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DOCTOR: But you can't rewrite history! Not one line!

— First Doctor, The Aztecs

SUSAN: You’re monsters. All of you, monsters. Oh, Grandfather. Grandfather.

— Susan, The Aztecs

SUSAN: Hey, Barbara.

BARBARA: Just the thing for the Royal Enclosure at Ascot.

SUSAN: I’m rather mad about being handmaiden to a goddess.

BARBARA: Well, I must admit that this end of it isn’t too hard to take, either.

SUSAN: Isn’t that beautiful?

BARBARA: You know, that’s what gets me. I mean, take Autloc. He’s sensitive, intelligent. And then there’s

SUSAN: Tlotoxl. It’s incredible, isn’t it? Beauty and horror developing hand in hand.

SUSAN: Well, how will I know?

AUTLOC: Know what?

SUSAN: Well, that he’s to be my future husband.

AUTLOC: You’ll be told.

SUSAN: Told? I’m not going to be told who to marry.

AUTLOC: What say have you in the matter?

SUSAN: It’s my life, I’ll spend it with whom I choose, not someone picked out for me.