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It’s an alright story but personally if I wanted Frankenstein I’ll just watch Frankenstein

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At points early on in the adventure the multi-faceted story comes together in a satisfying way, a lot of effort was put into world building and creating a history between the Time Lords and other protagonists.

I enjoyed The Sisterhood of Khan, the aesthetic of their lair and their rituals. The science guy was a little generic (very heavily drawing from Frankenstein) but his story beats worked well and I quite liked his villainous plot. Morbius himself however I found to be very poorly realised, both in terms of writing and execution. Once he starts to get more involved in the story it all starts to fall down.

As ever The Doctor and Sarah-Jane are a dream team and I particularly liked Tom Baker being sulky in episode one.

I'm a sucker for anything Frankenstein related, so this being Doctor Who's version of it means it's always been a story I've enjoyed. The sets and atmosphere, the body horror aspects and one of the show's best ever guest performances from Philip Madoc all make it great.

the doctor refusing to do his job and instead practicing his yoyo tricks is the most relatable thing about this show tbh