Stories Television Doctor Who Series 7B Doctor Who S7 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The Bells of Saint John 1 image Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 6 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 3 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, March 30, 2013 Written by Steven Moffat Directed by Colm McCarthy Runtime 45 minutes Story Type New Companion Introduction Time Travel Present Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Doctor Who?, Robots, Shape Shifting, Virtual Afterlife Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) Fez, Sonic Screwdriver Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, England, London UK Viewers 8.44 million Appreciation Index 87 Synopsis London, 2013. "Danger. This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You're looking for Wi-Fi. Sometimes you see something, a bit like this. Don't click it. Do not click it. Once you've clicked it, they're in your computer. They can see you. If they can see you, they might choose you. And if they do... you die." When Clara Oswald has problems with her Internet, she's given a telephone number: the number of the "best help line in the universe". When the Eleventh Doctor answers at the other end, Clara is pulled into a life of adventure and mystery. But danger is lurking in the signals, picking off minds and imprisoning them. "It's like immortality, only fatal." But can the Doctor save Clara before... "I don't know where I am!" Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith Clara Oswald Jenna Coleman The Great Intelligence Spoiler!Click to reveal 👀 Kate Webster First Appearance Show All Characters (4) How to watch The Bells of Saint John: Watch on iPlayer Blu-Ray The Complete Seventh Series [Steelbook] Blu-Ray The Complete Seventh Series DVD The Complete Seventh Series Blu-Ray Series 7: Part 2 DVD Series 7: Part 2 Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 6 reviews 21 December 2024 · 11 words Review by RubyWeekends I think this episode has the best shots and lovely storyline. RubyWeekends View profile Like Liked 0 30 September 2024 · 166 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I stopped re-watching new episodes multiple times around 2013 as I got more deeply into the classic series and Doctor Who's extended universe. As a result when watching the second half of series 7 I have the interesting experience of experiencing Doctor Who that I in many ways know the least about - episodes that I have had the longest gap since most recently watching. The last 10 years has meant that I even forgot that Richard E Grant's Great Intelligence was even a recurring character in this series - I thought he was dispensed with in The Snowmen! This story is a bit mid. The most interesting idea is the spoon headed baddies, which is a rip off of Silent in the Library. Otherwise this inner city thriller is a bit nondescript (chases, hackers, action!) The show looks good though and Clara and The Doctor's relationship gleams. Its the worst of Clara's three introductions, but it still leaves you feeling warm for her afterwards. A solid series opener. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 1 23 September 2024 · 65 words Review by AndyUK 1 Still hard to know what to make of this one. The idea wasn't exactly new but it certainly had a different feel to it. Thought it was a pretty low key opening episode in the truth though. There were a couple of very creepy scenes and nice some nice banter between The Doctor and Clara but nothing particularly memorable. It was certainly no Eleventh Hour. AndyUK View profile Like Liked 1 20 August 2024 · 229 words Review by Callandor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! *Insert Chibnall wifi joke here* Prerequisites: Asylum of the Daleks and The Snowmen give needed context. Spoilers! The Bells of Saint John is a fairly fun, if flawed companion "introduction" piece. I say "introduction" because this is kinda Clara's third introduction, and I'd argue it's also her weakest. To start, Clara's character here just isn't that well set up. She lacks the genuinely fun mystery element Oswin had in Asylum, and she also lacks the fun little pieces of characterization she got in The Snowmen. Instead, I imagine that Moffat was using those previous episodes as a crutch when writing her here, because her only character traits I can really make out are 'clever' and 'flirty'. Don't get me