Transcript Needs checking
Part One
[Oil rig radio room]
MUNRO: (laughing) Hey, listen, Willie. With tomorrow's supply 'cop trip, can you no send over a few haggis? The chef we have here doesnae ken the first thing about
(Interference comes down the link.)
MUNRO: Willie? Hello, Willie, can you hear me? Over. This is Charlie Rig to Hibernian Control. Are you receiving? I say again, Charlie Rig to Hibernian Control. Do you read me? Over.
(The lights go out. The concrete legs of the rig start to crumble.)
MUNRO: Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
(The rig explodes and tips sideways, then slides underneath the water.)
(The Doctor, wearing a tartan scarf and tam-o'-shanter, is guiding Harry and Sarah through a plantation of conifers.)
(He checks his direction finder.)
DOCTOR: Forward.
[Tullock Moor]
DOCTOR: There we are.
(A road passes through an area of recently cleared ground.)
DOCTOR: Follow me.
SARAH: Hold on!
(Harry and Sarah wave down a Range Rover.)
DOCTOR: Good morning.
FORGILL: Are you wanting a lift?
[Outside the Inn]
(Benton drives a Land Rover into the car park. There is the sound of a happy tune being played on the bagpipes.)
BENTON: Hey, listen to that. That's old Angus at it again. Okay. Take her in.
[Fox Inn]
(The main bar has been turned into a mobile UNIT HQ. An American sits with the Brigadier at a table, with a map of the Islands between them.)
HUCKLE: Three rigs destroyed in a month. Two of them ours, General.
BRIGADIER: Brigadier, actually.
(Alistair is in Scots civilian dress.)
HUCKLE: Well, Brigadier, my company's lost millions.
BRIGADIER: The government is equally concerned, I can assure you, Mister Huckle, though more especially about the loss of life.
HUCKLE: If this keeps up, pretty soon there won't be a man willing to work out there. Do we have to put up with this hullabaloo?
BRIGADIER: I'm afraid we've rather imposed ourselves on the landlord. If he wants to play his pipes, there's not much I can do about it. Ah, Mister Benton. Any news of the Doctor yet?
BENTON: No, sir. Nothing yet.
BRIGADIER: He ought to have materialised by now.
(The Brigadier goes over to a device on the window sill.)
BRIGADIER: Mister Benton.
BRIGADIER: Is this thing still working?
BENTON: As far as I know, sir, yes.
BRIGADIER: You get on well with the landlord, don't you?
BENTON: Well, yes, sir. I suppose I do.
BRIGADIER: Well, use your influence to get him to play the pipes when we're out, will you?
BENTON: Right, sir.
(Benton looks out of the window.)
BENTON: Oh, there's your Doctor now, sir.
BRIGADIER: Good lord! (The Brigadier watches the tartan-clad Doctor get out of the Range Rover followed by Sarah and Harry.)
BRIGADIER: Mister Huckle. Who's the man in the driving seat?
HUCKLE: Him? That's the Duke of Forgill, the local big shot. He doesn't make things easy. He owns just about everything in this part of Scotland, except our shore base, and frankly, he doesn't like us. Not one little bit.
(The pipes cease as the Doctor and party enter.)
BRIGADIER: Oh, welcome back, Doctor.
DOCTOR: I want to know one thing, Brigadier. What's that?
(The Doctor points to the Brigadier's lower garment.)
BRIGADIER: That, Doctor, is a kilt.
DOCTOR: Suits you very well.
BRIGADIER: Oh, do you think so?
SARAH: Oh, this is his Grace the Duke of Forgill. He very kindly gave us a lift.
FORGILL: I had to pass here on the way to the oil base.
HUCKLE: To see me?
FORGILL: To see you, Mister Hickle.
HUCKLE: Huckle.
FORGILL: To complain yet again about your rough necks trespassing and poaching on my property.
HUCKLE: My men have been warned, sir. If any of them are caught, they'll be dismissed immediately.
FORGILL: Let me give you a final warning. If my ghillie catches them on my land again, they'll be shot. And that's no idle threat, Mister Heckle.
HUCKLE: I'll be expecting you, Brigadier.
(Huckle slams the door on his way out.)
BRIGADIER: Yes, Mister Huckle.
FORGILL: I trust the army isn't going to help these people. Is that why you were sent here?
BRIGADIER: No, sir. We're a military investigation team.
FORGILL: Investigating what?
BRIGADIER: I'm afraid our mission is a sensitive matter, sir.
FORGILL: Official secrets and all that twaddle, eh? Well, I won't pry, although my family have served this country for seven centuries, but that doesn't seem to count these days, does it. Good day to you.
(Forgill leaves.)
BRIGADIER: What an odd man. Rather mediaeval in his ideas.
DOCTOR: A man of convictions.
HARRY: All the same, he did save us a long walk, sir.
SARAH: Anyway, it's nice to see you again, Brigadier.
BRIGADIER: And you, Miss Smith.
SARAH: Though I didn't expect to see you in a kilt.
BRIGADIER: My dear Miss Smith, as you remember, my name is Lethbridge Stewart. The clan Stewart.
SARAH: Oh, sorry. I thought you were doing a Doctor.
BRIGADIER: What an absurd idea.
DOCTOR: Brigadier, why have you called me back? I hope you've got a very good reason.
(A man wearing oil rig clothes and a lift belt is washed up on the shore. The Doctor is sitting with his eyes closed while the Brigadier brings him and us up to speed.)
BRIGADIER: All three rigs were in this area. Therefore it seems to us
DOCTOR: Brigadier, Brigadier! Have you brought me two hundred and seventy million miles just to sort out a little trouble at sea?
BRIGADIER: Three serious disasters, Doctor!
DOCTOR: When I left the psionic beam with you, Brigadier, I said it was only to be used in an emergency.
BRIGADIER: This is an emergency.
DOCTOR: Oil an emergency? Huh! It's about time the people who run this planet of yours realised that to be dependent upon a mineral slime just doesn't make sense. Now, the energising of hydrogen
BRIGADIER: Doctor, the destruction of these rigs is a complete mystery. Do you want more men to die?
DOCTOR: No. Very well. When do we start?
BRIGADIER: The oil company. We're paying them a visit this afternoon.
[Huckle's office]
(Huckle takes a file from a cabinet. The Brigadier is in uniform now.)
HUCKLE: Here's the preliminary medical report on the condition of the bodies. They died the same way as the others. Exposure and drowning.
HARRY: Yes, so I heard, Mister Huckle. There's quite a few crush injuries.
HUCKLE: The rig collapsed.
HARRY: I think I'd better take a look at these, sir.
BRIGADIER: Yes, good idea, Sullivan. You cut off to the sick bay and we'll see you back at headquarters.
HARRY: Aye, aye, sir.
SARAH: I'll come with you as far as the village. I can talk to some of the local people, see what I can find out, okay? See you later.
HARRY: Bye, Doctor.
(Harry and Sarah leave. The Doctor has swapped the tam-o'-shanter for his usual hat, and is staring into space. The Brigadier looks at a model of an oil rig.)
BRIGADIER: You know, these things always remind me of three legged spiders in Wellington boots.
HUCKLE: Correction, concrete boots. Thousands of tons of it. Those babies are meant to be unsinkable.
DOCTOR: Yes, so was the Bismarck, and we all know that story.
HUCKLE: We spent a fortune proving the Waverley field geologically sound. Everything is constantly checked for stability. Winds, tides, the constant moving of the sea bed.
DOCTOR: You say these radio blackouts have happened before?
HUCKLE: Each time a rig has disappeared.
DOCTOR: And no strange craft in the area? Nothing suspicious?
HUCKLE: Difficult to be sure. It was at night. The radio picked up some strange sound, but as far as we know, the sea was calm and empty.
DOCTOR: It may be calm, but it's never empty.
[Fox Inn]
McRANALD: That's right. I'm Angus Ferguson McRanald. My family's been in these parts for generations.
SARAH: Really? Well, they tell me in the village, Mister McRanald, that besides being the best piper for miles around, you also have second sight.
McRANALD: Well, I am the seventh son of the seventh son. you know, the fellow with you, the Doctor, he looks likes a man who might see around a few corners himself.
