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First aired

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Written by

Chris Chibnall

Directed by

Azhur Saleem


50 minutes

Time Travel

Past, Present

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Edge of the Universe, LGBTQA+, Reverse the polarity

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, The Void

UK Viewers

4.83 million

Appreciation Index



For Yaz, Dan, and Jericho, life in the early 20th century is holding more adventure and danger than they could have ever imagined. For Bel, her mission to find her husband has taken a drastic wrong turn. For Vinder, the wrath of the Ravagers awaits. For the Grand Serpent, UNIT is his for the taking. And for the Doctor, nothing may ever be the same again...

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2 reviews

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Another insane episode! We finally get to see what happened to UNIT, Division, and several other things. I loved seeing the companions throughout the years figuring out how to get back.

Can't wait to the finale! Really enjoying this season so far!


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This isn't my first foray into talking about Flux, but my first taste of the real episodes. Some have some value and fun to them - this one really, really doesn't.

I had no issue with purging away UNIT or doing whatever they were going for earlier, but this episode handles that follow-through in a very vapid way. This episode, and much of Flux in general, is a bit of a master class in how NOT to handle a longstanding franchise. The fan service feels so cheap and transparent, the stuff around the Division is just boring, and the whole Tecteun reveal, which absolutely should be a big deal (are these the last surviving Time Lords? Why does Chibnall not seem to care?).

The Grand Serpent and Kate Stewart were pretty cool, and save this episode from being ranked at the bare bottom, but really, that content ultimately goes nowhere like the rest of Flux. There's some creativity to the production here and not everything feels devoid of value in that regard. Everything else is just so easy to forget as it is extremely lacking in substance. Oooh, the Division is all pouty so they're destroying the universe. Who didn't see that coming? Seriously, did anyone not see that coming?

Swarm had a cool introduction but Flux beats the intimidation out of him and by the point he starts making moves here I'm half-asleep.


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AVG. Rating611 members
2.79 / 5

AVG. Rating762 votes
3.59 / 5

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DOCTOR: I'm probably worried for you, if you're hearing this. And I'm sure I miss you.

YASMIN: I miss you too.

DOCTOR: I know you do. I hope you said I miss you too, or else that bit's weird.

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Transcript + Script Needs checking

[Angel Land]

(The Doctor removes her hands from her face and the stone covering falls away. She walks among the ranks of Weeping Angels.)

DOCTOR: Is this what it's like to be you? Is that what you've done? Made me one of you? Except you haven't. What is it, then? A demonstration of strength? Say something! Blinking. Blinking! Tough crowd. What are you, then, prison guards?
ANGEL [OC]: We are conversion.
DOCTOR: Conversion to what?
ANGEL [OC]: We are transport.
DOCTOR: You've encased me in a Weeping Angel-form to transport me somewhere? Why?
ANGEL [OC]: It amused us. You fear us, Doctor. You always have. And now your form is ours. We have dominion over you.
DOCTOR: You're a very smug statue. What have you done with my friends?
ANGEL [OC]: Your friends are marooned where we left them. They are lost.
DOCTOR: My friends are never lost.

[1904 Mexico]

(In period-appropriate clothing, Dan falls through the ceiling of an Aztec temple with a rope tied around his waist, while Yasmin descends properly standing with her foot in a loop.)

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