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The Fourth Doctor Adventures S2 • Episode 1

The Auntie Matter

80% 390 votes

Released Monday, January 14, 2013
Written by Jonathan Morris
Runtime 76 minutes
Time Travel Past

England in the 1920s.

Whilst K9 is off in the TARDIS leading the Black Guardian on a wild goose chase, the Doctor and Romana are enjoying a leisurely lifestyle as the Lord and Lady of a London townhouse. But trouble never stays away from them for long, and before they know it a chance discovery of alien technology leads them deep into the heart of the English countryside where a malign presence lurks.

As the Doctor dodges deadly butlers and ferocious gamekeepers, Romana is faced with a malevolent Aunt and an even deadlier peril - marriage.

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Romana  Ligeia Bassett  Grenville  Diggery