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In theory, having the actor behind one of the Doctors take on scripting duties for a comic featuring their character is an exciting prospect, and I can see why it would be a commercially appealing idea. However, writing is a challenging craft, and writing comics in particular requires a very specific skill set. Unfortunately, this story feels overly dense and not particularly well-written, despite Colin Baker clearly putting a lot of effort into it.
There are too many character names, making the story difficult to follow at times, and even when it’s clearer, it only manages to generate mild interest. Some sections in the middle, where only two or three characters interact, are more engaging and allow for some interesting dynamics. I enjoyed the “atone, atone, atone” from the zombie antagonists. However, as a whole, the narrative isn’t very compelling or intriguing.
It’s also puzzling why Peri didn’t feature more prominently. She’s referenced at the beginning and the end, with the story trying to make her involvement a surprise, but her actual presence is never fully realised, which feels odd. Ultimately, the comic is overly long, quite dull, and doesn’t offer much to sustain interest.

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