Stories Comic The Eleventh Doctor - Titan Comics Space in Dimension Relative and Time 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 3 reviews 15 August 2024 · 108 words Review by JayPea Spoilers This review contains spoilers! I love format screw-y stories and this one is definitely no exception, it takes advantage of the medium really well, and I like the quick fix the doctor comes up with. That all said the actual resolution feels a little weak, the B-plot isn’t too strong, and it was a bit hard to get into at the start, I want to give this higher than a 7 because I love it in theory, but the actual execution is a little lacking for me. Definitely a fun one off story though and another great showcase of why I think comics are just such an incredible medium for Dr Who Like Liked 0 21 June 2024 · 84 words Review by Bongo50 2 This story is a concept that could only really work as a comic in my opinion. It’s certainly something original that I’ve not seen done before. Perhaps that’s for a good reason, though, as this strip is also incredibly confusing. However, I feel that, if you can get through it, it does make a weird kind of sense. Perhaps it could have done with longer to properly expand upon its ideas and feel less messy. As always, the art is solid. Like Liked 2 13 May 2024 · 268 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Oh boy, I checked this out figuring I would be able to jump around to different stories like in other Doctor Who comics, and while I feel as though these Eleventh Doctor books should function that way, this one really expects more out of the audience than it should. It really is interesting to have a story told backwards, but without more time explaining stuff and with the use of an old villain coupled with comic-only returning characters, I feel most readers are going to be left guessing things the entire time. Am I supposed to know this character? Is this a reference to the Horns of Nimon? Is this character dying for real or can the doctor save him? This constant state of mild confusion did not lead to a pleasant reading experience. I applaud the ambition of telling a story backwards - it fits with Doctor Who's focus on time travel and has its moments, but I feel this wasn't used very well and didn't feel properly developed. Maybe this needed to be told over multiple issues or something - that doesn't feel unreasonable given the complicated nature of the plot. I also wasn't a fan of the art. Low levels of detail and mixed quality made the comic that much harder to follow, and I didn't really get much out of the experience. I did like how the Doctor was able to trick Nimon like one might trick a child, and the time leech was pretty cute, actually, but overall this comic left a lot to be desired and I don't think I would recommend. Like Liked 1