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Monday, January 22, 2001

Written by

Alan Barnes


116 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Lost the TARDIS

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Web of Time

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, France


October, 1930. His Majesty's Airship, the R101, sets off on her maiden voyage to the farthest-flung reaches of the British Empire, carrying the brightest lights of the Imperial fleet. Carrying the hopes and dreams of a breathless nation.

Not to mention a ruthless spy with a top-secret mission, a mysterious passenger who appears nowhere on the crew list, a would-be adventuress destined for the Singapore Hilton... and a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey.

There's a storm coming. There's something unspeakable — something with wings, crawling across the stern. Thousands of feet high in the blackening sky, the crew of the R101 brace themselves. When the storm breaks, their lives won't be all that's at stake...

The future of the galaxy will be hanging by a thread.

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can someone tell me how a vortisaur looks like ramsay macdonald. i still dont know how that works


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The actual story is kinda average if I'm honest. Not terrible, just nothing to write home about. But this is the intro episode for Charlotte Pollard, and my introduction to Big Finish and, as such, has a special place in my heart. The introductory scene where she writes her diary I found incredibly endearing and it's a great snapshot of a kid who has decided that her life is going to be a Thrilling Adventure, so help her God. India Fisher brings a sense of fun and friendliness to the character and all up, I found Charley to be an instantly likeable character.



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Maybe I am a bit of bias since I was already big on 8 anyway, but I must say I really enjoyed this one. Sure, in some ways it plays some things safe, but I think it delivers on what it wants to be perfectly!
I love the setting, I love the idea, and the instant report between 8 and Charley is lovely. I’d think at some point McGann still feels unsure how to adapt to this new medium and especially playing this part again, but from what he did, I think he did pretty good.
The Sound Design is also so much better and helps you to picture this whole situation! Overall this may not be the best audio we ever had but honestly for me, it’s a favorite out of the first bunch. Really charming, filled with some superb ideas!


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Re-listening to this after some years and uh. This is... not a very good story plot-wise, is it? The whole thing of how the Brits even got in touch with the Triskele in the first place is odd, and them trying to find a new Lawgiver among humans is also very strange. Do they understand humans live for a very short time only? The resolution of Tamworth staying with them as more of an advisor than a Lawgiver is treated like it solves everyone's problem, but I can't really see how. Rathbone and the Uncreator Prime were pretty lackluster as antagonists go.

Anyway, the main point of this story is to set up our main characters, namely Charlotte Pollard (aka Charley), and the Eighth Doctor. It does so... adequately. Charley's character traits as a brave, compassionate, progressive, wannabe 19th century adventurer are all there. However, I thought she trusted the Doctor waaaay too much, way too fast, especially considering that he was not at his most formidable here. Charming and smart, sure, but he seemed out of his depth for most of the story. The most important plot point by far is the Doctor's realisation that Charley was supposed to die when the R101 crashed. This change threatens the integrity of the Web of Time, so he can't ignore it, but he also doesn't have the heart(s) to just put this girl back on the ship to die. So he just says nothing and takes her him. Surely this will not come back to bite them in the ass. Nice setup for future DramaTM!!

One thing was bothering me about the Vortisaur the whole time: how big is it?? That one guy on the ship was saying he wanted to take it home as pet for his son, but then we get the Doctor and Charley mounting it to escape the crash. Was that guy just full on insane, wanting to take a horse-sized pterodactyl home with him?



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Storm Warning really hits the ground running, you’d never guess it was McGann’s first outing with BF and the instant chemistry between his Doctor and Charley is wonderful. It’s the first time (as far as I’m aware) that they set up a companion is such a personable and iconic way. She’s snuck onto he R101 and is - thanks to the doctor - the only one to survive the journey. Her time and place is then thread beautifully throughout the stories that follow, culminating in Neverland, so you get a real sense of journey over their first few adventures.

I just want to hear more and more of this duo!


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AVG. Rating460 members
3.71 / 5


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DOCTOR: You feel that pounding in your heart? That tightness in the pit of your stomach? The blood rushing to your head, do you know what that is? That's adventure. The thrill and the fear, and the joy of stepping into the unknown. That's why we're all here, and that's why we're alive!

— Eighth Doctor, Storm Warning