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Doctor Who S11 • Episode 10

The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos

66% 1,810 votes

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Review of The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos by PexLives

Fortunately not half the flimsy, discordant, incomprehensible mess that I’d previously thought. Obviously I never bothered to rewatch this after the initial broadcast, and I liked it more in retrospect. I’ve been really enjoying Graham’s arc this season, and I’m actually a big fan of how it’s concluded here. Walsh’s performance is mainly what sells it.

Is the episode good? No, but like it’s far from the worst that this season or the show has to offer. It still features an uncomfortably stilted and in charismatic lead performance. This is Chris’s best season finale unfortunately. 13’s era is by far the one I make the most comparisons to the classic era. This time I found myself constantly reminded of Time and the Rani. Make of that what you will.

Review last edited on 1-06-24

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