SARAH: Quite a few.
(Sarah looks at the stag's head on the wall.)
SARAH: Oh, that's a fine looking head.
McRANALD: Aye. Yon's a twelve pointer. Brought down by the Duke of Forgill himself. Gave it to the inn just this last week.
SARAH: He's a strange man, this Duke, isn't he?
McRANALD: Would you think so, Miss? You know, I would give it a favour to remember he is the McRanald, my clan chief.
SARAH: Oh, of course. No, no, it was just that, well, after he picked us up in his car, he never spoke a word all the way to the village.
McRANALD: Ah well, it's true he's no the Duke I remember. He's been a different man since the oil companies came.
SARAH: You seem to blame everything on the oil company.
McRANALD: All his servants have left to go and work for them. I've said Forgill Castle is a cold, empty house these days. Wouldnae care to set foot in it myself, that's a fact.
(Two orange hands twist rubbery dials on a control panel.)
SARAH [on monitor]: The local people say you had a vision of disaster for the oil company.
McRANALD [on monitor]: Do they now? You seem to have done a fair bit of clacking in the village, my dear.
SARAH [on monitor]: Is it true?
McRANALD [on monitor]: I'm no saying, but only bad luck comes to them who set over Tullock Moor.
SARAH [on monitor]: Really? Why?
McRANALD [on monitor]: Tullock Moor's a strange, murky sort of place. When the mist comes down, it's like steam frae a witch's cauldron. Nobody from these parts will cross the moor after dark.
[Fox Inn]
SARAH: Oh, Mister McRanald, now that's just superstition, surely?
McRANALD: Call it that, if you like.
SARAH: Well, has anything ever happened to anyone up there?
McRANALD: Aye. There was a man, a foreigner from the Black Isle. Stayed at this very inn. He went out on the moor. Never seen again.
SARAH: Oh, he left without paying his bill, did he? When did this happen, anyway?
McRANALD: Nineteen hundred and twenty two. Then there was the case of the Jamieson boys, although that was a wee while ago.
SARAH: Okay. What happened to them?
McRANALD: It was, let me see, 1870. They went out cutting peat and the mist came down. Donald just disappeared. They found the older brother, Robert, two days later, wandering about, off his head. His eyes, his eyes were terrible to see. For the rest of his life he never spoke again. Take my word for it, my dear. There are ancient mysteries here. Evil spirits haunt Tullock Moor.
SARAH: Maybe, but I'm certain of one thing, Mister McRanald. Evil spirits don't destroy oil rigs.
[Beach road]
(The man in the life belt gets up and walks onto the beach. The Duke's ghillie, a man whose ginger beard could conceal a badger with ease, spots him walking across the dunes. Harry, driving along in a UNIT Land Rover, also sees him, and stops. The man falls down and Harry runs over as the ghillie watches from concealment. It is the radio operator from scene one.)
MUNRO: The rig. I was on the rig.
HARRY: It's all right. It's all right, old chap. Don't worry. I'll have you in hospital in no time.
MUNRO: Too late. I didn't have a chance.
HARRY: What do you mean? What happened?
MUNRO: It suddenly came at us. Smashed the rig to pieces.
HARRY: What did?
(The ghillie takes careful aim and shoots the survivor. Harry leaps up, and another shot rings out. Harry falls, blood on his forehead.)
[Fox Inn]
(McRanald is playing his pipes and the Doctor is working on a circuit board when Sarah enter.)
SARAH: Hi. What's that? Er, if you're interested, the Brig's on the quayside watching wreckage being brought ashore.
SARAH: Hmm. Thought that'd interest you. He's being very secretive. If you ask me, he's wasting his time. Oh, yes, might as well forget about security in Tullock. Landlord here's got second sight.
(The bagpipes stop.)
DOCTOR: You know what he was playing? Flowers of the Forest. A lament for the dead.
SARAH: What is that thing you're fiddling with?
DOCTOR: It's part of the radio probe system, used for checking localised jamming.
SARAH: Well, what if that gets jammed, too?
(The telephone rings. Sarah answers it with a Scots accent.)
SARAH: Hallo, Fox Inn. (listens) Harry's been shot!
(More rubbery controls are twisted.)
BROTON: Strength?
ZYGON: Diastelic reading seven oh three.
BROTON: Increase the sonic core tone by three remars.
ZYGON: Increased to three remars. Contact firm.
BROTON: Check directional pass.
ZYGON Pass correct to within one Earth mile. Closing.
(In deep waters, the signal reaches a large scaly creature.)
[Base radio room]
HUCKLE: Say again. Over.
MAN [OC]: Hibernian Control. Number three Ben Nevis rig. Over.
HUCKLE: Got you, Ben Nevis, loud and clear.
[Ben Nevis rig radio room]
HUCKLE [OC]: How are things out there? Morale okay? Over.
MAN: Everything's fine. Any news of your investigations? Over.
HUCKLE [OC]: Nothing much. The Brigadier
(Interference swamps the signal.)
OPERATOR: Hello? Hello? Hibernian Control, this is number three rig. Are you receiving me? I say again, are you receiving me? Over.
[Base radio room]
HUCKLE: Not again. Ben Nevis, Ben Nevis, are you there? Are you there? Over!
(Harry is unconscious with his head bandaged. A very efficient nursing sister is taking care of him.)
DOCTOR: Has he said anything?
DOCTOR: What? Nothing at all?
LAMONT: No. He's still in shock. The bullet grazed his skull.
DOCTOR: Harry? Harry, can you hear me? Harry, it's the Doctor. Can you hear me?
(Sarah enters, followed by the Brigadier.)
SARAH: Is he all right?
DOCTOR: No, he's not. He's got a scalp wound. He should be all right, but he needs time.
BRIGADIER: Yes, but time is the last thing we have, Doctor. Another rig's just been destroyed.
BRIGADIER: The Ben Nevis Rig. Fifty miles west of the Prince Charlie. Forty men aboard, completely vanished.
DOCTOR: Same pattern?
BRIGADIER: Exactly the same. First of all radio blackout, and then that extraordinary sound. Now Mister Huckle's going mad.
DOCTOR: I'll come back with you.
SARAH: I'll stay with Harry, then I can call you if there's any improvement.
DOCTOR: Good girl.
(The Doctor and Brigadier leave.)
SARAH: Harry? Harry, it's me, Sarah.
LAMONT: I think you should let him rest. He is under sedation, you know.
SARAH: Yes. Yes, of course.
[Outside sickbay]
(Benton gets out of a Land Rover outside the prefabricated building. In the back is a piece of concrete with two large holes in it.)
DOCTOR: What's that?
BRIGADIER: Part of the wreckage from the Prince Charlie. It's been curiously marked. Look.
DOCTOR: Mister Benton? Nip into the sickbay, will you, and fetch some Plaster of Paris.
BENTON: Plaster of
DOCTOR: Paris. They'll have some to spare.
BENTON: Okay, Doctor.
DOCTOR: How very curious.
[Fox Inn]
(The plaster has been poured into the holes and has hardened. Now all the Doctor has to do is loosen them to get them out again.)
HUCKLE: Doctor, do you mind telling us exactly what you're doing?
DOCTOR: A little experiment in orthodontology, Mister Huckle.
HUCKLE: Orthodontology?
DOCTOR: Teeth. Teeth. The scientific study of teeth.
(The mould comes out. It is shapes like a pair of rhino horns, long, slightly curved and pointed.)
DOCTOR: It's the cast of a tooth, wouldn't you say?
HUCKLE: Teeth? Doctor, you can't be serious.
DOCTOR: Teeth are very serious things, Mister Huckle.
HUCKLE: Look. Lets get this straight. Are you trying to tell me that the rigs were chewed up by a set of giant molars?
DOCTOR: Yes. A set of giant molars that can chew through solid steel as easily as paper.
BRIGADIER: Are you suggesting that we're dealing with some kind of sea monster?
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Yes. A monster of frightening size and power.
ZYGON: This one they call the Doctor is a threat to us. Already he has found out too much. He must be destroyed.
(Harry wakes.)
HARRY: Sarah.
HARRY: Sarah.
SARAH: It's all right, Harry. It's all right.