wrong, Coleman and Smith have some fun exchanges, but it's nothing I'd call exemplary. What I do quite like, though, is the vibe and setting. While admittedly the whole 'wifi is sucking up people' thing is goofy, I really enjoy just how adventurous this feels. We don't see a lot of the Doctor zipping around a modern metropolis in Who, and it's fun to see it here. I like the motorcycle stuff, and I even like how the Great Intelligence pops up again. Overall, I think this is a fun little episode, although were I to sit down and analyze it further I'm absolutely sure that my rating would lower. Callandor View profile Like Liked 1 14 June 2024 · 41 words Review by dykepaldi god this sucks /affectionate i love seeing clara this early on now bc u see how much she LOVES being a manic pixie dream girl. shes like yeah obviously im gonna be whisked away on a space adventure. its about time. dykepaldi View profile Like Liked 0 Show All Reviews (6) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating690 members 3.15 / 5 AVG. Rating1,501 votes 4.09 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 1475 Favourited 53 Reviewed 6 Saved 2 Skipped 0 Owned 19 Related Stories BBC Books Summer Falls Rating: 3.71 Story Skipped Book Reviews(1) More Actions Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite NABILE: Danger. This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You're looking for wifi. Sometimes you see something. (He holds up a card with seven strange symbols.) NABILE: A bit like this. Don't click it. Do not click it. Once you've clicked it, they're in your computer. (A whole slew of weird symbols in the available connections list.) NABILE: They can see you. And they can see you, they might choose you. And if they do, you die. For twenty four hours, you're dead. For a while. People's souls are being uploaded to the internet. And some people get stuck. Their minds, their souls, in the wifi. Like echoes, like ghosts. Sometimes you can hear their screams on the radio, on the telly, on the net. This is real. This is not a hoax. MAN 2 [on screen]: I don't know where I am. NABILE: Or a joke. (A Japanese woman on a laptop screen.) NABILE: Or a story. MAN 3 [on screen]: I don't know where I am. NABILE: This is real, and I know that, because I don't know where I am. Please, please, if you can hear me, if you can hear me, I don't know where I am. — The Bells of Saint John Show All Quotes (3) Open in new window Transcript Needs checking (Prequel ) [Playground] GIRL: Hello.DOCTOR: Hello.GIRL: Why are you sitting on a swing?DOCTOR: Why shouldn't I?GIRL: Because you're old.DOCTOR: Yes, that's true. That is very true.GIRL: My mum says I shouldn't talk to strange men.DOCTOR: Ah, you mum's right.GIRL: Are you strange?DOCTOR: Oh, dear. I'm way past strange. I think I'm probably incredible.GIRL: Are you lonely?DOCTOR: Why would I be lonely?GIRL: Because you're sad. Have you lost something?DOCTOR: No.GIRL: When I lose something, I go to a quiet place and I close my eyes, and then I can remember where I put it.DOCTOR: Good plan.GIRL: I'm always losing things. I lost my best pencil, my schoolbag, and my gran, and my mojo.DOCTOR: Your mojo?GIRL: I got it back, though.DOCTOR: Hey, that's good.GIRL: What did you lose?DOCTOR: My friend. I met her twice before and I lost her both times, and now I don't think I'll ever find her again.GIRL: Have you been looking?DOCTOR: Yeah, everywhere.GIRL: That's sad.DOCTOR: It is a bit. Hey, is that your mum?GIRL: Yeah, I'd better go and see if she's all right.DOCTOR: Yeah, I think you better had.GIRL: How are you going to find her?DOCTOR: Well, the first two times I met her, I just sort of bumped into her, so I thought maybe if I just wandered about a bit, I might bump into her again. You know, like destiny, sort of.GIRL: That's rubbish.DOCTOR: Yeah, I think it probably is. Hey, maybe I could find a quiet room and have a good think about it instead.GIRL: That would be better. Goodbye.DOCTOR: Goodbye.GIRL: Mister, I hope you find her again.DOCTOR: So do I.MUM: Who was that?GIRL: I was talking to a sad man.MUM: Look, Clara Oswald, what have I told you about talking to strange men? (Over images of people connecting to a red wifi linking the whole planet, via desktops, laptops, phones, etc. is a man on a staticky screen.) NABILE: Danger. This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You're looking for wifi. Sometimes you see something. Show Full Transcript Open in new window