Stories Television Doctor Who Season 12 Classic Who S12 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 The Ark in Space 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 7 reviews 16 February 2025 · 113 words Review by Guardax Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Tom Baker is now in his settled form in this story, and what a delight it is. This is a moody, atmospheric story, that keeps up the mystery and always finds ways to change the story. We go from there being no crew members and finding the dead Wirrn to introducing the crew and then Noah is taken over by the Wirrn. Then two more people are revived, and one is killed off quickly. Harry is trying to be heroic but is bumbling and sexist, and Sarah Jane is put through it with the Doctor talking her down to get her angry enough to persevere. The Tom Baker era is in full swing! Guardax View profile Like Liked 0 24 November 2024 · 14 words Review by Rock_Angel 1 Wooden acting boring story god to hell n back it would be more fun Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 14 November 2024 · 507 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! The Hinchcliffe era has begun, and you can truly feel the difference. We are swept into space, but not the kind of spaceship we are used to. This ship is old and out of order, a menacing force has been meddling with its mechanics in the hope of using the remainder of humanity for their own breeding purposes. Humanity's future is presented as dark here - but there is plenty of lightness brought by our wonderful regular cast (surely the best line up the show has ever had!) and the fantastically witty dialogue (also - the best we've ever seen). Homo sapiens! What an inventive, invincible species! It's only been a few million years since they crawled up out of the mud and learned to walk. Puny, defenseless bipeds. They've survived flood, famine and plague. They've survived cosmic wars and holocausts. And now, here they are, out among the stars, waiting to begin a new life. Ready to outsit eternity. They're indomitable... indomitable. Doctor Who has always had witty and intriguing dialogue but this story something else. This sits alongside Robert Holmes' finest scripts Spearhead from Space and Carnival of Monsters. Let's not ignore how well executed the scripts are - the sets are very impressive (again, the best the show has seen!!), the lighting is moody and suspenseful (which is so rare in Doctor Who). Even the often ridiculed bubble wrap is actually fairly well treated for the screen. Obviously I wish a better solution could have been found for Noah's monster prosthetics as it does make it more difficult to show to non-fans. But I don't want to overstate it as an issue, it does not spoil anything. Harry, Sarah Jane and The Doctor’s roles are crystallised in this episode. The dynamic relationship between characters are as good as any of the characters themselves. I wish that Sarah Jane was less weak, confused and patronised throughout this story (something I praised Robot for) but Elisabeth Sladen plays it very well. Harry and The Doctor are a real treat - especially in Part One where they attempt various solutions for escaping an electrifying robot. "Logical puzzle" scenes in Doctor Who are usually a bit naff and unengaging, but again, the dialogue sells everything, the Fourth Doctor's random props are also hilarious. Myself and my friend fell over laughing when Tom Baker revealed a cricket ball out of his pocket! Noah and Vira are excellent characters and play off each other very well as complete opposites. One is passionate and possessed, the other has a blank stare and a purely logical mind (at the expense of everything else). I often say this when a truly special episode comes along (The Green Death may have been the most recent one) but it is stories like this that make me want to watch the show. This is Doctor Who almost at the top of its game. Whilst this is not perfect, its pretty damn close. I'm so excited about delving further into this era - what a treat! 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 1 23 September 2024 · 38 words Review by AndyUK Strong start to the Hinchcliffe era with a great plot. Cryosleep has always been one of my favourite ideas in sci-fi. The Wirrn effects are silly but it's not like you don't expect that in the classic series. AndyUK View profile Like Liked 0 10 August 2024 · 757 words Review by ThetaSigmaEarChef Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! (5/5 - vague spoilers towards the end) Just finished The Ark in Space for the first time, and man, was that a fun ride! Well, 'fun' might be a stretch - the tone was darker and less, well, silly than I'm used to (coming from mainly watching 3's era and parts of 7's so far), and although I usually prefer my entertaining Sillies, for this particular story, the graver tone worked in it's favour. Good start for Philip Hinchcliffe! Apart from the tone, the pace was also not what I was used to - it was slower, more methodical, more well thought-out than what I've seen of Classic so far. It really felt like everything had been carefully planned so it wouldn't feel like too much was squeezed into one episode, and that paid off. This serial was well-made and full of suspense; a classic that'll leave you on the edge of your seat! I do have a few minor gripes - Sarah Jane's damsel-in-distress demeanour was often too much for me to take, though nicely offset by having another woman who was both in charge and not at all damselly. Still, could've done with a little less of the hysterical screaming! I did also notice the odd flub here and there. I remember there was one that annoyed me early on but I've forgotten it now - the other more serious one was that the station was repeatedly said to be in deep space, and then suddenly they seemed to have moved as Earth was nearby and in the shot! But these things can easily be explained away, even if the serial itself did not explain them, and so they weren't such major issues as to in any way diminish my enjoyment of the story. Tom Baker's performance was marvellous, and I really felt like I got a taste of the new TARDIS crew dynamic, and the new crewmember! The romance/loyalty between the doomed lovers was actually quite moving. I'm normally a bit biased against these hetero romances because they often feel like they're shoved in just for the sake of it, but this one was plot-relevant and genuinely heartrendering. The monsters were interesting (and reminded me rather of Dot and Bubble's slugs - RIP Wirrn, you would have loved those slugs! Fellow racist-eating creatures). All in all, a very well made and well thought out story! If you've read any of my reviews before, you'll know I always comment on the politics - and oh, what a juicy one this was! Again, a little like Dot and Bubble - we got a crew full of uptight upper class racist nationalists who were worried about the contamination their species might face by aliens... sound familiar? The way the Doctor theorised that this ship was carrying all that was left of humanity, all differences forgotten, *all colours and creeds*, only to find out just how wrong he was... marvellous. Breathtaking. We were immediately faced with a bunch of white people looking down on the Doctor and his companions for the way they talked, people who had been chosen, the best of the best, to survive while all the other humans perished. They would be the saviours of the human race, and all else is, what, filth? Ah, no, that's right - 'regressives'. The idea of these select snooty white rich (well, upper-class, so the rich part was more implied) people thinking that they represented the best of the human race and their disregard for other species (and even other humans!) certainly stinks of white nationalism. Perhaps my mind is drawn there because of the race riots that are rampaging across the UK right now, a bunch of white people thinking that all other people are lesser, that they are somehow more human, more patriotic, 'better' than everyone else... yeah, this serial really hit home. 50 odd years later and it's still relevant. And then at the end, how (real spoilers here!) Vira seemed to be more open to the idea of aliens, and of other humans who weren't 'chosen', simply because a few of them had done nothing but help her. Positive human interaction being the way to change people's mind, the way forward, instead of immediately resorting to violence - I think that's a lesson we can all learn from. So, interesting and relevant politics, excellent acting and storytelling, and a dark tone with well-thought-out pacing have really paid off to create one of the - rightfully! - most beloved and consistently highly-rated serials of Doctor Who. ThetaSigmaEarChef View profile Like Liked 4 2 July 2024 · 42 words Review by WhoPotterVian 1 Still really like this one. Such a great serial; the special effects may not be convincing (although to be fair, there are optional CGI ones) but it's a fun adventure and Tom Baker is so much more confident here than in Robot. WhoPotterVian View profile Like Liked 1 30 May 2024 · 17 words Review by mikeyatesapologist 2 i relate to sarah jane bc i to wish harry sullivan would shut the f**k up mikeyatesapologist View profile Like Liked 2