HARRY: There's a man on the
SARAH: What is it?
HARRY: On the beach
SARAH: What are you trying to say? Oh, Sister Lamont. I didn't hear you. He's coming round.
LAMONT: Doctor Sullivan, how are you feeling?
SARAH: Harry, what did you find out? Did Munro tell you anything?
HARRY: Munro?
SARAH: The man on the beach. The man who was shot.
HARRY: The rig.
HARRY: The rig was shaking. Falling.
SARAH: And then what, Harry? Keep trying. I'm going to call the Doctor.
LAMONT: It's all right, Doctor Sullivan. You're quite safe. Your worries are over now. You're going to be very well looked after.
[Fox Inn]
DOCTOR: She says he's recovering. Good. Good. Has he said anything?
[Sickbay corridor]
SARAH: Well, he's starting to speak. I think there's something he wants to tell us.
HARRY: The rig, the rig was smashed to pieces. Nothing left. Munro in the water, struggling. Cold, exposed, hypothermia.
(The interference signal starts up. Harry starts to sit up, frightened.)
HARRY: No! No! No!
[Fox Inn]
DOCTOR: No, no. I'll be right over. And Sarah?
[Sickbay corridor]
DOCTOR [OC]: Better keep his recovery dark for the moment.
SARAH: Well, why? Do you think Harry's still in danger from something?
(A rubbery orange hand is on her shoulder. She turns and screams.)
Part Two
[Fox Inn]
(Sarah's scream has been heard down the telephone.)
DOCTOR: Sarah!
(The Doctor rushes out.)
BENTON: What's happened?
BRIGADIER: Mister Benton, get to the Sickbay.
BENTON: Right, sir.
(Benton leaves as the Brigadier makes a telephone call.)
(Harry's bed is empty.)
LAMONT: No, I was only gone for a few minutes. When I got back, he'd disappeared. But the window was open.
DOCTOR: And no Miss Smith?
LAMONT: No. Doctor Sullivan was beginning to talk. I thought she ought to hear. She was nowhere to be found in the corridor, so I went over to hut four.
(The Doctor puts his head out of the window.)
DOCTOR: Mister Benton?
BENTON: Doctor?
DOCTOR: Get some men over here and search the area.
BENTON: Right.
(Benton leaves.)
DOCTOR: He might be wandering on the moors. Where's the telephone?
LAMONT: I'll show you.
[Sickbay corridor]
LAMONT: I found the receiver hanging on its cord. I thought it odd at the time.
DOCTOR: No one else on duty?
LAMONT: Only me.
(The Doctor opens a door.)
DOCTOR: Where does this lead?
LAMONT: Through there is the decompression unit for our divers, but it's always kept locked.
LAMONT: I'll try the Dispensary.
(Lamont leaves. The Doctor goes the other way, waits and returns to enter the decompression unit.)
[Decompression chamber]
(The Doctor looks through the slats of the blind into the decompression chamber proper. Sarah is in there. He slides the heavy door aside and enters.)
DOCTOR: Shush. It's only me, it's only me.
SARAH: Oh, thank goodness. I was talking to you, and this thing, it just suddenly appeared. Doctor, look!
(An orange face looks in through the open door, then closes and seals it. Then the alien goes to the control panel.)
SARAH: What's that noise?
DOCTOR: I don't know, but that's not the air conditioning.
(Harry is brought in.)
HARRY: What in the name of? What, what is this place? Why have you brought me here?
BROTON: You could be of value.
HARRY: What are you?
BROTON: I am Broton, War Lord of the Zygons.
HARRY: Zygons?
BROTON: A name that humans will learn to fear.
HARRY: Where have you come from?
BROTON: Centuries ago, by your timescale, our craft was damaged. We landed here to await rescue. Recently we learned our world was destroyed in a stellar explosion. We can never return.
ZYGON: So now we must make this planet ours.
HARRY: But why? I mean, why must you take
ZYGON: All resistance will be crushed. We shall change the destiny of Earth. Observe.
(On the monitor, a very large creature with a big eye and massive fangs swims past as the interference signal sounds.)
BROTON: In your terminology, human, the ultimate weapon.
[Decompression chamber]
SARAH: Doctor, I can't breathe.
DOCTOR: Shut up and save your breath.
HARRY: How did you bring that creature to the Earth?
BROTON: As an embryo. The Skarasen is our life source. We Zygons depend upon it its lactic fluid for survival.
HARRY: Mammals? If that's thing's destroyed, then you die too.
BROTON: None of your puny human weapons can affect the Skarasen. Our technology is supreme.
HARRY: Our nuclear missiles
BROTON: Would be mere pin pricks. We have converted the Skarasen into an armoured cyborg of devastating power. Nothing can stand against us. Nothing!
[Decompression chamber]
DOCTOR: Keep looking into my eyes. Keep looking into my eyes. You don't need to breathe. Do not breathe. Do not breathe. You feel no pain. No pain. You feel nothing. You understand? Nothing. You feel nothing.
(The Doctor closes Sarah's eyes. Then he howls and goes very still too.)
[Fox Inn]
BRIGADIER: Corporal?
BRIGADIER: I'm still waiting for that liaison report. You're still in touch with the Coastguards?
BRIGADIER: Right. I want a twenty four hour watch kept on every inch of this coastline.
BRIGADIER: If the Doctor's right, if there is some sort of sea monster out there attacking the rigs, we've got to be ready for anything.
BRIGADIER: It could decide to come inland.
BRIGADIER: Can't you say anything else but sir?
CORPORAL: Sorry, sir. Fletcher's squad have reached McNab Point. They're setting up a listening watch now.
BRIGADIER: Good. Any news of the Doctor yet?
CORPORAL: No, sir. Hey.
(Smoke or gas is coming in under an internal door.)
BRIGADIER: What the devil?
(It's gas. Everyone coughs a bit then collapses.)
[Decompression unit]
(Benton looks through the blind.)
BENTON: Here! They're in here! We've got to get this door open.
(He opens the control panel and turns a knob. Air hisses.)
BENTON: Find the others. Tell them we've found them.
(The door to the chamber opens.)
[Decompression chamber]
BENTON: Doctor! Doctor?
(The Doctor finishes breathing out.)
DOCTOR: (sotto) It worked, Mister Benton.
BENTON: (sotto) What worked?
DOCTOR: (sotto) Why are you whispering
BENTON: What worked, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Oh, just a trick I picked up from a Tibetan monk. Don't touch her. It could be fatal to break the spell incorrectly.
(The Doctor touches the side of Sarah's neck. Her head moves and she wakes.)
SARAH: What happened?
[Fox Inn]
HUCKLE: Brigadier? What the?
(He checks the unconscious men.)
HUCKLE: Brigadier! Brigadier!
(There is a roar outside. Out in the mist, a hapless UNIT soldier comes face to face with the Skarasen. Later, the Doctor, Benton and Sarah have returned.)
BENTON: I just don't get it. Everyone in the village is affected. They seem to have been drugged or something.
DOCTOR: Gassed.
HUCKLE: Gassed?
DOCTOR: Yes, some kind of nerve gas. Affects the higher consciousness.
HUCKLE: Will he be okay?
DOCTOR: Oh, yes.
SARAH: But who? I mean, why would anyone want to knock out the entire village?
BENTON: It just doesn't make any sense.
DOCTOR: Yes, it does. Someone or something wanted to pass this way unseen. You still on duty, Mister Benton?
BENTON: Yes, I am.
DOCTOR: Then get outside and scout around.
(Benton leaves.)
DOCTOR: Is it possible?
ZYGON: Commander Broton, the Doctor and the female human have just driven into the village.
ZYGON 2: I don't understand, Commander. They were dying when I left them.
BROTON: Then you left too early.
DOCTOR [on monitor]: It's all right. You're going to be all right.
HUCKLE [on monitor]: Doctor?
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Yes?
HUCKLE [on monitor]: I brought this over to show to the Brigadier. What do you make of it?
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Interesting. Where did you get it?
HUCKLE [on monitor]: It was found amongst the wreckage.
BROTON: They have the trilanic activator! It must be recovered. Take the human out and prepare him for use.
HARRY: Where are you taking me?
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Mister Huckle, this is a signal device.
