 'monster turns out to be good' trope is very common in them and this is another example. The robot doesn't even really interact with the other characters and just stomps around the coast until it finds it's missing parts.
It reminded me very much of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes which sees a robot reconstructing itself from parts scattered across a beach and I'd be very surprised if this wasn't partly the inspiration for the writer, Eddie Robson.
The TARDIS team are pretty generic in this story and there isn't much more to say apart from the visuals being quite pleasing with the sunny coastal area being nicely depicted. The 1951 setting seems completely incidental to the story as this could really have been set anywhere or anywhen.

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