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Main Range • Episode 233


84% 190 votes

Released Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Written by Jonathan Morris
Runtime 116 minutes
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Ghosts Time Loop

Deep in the heart of nowhere, near a place called Abbey Marston, there's a caravan site. The perfect place to get away from it all. Close by, there's a stone circle they used for human sacrifice in olden times. A little further afield, there’s an old RAF research station, where they did hushhush things in the War.

There's only one rule: the use of radios, cassette recorders and portable televisions is strictly forbidden.

People come here to get away from it all, you see. No-one wants to hear the noise. No-one wants to hear the voices in the static...

No-one wants to hear the ghosts.

Signal Strength: 40%

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