HUCKLE [on monitor]: For this thing you reckon's chewing up the oil rigs?
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Correct.
BROTON: You are too clever, Doctor. Clever and dangerous.
[Spaceship corridor]
HARRY: Where are you taking me?
ZYGON: We need your body print.
HARRY: My what?
[Body print chamber]
(There are figures in alcoves, their faces hidden by tubes coming down from above. One is wearing a Staff Nurse uniform. Another appears to have a large red beard and is wearing kilt, waistcoat and jacket.)
ZYGON: Selected humans provide us with body prints, a Zygon device that is beyond your understanding.
HARRY: Are they dead?
(The Zygon presses a button and the tube rises from the face of the ghillie.)
ZYGON: See this one? A worthless creature known as the Caber. Now watch.
(Before Harry's still slightly concussed eyes, the Zygon turns into the Scotsman.)
HARRY: That's impossible.
CABER: We have the power to turn ourselves into replicas of your unpleasant form whenever it is necessary.
[Fox Inn]
(The Doctor is looking at the signalling device.)
DOCTOR: If one of these was clamped to each of the rigs about to be attacked. Ah! Perhaps it emits some kind of primeval mating call.
HUCKLE: Hee. Just after I got here I heard some kind of animal bellowing out there.
SARAH: What kind of animal?
HUCKLE: I didn't see it, Miss Smith, and I can tell you, I didn't go looking.
DOCTOR: If my theory is correct, we're going to have to handle this very, very carefully.
HUCKLE: Yeah, well, if there's anything I can do?
DOCTOR: No, thank you, Mister Huckle. This could be very valuable. You've done enough, thank you.
HUCKLE: Okay. Well, watch yourself, Doctor, hey? You too, Miss Smith.
SARAH: Don't worry.
HUCKLE: You guys all right?
CORPORAL: Yeah, better.
SARAH: Hey, he's coming round.
(Huckle leaves as the Brigadier finally wakes and stands up.)
BRIGADIER: Ah, Doctor, there you are. What was I doing on the floor?
DOCTOR: You've been asleep, Brigadier.
BRIGADIER: Asleep? Impossible. I was on duty. There are times, Doctor, when you do talk absolute nonsense. Excuse me.
[Tullock Moor]
(The lone soldier's body has been found and respectfully covered.)
BENTON: I've never seen anything like that before. Go and fetch the Doctor and the Brigadier.
(The soldier leaves as Benton stands guard.)
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Right, you take us there. Sarah.
SARAH [on monitor]: Yeah?
DOCTOR [on monitor]: You stay here in case Harry turns up.
SARAH [on monitor]: Right.
DOCTOR [on monitor]: Come on.
BROTON: Excellent. Now the female human is alone.
[Tullock Moor]
(The Doctor and the Brigadier examine the body.)
BRIGADIER: Exactly what could have caused injuries like that, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Something very big, and very heavy.
BRIGADIER: And very savage.
[Fox Inn]
(Sarah is passing the time by doing her journalist bit on an old typewriter. Headline - Another Bermuda Triangle? Sarah Jane Smith reporting. The door opens.)
SARAH: Harry!
HARRY 2: (no bandage) Hello.
SARAH: What do you mean, hello? Are you all right? What happened to you?
(Zygon Harry picks up the signalling device.)
HARRY 2: Nothing. I escaped.
SARAH: Escaped? Escaped from where? What do you? Where are you going with that?
HARRY 2: The Doctor asked me to collect it.
SARAH: Did he? When did you see him?
HARRY 2: It's not important.
SARAH: Hey, just a minute. Harry!
(Sarah grabs his arm to stop him leaving, but he hits her in the stomach and runs out and down the road.)
[Tullock village]
SARAH: Harry! Come back! Harry!
(Sarah runs the other way to meet three UNIT soldiers.)
SARAH: Quick! It's Harry. We've got to stop him. Quick.
(They all run off in pursuit. Harry takes a lane into a farmyard.)
SARAH: Harry! Harry! Harry! Look, we've got to find him. Let's split up.
(Sarah chooses the lane to the farm. Harry goes into a barn and climbs up into the hayloft, where he knocks over some barrels. Sarah hears the noise outside and goes in.)
SARAH: Harry?
(She sees the ladder and starts to climb it.)
SARAH: Harry?
(She confronts him in the hay loft. Zygon Harry takes a pitch fork and jabs it at her several times. Sarah dodges, then he lunges too hard and ends up falling out of the loft with a scream. Sarah looks down to see a Zygon dying on the floor.)
(Harry slumps in his cubicle.)
BROTON: Strange. The response monitor on the human indicates autonomic reflex.
ZYGON: Impossible.
BROTON: Unless something has happened to Murdlar. Test the syncron response.
ZYGON: There is no syncron response, Commander.
BROTON: Murdlar has been eliminated! Immediate molecular dispersal! He must not be taken. Immediate dispersal!
(The Zygon body vanishes just before Sarah runs back in with the soldiers.)
SARAH: But it was there!
[Fox Inn]
(Sarah has returned the signalling device.)
DOCTOR: Yes, but how does it work? If we knew that, at least we'd be able to destroy it. Still, thanks to you we've still got it.
SARAH: Yeah. You know what worries me is how they, whoever they are, whatever they are, knew we had it.
DOCTOR: Meaning?
SARAH: Meaning I think we're being watched.
DOCTOR: Yes. You know, Brigadier, it does seem as if they know our moves in advance.
BRIGADIER: A spy? You're not suggesting that one of us is really one of them?
DOCTOR: Why not? It's possible. We now know they have the power to turn themselves into facsimile human beings.
SARAH: Like Harry.
DOCTOR: Yes. (sotto) I think it's more likely they've got some form of electronic surveillance.
DOCTOR: Shush. A bug.
BRIGADIER [on monitor]: Mister Benton!
BRIGADIER [on monitor]: I want every part of this building checked for bugs. Understand?
BENTON [on monitor]: Right, sir.
BROTON: UNIT and the Doctor must be destroyed. Totally destroyed. Programme the Skarasen to attack.
ZYGON: Is that wise, Commander? If we reveal our presence on this planet
BROTON: I will not tolerate argument!
[Fox Inn]
(Sarah sees the Zygon signalling device move across the table.)
SARAH: Doctor? It moved! I saw it move!
DOCTOR: Of course. Part artefact, part organic! She's right, Brigadier.
BRIGADIER: Is that its signal?
SARAH: And that means this thing, whatever it is, is on its way?
BRIGADIER: I see. Well, I'd better get our machine gun set up.
DOCTOR: Machine guns may not be enough, Brigadier.
BRIGADIER: Then what do you suggest?
DOCTOR: There's only one course still open to us. I'll try and draw it off while you get a fix on its activating signal. We must find its base, Brigadier.
(The Doctor picks up the signalling device.)
BRIGADIER: Right, Doctor. Corporal, get that
SARAH: You're taking an awful risk, Doctor. You don't know how fast this thing can move.
DOCTOR: It doesn't know how fast I can move.
(The Doctor drives off in a UNIT Land Rover.)
[Tullock Moor]
(The usually bullet proof Landy stops on the moor. The Doctor checks under the bonnet then hears a roar. The Land Rover still won't start so he runs for it instead with the Skarasen following. When he pauses for a moment, he hears the signal beeping and reaches into his pocket for the device. He cries out as it sticks to his hand and he can't get it off. Then he runs again.)
[Fox Inn]
CORPORAL: The signal's coming from inland, sir. Bearing two three zero.
(The Brigadier plots it on a map.)
BRIGADIER: Two three zero. And the other bearing was?
CORPORAL: One six five, sir.
BRIGADIER: One six five. That makes it just about here. About six or seven miles from here. Loch Ness.
SARAH: The monster?
(The Doctor falls in the heather.)
BROTON: Destroy him. Die, Doctor, die!
(The Skarasen towers over the Doctor.)
Part Three
(With all attention on the Skarasen's eye view on the monitor, Harry sneaks in and makes a lunge for the control panel, managing to twist a few knobs before he is knocked down. Out on the moor, the Doctor rolls out of the way of the Skarasen's claw as it comes down. Then the creature appears distracted and looks around. The beeping signal has stopped.)
ZYGON: The target reciprocator is dead, Commander.
BROTON: Yes, and we have lost visual contact. The reciprocator was attached to the Doctor, so he too must be dead. Excellent. Recall the Skarasen and take that creature away.
(On the Moor, the Doctor watches the Skarasen leave, then realises that the signalling device is no longer stuck to his hand. He finds it in the heather.)
[Fox Inn]
(Benton is tapping the ceiling in his search for bugs.)
McRANALD: What are you all doing here?
BENTON: Brigadier's orders, Mister McRanald. We're looking for bugs.
McRANALD: Oh, bugs, is it. Well, you can tell your Brigadier from me that this is a clean house.
(Benton checks a ram's head from the wall.)
BENTON: Yes, well, it's not that sort of bug we were looking for. Microphones?
McRANALD: Ach, you're all mad. Who'd be hiding microphones here?
BENTON: Yes, well, you'd better ask the Brigadier that.
McRANALD: Here, now mind what you're doing with that bedwarmer. It's said to belong to the Duke of Cumberland.
BENTON: Yeah, we believe you. Jackson, check the window area, will you?
McRANALD: Sergeant Major, you're all wasting your time.
BENTON: Yes, well, you never know, so if you don't mind, we'll carry on looking.
McRANALD: Here in Tullock we don't need any clever contraptions to tell us what people are up to. Everybody knows everybody else's business. It's a matter of principle.
BENTON: Yes, and you in advance with your second sight, eh?
(Benton starts to examine the stag's head.)
McRANALD [on monitor]: Don't touch that. It was a gift from the Duke of Forgill.
BENTON [on monitor]: All right, all right, Mister McRanald. Keep your hair on.
BROTON: Have that monitor link removed.
ZYGON: Immediately, Commander.
[Tullock Moor]
(The Brigadier and Sarah drive up to the Doctor's stricken Land Rover, then carry on. Further along the track, the Doctor spots them and starts waving.)
SARAH: Doctor! Hey! Hey, you all right?
DOCTOR: Yes. The cyborg overstepped its mark, luckily for me.
BRIGADIER: Cyborg? Then you identified the creature?
DOCTOR: Cyborg is a hybrid creature, Brigadier. Half animal, half machine. Must be very interesting.
BRIGADIER: Who, the cyborgs?
DOCTOR: No, whoever's controlling them. Did you locate their base?
SARAH: The signal seemed to be coming from Loch Ness, Doctor, if that's possible.
DOCTOR: Yes, it is possible. Ready, Brigadier?
BRIGADIER: Ready for what?
DOCTOR: To visit the Duke. We're going to Forgill Castle.
[Forgill Castle]
(The Great Hall, with a carved frieze around bare stone walls, a large stone fireplace, suits of armour and the far wall full of bookshelves.)
BRIGADIER: Your Grace? I really don't think we should just walk in unannounced.
DOCTOR: Well, there's nobody to announce us, is there.
SARAH: Most of the staff have left and gone to work for the oil company. I can't say I blame them.
DOCTOR: My family has served this country for seven centuries, but that seems not to count these days. Ah, there you are.
FORGILL: Perhaps you'll explain this intrusion?
DOCTOR: Nobody opened the front door.
FORGILL: I see. You have some reason for calling?
DOCTOR: Brigadier?
DOCTOR: Well, tell him.
BRIGADIER: Oh, yes. Er, well sir, the fact is.
FORGILL: The fact is what?
BRIGADIER: We have reason to believe there's something rather unusual in the Loch.
FORGILL: Loch Ness?
BRIGADIER: Yes, sir.
FORGILL: Don't tell me you've found the monster.
SARAH: As it happens, your Grace, that's just what we do mean.
FORGILL: I do believe you're serious.
DOCTOR: We are. Very.
(Back at the inn, McRanald is dusting when the stag's eye moves to look at him. He is transfixed.)
FORGILL: Depth charges?
BRIGADIER: With your Grace's permission, as you own part of the shoreline.
FORGILL: You can't explode depth charges in Loch Ness.
BRIGADIER: I'm afraid it's the only answer, sir. This creature must be destroyed.
FORGILL: Doctor, are you a party to this militaristic nonsense?
DOCTOR: I'm not a party to any kind of nonsense, your Grace.
FORGILL: There's no proof. There never has been any actual proof that the monster exists.
SARAH: Of course it exists. It chased the Doctor half across Tullock Moor.
BRIGADIER: And we believe it's been destroying these oil rigs.
FORGILL: Loch Ness is seven miles from the coast. Are you suggesting it walks overland without being seen?
DOCTOR: An underground river.
FORGILL: No, Doctor. Loch Ness is fifty feet above sea level.
DOCTOR: I know, your Grace. I know. But there's a subterranean channel leading from Loch Ness to the Devil's Punchbowl, a small loch near the village. It's near the sea and would make a useful back door for the monster, wouldn't you say?
FORGILL: I've never heard such nonsense. Are you seriously suggesting that the creature commutes between here and the North Sea whenever it feels like it?
DOCTOR: Whenever it's ordered to. We know it's controlled by a signal system.
FORGILL: Controlled? By whom?
DOCTOR: Aliens.
BRIGADIER: I know it sounds improbable, sir, but we do have evidence.
FORGILL: Improbable? It's utterly, totally absurd. Aliens?
BRIGADIER: I know exactly how you feel, sir. Before I joined UNIT, I was highly sceptical about these things.
FORGILL: You're all utterly unhinged. Must be. Aliens with wireless sets?
DOCTOR: Well, it takes all sorts to make a galaxy, your Grace.
[Fox Inn]
(McRanald is trying to unscrew the stag's head from the wall when the door opens.)
McRANALD: Oh, hello, Sister Lamont. It's a while since we've seen you. How are you?
LAMONT: Never better, Mister McRanald. What are you doing?
McRANALD: Well, the English soldier reckoned they were being bugged, and sure enough I think I've found it, though how on Earth anybody could have fixed this here.
(He breaks off as a strange noise fills the room, and turns to see Sister Lamont change into a Zygon. He cries out as it starts to strangle him. Benton and two soldiers outside hear his cries and run in. They are too late.)
BENTON: Get your rifles, men, and quickly.
(They run out the back door. The stag's glass eye is missing.)
(Benton leads a troop to search the area.)
BENTON: Okay, hold it.
(He listens, then sees an orange figure amongst the trees. He shoots at it, and the others join in.)
BENTON: Okay, come on. Okay men, spread out quietly. Contact the Brigadier. Tell him we've got one of these aliens trapped.
[Forgill Castle]
FORGILL: Half these books are devoted to the subject of the monster. There've been reported sightings since the Middle Ages. Now you're saying that aliens have been living under the loch for centuries?
DOCTOR: Yes, I'm saying exactly that.
BRIGADIER: Then why have they suddenly become aggressive?
SARAH: Something to do with the oil, perhaps?
DOCTOR: Not perhaps, yes. For hundreds of years the monster's been able to cross Tullock Moor unseen. Then the oil company built a base right in its path
FORGILL: Absolute fantasy.
DOCTOR: Causing it to make a detour round the village, which is why its masters released nerve gas and why you went to sleep, Brigadier.
(The telephone rings. The Duke answers it.)
FORGILL: Forgill.
BRIGADIER: Well, it still doesn't seem a good enough reason to start attacking oil rigs, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Well, perhaps not in itself, maybe, but their plans may have changed recently. Who knows?
FORGILL: Lethbridge Stewart.
BRIGADIER: Yes? Oh, thank you.
(The Brigadier takes the telephone.)
BRIGADIER: Yes? Oh, they have? Splendid. Where? Right, we'll come over straight away. Benton's got one of those creatures cornered, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Good. Task for you, Sarah.
DOCTOR: Do you mind if my assistant looks through your library?
FORGILL: Not at all.
SARAH: Listen, you. Stop trying to keep me out of things.
DOCTOR: Not so, Sarah. You might find a valuable lead. I want you to check any reference to McRanald Bay and Devil's Punchbowl.
FORGILL: I'll see you out.
BRIGADIER: Thank you, sir. Good hunting, Miss Smith.
(The Doctor and Brigadier leave. Sarah blows some dust off a book shelf.)
SARAH: Why do I always get the dirty jobs?
(A soldier is standing guard by a Land Rover when Sister Lamont appears walking through the trees. She has blood running down one arm and the other concealed behind her back. He goes over to her.)
SOLDIER: Sister, what are you doing here?
LAMONT: I was told somebody had been injured.
SOLDIER: Not injured, killed.
LAMONT: Killed? Who?
SOLDIER: Angus, the landlord. Hey, you've hurt yourself.
LAMONT: It's not important.
SOLDIER: Let me see.
(As he bends to examine her arm, she raises the other one and hits him with a large stone she is holding.)
[Fox Inn]
BRIGADIER: The nursing sister?
BENTON: Yes, sir. Seen driving off. The man that was clobbered didn't know these creatures could change.
BRIGADIER: And neither did this poor fellow, apparently.
(Angus is still lying on the floor of his pub, eyes staring at the ceiling.)
BRIGADIER: Pity he didn't tell us what he was up to.
DOCTOR: Obviously, he was bug hunting.
BRIGADIER: Sorry, I'm not with you.
DOCTOR: Haven't you noticed? This is where it was hidden, do you see.
(The stag's empty eye socket.)
DOCTOR: Forgill brought this down, didn't he?
BENTON: The Duke?
BRIGADIER: Doctor, you're not suggesting his Grace is involved in this?
DOCTOR: Why not? We know that these creatures can change. He may not be the real Duke.
BRIGADIER: Great Scott. And we left Miss Smith alone at the castle.
[Forgill Castle]
SARAH: Oh, what are those large books up there?
FORGILL: Monastic records. There has been a monastery on this site from the eleventh century onwards.
SARAH: Really? Can I have a look?
FORGILL: Certainly.
(Forgill tugs on a bell pull, and a bell rings elsewhere in the castle.)
FORGILL: I trust you can read medieval Latin?
SARAH: Oh, that's a point. Er, have you never sighted this monster yourself?
FORGILL: That would be impossible. It doesn't exist.
SARAH: Yet there are all these books on the subject.
FORGILL: There is no limit to human credulity, Miss Smith.
(Caber enters.)
CABER: Your Grace.
FORGILL: Ah, Caber. Our young guest is delving into the mysteries of the past. Fetch her the steps, would you?
CABER: Very good, your Grace.
(Caber leaves.)
SARAH: Caber. An unusual name.
FORGILL: It's a nickname. He's a Highland Games champion. I doubt that you'd be able to pronounce his real name. It's very Gaelic.
SARAH: No, I don't suppose I could.
FORGILL: Now, if you'd excuse me.
SARAH: Of course. Thank you for being so kind.
FORGILL: Not at all.
(Caber returns with a set of ornately decorated library steps as the Duke leaves.)
SARAH: Just there, please. Can't reach.
(Caber gives her one final evil eye look before leaving and shutting the doors. Sarah sticks her tongue out then climbs up the steps. Still unable to reach, she steps up onto a lower shelf and takes one of the ledgers down as a concealed door slides open. Naturally, she has to see where it goes, so she puts the ledger on the steps and goes into the hidden space. There is a convenient torch on a shelf by the doorway so she turns in on and heads off down the dank, moss and fern lined passage while the Doctor and Brigadier are driving back to the castle. Forgill enters the room to see the open panel and leaves again, frowning.)
(The passageway walls glow with green light here, so Sarah turns off the torch. A doorway slides up as she approaches. She retreats and it closes again. Then she approaches again, goes inside then ducks outside just before it closes. The third time, she lets the door close behind her, and goes exploring the humming spaceship. She arrives at the body print chamber, where Sister Lamont, the Caber and, as we can now see, the Duke are in alcoves. Sarah looks at their faces.)
[Forgill Castle]
(The Caber and the Duke bring the injured nurse into the main room.)
CABER: She must have gone into the ship.
FORGILL: She's more intelligent than I thought. We'll take Orla below and alert the crew. The girl must be found and destroyed.
(They go into the secret passageway and the Duke closes the panel behind them.)
(Sarah continues her exploration, and looks through a clear panel in a doorway to see - )
SARAH: Harry!
[Spaceship room]
HARRY: Sarah! Well, come on, open the door. Look, Sarah, we've got to get out of here. Look, sorry. Put your hand on the panel.
SARAH [through door]: Is it you?
HARRY: What do you mean, is it me?
SARAH [through door]: Is it really you?
HARRY: Well of course it is. What on Earth's the matter with you, old girl?
(Sarah grins and opens the door.)
SARAH: Do you realise
HARRY: I'm glad to see you because
SARAH: (sotto) Someone's coming.
(They hide in the room as two disguised aliens come along the corridor.)
CABER: Soon we shall revert to our normal form.
LAMONT: Good. I loathe this abomination of a body.
[Spaceship room]
HARRY: (sotto) All clear. I think they've gone.
SARAH: (sotto) Well, let's find the Doc and Brig fast.
SARAH: (sotto) Harry!
(Sarah stops Harry from going the same way as the aliens.)
SARAH: (sotto) Come on.
[Forgill Castle]
DOCTOR: Sarah?
BRIGADIER: The place is deserted.
(The Doctor picks up Sarah's jacket.)
DOCTOR: Something's happened.
BRIGADIER: Wait a minute. Blood.
(The secret panel opens and the Doctor presses himself up against the bookshelves, out of sight.)
SARAH: Brigadier! We've found the aliens. They've got a spaceship under the loch.
HARRY: We're going to need reinforcements, sir.
SARAH: And that's not all. The Duke we met is an imposter. He's one of them!
DOCTOR: Is he?
SARAH: Doctor!
HARRY: Hello.
DOCTOR: What about you two?
HARRY: What do you mean, what about us two?
DOCTOR: It's nice to see you. Does this lead to the spaceship?
SARAH: Well, yes, but be careful!
(The Doctor goes into the passageway.)
BRIGADIER: Oh, come on, Doctor. There's no time to lose.
BROTON: Make one move and the Doctor dies.
BRIGADIER: What the devil are they?
HARRY: They, sir, are Zygons.
SARAH: What have you done to the Doctor?
BROTON: Nothing as yet. We are leaving, and taking him with us.
HARRY: You told me your spaceship was crippled, Broton. You said you could never return to your planet.
BROTON: Instead, we shall become the ruler of yours. Destroying the oil rigs was only the beginning, a trial of strength for the Skarasen. The big event is yet to come.
(Broton goes back into the passageway and the panel closes.)
SARAH: The switch, it's here somewhere.
(Sarah hunts for the point where she put her weight on the shelf.)
HARRY: What do we do now, sir?
BRIGADIER: Don't worry, Sullivan. We're not beaten yet.
[Loch shore]
(A Lance Corporal places a depth charge into the launcher.)
BENTON: Standing by, sir.
BRIGADIER: Thank you, Mister Benton.
SARAH: What about the Doctor?
BRIGADIER: I know, Miss Smith. We'll explode the first couple high. That'll bring them to the surface. Get on with it, Mister Benton!
(Everyone covers their ears as the depth charge is launched. There is a boom! out in the loch and a couple of startled water birds take flight.)
(Everyone lurches to the right.)
DOCTOR: Sounds like the Brigadier.
BROTON: We're attacked! Prepare for flight.
[Loch shore]
BRIGADIER: And another.
BENTON: Load! Fire!
BROTON: Report.
ZYGON: Main systems functional.
BROTON: Maximum range?
ZYGON: Seven hundred Earth miles.
[Loch shore]
(Boom, kaBoom!)
BRIGADIER: At least they'll know we mean business.
BROTON: Activate dynacon thrust.
DOCTOR: Going somewhere, are we?
(The massive spaceship gently lifts from the bottom of the loch.)
[Loch shore]
SARAH: Brigadier, listen.
(The whine of the engines makes everyone cover their ears in pain. The black craft breaks surface and heads off into the sky.)
Part Four
[Loch shore]
BRIGADIER: Mister Benton, prepare to move out.
BENTON: Sir. Okay, move it!
[Spaceship room]
(The Doctor is pushed in, and falls to the floor.)
BROTON: The humans will be following our course by their radar. Transmit a jamming signal.
ZYGON: Immediately, Commander.
(The Zygon leaves.)
DOCTOR: You've been hiding too long, Broton. It's become a habit.
BROTON: What do you mean?
DOCTOR: I thought the plan was to conquer the world.
BROTON: The plan has not changed.
DOCTOR: But you can't rule a world in hiding. You've got to come out onto the balcony sometimes and wave a tentacle, if you'll pardon the expression.
BROTON: In a few hours there will be no further need of secrecy. Have no doubt, Doctor.
(At the Land Rovers, the Brigadier is on the R/T.)
BRIGADIER: Greyhound Leader to Trap One. Emergency alert to all radar stations. Alien spacecraft heading south from Loch Ness.
[Fox Inn]
BRIGADIER [OC]: Second, alert Strike Command, but warn them there is to be no attack. I repeat, no attack until further orders.
BRIGADIER: Have our aircraft standing by at Inverness for immediate return to London HQ. That is all. Out.
SARAH: Brigadier, before leaving, we should search that castle.
BRIGADIER: Why? There's nobody there now.
SARAH: No, but we might find something that'll tell us where the Zygons have gone.
HARRY: Or what they're up to.
BRIGADIER: Yes. Worth looking, I suppose. All right, I'll drop you two at the castle. Get in.
[Forgill Castle]
(Sarah is searching correspondence in the Duke's desk.)
HARRY: I give up, old girl. Come on, let's get back
SARAH: No, just a minute, just a minute.
HARRY: I don't think you're going to find any scandals.
SARAH: No, listen, listen. The Duke is Chieftain of the Antlers Association, Trustee of the Golden Haggis Lucky Dip, whatever that might be, and President of the Scottish Energy Commission.
HARRY: Sarah, we're wasting time.
SARAH: Agreed. Agreed.
BROTON: We have a suitable landing zone. Prepare for descent.
ZYGON: Reducing dynacon thrust. Dynacon thrust at phase two.
BROTON: Initiate descent trajectory.
ZYGON: Descending now.
BROTON: Complete touchdown procedure.
(The spaceship kicks up dust as it lands gently.)
[Spaceship room]
(The tannoy system comes to life.)
BROTON [OC]: Receive a message from Commander Broton. To avoid detection, all unwanted signals are forbidden. Internal communication will remain on half power.
DOCTOR: Half wit.
[Fox Inn]
(Benton is relaying a telephone message.)
BRIGADIER: Lost contact?
BENTON: I'm afraid so, sir, yes.
BRIGADIER: What, all of them?
BENTON: Okay, thanks. (puts the phone down) They tell us there's a complete black-out all over the country, sir. No radar working anywhere. London seem to think it's some kind of jamming device.
BRIGADIER: I see. Well, we'll just have to hope that somebody spots them. All right, carry on Mister Benton.
BENTON: Right, sir.
(Benton leaves as Harry and Sarah enter.)
BRIGADIER: Ah, Sullivan and Miss Smith. You're only just in time.
HARRY: It's a very, very long walk, sir.
BRIGADIER: Yes, well, we're heading back to London. Advance party's just left. Did you find anything at the castle?
SARAH: No, nothing.
HARRY: Any news of the spacecraft, sir?
BRIGADIER: It was last reported heading south over Leicestershire, and then they lost it. We've also had a report of a large underwater object travelling south at high speed.
SARAH: Guess what.
BROTON: How far from the target is the Skarasen now?
ZYGON: One hundred and fifty two Earth miles. It is approaching the mouth of the estuary.
BROTON: That is close enough. Sever contact. The skeletar will bring it to the target from that range.
[Spaceship room]
(The Doctor has pulled out the tannoy to examine it. When he lets it go, it returns to the hole in the wall with a slurp. Broton and his second in command enter.)
DOCTOR: Social call?
BROTON: You admire our technology, human?
DOCTOR: Well, I'm not human, and I've seen better.
BROTON: Better than this?
(Broton transforms into the Duke, wearing a mohair overcoat.)
DOCTOR: Very good, very good. Almost impressive. But why bother?
FORGILL: It is necessary to activate a body print every few hours, otherwise the original pattern dies and cannot be used again.
DOCTOR: Ah. So you still have a use for the real Duke.
DOCTOR: Formal occasion?
FORGILL: Perhaps.
DOCTOR: I gather we've landed. Where are we?
FORGILL: You like asking questions.
DOCTOR: Well, it's the only way to learn. When does this great operation begin, this conquest of the world?
FORGILL: Phase one is already complete.
DOCTOR: And what are you going to do with it when you've got it? Isn't it a bit large for just about six of you?
FORGILL: Other Zygons are on their way. When our planet was destroyed in a recent catastrophe, a great refugee fleet was assembled.
DOCTOR: Hmm. And they're coming here at your invitation.
FORGILL: Exactly, Doctor. It will be many centuries before the fleet arrives. In that time, the whole of this Earth must be restructured.
DOCTOR: I'll say one thing for you, Broton. You think big.
FORGILL: Polar icecaps must go, the mean temperature raised several degrees, thousand of lakes with the right mineral elements constructed. I shall recreate my own planet here on Earth.
DOCTOR: Using forced labour.
FORGILL: That is my intention. Human labour and Zygon technology. The task is challenging, but not impossible.
DOCTOR: You're underestimating human beings, Broton.
FORGILL: We shall see. Tomorrow I demonstrate my ultimate power.
[UNIT HQ radio room]
(Benton offers Sarah a bar of chocolate. She refuses.)
SARAH: It's been hours now. Not a word from anywhere.
BENTON: Oh, don't worry, Miss. Something's bound to happen. I mean, they've got to make a move soon, haven't they.
SARAH: It's the Doctor I'm worried about. Could be dead for all we know.
BENTON: Oh, come on. If I know the Doctor, he's most likely working out a way to escape right at this minute.
SARAH: Oh yes, I know that. It's just not hearing anything.
(The Brigadier enters.)
SARAH: Any news?
BRIGADIER: Nothing on the spaceship, but we've had another report on that underwater object. It's been sighted off the coast. The Navy are sending some frigates from Chatham.
(The telephone rings. Sarah picks it up and hands it to Benton.)
BENTON: UNIT Headquarters. Who? Oh, yes, he's here. Just a moment, please. It's for you, sir. The Prime Minister.
BRIGADIER: Lethbridge Stewart speaking. Oh, absolutely understood, madam. No public announcement. Yes, madam. Discreet action. Discreet but resolute.
[Spaceship room]
(The Doctor has pulled the tannoy 'cable' out of the wall and folded it over, then picked through to the inside. He holds the exposed workings in his right hand.)
DOCTOR: Right, now for the big question. Is half power lethal?
(He reaches for the door and touches it, and power conducts through his body.)
FORGILL: A relay must have jammed in the dystelic circuit.
ZYGON: No, Commander. The circuit panel is in order.
FORGILL: Trace the source, quick. We must stop that transmission.
[UNIT HQ radio room]
(A modulating signal comes over the speakers.)
BENTON: Sir! I think this is it.
[Outside the spaceship room]
(The Doctor is still crying out in pain inside.)
FORGILL: Whatever he's doing has jammed the door. It is the Doctor!
[UNIT HQ radio room]
SARAH: It's the Doctor, I know it is.
BENTON: Well, I've checked the triangulations, sir, and I make it about, about here.
BRIGADIER: Just beyond Brentford. A disused quarry. We've got them, Mister Benton!
(The signal stops.)
BRIGADIER: Right, let's move out.
[Spaceship room]
FORGILL: Is he dead?
ZYGON: Yes, Commander. The power destroyed him.
FORGILL: It is well. I underestimated his intelligence, but he underestimated the power of organic crystallography. Come, it is almost time for me to leave.
(Once he is alone, the Doctor wakes up.)
DOCTOR: I'm alive!
FORGILL: Distance?
ZYGON: The Skarasen is fifty Earth miles away, Commander.
FORGILL: Excellent. It is time for me to place the activator on the target. Humanity is at our feet.
[Body print chamber]
(The Doctor has gone exploring. He checks the Duke's pulse then squeezes a couple of controls by his alcove. He wakes up.)
DUKE: Who are you?
DOCTOR: His Grace the Duke of Forgill, I presume?
DUKE: Yes. Where the blazes am I?
DOCTOR: On a spaceship.
DUKE: Spaceship?
(The Doctor wakes the Caber.)
FORGILL: In two minutes, close down dyastetic transmission and maintain monitor contact.
ZYGON: Understood. Commander.
FORGILL: Open the escape hatch. When phase two is completed, I shall broadcast my demands to the world.
(With bowler hat and umbrella, the fake Duke walks away from the spaceship.)
[Body print chamber]
(The real Sister Lamont watches the Doctor use his sonic screwdriver on an alcove control.)
LAMONT: What are you doing?
DOCTOR: We've got to lure the Zygons out of the control room somehow. This is also a fire sensor. If I can heat it sufficiently
(An alarm sounds.)
DOCTOR: Quick, back into your alcoves! We'll soon see how good their fire drill is.
(The Doctor hides in another alcove as two Zygons walk through and out another doorway.)
DOCTOR: (sotto) Okay, quick, everybody out. It won't take them long to realise it's a false alarm.
(They run into the control room.)
DOCTOR: Come along, quick. Break that vacuum mechanism to jam the door.
CABER: This one?
DOCTOR: Yes, that one, man. Get on with it.
(Caber rips off a control pseudopod and throws it to the Doctor.)
CABER: Is that broken enough?
DOCTOR: It's more than enough.
(Two Zygons are trapped on the other side of the door.)
DOCTOR: Right, let's see what other damage we can do. Anybody know what this is?
DUKE: I haven't the faintest idea.
LAMONT: You tell us.
DOCTOR: I will. It's a self-destructor, and it works like this.
(The Doctor manipulates lumps on the big orange glowing device.)
DOCTOR: Right, we've got about sixty seconds before the whole ship blows up.
(The group run into the escape hatch.)
ZYGON [OC]: Open this door! Open this door!
(Two UNIT Land Rovers arrive. Harry is in his Naval uniform.)
SARAH: There it is!
(UNIT run towards the spaceship as the Doctor helps Sister Lamont out, followed by the Duke and his ghillie.)
SARAH: Doctor!
DOCTOR: Everyone get down!
(They all hide behind a bank of sand just as the spaceship goes kaBOOM! leaving only a twisted superstructure behind.)
DOCTOR: Was that bang big enough for you, Brigadier?
HARRY: Nicely done, Doctor. That's the end of the Zygons, eh?
DOCTOR: Not entirely. Broton escaped and he still has control of the monster. He plans to attack some target in London.
SARAH: Close to the Thames, huh?
DOCTOR: Exactly. And this time it'll be something really spectacular.
BRIGADIER: I've just remembered. When I spoke to the PM earlier, she was about to leave for Stanbridge House. And that's on the river.
DOCTOR: What's happening there?
DUKE: The Fourth International Energy Conference. The place'll be full of VIPs from all over the world. It's a meeting of crucial importance.
DOCTOR: Ah. That could be it, Brigadier.
BRIGADIER: Yes, but he'd need a pass to get in. The security's very tight.
SARAH: But he'll have a pass. The Duke, the real Duke, is President of the Scottish Energy Commission.
DUKE: That's right, I am.
DOCTOR: Well, come on. Let's get to London.
[Stanbridge House cellar]
(Welcome to Millbank Tower, next to Thames House and just half a mile up the river from the Palace of Westminster. Applause can be heard coming from another room as the fake Forgill looks for somewhere to plant the Skarasen's signalling device.)
[UNIT HQ radio room]
BENSON: Tell the Brigadier the monster's been sighted again. It'll be at Stanbridge House in another four minutes. I repeat, another four minutes. Over.
[Stanbridge House]
BRIGADIER: Three and a half minutes, Doctor, and still no sign of Broton in the conference hall.
DOCTOR: Well, he was checked into the building. What's behind the conference hall?
BRIGADIER: Catering section and river terrace.
DOCTOR: You search there. Sarah and I will take the cellar.
[Stanbridge House cellar]
(The lights don't work.)
DOCTOR: Not much light.
SARAH: Maybe somebody should tell the Energy Congress.
DOCTOR: Stay there.
(The Doctor goes down the steps.)
BROTON [OC]: I thought you were dead.
DOCTOR: Loose thinking, Broton.
BROTON [OC]: This time, I shall make certain.
DOCTOR: (to Sarah, sotto) Get the Brigadier. (loud) Broton, your spaceship's been destroyed. This building is surrounded by soldiers.
(Broton comes out of hiding. Fake Forgill has reverted to his natural form.)
BROTON: I control the Skarasen! I can destroy this planet or become its master. That is the choice I offer your world.
(Broton makes a grab for Sarah, who finally runs out of the cellar.)
[Stanbridge House]
SARAH: Brigadier! Brigadier!
[Stanbridge House cellar]
(Broton and the Doctor fight, but the Zygon is stronger than the Time Lord and quickly gets the upper hand.)
BRIGADIER: Morton, through the other door! Right, come with me.
(Morton comes up behind Broton, and gets throttled for his trouble. The Brigadier and another soldier start shooting. Broton, staggers and falls against a packing case.)
BROTON: The Skarasen will destroy you all.
(Broton dies.)
SARAH: Doctor!
DOCTOR: The signal device, quickly. Broton's hidden it in this room somewhere. Brigadier, evacuate the building. The monster will tear the place down to get the device.
BRIGADIER: Right. Ferguson, with me.
(The soldiers leave. Harry stays with Sarah and the Doctor.)
DOCTOR: Quiet, both of you. Listen. I can almost feel it.
(The Doctor reaches into his pocket and pulls out the device.)
DOCTOR: The monster must be allowed to destroy it.
(The Doctor runs out of the cellar. Harry checks Morton.)
HARRY: There's nothing I can do for him.
SARAH: And as for this one.
(Screams outside.)
HARRY: Sarah, I think we've been left behind.
SARAH: Harry, you're right.
[Stanbridge House emergency exit]
(The Doctor comes out of an unobtrusive door and comes face to face with the Skarasen. Elsewhere are police sirens and people screaming.)
DOCTOR: Here, boy. Fetch it. Fetch it.
(The Doctor throws the signalling device out into the river, and the Skarasen follows it.)
[Stanbridge House]
HARRY: He must have gone this way.
SARAH: Well, let's hope so.
[Stanbridge House emergency exit]
SARAH: It's huge! Where's the signal device?
DOCTOR: He's chewing it.
SARAH: It's going back under the surface.
DOCTOR: He'll go home now he's eaten the device.
HARRY: Home?
DOCTOR: Loch Ness, Harry. The only home he knows.
(The Brigadier is back in his Scottish civvies for a country stroll with the real Duke of Forgill.)
DUKE: Tell me, I imagine the whole business caused quite a stir.
BRIGADIER: No, the Cabinet's accepted my report and the whole affair's now completely closed.
DUKE: You mean it never happened.
BRIGADIER: Well, a fifty foot monster can't swim up the Thames and attack a large building without some people noticing, but you know what politicians are like.
DUKE: Yes, quite. By the way, I was coming to meet you people. I could swear I caught a glimpse of the monster in the Loch.
SARAH: But you're not sure.
DUKE: The sun was in my eyes. Now, where is this contraption of yours?
DOCTOR: My contraption, your Grace, is this way. I think. Follow me. Come on.
(The party heads up a slope and finds the incongruous police box waiting for them.)
DUKE: That's the TARDIS?
DOCTOR: Yes, that's the TARDIS. And I'm going to pilot it all the way to London. I can be there five minutes ago.
SARAH: Just a minute, Doctor. I thought you couldn't do that.
DOCTOR: Of course I can. Coming?
BRIGADIER: No, thank you.
HARRY: I think I'll stick to InterCity this time, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Sarah?
SARAH: All right. Providing we do go straight back to London.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, we will. I promise.
(Sarah and the Doctor enter the TARDIS. It dematerialises.)
DUKE: Well, I'll be. Do they have return tickets?
BRIGADIER: Yes, I imagine so.
DUKE: You should have taken them and got your refund, man. I thought you were a Scotsman.
Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.